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《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 2Word文件下载.docx

1、当今,烹饪业正以前所未有的速度在发展。 10年前,北京只有几千家餐馆,而今天却有10万多家大小不等的餐馆遍布市内。2 地方美食众所周知,明朝以来出现了八大莱系,分别是鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、闽菜、苏菜、浙菜、湘菜和徽菜。除了这些传统菜系,中国的烹饪业也经历了巨大的变化:每个地方都形成了自己的特色菜;不同菜系汇集于诸如北京这样的大城市。3 被誉为“天府之国”的四川也是个美食之都。在那里的任何一家餐馆都能找到既可口又经济实惠的美食。川菜的原料虽简单,但调料却大有讲究。川菜以口味浓烈辛辣著称,但仅是口味浓烈辛辣还不能使川菜区别于其他辣口味的菜系,比如湘菜和黔菜。川菜的特别之处在于花椒的使用。尝过花椒之后,

2、人们的舌头和嘴巴会留下酥麻的感觉。除了花椒之外,川菜还常用辣椒粉之类的调料。因使用豆豉作配料,再加上一套独特的烹饪方式,如今川菜在全世界都十分有名和受欢迎。近几年涌现了一大批著名的专做川菜的餐馆,比如谭家鱼头。4 广东省在中国南部,全年气候温和,物产丰富。它还是最早对外开放的通商口岸之一。广东的餐饮文化独具特色,对中国其他地方乃至全世界产生了深远的影响。粤菜以其好生猛海鲜、追求新奇、细致考究的烹饪方法而著称。粤菜中的各式煲汤如今已深受全国各地人民喜爱。5 浙菜口味清淡,精致玲珑,是长江下游区域菜肴的代表。西湖醋鱼是其中的一道名菜。这道菜不仅美观,而且味道鲜美,透着自然的清香。中国乃至世界各地的

3、中餐馆大都能找得到这道菜,但口味往往不及在浙江杭州吃得那般纯正。因为只有杭州拥有来自西湖的鱼和水。6 每道菜都有一段故事中国菜名五花八门,而每道名菜都有一段有趣的故事,说明它如何博得人们的喜爱。一个好名字能使这道菜更有意思;但有些菜名太怪异了,听起来让人一头雾水,不要说外国人难以理解,就是中国人往往也不是很清楚。你要是望文生义,准得闹出笑话来。7 拿天津“狗不理”包子来说吧。“狗不理”纯手工制作,大小均等,深受欢迎。这些包子整整齐齐地放在托盘上时,看上去就像是含苞欲放的菊花。皮儿很薄,馅儿多汁,口感柔软,香而不腻。可为什么叫“狗不理”呢?8 “狗不理”的背后有一段有趣的故事。大约150年前,“

4、狗不理”包子在天津初次亮相。当地有个小伙子,名叫狗子,在一家包子店当学徒。三年后,自己单独开了一家包子店。他做的包子味道鲜美,因此生意十分红火,吸引了越来越多的顾客。狗子工作十分卖力,可他还是满足不了大家的需要,顾客们得等很长时间。有些顾客等得不耐烦了,就在外面嚷嚷着催他快点,可狗子忙着做包子呢,哪有时间搭理。后来人们就把他做的包子称作“狗不理”,意思是“狗子不搭理他们”。可就是这个有点怪里怪气的名字,反倒起了很好的推销作用,这个名字一直沿用到了今天。如今“狗不理”已经成为天津的老字号(老品牌)。9 浙菜里有一道深受欢迎的菜,叫东坡肉。这道菜是把五花肉切成大块,配上青葱,在锅底放些生姜,然后加

5、料酒、酱油和糖,用慢火做出来的。这道菜色泽红亮,酥嫩多汁,如“狗不理”一样毫无肥腻之感。它以北宋时代大诗人苏东坡的名字命名。苏东坡在杭州做官时发明了这道菜。据说,他当时负责西湖的排污工程,经常拿红烧肉犒劳工人。后来为了纪念这位才华横溢、慷慨大方的诗人,人们就把这道菜称作东坡肉。10 佛跳墙是闽菜里的一道名菜,亦被称作福建第一菜。这道菜的主料不下20种,有鸡肉、鸭肉、海参、干贝、蹄筋、鱼唇、鱼肚、火腿等。所有的原料均放在一个陶罐里,加上料酒和鸡汤后,用文火炖,一直炖到肉嫩而多汁,汤浓而味醇。然后在上菜之前再加10多种配料,有蘑菇、冬笋、鸽蛋等。这道菜以余香满口而著称。这道特色菜的背后有这么一个故

6、事:11 佛跳墙是由福州市一个叫聚春园的餐馆在清朝光绪年间发明的,早先菜名为八珍锅,后来改为福寿全。一日,几位秀才到聚春园饮酒。菜上桌时,其中一位即兴赋诗一首“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。”佛跳墙这一菜名便由此得来。12 食物传达的温馨和盛情在中国人看来,用餐最重要的,尤其在过节时,莫过于吃饭时的温馨气氛。吃饭时,年长的和年少的按照年龄大小依次坐好,在欢乐祥和的气氛中,说说笑笑。席间,长辈为晚辈夹菜,晚辈给长辈敬酒,营造出一派欢乐、温馨、和谐的气氛。13 在中国,主人会把最好的菜分给客人。他们用公筷把清蒸鱼最好的部分或最嫩的肉夹给最重要的来宾。这种习俗用来表达尊敬、关怀和好客之意,至今在老

7、一辈的中国人中还是很流行。14 这种饮食习俗对中国人的性格也有几分影响。从某种意义上说,它增强了人们的集体主义精神。无论在聚会还是在宴席上,人们首先考虑大家的需求,把吃饭当成是谦卑有礼和关怀他人的场合。15 中国人特别在乎过节时吃什么,不同的节日吃不同的食物。比如除夕夜全家团圆时,北方人吃肉饺或菜饺,象征辞旧迎新。元宵节吃元宵,元宵是糯米粉做的甜汤圆,象征家庭团圆、美满。端午节吃粽子,人们用芦苇叶子把糯米包成三角形的粽子是为了纪念受人爱戴的诗人屈原。屈原因遭政治迫害自沉于汨罗江。传说古时候人们把粽子投到江中,希望水中的龙王不要带走他。之后,端午节包粽子和吃粽子的习俗就慢慢形成了。Key to

8、Exercises (Reading More)Text ExplorationTask 1Local Chinese cuisinesSichuan cuisine (Para. 3):A. delicious yet economicalB. famous for its spicy and hot food C. the use of Chinese prickly ash seeds and other spices like chili pepperGuangdong cuisine (Para. 4):A. with its own characteristics that has

9、 exerted a far-reaching influence on other parts of China and the worldB. famous for its seafood as well as for its originality and refined cooking processesC. offering various soupsZhejiang cuisine (Para. 5):A. light and exquisiteB. with the refreshing flavors of natureEvery dish has a storyGoubuli

10、 (Para. 78):A. Goubuli steamed buns first sold in Tianjin about 150 years ago.B. They were so popular that the owner had no time to answer his customers.Dongpo Meat (Para. 9):A. This dish was named after Su Dongpo, a greatpoet of the Northern SongDynasty.B. He rewarded workers with stewed pork in so

11、y sauce.Buddha Jumping over the Wall (Para. 11):A. This dish was created in the Gathering Spring Garden in Fuzhou, Fujian, during the reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu.B. It is prepared with more than 20 main ingredientsC. A poet wrote a poem for the dishWarmth and hospitality expressed by foodEating ha

12、bits have not changed (Para. 1213)A. The old and young sit in order of seniority.B. Elders select food for the young and the young make toasts to the elders.C. The hostess or host apportions the dishes to treat guests.D. Everyone takes into consideration the needs of the group.Special food for socia

13、l festivals (Para. 15):A. Jiaozi for the Spring Festival.B. Yuanxiao for the Lantern Festival.C. Zongzi for Duanwu Festival.Task 21. CPara. 3, L.1 2. DPara. 6, last line 3. APara. 8, L.5 4. BPara. 8, L.6 5. DPara. 8, L.2 from bottom 6. BPara. 8, last line 7. BPara. 10, L.1 8. DPara. 12, L.1 9. APara

14、. 12, L.3 10. BPara. 13, L.1Vocabulary in Action1. APara. 3, L.2 2. BPara. 4, L.1 3. BPara. 4, L.4 4. CPara. 5, L.35. BPara. 6, L.1 6. A: the sentence and four choices are mistaken. Two corrections: replace A “fatty” with “striped” to explain “streaky”; replace the whole sentence with “The wrapping

15、is thin, the fillings are juicy, the meat tender and the taste delicious and not at all greasy.” (Para. 7, L3). 7. BPara. 9, last line; Para. 15, L.5 from bottom 8. CPara. 10, L.2 from bottom 9. APara. 14, last line 10. CPara. 15, L.4 from bottom1. bud (n.) shoot, embryo 花蕾,幼芽; budding (adj.) puttin

16、g forward a bud 含苞欲放的 B, Para. 7, L.32. access to (n.) a way of entering a place; an opportunity or right to use sth or see sb/sth 通往之路途径;(使用或见到的)机会;权利 A, Para. 5, last line;access (vt.) 1) get at; gain access to 到达;进入2) open a computer file to get or add information 访问存取电脑文件3. taste (n.) flavor, sa

17、vor 味道;口味 A, Para. 7, L.4tasted (v.) have a flavor / short experience 有味道; 品味, 经历 4. fool (n.) an idiot 蠢人,傻瓜;be no/nobodys fool: be too intelligent to be tricked by other people 精明机智;不易上当 A, Para. 6, last linefooling (v.) trick sb 愚弄;欺骗5. produces (v.) make things to be sold 生产; 制造produce (n. U) th

18、ings produced, especially with farming 农产品 B, Para. 4, L.26. garnish (v.) decorate 装饰gamishes (n.) decoration 装饰品 B, Para.10, L.37. reigns (v.) rule as a monarch 为君;为王(翻译:女王为君但并不执政。)reign (n.) the period as a monarch 君主在位期统治期 B, Para 11, L.3 8. concern (n.) care, worry 关心;担忧 A, Para. 13, last senten

19、ce; Para. 14, last lineconcerned (v.) worry, have a concern for关心;担忧9. named (v.) give a name to Para. 6, 8, 11name (n.) Para. 9, 1110. practiced (v.); practice (n.) not appear in the textTask 31) integration 2) choice 3) handed 4) aspiring 5) steaming6) masterpieces 7) pleasure 8) partake 9) amazin

20、g 10) presentedNotes for Task 31. choice adj. of very good quality 优质的;优选的;上等的2. seasoning n. 调味料;作料3. aspire (to) v. have a strong desire to achieve 渴望(最好成就);有志(成为)4. boiling, stewing, braising, frying, steaming, crisping, baking, simmering:煮,炖,烧,煎,蒸,炸(使变脆),烤,煨5. dexterity n. skill in using your ha

21、nds or your mind(手)灵巧,熟练;(思维)敏捷Reading MoreA Cuisine CrisisInformation Notes 1. French cuisine is a style of cooking derived from the nation of France. It evolved from centuries of social and political change. Ingredients and dishes vary by region, Cheese and wine are the major parts of the cuisine,

22、 playing different roles regionally and nationally French cuisine is renowned for its refined cooking and fresh ingredients.2. A Cuisine Crisis explores the reasons for the decline of reputation of French cuisine. The author uses convincing facts to argue for the main idea. Government tax and econom

23、ic policies as well as globalization are the two factors responsible for French cuisine crisis. The passage is featured with penetrating ideas which are expressed by long and involved sentences and high-sounding words and expressions. In argumentation, the passage uses facts, statistics as well as q

24、uotations of those industry insiders to fully convince readers. In exposing the cuisine crisis, the author is overwhelmed by despair and helplessness.2. Red tape red tape: bureaucracy (from the custom of typing up official documents with red or pink tape 繁文缛节;官僚作风Red tape is a derisive term for excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal roles that are considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making. It is usually applied to government, but can also be applied to other organizations like

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