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整理译林英语6A U5考点精练Word下载.docx

1、 / B.the;a C.a; the D.the;4.-Its reported that nearly 150,000 people lost their lives in Asian tsunamis(海啸). -Yes, _ news came as _ shock to me. 仿06NMET(I)-24 a B.the; the C.a; a D.a;5.-How many people are still leading _ life under _ poverty line in the world?- Perhaps one fourth. 仿2004NMET(IV)-35

2、不填 B.a; a D. 不填; 不填 -代词6.-It is said that Jack is very rich and goes to work in his own new car every day. What is he?- _, I am not sure.A.Somebody of a manager B.Something of a managerC.Anyone of a manager D.Anything of a manager 仿04辽宁卷-24 / 04NMET-35/ 04江苏卷-21 / 04浙江卷-33 / 04福建卷-22 / 04重庆卷-31 / 04

3、广东卷-27 /04湖南卷-217.As they are retired, Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a house in the country to spend their late years to _ in a large city. 仿NMET(III) D.that 8.-Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert? 仿04四川卷-32-Yes. But I dont like _ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the foo

4、d I dont like.A.this B.that C.those D.it9.-Excuse me, wheres the tea-room ?-Its right over there. Can I help you with_? 仿04湖南卷-21- No, thanks.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 10.-Can you come on Monday or Tuesday ? 仿04北京卷-21 - Im afraid _ day is possible.A.either B.some C.neither D.any

5、11.-Whats the difference between the first house and the second ? 仿04浙江卷-33 -The first house has a garage while the second has one B.nothing C.neither D.none 形容词、副词极其级别12The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying_here. 仿04广西卷 much three times

6、B.much as three timesC.twice times much D.three times as much 13-We are leaving on June 15. 仿04江苏卷-32-So why not come to spend _ days with us? Im serious.A.all these last few B.these all last fewC.these last few all D.all last these few 14.She looks more beautiful when she wears her_ skirt. 仿06江苏卷-3

7、 tight new silk tight green new tight green D.tight silk green new 15.Its too late to go out now. _ , its starting to rain. 仿06NMET(I)-35A.Meanwhile B.However C.Besides D.Anyhow 16.This pair of shoes doesnt look good, but that pair is _ better, I think.仿2004湖南卷-27A.rather B.

8、less C.even D.hardly -动词短语积及动词词义及辨析17Shopping online can_both convernience and choice, but not _ websites aresafe enoung for shopping.仿04湖南卷-34A.charge;either; any C.offer; all D.provide; both 18-When shall we start?-Lets _ the time for the trip. What about 8:30? Is that all right? 仿2002北京卷

9、25A.set C.make D.take 19.- Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday ? -Thank you. Id love to, _ Ill have to finish all my homework before the weekend, otherwise, my parents wont let me go. 仿2002北京卷27A.because B.and D.but 20.Now Robert, a football fan in our class, _ ro

10、me of his daily allowance given by his parents in order to buy a new football. 仿04重庆卷 giving away throwing putting away taking away21John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _ all his trousers to his measure.A.let out B.give away C.bring in D.make up 仿

11、07湖南卷-3022-Those shoes wont_for mountain-climbing.-_this pair be OK?;Shall; May;Will D.get;Would 仿04湖北卷3623Bill , often regarded as one of the best students in his class , _ to be student who cheated in the exam. 仿04浙江卷-25A.came out B.let out C.sent out D.turned out 24.I hadnt inte

12、nded to get much from the business I ran the first year, while it _ so well. 仿04浙江卷-25A.went out B.carried out C.made out D.turned out 25.He took pity on the people in the flooded-areas and _ his clothes and quilts to them. 仿03北京卷23、NMET-2001-26A.gave away B.gave out C.sent out D.threw away 26.He mi

13、ght have_ his idea about the art at the exhibition much better if he had planned what he wanted to say. 仿2002北京春招-33 A.carried out B.worked out C.thought out D.made out -时态和语态27.-Remember the first time we_ , Ed ? 仿04四川卷-25 -Of course, I do. You _ a song on the stage.A.have met;sangB.met;sangC.met;w

14、ere singingD.have met;have sung 28.-Im sorry, but theres no smoking room in this section on the train. -Oh, I _ that, and I wont smoke again.A.dont know B.wont know C.didnt know D.havent known 29.Hi, Bill. I _ you _ in this city. How long have been here? 仿04福建卷-21A.didnt know; were B.dont kow; are C

15、.havent known; are D.don were 30.-Sorry, Mum. Ive lost my pen again.-I_ it ! You never remember to put your things away after using them. A.knew B.know C.have known D.will know仿04NMET-22 / 04辽宁卷-28 / 04重庆卷-23 / 04浙江卷-23 / 04江苏卷-34 / 04福建卷-21 / 04湖南卷-3131.-Has Tom finished his job yet? -I have no ide

16、a of it; he _ it this morning.A.has been doing B.had been doing C.did D.was doing 32I should very much like to have gone to the party, but_. 仿04湖北卷-33A.Im not invited B.I wont be among the invitedC.they wont invite me D.they didnt invite me 33He has much money at the beginning of every month, but by

17、 the end of it he_ have little left.A.can B.will C.must D.should 仿04NMET(I)-2234.Sally_ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it. 仿04NMET(II)-25A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.had written 35.-Has Tom finished his composition yet? -I have no idea, he _ it this mo

18、rning. 仿05福建卷-21A.would write B.has written C.wrote D.was writing 36.-Why were you not at the concert last night ? -Oh.I _ for a friend from Europe at the airport. 仿04福建卷-21A.watched B.have been watching C.was watching D.had watched 37.Many new workers _ trained and in two months they will _ to buil

19、d a new railway.A.are; be sending B.are being; be sent 仿04北京卷-22C.are; send D.will be; be to send 38.I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I succeeded _. 仿04NMET(IV)-32A.first all all all D.after all 39.- What were you up to when she dropped in ? 仿04天津卷-28 -I _ for a while and _ some

20、 reading.A.had played; did B.played; didC.had played; was going to do D.was playing; was going to do 40.- Have you telephoned your father ? 仿05NMET(II)-34 - Yes. He _ back next year.A.expects expected C.will expects D.will be expected 41.-_ you _the chief editor at the airport? 仿04浙江卷-23 -No. H

21、e_away before my arrival.A.Had; met ; was driven B.Have; met; has drivenC.Have ; was driven D.Did; meet; had been driven 42.He simply repeated this years work. Hes the sort of boy who _ to anyone whatever failures hea had in whatever he does. 仿2003上海-32A.doesnt mention B.hadnt mentionedC.didnt menti

22、on D.hasnt mentioned 43.-May I speak to your manager Mr.Willians at five oclock tonight? 仿04北京卷-27-Im sorry, Mr.Williams _ to a conference before then.A.will have gone B.had gone C.would have gone D.has gone 44.The teaching building of our school_ for many times. 仿04上海卷-29A.has been added to B.has a

23、dded to C.has been added up to D.has added up to -定语从句45.We saw a film yesterday afternoon , _we had supper in a nearby restaurant.A.when B.which C.before it D.after which 仿NMET I-23/III-28/湖北卷-2546There comes a time in every mans life_. 仿04湖北卷-23A.that he needs to think B.when he has to thinkC.ther

24、efore he has to work hard D.then he will need it 47Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded_ other more well-informed experiments failed.A.which B.that C.what D.where 仿07湖南卷-2348On the third floor there are two rooms, _ is used as a of

25、 them B.the larger of which C.and a larger of of them D.the largest one of which 仿04湖北卷-2549- Are you familiar with the music ?- Yes. There was a time _ this kind of music was quite popular. 仿04湖北卷-23A.when B.that C.with which D.about which 50.He has got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is li

26、kely to lose control over the plane.A.where B.which C.while D.why 仿04湖南卷-2351The passenger was very impolite to the conductor, _ , of course , made things even worse.A.who B.whom C.which D.what 仿07天津卷-23 52._ was known to all , Willian had broken his promise _ he would give us a rise.A.As; which B.As; that C.It; that D.It ; which -状语从句及连词53John k

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