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1、 重点学习使用功能结构What did you do last weekend? 询问过去的活动,重点练习行为动词过去式的正确表达。难难点为过去时态中助动词的使用,学习使用一般过去时态描述更多过去的活动。普集学区 六 年级 英语 科上册导学案课题Unit6 What Did You Do Last Weekend ?主备人徐 晶 课型讲读课课时使用人第 1 课时学习目标1.掌握以下单词与短语: show, match, busy, work, hear, housework, watch a show, look after, do housework等。2.掌握句型:What did do

2、? 等。学习重 难点重点: 掌握以下单词与短语:show, match, busy, work, hear, housework, watch a show, look after, do housework等。难点: 掌握句型:What diddo?等。课前准备单词卡片,碟片,课件。学 习 过 程环节学 案导 案自主1、单词组合小专家。a r h e_ o r w k_ a s h w_ e k w e e n d_2、英汉互译我最棒。整理床铺( )洗餐具( )Clean the window( )cook the meal( )擦窗户( )water the flowers( )1、预习本

3、课单词,熟读课文2、找出课文中出现的新词汇及重点句子合作探究1、 同桌热身看一看,勾一勾。2、 小组交流学习Lets learn内容。3、 分组对话Lets talk,理解重点句型。4、 同桌对话Talk with your friend.教师巡回指导展示交流1. 学生跟读,拼读短语。2. 全班练习Lets talk, 做对话练习。 展示交流,师巡视点拨。达标检测一、看单词选释义。( )1、show A.展览 B.节日 C.表情( )2、housework A.家务劳动B.家庭作业C.工作( )3、Match A.工作 B.事业 C.比赛( )4、busy A.忙碌的 B.空闲的 C.劳累的一

4、、 开心选择。1、 She was _the hospital.A in B. on C .at2、Im sorry _hear that.A. or B. at C .to3、My father had some work _ do.A. to B. for C. in4、What did you do last weekend?I( )some housework.A. do B. oes C did测评反馈梳理拓展学习本课后我的收获是:学生组内说一说,再写下来。自我总结今天我学会了( )学习本课后我的收获是:作业布置1、熟读课文,读写课内单词。2、完成学习手册 Part A 部分习题。板

5、书设计教学 反思Unit6 What Did You Do Last Weekend?第 2 课时1. 掌握以下单词与短语:happen, herself等。2. 掌握句型:What did you do.?Did you?1、 选词填空,补全对话。Are am I WhatKevin :_you helpful at home?Alice: Yes I _.Kevin: _do you often do? _often do the dishes.2、 啄木鸟诊所。1.It isnt matter. ( )( ) A B C2What did you did?( )( )A B C D分组学

6、习,对话演练。1、 小组学习Lets learn more 让我们学的更多。2、 小组合作Lets play并作小调查。3、 跟师学唱Lets chant.小组代表做Lets play 对话练习。一、 照样子写出相同类的单词。1、例:my _ _2、例:was _ _3、例:in _ _ 4、例:mother _ _二、开心选择。( )1、_ a good girl!A. How B. What C. Where( )2、What happened _ her?A. to B for C .at( )3、What _you do last night?A. do B. does C .did(

7、 )4、She did all the housework _ herself.A on B. by C. to1、掌握本课重点句型。2、完成学习手册Part B部分习题。第 3 课时1. 能听懂,会说What happened to ?并能用一般过去时态描述某人曾经发生的事。2. 进一步学习行为动词一般过去时的特殊疑问句及其回答,能灵活自如地运用所掌握的一般过去时态在生活中与人进行交流。 What happened to her? 掌握句型:部分单词卡片,碟片,课件。 我会做。(写出下列动词过去式)look_ make_ watch_do_ cook_ wash_clean_ is_ go_

8、are_ have_ water_学生将动词原形卡片及相应的过去式卡片认读后,贴在黑板上。1. What did you do last weekend? (Do a survey)分组调查做句子。2. 跟读单词找发音规律,(Read the word)3. 小组合作完成(Make up the sentences and say).各小组派代表在全班展示交流。连词成句我喜欢。Washed, Lucy, the clothes, last weekend( .) _What, did, do, Kevin, yesterday( ?) did, do, Kitty,you,What,just

9、now(?Mr. zhao , last month,to Shanghai, went(.)_1、操练本课内容并做对话练习。2、完成学习手册Part部分习题。第 4 课时掌握PartC所学内容。 看一看并会话Look and talk内容。 会填充Look,read and write所学内容单词卡片,课件。一、单词组合小专家 S h w a e n w t m h o e a y p l_ _ _ _二、 好朋友,手拉手。(把对应的短语连起来)1、make the bed A.刚才2、see a film B.打扫房间3、just now C.铺床4、clean room D.看电影1、

10、听录音选一选。Listen and choose.2、 同桌会话look and talk3、 小组合作完成look ,read and write. 选句填空(16分)A、 Yes, he was. B、 Was he very old ?C、 It was white. D、Where were you yesterday morning?( 1 )Colin: I was at the museum.Why were you there? Because Robin Williams were there. What color was his hair? ( 2 ) Was he ha

11、ndsome? ( 3 ) ( 4 ) No, he wasnt.1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( )完成资源与学案 Part C部分题。复习课第 5课时复习本单元学过的单词。复习本单元学过的重点句型。 复习本单元学过的单词。 复习本单元学过的重点句型。英汉互译我最棒:看表演_ 照看,照顾_do housework_ see a friend_go away_ herself_对比学习,灵活运用1、小组合作复习本单元单词及重点短语。2、小组交流检查本单元重点句子及重点句型。3、进行重点语法训练,复习单词的过去式。一、 读一读,按要求改写句子。1、Amy did her homework ye

12、sterday.(就画线部分提问) _ _Amy_ yesterday?、My mother did all the housework by herself.(改为一般疑问句)_3、My brother did very well in drawing.(同义句)My brother _very good_ _.4、Did Jane look after her grandma this morning?(作出肯定回答)_,she _.二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 What_(do)you do last weekend? I_(water) the plants. Did you go

13、 to the park? No, I_(dont).I_(go)to the zoo and saw the animals. 完成资源与学案剩下的练习题。单元检测题(第6课时)姓名:_ 得分:_一、选出下列单词划线部分发音不相同的一项。(10分) ( )1、A. day B. say C. bed ( )2、A. train B. air C. rain ( )3、A. see B. week C. saw ( )4、A. sea B. heavy C. bread ( )5、A. fish B. light C. night 二、写出下列单词的正确形式。(10分)1、had(原 形)_

14、2、go(过去式)_ 3、one(序数词)_ 4、she (反身代词)_ 5、tooth(复数)_ 6、am(过去式)_ 7、busy(反义词)_ 8、cloth(复数)_ 9、do(过去式)_10、small(反义词)_ 三、英汉互译(连线)(10分)1、整理床铺 watch a show2、看表演 cook the meal3、进行比赛 see a friend4、看望朋友 have a match5、做饭 make the bed四、单项选择。(20分)( )1、This _my room last year. A、is B、was C、were( )2、There are two _s

15、tudents in our school.A、thousand B、thousands C、hundreds ( )3、_it here just now?A、Is B、Was C、Were( )4、He _all day and feels tired.A、study B、studies C、studying ( )5、Were you a little girl ten years _? A、ago B、before C、after ( )6、Colin _ busy last Saturday. A、is B、was C、am( )7、Did you _TV at home last

16、night?A、watches B、watched C、watch( )8、I_ TV and _football last weekend.A、watched, played B、watch, play C、watched, plays ( )9、They played pingpong_.A、yesterday B、every day C、tomorrow( )10What did you do yesterday?I _books.A、read B、readed C、reads 五、给下列句子选择对应的答语。A、I wear a raincoat and rain boots. B、It

17、s in front of the house. C、They were on the table. D、It doesnt matter. E、No, there werent .( )1、Where were the rulers and pens?( )2、Were there any birds in the forest?( )3、Where was my car?( )4、Im sorry to hear that.( )5、What do you wear on a rainy day?六、选词填空。heavy behind under in front of had wear

18、matter sorry lost better1、 It doesnt _. 2、 Your raincoat is _the door. 3、 What a _rain! 4、 It was _the house yesterday. 5、 The shoes are _your bed. 6Im afraid your bike was _. 7、 My grandma was ill last weekend, but she is _now. 8、 My father _some work to do. 9 Im _ to hear that.10、 It is rainy, you

19、 should _your rain boots.七、按要求转化句型。1、Did you go skating yesterday?(否定回答)_2 There were four hundred students in our school last year.(改为否定句)_3、There were four hundred students in our school last year.(改为否定句)4、Wu Chen, did, what, last week, do(?)(连词成句) 5、last night, were,at home, you(? 八、阅读理解。Yesterda

20、y, Mr. Black took his family to the Peoples park in the morning. They got up early and had their breakfast quickly at home. After that they went to the park by car. They got there at nine oclock . There were many people in the park. Lily climbed hills in the middle of the park. Lucy flew a kite with some children . Mr. Black and his wif

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