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1、为什么客服中心负责处理大量客人需求?2. Handle requests concerning Housekeeping services处理关于客房服务的要求The requests concerning the Housekeeping and Laundry department will be forwarded to Housekeeping or Butler. The services are:要求涉及到客房服务和洗衣部将被转到客房部或服务员。这些服务有:Please make up my room.请打扫我的房间。Extra supplies of linen.额外的拖鞋。La

2、undry/Dry cleaning collection.洗衣/干洗衣物的收取。Lost property.财务丢失。Extra bathroom amenities.额外的浴室用品。If the guests ask to pick up laundry , we should tell them the returning time.如果客人需要收洗衣,我们可以告知客人洗衣送回的时间。Why dont we let Housekeeping handle guest requests directly?我们为什么不直接让客房部处理客人的要求?3. Handle requests conc

3、erning Housekeeping supplies处理关于客房供应品的要求The following is a list of items that are available in the Housekeeping Storage.以下是列出的客房可以提供的物品。Rollaway bed 折叠床 Bathroom scales 浴室体重秤Baby Cot 婴儿床 Bath Mat 浴垫Kettle 水壶 Flower Vase 花瓶Band Aid 相关帮助 Extra room amenity 额外的房间供应品Stationery 文具 Extra room linen 额外的布草P

4、ower Adaptor 接线板 Sanitary bag 卫生袋If the guests call to ask an ashtray, we should inform Housekeeping to send it with the matches.如果客人打来电话需要送烟灰缸,我们通知客房部连同火柴一起送去。If the guests call to ask shampoo, we should ask whether they need conditioner, etc.如果客人打来电话需要洗发水,我们应询问是否需要护发素,等等。If the guests call to ask

5、extra room amenities, we should ask him whether provide it everyday, and then inform Housekeeping to prepare it when they make up the room.如果客人打来电话需要多加一套用品,我们应询问客人是否每天需要,并通知客房部每天打扫房间时为客人准备好。What items are available in HK?客房部有哪些可以提供的物品?4. Follow up requests of Butler service客房服务员的跟进服务Housekeeping/But

6、ler must report to the Guest Service Center when the task is completed.当任务完成后,客房部服务员必须报告给客服中心。Is it really necessary to report to the Guest Service Center after the Butler completes the task?在客房服务员完成任务后,真的有必要报告给客服中心吗?5. Handle requests of maintenance处理维修要求a) Inform通知b) Record the name of receiver记录下

7、接到人的姓名c) Log记录下来Requests concerning Engineering upon receiving or noticing a maintenance problem.在接到维修问题时通知工程部相关人员。1. Call the Engineering Office to report the problem.打电话到工程部办公室报告问题。2. Take the name of the person you reported the problem to.记下接到报告的人的姓名。3. Note on the Maintenance Logbook.记录在维修本上。Why

8、 do I need to call Engineering to report a problem?为什么我需要打电话到工程部报告问题?6. Handle requests concerning Rooms Service处理关于客房送餐服务的要求The Room Service Orders must be forwarded to In Room Dining Department without any delay 客房送餐必须不被延误的转到客房送餐部Kindly advise the guest that our In Room Dining Department will assi

9、st him for Room Service Orders.友好的建议客人:我们的客房送餐部将帮他点客房送餐。- Breakfast 早餐- Lunch 午餐- Dinner 晚餐- Beverage 饮料- Afternoon Tea 下午茶Why dont we tell the guest to directly call Room Service?为什么我们不能告诉客人直接打电话到客房送餐部?7. Handle requests concerning Bellman处理关于行李员的要求a) Record the detailb) Keep guest inform 告知客人c) Fe

10、edback from Bellman从行李员那边反馈We process requests for the Bellman. The following details must be taken as a minimum and logged accordingly.我们负责通知礼宾部。必须尽可能记录客人的具体要求。- The Guests name and room number.客人姓名和房号- Time of the call was received.接到电话的时间- Number of bags.行李件数。- Transport arrangement.交通安排。Inform t

11、he guest that the Bellman will be arriving shortly. Ask if there is anything else you can do.告知客人行李员将很快到达。询问还有其他你能做的吗。The Bellman must report to the Guest Service Center when the task is completed.当任务完成后,行李员必须报告给客服中心。Why is it important to record details?记录详细信息为什么如此重要?Why is it important to inform t

12、he guest what is happening and how long it will take?告知客人需要多长时间为什么如此重要?8. Handle requests concerning Concierge 处理关于礼宾部的要求Processing requests for the Concierge. Kindly advise the guest that our Concierge will be more than happy to help him.对于礼宾部的要求。友好的建议客人我们的礼宾部将会很高兴帮助他。Airline Tickets Reconfirmation

13、飞机票确认Transportation Arrangements交通安排Restaurant Recommendations餐厅推荐City Tour城市观光旅游Shopping Guide购物向导If the guests call to check out, we should ask them if they need to load or keep the luggage, or book a car, etc. Remind them not left their luggage in the room or safety box, at last we should ask Fro

14、nt Desk to prepare the bill for the guests.客人打来电话要结账,可以询问客人是否需要下行李或寄存、订车等相关服务,并提醒客人不要落下物品在房间或保险柜中,并让前台为客人准备好账单。Can we advise the guest to call the Concierge directly?我们可以建议客人直接打电话到礼宾部吗?What inquiries are handled by the Concierge?礼宾部处理什么要求?9. Reference参照Processing requests for Front Desk-All Guest Se

15、rvice Agents must be aware of Front Desk Standard Operating Procedures.对于前台的要求所有客服中心员工必须了解前台的标准操作程序。Please Refer to Front Desk SOP.请参照前台的标准操作程序。How well do I have to know these procedures?我必须知道这些程序能怎样做好?10. Others其他When using modern technology, Espresso or CCS Siemens are appropriate systems to chan

16、nel guest requests.当运用现代科技,浓缩CSS西门子合适的系统来引导客人的需求。Please refer to the Espresso or the CCS manual.请参考浓缩或手工CCS。If in-house guest is sick, we should show we care and inform Room Service to arrange hot water or ice water to guest, ect.如果住店客人生病了,我们应主动关心,可以安排客房送餐送去热水或冰水等。What is Espresso and CCS?浓缩CCS是什么?W

17、hat is the advantage of those systems?那些系统的益处是什么?Summary questions:问题摘要:1. 问题摘要a) What is the role of the Guest Service Center in the hotel?客服中心在酒店中起的作用是什么?b) What are the key qualities professional GSC staff should demonstrate?客服中心员工应体现的关键专业才能是什么?2. 问题摘要a) Why dont we let Housekeeping handle guests

18、 request directly?我们为什么不让客房部直接处理客人的要求?b) What types of services do we provide for HSK department?客房部提供什么类型的服务?3. 问题摘要a) Why do guests ring us and not Housekeeping for supplies?为什么客人要客用品会给我们打电话而不是客房部?b) What is the difference between the Operator in old times and the GSC today?以前的总机和现在的客服中心有什么不同之处?4.

19、 问题摘要a) What type of services do we assist with in relation to Butler duties?我们帮助相关客房服务负责提供哪些类型的服务?b) Why isnt the Club Floor contacted directly for Butler requests?为什么行政楼层不直接联系客房服务要求?c) Why is it necessary for the Butler to confirm with us once the request has been actioned?对于客房服务员来说,与我们确认要求已经立即采取行

20、动为什么如此必要?5. 问题摘要a) What are examples of requests we might receive for the Engineering department?请举出我们接到关于工程部要求的例子?b) Do we have to follow up with the guest that it has been actioned?当行动过后,我们需要和客人确认跟进此事吗?6. Do we take Room Service Bookings?我们可以提供客房送餐的订餐服务吗?7. 问题摘要a) What requests might we process fo

21、r Bell staff?我们通知礼宾部员工要求的过程是什么?b) What do we do when the Bell staff advises us that they have actioned the request?当礼宾部员工建议我们,他们已经按要求行动过了,我们应怎样做?8. What services to Concierge perform?礼宾部执行什么服务?9. 问题摘要a) How well must I know Front Desk procedures?我必须了解前台操作程序会有什么好处?b) Can I take a reservation on a piece of paper and give it to the Reservation Department?我可以在一张纸上写下预定并给预订部吗?10. 问题摘要a) What is CCS?CSS是什么?b) What is Espresso?浓缩是什么?Now ask the Trainee to practice the Task from start to end to test competency.现在开始对员工进行该题目的整体练习并测试员工的接受能力。

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