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1、 sly as a foxclever at tricking others like a bird eat very little tall as a treevery tall the drop of a hatimmediately35.know the ropesto know how to do something 36.childs playan easy job 37.see eye to eye to have the same opinion as someone else 38.a feather in ones capsom

2、ething that you can be proud of 39.on a shoestring having very little money40.Dont count your chickens until they are hatched. -Dont count on something going well until it happens.牛津英语教材中的短语1.along with 与一起 a matter of fact 事实上,其实 if 好像,似乎 present 现在 supposed to 应该,应当6.cant wait to d

3、o something 迫不及待地做某事 charge of 负责,掌管8.go on a diet 节食9.side effect 副作用10.fall out (头发等)脱落 fond of 喜爱,喜欢12.for free 免费13.get into shape 强身健体 hard on 对苛刻,对严厉 the long term 从长远角度看16.insist on 坚持,坚持认为17.look back on 回忆,回顾18.make the most of 充分利用19.make use of 利用20.mix up 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和21

4、.now that 既然;由于22.opening hours 开放时间23.stay up 不睡觉,熬夜 out 锻炼模块二 advance 提前,预先 in control of sth 掌管,控制(某物)27.belong to 属于e across (偶然)遇见;发现29.dozens of 许多,很多30.due to 由于,因为 case 万一32.look into 调查33.look up to 敬佩34.make ones way to 前往,到去35.make up 编造,杜撰;构成36.result in 导致,结果是

5、t sail 启航 up 出现,现身39.tourist spot 旅游景点40.step up 加紧,加强,促进41.take charge of 负责,掌管42.up close 靠近地模块三 a whole 作为整体,总体上44.aside from 除之外 made up of 由组成(构成)e down with 患(病)47.consist of 由组成(构成)48.differ from 和不同,不同于 memory of 纪念 sight 看得到,在视力范围内51.lead to 导致52.mother tongue 母语,

6、本国语 after 以命名 doubt 无疑,确实55.ought to 应当,应该56.reach out 伸出(手)57.rise up against 起义,反抗58.roll up 卷起来59.stand for 代表,象征60.stand in ones path 阻碍(某人)61.take control of 控制,取得对的控制62.take over 夺取; 接管63.the Norman Conquest 诺曼征服64.the Renaissance 文艺复兴 out for 留心,密切注意66.wish for 期望,企盼模块四67.

7、add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大68.appeal to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁 to 至于,关于 meant to 旨在,目的是 with 涉及,关于;处理,应付72.die from 死于73.even if/though 虽然,即使74.fall for 上的当,受的骗75.figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出76.get something across 把表达清楚77.hang on (在逆境中)坚持 honour of 为向表示敬意79.last but not least 最后但同样重要的80.lead the way 领先81

8、.make way for 给让路,让位于82.pass something on to sb. 转交,传给,递给83.put forward 提出,提议 tricks on 欺骗;捉弄模块五85.amusement park 游乐场 based on 以为基础,以为根据 burnt out 耗尽体力,累垮88.before long 不久,很快89.clean up 打扫(或清除)干净90.takeinto consideration 认真考虑 ones part 尽自己的职责 favor of 赞同,支持93.follow in

9、 ones footsteps 效仿某人94.for sale 供出售,待销售95.genetically modified 转基因的96.get through (用电话)接通 with regard to 关于,至于98.let off 排放99.on the one hand on the other hand 一方面另一方面 the floor 自由发言101.keep pace with (与)步调一致,(与)同步 particular 尤其,特别103.pick out 找出,挑选104.point of view 观点105.push ah

10、ead with 义无返顾的进行,努力推进106.queue up 排队等候107.raw material 原材料108.regardless of 不管,不顾109.public relations 公共关系110.rely on 依靠,依赖 out (of) 用完,耗尽112.spy on 暗中监视,窥探113.thanks to 幸亏,由于114.toy with 戏弄,摆弄;把当做儿戏115.under way 进行中116.use up 用尽 addition 除以外(还), 此外118.have affection for 喜爱,钟爱119.apart

11、from 远离,和不在一起;除了 that point 在那时;在那个阶段121.break down 出故障; 抛锚122.burst in 闯进;突然闯入 chaos 处于混乱状态e up with 想出;拿出125.draw sbs attention to 使(某人)察觉到 away 赶走;驱赶127.get hold of 得到;抓住128.glare at 对怒目而视129.go after 追求;谋求130.have power over 控制,支配131.head for 朝方向(地方)行进,前往132.hold out 递出;拿出;伸

12、出133.if only 但愿 good spirits 心情好135.let alone 更不用说136.make a difference 有作用(关系、影响)137.make fun of 拿开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄138.make room for 为.腾出地方139.on ones own 独自,单独;独立地140.pass away 去世,亡故141.remind sb of 使某人想起,提醒某人142.running water 自来水 a rush 匆忙地,急切地 sb around 带某人参观、游览145.stand up for 支持,维护

13、146.take on 接纳147.take up 占据(时间、空间)148.think back to 回想149.trip over 绊倒150.under the umbrella of 在的保护下,在的管理下模块七151.arise from 起因于,由引起152.a bunch of 一串,一束;大量,大批b (through) sth 仔细搜寻 someones command 受某人支配155.decide on/upon 决定,选定156.drop off 中途下客或卸货157.drop out 退学,辍学;退出,脱离158.fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间

14、)159.for good measure 额外160.a handful of 少数的,少量的161.heart attack 心脏病发作 () intervals 每隔距离或时间163.keep in touch with 与保持练习164.let out 放出,发出 up 联合,连接166.mass production 批量生产167.operating theatre 手术室168.put off 推迟,推延;使反感169.put through 给某人接通(电话);使经历170.speed up (使)加速171.split up 分组,分解;分离172

15、.subscribe to 同意,赞成173.swell up 肿胀,膨胀174.text message (手机)短信175.traffic jam 堵车,交通堵塞176.try out 测试,试验;参加选拔177.turn to sb/sth 向求助178.turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等)179.up to date 最新的; 现代的;时髦的180.wear sb out 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦181.what is more 更有甚者,更为重要的是182.wind up 上发条模块八183.acute angle 锐角184.ask for sbs hand in marriage

16、 (向女方)求婚 first sight 初次见面;乍一看 off to 动身去187.bent on (doing ) sth 决心做某事(通常指坏事)188.brand new 全新的,崭新的189.break up 破裂,解散;破碎190.broken heart 破碎的心,哀恸 condemned to sth 被处以某种刑罚192.cut sth out (of sth) 剪出,剪下193.cut up 切碎194.fall in love 相爱,醉如爱河195.give thought to 认真考虑,思考196.have a go(at) 试一

17、试 defence of 为辩护;防卫 intended to be/ do sth 目的是作为某物,目的是做某事199.lay out 布置,设计;铺开,展开 up to 达到,符合(期望)201.on the run 躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波e to ones rescue 救援某人,帮助某人 off 炫耀,卖弄204.spring up 突然兴起,迅速出现205.touch on 谈及,涉及 tune 音调准确;演奏和调207.upwards of 在以上,大于,超过208.worn out 破烂不堪的,破旧的;精疲力尽的

18、 charged with 被控犯有罪 and by 不久,过一会儿211.catch on 受欢迎,流行 centred around /centre around 围绕,以为中心213.count on 依靠,依赖 back to 追溯到,始于215.get ones way 随心所欲216.hire sb out 打工,受雇于人 terms of 在方面,从方面来说218.little more than 只是而已,仅仅219.on behalf of 代表某人,代替某人 random 随机,随意

19、 ones fortune 外出寻找(成功或发财)机会222.sentence sb to death 判处某人死刑223.split off from 脱离,分离模块十 a crossroads 处于关键时刻 best 充其量,至多 account 银行账户 on the move 迁移中,行进中228.beyond doubt 毫无疑问229.burst on the scene 突然出现 study 案例研究231.catch up on 补上,补做232.cater to sb/sth 迎合,满足需要233.a gui

20、lty conscience 内疚,问心有愧234.make the headlines 成为重要新闻235.intellectual property 知识财产236.join forces (与)合作,联合237.make sense 是明智的;是有道理的238.on top of 除之外;在上面(方)239.ones (own) flesh and blood 亲骨肉,亲人240.prescription medicine/drug 处方药241.push for sth 迫切要求,反复争取242.put into effect 使生效,实施243.put pressure on sb

21、(to do sth) 促使,迫使,244.put sth into practice 把付诸实施245.turn into 变成246.wipe away 消除,去除247.word of mouth 口口相传,口碑 of art 艺术品249.make allowance(s) for 考虑到 easy as pie 十分容易,轻而易举 for 至于,关于 punishment 死刑253.catch-22 第二十二条军规(指让人左右为难的规定或处境)254.correctional facility 监狱255.coverin

22、g letter 附信(与某物一起寄出)256.dive (right )in 热切地开始做某事 economical with the truth 有所隐瞒258.fold up 折叠,对折259.follow sth up 采取后续行动,跟进260.for the taking 供自由取用 year 生活实践年262.give sb the edge 使某人略占优势263.go about 忙于某事;继续做某事264.have butterflies in ones stomach 心慌,紧张 on ones feet 安然脱困,化险为夷266.l

23、ook sb in the eye(s) 直视某人,正视某人 the top of ones head 为多加思考地,脱口而出地268.death penalty 死刑269.pull out 退出,脱离270.put out 公布,广播,出版271.put sth away 积蓄,攒钱;把放回原处272.put together 组装;汇集 response to 作为对的回应,答复274.scratch the surface 隔靴搔痒,只触及问题的表面或一小部分275.shrink from (doing ) sth 回避(困难等)276.take off 快速成功,突然流行277.take pleasure in 从中获得乐趣278.the last minute/moment 最后一刻279.throw sb into 投身于,积极从事280.tire of 对感到厌倦友情提醒:建议同学们好好背诵这些短语,该得到的分数一定不要失去。

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