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1、e.g.2:Some may argue the sole purpose of attending university is to secure future employment, while many, if not most, believe universities should be far more versatile. Personally, I think/believe/maintain in a multidimensional university education and employment is only part of the entirety.有一些人认为

2、,大学教育的目的就是为了确保大学生能够就业。然而,也有不少人认为,大学教育的功能有很多。就我个人看来,我觉得大学教育有许多功能,而促进就业仅是它的一个方面。2. 将给力句式进行到底。Despite the rise of , still has huge shadow over . Personally, I think .e.g.Despite the rise of new media, newspaper still has huge shadow over peoples opinions and ideas. Personally, I think such influence it

3、self can be positive as well as negative.尽管新媒体不断涌现,报纸依然对人们的观点和想法有很大的影响。我觉得这种影响本身既可以是积极的也可以是消极的。3. 毫无疑问这个句式很常用,但不够经典There is no doubt/denying that .There is no room for doubt that . (学一赠一哈)(等同于undoubtedly,表示强调,但凑字的话,你选择哪种表达呢?)There is no doubt that overseas education could give students certain bonus

4、/benefits.毫无疑问,海外教育可以给学生带来某些好处。4. 毫无疑问,这个很经典。Indeed, no sensible person would deny that . (没有让你失望吧,记住它,必须的!不能让小崔老师失望啊,你知道的我最怕失望)Indeed, no sensible person would deny the fact that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy body and soul.的确,没有任何一个有理性的人会否认健康的生活方式是身心健康的关键。5. 爱是给予。小崔老师再吐次血又何妨呢?It is un

5、deniable that .It is undeniable that lectures have been and are still going to be an important part in education. (例子同样很精彩噢。不可否认,讲座式授课一直以来都是,并且也依然将会是教育的一个重要部分。6. 举例论证除了for example, for instance你想到其它什么表达呢?One good/fine/simple/typical example of this is that . (句式中含有表语从句,从此不再简单)觉得太简单了吧,学着点吧,写作要求多样化的简单

6、(注:小崔老师经典语录1,比较深刻,好好理解一下),你便可以鹤立鸡群啦!欣赏下面例证的经典例子吧!e.g.1:With advancement in space technology, scientists can now further even into deep space or carry out unimaginable experiment. One good example of this is that NASA has just announced discovering water on the moon.随着太空技术的进步,科学家现在能够深入太空并且进行难以想象的试验。一

7、个很好的例子是美国太空总署刚刚宣布在月球上发现了水。One fine example can be found among students of fashion design.从学习时装设计的学生中就可以找到一个很好的例子。7. 这个句式不常见,却是“常见”的含义It is not uncommon that . 双重否定表肯定呀,好于it is common that.,是不是不得不佩服小崔老师了呀,心里有就行了哈,时间不必太长了,一辈子就行。It is not uncommon to find art museums full of students of arts, appreciat

8、ing the works of the greatest. This could be a simple example to show that museums need to be educational.如今在艺术博物馆里经常可以见到学艺术的学生。他们在欣赏最伟大的大师们的著作。这就是一个简单的例子,证明博物馆必须具有教育意义。It is not uncommon to see many cities over the world are moving heavy industries out and place them where has a lower population de

9、nsity.世界上有很多城市通常将重工业搬到人口密度小的地方。8. 转折一下,学个万能的转折句式吧。Despite/in spite of the fact that , let not deny that .(承上启下引出另一个观点)切记:一篇优秀的作文必须得有转折句式,这是一个公认的事实。(小崔老师经典语录2)小崔老师语录2英文版:It is a truth universally acknowledged that an amazing essay must be in possession of transitional sentences.P.S.It is widely belie

10、ved that .Despite/In spite of the fact that a simpler lifestyle can indeed solve environmental problems, let not deny that technology could also be utilized to facilitate the progress.尽管更加简约的生活方式的确可以解决环境问题,我们也不该否认科技可以被用来助推这个过程。e.g.2:In spite of the fact that such pessimistic feelings could be unders

11、tood, let this not be the excuse to surrender our responsibilities.尽管这种悲观想法可以理解,但不要让这成为我们逃避责任的借口。9. 论断AB是牵强的经典表达I found it far fetched to say that . 我觉得的说法有些牵强。(句式表达却不含糊)I agree students can learn a lot from teachers in classroom. Nevertheless, I found it far fetched to say this is simply the best s

12、ource of education.我同意这点:学生能够在课堂上从老师那里学到很多东西。然而简单的说这是最好的教育途径有些牵强。10. 最后,做个结论吧。免费送你们一个万用倒装句套句。All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席嘛。(1)In conclusion, only through doing can sb./sth. do . Only through integrating the two perspectives can students receive high quality.只有整合这两种观点,学生才能够受到高质量的教育。

13、Only through combing the two can museums better serve their purpose in modern society.只有结合两者,博物馆才能在现代社会中更好地达到他们的目的。Only through doing so can we maximize teaching effectiveness for students.只有通过这么做,我们才能够使学生达到最佳的学习效果。Only through integrating the two sides can music bring us more pleasure rather than p

14、ressure.只有通过整合这两种观点,音乐才能给我们带来更多的乐趣而不是压力。(2)To sum up, only when can sth. be done . e.g.:Only when the ex-convicts can serve society again, can the purpose of imprisonment be truly served.只有当有前科的人能够再一次服务社会时,监禁的目的才能真正达到。Only when politicians as well as scientists can both serve their role well, can ou

15、r society as a whole benefit more.只有当政治家和科学家都能很好地履行自己的职责的时候,我们的社会作为一个整体才能获益更多。Only when all of us can reach us as far as we can to help others, can we have a better chance to save everyone from adversity.只有当所有人都尽力地帮助他人,我们才能够有更多的机会让每一个人都脱离逆境。Only when students can comprehensively appreciate the role

16、of higher education, can they obtain more benefits from it.只有当学生可以全面认识到高等教育所起的作用,他们才能够从中得到更多的益处。Only when students are equipped with both theoretical and practical competency can they convert their knowledge into application.只有当学生具备了理论和实践能力,他们才能将他们的知识转化成应用能力。(3) Only if , can we .(条件状语从句)Only if all

17、 the three parties can well work together, can we beat pollution on all levels.只有当这三方可以很好地合作时,我们才能在各个层面战胜环境污染。Only if communities and schools can collaborate in this cause, can we stop youth crime before it starts.只有社区和学校能够在这个目标上互相协作,我们才能够在青少年犯罪发生之前将其阻止。Only if all risk factors could be eliminated, can children grow up without harm.只有所有的风险被消除,儿童才能够不受伤害,才能健康成长。

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