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1、said, “Its acid rain (酸雨 ). It comes from chemicals in the air or pollution. Pollution comes from power plants and cars and trucks people drive. Pollution also_27_acid rain. S”o, e“ven though I dont want to, I help pollution _28_a long distance through the air! ”said Wendy Wind. “And whatever it is

2、in the air, it falls from the sky in my raindrops! c”ried Raphael Rain. If you can help us think of ways to _29 the problem we will deliver (递送) a message to others about how they can clean up our environment, one animal said. With the helpof the two_30_,the plants and animals made a listof ideas fo

3、rsaving Lucy Lake and themselves.( ) 21. A. healthy B. surprisingC.successful(D. proud) 22. A. carry outB. put ondraw upD. talk about) 23. A. difficultiesB. inventionsC. answersD. skills) 24. A. appearedB. rancriedD. shouted) 25. A. braveB. cruelweakD. excellent) 26. A. neitherB. eitherbothD. all) 2

4、7. A. directsB. causesC. providesD. influences) 28. A. travelB. spendadoptD. feast) 29. A. look upB. deal withpay forD. write down) 30. A. frogsB. hikersfriendsD. plantsIII. 阅读理解 ( 35 分)i. 阅读下列短文 , 从下面每小题的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选佳选项。(共 2 小题,每小题 1 分)AOne day, a father of a very rich family took his son on a t

5、rip to the countryside with the purpose of showing his son how poor people live.They spe nt a couple of days and ni ghts on the farm. It was con sidered认 为) a very poor family.On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, How was the trip?“It was great, Dad. ”“Did you see how the poor p

6、eople live? the fath”er asked.Oh yeah, said the son.So, tell me, what have you learned from the trip? asked the father.The son answered, I saw that we have one dog and they have four.We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden, and they have a river that has no end. We have lanterns made

7、 in foreign countries in our garde n, and they have stars at ni ght. Our patio露 台)reaches to the front yard, and they have the whole horizon (地平线 ). We have a small piece of land to live on, and they have fields that go beyond our sight.We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy ou

8、r food, but they grow theirs. We have walls to protect us, while they have friends to protect them.After hearing that, the boys father was too shocked to say any words.Then his son added, Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are. ”( ) 31. In order to , the father took his son to thecountryside.A.

9、 enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside.B. teach his son how to help poor peopleC. show his son how poor people live in the countrysideD. help his son to get a new idea of the countryside( ) 32. After seeing the peoples life on the farm, the son thought .A. he should be satisfied with his ri

10、ch lifeB. the people on the farm had a poor lifeC. his family had a poor lifeD. he should work harder to change their life( ) 33. After hearing his sons answer, the father felt .A. happyB. surprisedC. sadD. angry()34. Which of the follow ing is TRUE?A. The poor family have fewer dogs than the rich f

11、amily.B. The poor family have more beautiful la nter ns.C. The poor family have serva nts to serve them.D. The poor family have friends to protect them.()35. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The real rich are those who are rich at heart.B. The rich and the poor should help each other.C. The peo

12、ple in the coun tryside have a hard life.D. The rich and the poor are not different from each other.BWe find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and lions, live in a big forest and they are called wild animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are kept by huma n bein

13、gs and they are called domestic animals. These animals are very different from one ano ther, but we can divide them into two big groups. Some eat other animals and the others eat grass and leaves. Animals like tigers belong to the first group. These ani mals are of great use to huma n bein gs. Peopl

14、e used to hunt wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are even more important to human beings. Without them, life will be difficult.People make use of an imals in many ways. They provide huma n beings with food. Every year they give 80% of the meat to people. We also get milk from cow

15、s. Skin of some animals can be made into expensive overcoats and shoes. They are warm and comfortable. Wool that comes from some certain animals is now one of the most important materials for the textile (纺织) industry.In fact, we shouldnt forget that some domestic animals are kept for transport (运输

16、). Many people still ride horses. Arabs ride on camels that can travel in deserts for days without drinking. In some places animals are still used for ploughing (耕种 ) fields. It is clear that human beings just cant live without these animals.( ) 36. Which of the following can we call wild animals?A.

17、 The animals living at home.B. The animals living in the zoo.C. The animals living in the forest.D. The animals living in the park.( ) 37. What does the underlined part domestic animals mean?A. The animals kept by people.B. The animals that eat meat.C. The animals that eat grass.D. The animals that

18、eat leaves.( ) 38. Why did human beings hunt wild animals?A. Because they were hungry.B. Because they n eeded their fur and meat.C. Because wild ani mals were very importa nt.D. Because wild ani mals attacked huma n bein gs.()39. Which of the following is NOT true?A. We ofte n divide ani mals into t

19、wo big groups.B. We get milk from cows.C. Some domestic ani mals are kept for tra nsport.D. Animals arent used for ploughing fields now.()40. The writer wrote the passage to .A. tell us the importa nee of an imalsB. compla in huma n beings cruel behaviourC. to show the differe nces of ani malsD. sho

20、w us how to protect an imalsCUn like huma n bein gs, li ons have only one way to live. They must hunt to stay alive. If a lion stops hunting, it will die. Lions are members of a group called Big Cats. The group in cludes other big predators. But in the group, the only predators that are larger than

21、lions are Siberian tigers. Of course, Siberian tigers and lions never meet each other because they live in differe nt parts of the world, so lio ns are the biggest and most fierce predators in the place where they live.Lions have big eyes, and can sometimes see the prey that is miles away. Like othe

22、r cats, they can see very well in the dark and this helps them hunt at night. (Many lions do most of their hunting at night.) The ears of a lion also help find the prey. A lion can sometimes hear animals that are more than a mile away.Lions can run fast for short distances to catch the prey. But man

23、y times, they prefer to sneak 偷( 偷地走 ) up on the animals they are hunting. Very slowly, a lion sneaks as close as it can get without being seen. Then, when the prey is looking the other way, the lion leaps ( 跳跃 )! In fact, a lion can jump as far as 35 feet in one leap.( ) 41. Which is the largest ca

24、t in the Big Cats family?A. Cats.B. Siberian tigers.C. Lions.D. Elephants.( ) 42. What does the underlined word predatorsA. The animals that kill and eat other animals.B. The animals that are smaller than other animals.C. The animals that like to play with other animals.D. The animals that are bigge

25、r than other animals. ( ) 43. Many lions do most of their hunting .A. in the daytimeB. in the windC. in the sunny dayD. at ni ght()44. Which activity do lions prefer to do while they are hunting accord ing to the passage?A. Hunt together.B. Run fast for short dista nces.C. Protect and feed all of th

26、e small lions.D. Sn eak up on the ani mals they are hunting.( )45. In which book will you most likely find this passage?A. Funny Stories.B. Huma n Beings and Ani mals.C. Your Cat and Y ou.D. Wild Animals.DMr Blacks Special Lecture for Stude ntsTopic: How can we help to protect the en vir onment?Time

27、: 8:00 am 9:30 am, tomorrowPlace: In the school hallThe importa nt thing: Be on timeContent:Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear about the problems of the en vir onment polluti on, acid rain, climate cha nge, the destructi on (破坏)of rain forests, and more and more an imals and

28、pla nts are disappeari ng.Nowadays, most of us know that humans have caused a lot of these problems. We are very worried about the future of our Earth. We must find ways to solve these problems or the Earth will no Ion ger support huma n life.Each of us, at whatever age, can do something to protect

29、the environment. We are all responsible (有责任的)for the environment. What can we do? Come and liste n to Mr Blacks lecture tomorrow.The Stude nts UnionDecember 22()46. How many problems of the environment are mentioned in the passage?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.()47. When will the lecture begin?A. On December 21.B. On Dece

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