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1、园内主要建筑物有革命烈士纪念碑,焦裕禄烈士墓和焦裕禄纪念馆。 话说间焦裕禄纪念园已经到了。我们的大巴将停靠在焦裕禄纪念园的停车场c区,请大家在下午3点在此集合。下面请随我一起下车参观游览! 进入园内,大家首先看到的是革命烈士纪念碑,它建成于1993年5月,占地400平方米,碑高19.64米,寓意纪念焦裕禄同志1964年逝世。纪念碑由碑体和碑座两部分组成。碑体正面刻有毛主席手体:“革命烈士永垂不朽”八个大字,碑座正面三块浮雕分别刻有“解放兰考”、“访贫问苦”和“查三害”的画面,背面为碑文。浮雕“解放兰考”反映了人民解放军战士为解放兰考不怕牺牲浴血奋战的英雄精神;浮雕“访贫问苦”记录了焦裕禄风雪夜

2、下乡访贫问苦,为贫苦农民送温暖的感人情景,表现了焦书记关心群众疾苦,与人民群众心连心的公仆精神;浮雕“查三害”反映了焦书记带领干部深入基层调查研究,和群众一起查三害、战三害的斗争精神。碑体与碑座连接处是一双手捧着泡桐花与松柏枝叶编织的花环的造型,寓意焦裕禄精神像松柏一样常青,像泡桐花一样永远开在兰考人民心中。整个纪念碑在四周苍松翠柏的映衬下,显得洁净无暇。 接下来,请大家跟随我参观焦裕禄烈士墓。焦裕禄虽然在兰考只工作了一年零三个月的时间,但他却带病带领兰考人民根治了风沙、盐碱、内涝三大自然灾害。终因积劳成疾,不幸于1964年5月14日在郑州病故,时年仅四十二岁。由于当时天气炎热,最初将焦裕禄的

3、遗体安葬在郑州市烈士陵园。1966年,河南省委、省政府根据焦裕禄生前的“活着我没有把沙丘治民的迫切要求,于2月 26日用专列将焦裕禄的遗体从郑州运回兰考安葬在县城北的一个大沙丘上,现在陵墓经过两次重修已经初具规模。 焦裕禄烈士墓汉白玉结构,占地200平方米,有墓碑、墓周护栏和墓后屏风墙三部分组成。墓碑高275米,正面镌刻着“焦裕禄烈士之墓”,碑阴为烈士生平简介,墓后屏风墙上镶嵌有毛主席题词“为人民而死,虽死犹荣”。墓区广场2000平方米,平整开阔。墓前两侧树立着两座题词牌,分别刻有董必武和郭沫若撰写的歌颂焦裕禄的长诗,整个墓区松柏参天,庄严肃穆。 最后,请大家再到焦裕禄纪念馆参观。焦裕禄纪念园

4、自兴建以来,一直受到党和国家领导人以及社会各界人士的关心和支持。1993年,为了迎接“纪念焦裕禄同志逝世三十周年纪念活动”,兰考县委、县政府在各级领导的大力支持下修建了焦裕禄纪念馆新馆。该纪念馆是一座现代化建筑,也是目前河南省最大的个人革命烈士纪念馆。纪念馆主体高21米,占地面积2100平方米。馆正面三层,大门正上方镶嵌的“焦裕禄同志纪念馆”为江泽民同志亲笔题写。馆内由序厅、展览厅、贵宾室和放映厅组成。纪念馆内陈列焦裕禄的遗物八十九件,版面、照片二百余幅,生动地展示了焦裕禄同志全心全意为人民服务,鞠躬尽瘁死而后已,平凡而伟大的一生。 纪念馆落成于1994年5月14日(焦裕禄逝世三十周年纪念日)

5、,胡锦涛同志曾为纪念馆开馆剪彩及焦裕禄铜像揭幕。焦裕禄铜像为铜铅合金,铜像高15米、宽 12米、重约600公斤。像座上的“焦裕禄”三个字,是邓小平1990年为大型纪实文学焦裕禄题写的书名。铜像后面红色幕布上镶嵌着江泽民同志的题词:“向焦裕禄同志学习,全心全意为人民服务”。 目前,纪念园已成为全国各族人民学习焦裕禄精神,进行爱国主义教育、接受红色教育的重要阵地,焦裕禄纪念园红色景区在新时期、新阶段正在发挥着更大的育人作用,焕发更加璀璨的光芒。 好了,朋友们,我们的讲解先暂停到这里,感谢各位的支持和配合。现在给大家留出三十分钟的时间自由参观,拍照留念。请大家保管好自己的随身物品,不要走散。半小时后

6、还在此集合。【篇二:焦裕禄纪念园英文导游词】 焦裕禄纪念园导游词(开封) guide words of jiao yulu memorial park (kaifeng) 各位朋友:dear friends: 你们好!欢迎您来兰考观光旅游,到焦裕禄纪念园瞻仰学习。在这里安息着一位让人民群众无限敬仰,一位心里装着人民,唯独没有他自己,一位为人民鞠躬尽瘁死而后已的共产党人,他,就是被誉为当代人民公仆、县委书记的好榜样焦裕禄。 welcome to visit the memorial park of jiao yulu in lankao county, kaifeng city, henan p

7、rovince. here rests a communist of china, who was greatly admired by the people of the past and present, because he did everything he can to improve the well-being of his people but himself until his last breath. as a result, he is regarded as a good example of peoples servant as well as communist s

8、ecretary of china. 焦裕禄纪念园,位于兰考县城明末清初黄河故堤的沙丘上,始建于1966年2月,占地面积91.7亩,现为全国重点烈士纪念建筑物保护单位,国家级重点文物保护单位,全国爱国主义教育示范基地先进单位,国家aaaa级旅游景区。 jiao yulu memorial park is located on the sand dune of the old bank of the yellow river in lankao county. it was built in february 1966, with about 6.1 hectares. it is a nati

9、onal key memorial building protection unit, national key cultural relics protection unit, national patriotism education base advanced unit, and national four-a level scenic spot. therefore, you can see how important and famous it is in china. inside the park, there are revolutionary martyrs monument

10、, jiao yulu martyrs tomb and memorial. entering the park, the first site we can see is the revolutionary martyrs monument. the monument is 19.64 meters high, completed in may 1993, with 400 square meters. the 19.64 meters represent the year of 1964 when jiao yulu breathed his last. the monument has

11、two parts, the body and base. the front side of the body is engraved with the words of chairman mao: immortal are the revolutionary martyrs of china. and on the front side of base, there are three embossment, engraved with the three pictures of “liberating lankao”, “visiting the poor” and “resolving

12、 the three soil problems of lankao, which are: soil of sand, saline-alkali and water-logging. the embossment “liberating lankao” represents the spirit of the peoples liberation army who risked their lives and fought the bloody war for the liberating of lankao. the embossment “visiting the poor” reco

13、rded the touching winter night visits of jiao yulu to poor peoples homes and send worm necessities to them. it shows the spirit of the public servant jiao yulu who worried about the miseries of his people and concerned for their sufferings; theembossment “resolving the three soil problems” is about

14、secretory jiao yulu conducting studies of the soil with other cadres and resolving the three problems with the people. whats more, at the connection of the monument body and base, there is a sculpture of two hands holding a garland of the flower of paulownia and the leaves of pine, which means that

15、the spirit of jiao yulu is as evergreen of pine and as beautiful as paulownia flower in lankao peoples heart. looking around, the monument is surrounded by the green pines and cypresses, making it more pure and flawless.1966年,河南省委、省政府根据焦裕禄生前的“活着我没有把沙丘治好,死后也要把我埋在兰考的沙丘上,看着兰考人民把沙丘治好”的遗愿及兰考人民的迫切要求,于2月 2

16、6日用专列将焦裕禄的遗体从郑州运回兰考安葬在县城北的一个大沙丘上,现在陵墓经过两次重修已经初具规模。 next, please follow me to visit the tomb of jiao yulu. although he only worked here for one year and three months, he resolved the three soil problems of lankao. unfortunately, after numerous days and nights of hard work, he died on may 14, 1964 in

17、zhengzhou city at the age of only 42. in the beginning, his body was buried in the martyrs cemetery of zhengzhou because of the hot weather. in 1966, however, the communist party committee of henan and the government, according to jiao yulus wishes of “bury me in the dune of lankao. it is a pity tha

18、t my eyes cannot witness the settlement of the problem of dune, but i want my body to do that”, as well as the urging demand of the lankao people, moved his tomb to a large dune at the north of the county on february 26 by a special train. now, after two renovations, the tomb is of this size.墓碑高2.75

19、米,正面镌刻着“焦裕禄烈士之墓”,碑阴为烈士生平简介,墓后屏风墙上镶嵌有毛主席题词“为人民而死,虽死犹荣”。 the tomb of martyr jiao yulu is constructed by white marbles with 200 square meters. the tomb consists of three parts: tombstone, guardrail and screen wall. the tombstone is 2.75 meters high. the front side is engraved with the words “the tomb o

20、f martyr jiao yulu”, the back side is the introduction of his lifetime, and the screen wall inlaid with the inscription of chairman mao “it is an honor to die for the people”. the tomb square covers 2,000 square meters, it is plain and broad. two inscription boards stand at the two sides of the tomb

21、, engraved with the long poems of eulogizing jiao yulu by the two famous chinese dong biwu and guo moruo. the tall pine and cypress trees make this place solemn and respectful.馆正面三层,大门正上方镶嵌的“焦裕禄同志纪念馆”为江泽民同志亲笔题写。馆内珍藏有江泽民、李鹏、乔石、李瑞环、宋任穷、刘华清、薄一波、李铁映、陈云、宋健、温家宝、李岚清等重要领导的题词。纪念馆落成于1994年5月14日(焦裕禄逝世三十周年纪念日),胡

22、锦涛同志曾为纪念馆开馆剪彩及焦裕禄铜像揭幕。焦裕禄铜像为铜铅合金,铜像高1.5米、宽 1.2米、重约600公斤。“向焦裕禄同志学习,全心全意为人民服务”。 这座纪念馆详细陈展了焦裕禄一生的感人事迹。观看过他的生平事迹,您会真正理解一位共产党人全心全意为人民服务的风采。纪念馆自建成以后,一直受到党和国家领导人的亲切关怀和高度重视,江泽民、胡锦涛、乔石、李岚清、李铁映、宋健、李长春、贺国强等中央领导亲临纪念馆参观,对纪念馆的建设给予了充分肯定,并号召全党、全国在新时期进一步弘扬焦裕禄精神。近几年纪念馆每年平均接待全国各地的人民群众达50万人次,特别是近期举国上下开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动以来,

23、全国各地来参观学习的团队与日俱增。 目前,焦裕禄纪念园已成为全国各族人民学习焦裕禄精神,进行爱国主义教育、接受红色教育的重要基地,是我党广大党员干部进行“三个代表“重要思想教育、保持共产党员先进性教育的重要要阵地,焦裕禄纪念园作为红色旅游景区,在新时期、新阶段正在发挥着更大的育人作用,焕发更加璀璨的光芒。 the memorial hall records the touching events of jiao yulus lifetime in detail. after knowing these events, you would truly understand how a commu

24、nist serve the people wholeheartedly. since the building of the memorial hall, the cpc and government leaders have always attachedgreat importance and care to it, and many of them came to visit, including jiang zemin, hu jintao, qiao shi, li lanqing, li tieying, song jian, li changchun, he guoqiang,

25、 etc., and fully appreciated it, and they call on the whole party and country to uphold the spirit of jiao yulu in the new era of china. in recent years, there are annual five hundred thousand people come to visit, and the number is increasingly each day, as recently, china is carrying out a campaig

26、n to maintain the advancement of communists. nowadays, the jiao yulu memorial hall has become an important base for the people of chinas all ethnic groups to learn the spirit of jiao yulu and receive the education of patriotism and communism, an important battle field for the carders and ordinary me

27、mbers of cpc to conduct the education of the important thought of “three represents”, and maintain the advancement of communists. the jiao yulu memorial hall, as a communism tourist site, is playing a more important role of educating people and is also shining brighter light in the new era of china.

28、【篇三:2014河南省八大景点导游词】 1、焦作云台山导游词 我们的车子正在驶向云台山,现在我给大家介绍一下我们云台山的基本概况。 云台山位于河南省焦作市东北部修武县境内,距焦作市区30公里,因为山势险峻,山峰之间常年云雾缭绕而著名。是目前河南省唯一一家拥有世界地质公园和国家级重点风景区、国家aaaa及旅游区、国家地质公园、国家森林公园、国家级自然保护区、国家水利风景名胜区等六个国家级称号于一体的风景名胜区。景区面积190平方公里,辖区有泉瀑峡、潭瀑峡、红石峡、青龙峡、万善寺、子房湖、茱萸峰、百家岩、叠彩洞等十大景点。十余处以太行山山岳自然风光为主体,奇异水景为特色,悠久的历史文化为内涵,可供休闲、游览、开展科普及科研等多项活动的综合旅游区。 云台山以山称奇。整个景区峰峰如画,岩岩皆景。踏千阶云梯,登上海拔1308米的茱萸峰顶,北望太行山群峰,层峦叠嶂;南眺怀川平原,沃野千里。云台山以水叫绝,垂直落差达314米的云台天瀑雄冠华夏;天门瀑、白龙瀑、黄龙瀑、丫子瀑、情人瀑、九连瀑形成云台山独有的瀑布景观;多孔泉、珍珠泉、不老泉、王烈泉、三官泉清冽甘甜。中原第一景红石峡(温盘峪)、中原第一峡谷青龙峡、自然

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