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1、Q1:Have you ever been to the Great Wall?设计意图:复习描述假期的形容词,增加新单词, 完成1a .师生活动:q1.Where did you go last summer ?q2. How about your vacation? q3.Can you think of something else that is exciting/ boring / relaxing ? q4. Who can use adjective to describe the vacations in the picture below 1a .例:I have been

2、to the Great Wall,because its exciting.Write down :relaxing,fun,boring,interesting,exciting and so on .变式练习:Having a vacation is exciting, while playing chess is boring. Q2:What do you think of Paris?学生了解巴黎 进入课文。q1Where would you like to go on vacation?q2. Is visiting helpful for us ? Why? q3 Why do

3、 you like to visit ?例1:I like peaceful vacation.Id like to go to Beijing, because I like thrilling vacation. 例2 through Id like to trek through the jungle 变式练习:他经常徒步穿过森林 They often trek through the forest . . 例3 cross When you cross the road, please careQ3:Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vaca

4、tion? Why ?完成课本1b听力练习,训练学生的听力。q1 What can you see in the book ?. q2. What did you do when you are free? q3. If you are a volunteer , what would you do ?六 目标检测题:用所给词的适当形式填空:1. After a _ hiking, all of us felt so _.(tire)2. The museum is about the history of people, its very _.(education)3. Many peopl

5、e want to live a _ life.(peace)4. Li Jiang is so _. That is to say , its very beautiful and people would like to visit it. (fascinate)5. Do you like thrillers? No, they are _.(thrill)6. The young man walked _ the forest and came to a big river at last. A. on B. over C. through D. across答案 1 tiring t

6、ired 2 educational 3 peaceful 4 fascinating 5 thrilling 6 C七课堂总结在本节课的教学中,需要注意描述性形容词的用法如tiring,educational,peaceful,fascinating,thrilling,go trekking,through the jungle. 另外需要重点掌握本课的句型A:Where would you like to go on vacation? B:Id like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations. Sec

7、tion A (2a-Grammar)本节课要学的内容是定语从句,指的是当先行词是地点,关系代词的选择,其关键是分析先行词在定语从句中所充当的成分,理解它的关键就是学会将先行词还原到定语从句中本身的位置,然后做出句子成分的分析,再选择出正确的关系代词。学生已经学过先行词是人或物的定语从句,本节课的内容先行词是地点的定语从句就是在此基础上的发展,由于它还与先行词是时间有紧密的联系,所以在本学科有重要的地位,并有承上启下的作用,教学的重点是让学生学会分析先行词在定语从句中的成分,并选择出关系代词。(1)理解2a、2b的听力内容,并能独立完成2a、2b。(2)掌握先行词是地点,关系代词选择that,

8、还是where。(3)掌握单词及短语:one day=some day,somewhere relaxing,(4)理解hope 和wish 的基本用法掌握单词及短语就是能记住单词的意思和拼写,能正确的运用到句子当中,理解当先行词是地点,关系代词的选择。五教学过程设计Where would you like to go on vacation?复习上节课所学的形容词。 q1: Where do people love to live now ? q2: Where do people love to go now ? q3: Would you like to visit Shanghai f

9、or vacation ?How to use Attributive Clause to express somewhere you would like to visit ?引出先行词是地点的定语从句。I love place where the people are friendly.变式练习:“我喜欢天气暖和的地方”用英语怎么表达?I like places where the weather is warm. 本句是含有关系副词where的定语从句。关系副词where指地点,只能跟在表示地点的名词后面,如:place, village, town, city, home等。在从句中作

10、地点状语。例如:That is the place where I grew up. 那里就是我成长的地方。She has gone home where she will stay for a week. 她回家了,她将在家里呆一个星期。I dont know any places where you can find a better job. 我不知道你在什么地方能找到一个更好的工作。I know of a place where we can swim. 我知道一个我们可以游泳的地方。I hope to visit Hawaii one day. How to use hope? Wh

11、at are the differences between hope and wish ?理解hope的用法,区别hope与wish的用法动词用法(1) The Smiths hope that they can come to Beijing some day. (宾语从句)(2) My uncle hopes to buy a new house next year. (接不定式) (3) “Can he come tomorrow? ” “I hope so. ” “Will he buy you a present? ”“I hope not. ” (简短回答)hope作名词,既可作

12、可数名词也可作不可数名词表示“希望”,“愿望”。例1.My hope is that you will live with your old parents. 2. Whats her hopes for the future?3.While there is life, there is hope. (谚语)留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。辨析:hope与wish 这两个词作动词,都有“希望,期望”之意。hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth. ”的结构,而hope则不可以。如果用hope表达主语希望别人做某事时,后面要接宾语从句。例 : Jim h

13、opes to get a baby horse for his birthday. I hope to have a look at your new car. My aunt wishes to find her lost watch somewhere. The little girl wishes her mother to come home from work earlier every day. 2hope表示“说话者以为想要做的事”,通过努力可以实现;而wish常表示“说话者要想做某事”,但不去想可能实现与否,或认为可能性不太大。另外,hope表示“未来可能的希望”,而wish

14、表示“与事实相反的愿望”。We hope to visit this place again. We hoped to save more money. He wishes to go to the moon now. I wish I could make no mistakes in the exams without any difficulty. 3some day 意为“(将来)有一天,有朝一日”,这是英式用法,美式用法写作someday, 二者无区别。如果表示过去的“有一天”时,使用one day, the other day等。My dream will come true so

15、me day (someday). The teacher will know about it some day (someday). Q4:Why do people decide not to visit these places?完成课本2a,2b听力练习,训练学生的听力。 1 I hope to visit Hawaii one day .Listen to the tape , number the statements .例;Match places with reasons .1. I like places _ its not cold in winter. A. those

16、 B. which C. where D. this2. My parents are always strict with me. Dont be angry . Youll understand them _. A. any time B. in a hurry C. in fact D. some day 3. Would you like to visit Taiwan? _. A. Yes, Id love B. No, Id like to C. Yes, Id love to D. Yes, Id like not4. Id like to go _ in order to es

17、cape the busy life. A. somewhere relaxing B. somewhere relaxed C. relaxing somewhere D. relaxed somewhere 5. It is _ to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. A. relaxing B. exciting C. educational D. easy答案 1 C 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 A 学习并掌握如下结构:1.I love place where the people are friendly.2.I like pla

18、ces where the weather is always warm.3 hope的用法以及hope 与wish的区别运用。Section A( 3a-4)本节课要学的内容是谈论旅行,指的是重点介绍巴黎景观,其关键是理解本页的阅读文章,理解它的关键就是掌握文章的大意,理解其中重点词汇及结构的运用。学生已经在前面课时中谈论了在哪里度假,本节课的内容介绍巴黎景点就是在此基础上的发展,由于它与含where的定语从句有联系,所以在本学科有重要的的地位,并有承上启下的作用,教学的重点是阅读训练。(1)掌握单词及短语:consider doing, liveliest, in general, its

19、 best to do, be (not)supposed to do, fascinating, wonderful sights,(2)理解3a短文的内容,能独立完成3a的任务。(3)了解当先行词是地点,关系代词的选择。掌握单词及短语就是能记住单词的意思和拼写,能正确的运用到句子当中,理解当先行词是地点,关系代词的选择,就是指通过讲解及练习学生能正确的表达出先行词是地点的定语从句。三 。问题诊断分析在本节课学生可能遇到的问题是对3a文章的阅读理解,产生这一问题的原因是学生对新旧单词的不熟悉和对复杂的句子结构不会分析,要解决这一问题就要复习一些不熟悉的单词和教会学生划分句子的结构。其中关键是

20、通过举例讲解提问的形式教学。Q 1: How much do you know Paris ? 直接进入课文中心,finish 3a.q1 Who can introduce something about Paris . q2 How many interesting places are there in Paris ?. q3 How to describe Paris on TV ? . Paris is the capital of France . More details about Paris .Points: 1. For your next vacation, why no

21、t consider visiting Paris?(1)why not ? = why dont you? 意思是“你为什么 不,你怎么样?”用于表示提议、劝诱等,“why not?”结构中,not后接动词原形。Why dont you introduce your friend to your parents? = Why not introduce your friend to your parents? Why not come and see me tomorrow? = Why dont you come and see me tomorrow? 明天来找我怎么样?(2)consi

22、der是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑,再三考虑”,后面可接名词,从句,副词,接动词时要用v-ing形式。 We considered his suggestion. He is considering studying abroad. (3)句中的visit是动词,visit还可作名词。 visit作动词时,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,表示“访问,拜访,探望”。Im going to visit my uncle tomorrow. visit作名词时,意为“访问,参观,观光”。后接介词to短语时,表示“在某处的访问(观光)”。This is my first visit to Swe

23、den. 这是我第一次到瑞典游览。2.Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.One of+最高级+名词复数意为 “最的之一”Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.3.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.4.So unless you speak French yourself ,Its best to travel with som

24、eone who can translate things for you.Unless 除非,引导条件状语从句.比 “ifnot”略微正式. Can you finish the tasks about 3a?考查学生对3a文章的理解情况。q1: What kinds of interesting places can we travel around Paris ?q2: What is Paris famous for?q3: Why is wine very expensive in Paris? q4: Can you see beaches or mountains in Pari

25、s ?like: Eiffel Tower . Dislike: should speak French Ss finish the tasks by themselves .Can you make you own conversations in 3b?训练本节课的重点句型。Be suppose to do应该做 q1.Which student can read the sample conversation . q2. Who can make an example with Ss . q3.How about the Summer Place? why?用所给词的适当形式填空1. Y

26、ou can see many _(church) in Paris.2. Beijing has lots of great sights, _(include) the Great Wall , the Palace Museum.3. People arent _(suppose) to speak loudly in public.4. We are considering _(visit) Taiwan for vacation.答案 1 churches 2 including 3 supposed 4 visiting 理解并掌握本页的词组与结构consider doing Something , in general, its best to do, be (not)supposed to do, fascinating, wonderful sightsSection B(1-2c)本节课要学的内容是谈论去某地参观,指的是谈论去某地的各种条件选择,其关键是理解听力内容,进行口语练习,理解它的关键就是联系上下文猜测大意,并选择性的听重点词汇。学生已经学过有关的一些句型,本节课的听力内容就是在此基础上的发展,教学的重点是

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