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1、关于武汉加油的英语日记带翻译关于武汉加油的英语日记带翻译20xx是一个特殊的年份,不仅仅因为它是我这只“小老鼠”的本命年,更多的是因为一场牵动着全国乃至全世界的磨难新型冠状病毒的肆虐。20xx is a special year, not only because it is the lifeblood year of my “little mouse”, but also because of the suffering that affects the whole country and even the world - the newcoronavirus.“大硕,我好想你!”电话那头的

2、小伙伴委屈地和我说道。因为居住在不同的城市,我和他已经半年多没见了,就等着这次寒假好好聚一聚呢,结果一个名叫“新型冠状病毒”的大怪兽让我们的热情哑了火“Dashuo, I miss you so much!” The guy at the other end of the line said to mewrongly. Because we live in different cities, and we havent seen each other for more than half a year, we are waiting for this winter vacation to ge

3、ttogether. As a result, a big monster named “new coronavirus” makes our enthusiasm mute想起这个悲伤的假期,不能出去玩,不能看电影,不能逛商场,活动范围仅限客厅、卧室和厕所,闲的我都要长蘑菇啦,不仅悲从中来,发出了委屈的“嚎叫”,妈妈过来摸摸我的头:“大硕,别难过,相信国家,这次疫情很快就会过去的。我们能做的.就是在家好好呆着,不给社会添乱,保证自己的安全。”When I think of this sad holiday, I cant go out to play, watch a movie, or g

4、o to amall. The scope of activity is only limited to the living room, bedroom andtoilet. I want to grow mushrooms when Imfree. Im not only sad from it, but also make a grievance “howl”. My mother came to touch myhead: “Dashuo, dont besad. Believe the country, this epidemic will passsoon. What we can

5、 do is to stay at home, not to disturb the society and ensure our ownsafety. “敌不动,我不动,钟南山爷爷让我动我才动!”我调皮地吐了吐舌头,这个假期,我要在家好好呆着,等风平浪静,再和我的小伙伴一起玩耍。“The enemy cant move, I cantmove. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan asked me to move!” I spit out my tongue in a mischievousway. This holiday, I will stay at home and play

6、 with my friends when the weather iscalm.对着电话,我安抚小伙伴:“我也好想你,等疫情过去,我们一起去游乐园!”On the phone, I comforted my littlefriend: “I miss you somuch. When the epidemic passes, we will go to the amusement park together!”亲爱的鼠年,我以平安作为我寒假的主题,希望武汉平安、中国平安。Dear year of the rat, I take peace as the theme of my wintervacation. I hope that Wuhan will be safe and China will be safe.

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