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外研版英语九下Module 1《Travel》模块测试题Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、B. This afternoon C. Tomorrow( ) 7. How will the man go there?A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By car.第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。( ) 8. What time does the flight from Beijing to Qingdao take off? A. 7:00. B. 7:30. C. 8:30. ( ) 9. What day is it today?A. Its Monday.B. Its Wedne

2、sday.C. Its Saturday.听第9段材料,回答10-13小题。( ) 10. Whats the guide doing?A. He is talking to the tourists.B. He is helping some friends.C. He is having a class.( ) 11. Wherere the tourists? A. They are in the London Museum.B. They are on the way to London.C. They are on River Thames.( ) 12. Whats the pop

3、ulation of London? A. About 17 million.B. About 7 billion. C. About 7 million ( ) 13. What kind of city is London in the guides eyes? A. Small but interesting.B. Busy and uninteresting.C. Big and beautiful. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 14. Tom, Ill invite you to have _ lunch after playing _ violin.Thank you

4、.A. a; the B. the; the C. /; the( ) 15. After PE, I often feel very thirsty. Why not buy some _ to drink?A. bread B. noodles C. apple juice( ) 16. Were you sick after six hours journey on the coach?Of course. I quickly as soon as it stopped.A. got off B. got up C. got on ( ) 17. Hurry up. Its almost

5、 time for school.Dont worry. We are sure to be at school _.A. at times B. on time C. all the time( ) 18. If you prefer the red evening dress, youll have to pay _ 30 dollars, because its made of silk. Ok. Here you are. A. other B. the other C. another( ) 19. _ have you lived in Suqian, Jane?For about

6、 16 years.A. How long B. How manyC. How much( ) 20. Its too hot today.Yes. Why dont you _ your jacket?A. put on B. put up C. take off( ) 21. It is said that _ of the water all over the world _ polluted.A. two three; is B. two thirds; isC. two thirds; are( ) 22. Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as

7、 soon as possible.A. meets B. meet C. meeting( ) 23. My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. Really? _.A. I dont think soB. Have a good time C. Thats very strange .完形填空:I will never forget that unusual day! I kept hearing a strange noise while I was driving 24 a mountain in my car, s

8、o I stopped on the dirty road to check. There 25 a little green head watching at me in my backpack.“What are you doing there, little frog?” I said to myself. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the 26 of the frog. “Madam, I love to travel so muchthat I just cant

9、control 27 when I see a backpack.”I just looked at him with my mouth open and didnt know 28 to say. “Oh, dear Madam,” continued the frog, “I am Mongy. Nice to meet you!”“Nice to meet you, too! You can 29 me Christa. How is it possible that I can hear you, Mongy?“You wanted to get to know 30 and the

10、living things in the world, and you started paying attention to nature. Most people 31 pay attention to nature, so they only listen when they are young. But you heard the voices of nature calling you. You went even further than that and you tried 32 along well with nature. Thats why you can hear me

11、now.”It was at this moment that my life changed and I 33 knew what my destiny (命运) would be from that day on.( ) 24. A. over B. at C. along( ) 25. A. is B. are C. was( ) 26. A. noise B. sound C. voice( ) 27. A. itself B. myself C. himself( ) 28. A. what B. when C. how( ) 29. A. call B. say C. speak(

12、 ) 30. A. weather B. changes C. nature( ) 31. A. usually B. never C. always( ) 32. A. get B. got C. to get( ) 33. A. sudden B. suddenly C. easy.阅读理解:(每小题2分,共20分)A(黑龙江牡丹江中考)A man is traveling in the desert (沙漠) and loses his way.He has no water to drink and thinks he will die. After walking for two d

13、ays, he finds an old wooden house. He enters the house and finds a water pump(抽水机). He is very excited and goes to pump some water, but no water comes out.He loses heart and sits on the ground. At that time, he sees a bottle near the water pump. It is full of water and there is a note on the bottle.

14、 It says, “You must put the water in the bottle into the water pump to get water out of it. Dont forget to fill this bottle when you leave.”He looks at the bottle of water, and cant decide what to do. If he drinks the water, he may be able to survive in the desert for a while. But if he puts the wat

15、er into the water pump, he may get enough water to help him get out of the desert or get nothing. Finally he puts the whole bottle of water into the water pump. He again tries to pump water out, and this time plenty of water comes out. He drinks as much as he can, and fills the bottle with water aga

16、in.A few days later, he walks out of the desert.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 34. The man finds in the wooden house.A. a water pump B. a letter C. an empty bottle( ) 35. He feels very after he pumps water for the first time.A. excited B. scared C. disappointed( ) 36. He _ after thinking again and again. A. does

17、nt do anythingB. drinks the water in the bottleC. pours the water into the pump ( ) 37. The underlined word “survive” means in the passage.A. keep pumping waterB. continue to live C. keep thirsty( ) 38. We should have _ when we work on something according to the passage.A. good suggestionsB. great a

18、imsC. right waysB(山东烟台中考)Paris, FranceNew changes have taken place in Pairs in recent years. Paris used to be among Europes busiest cities. Traffic jams could be seen all the time. But now there is a new 2.5-kilometre-long car-free area inside the city. The Louver(卢浮宫) attracts world tourists. Peopl

19、e visit there not just for the art works, but also enjoy the roof of the building which is like a flying carpet. The words most beautiful city is now even more beautiful.Lijiang River National Park, ChinaLijiang River is in Guilin. It is well-known for its clear water, limestone caves(石灰岩洞) and gree

20、n hills. The hills have beautiful names depending on different shapes, such as “Elephant Trunk”. These attract many Chinese poets and artists. The best way to enjoy Lijiang River is to take an 83km boat trip from Guilin to Yangshuo in summer.Zurich, Switzerland What do you think Zurich is famous for

21、? Great banks? Yes. People can find many Swiss banks and foreign banks here. But the city is of great interest to many people for another reason. Zurich hosts Europes largest street party each year. Its Street Parade has overtaken Londons Notting Hill Carnival. Whats hot in the city in 2014? In Augu

22、st, Zurich will host the European Athletics Championships. This gives tourists a chance to see the worlds top athletes making new records. Adelaide, Australia Many people may know Sydney or Melbourne. They are big cities in Australia. But Adelaide wins peoples hearts with great festivals and tasty f

23、ood. Adelaide Fringe Festival is the largest art festival in Australia. Every February and March, people celebrate with outdoor art works, dance performances and live music, Adelaide has many kinds of foreign foods. British fish and chips, Italian pizza and German pork can be found in most restauran

24、ts. ( ) 39. Tourists enjoy the art works as well as _ of the Louvre.A. the busy streetB. the shape of its roofC. the car-free area( ) 40. Many Chinese poets and artists are attracted by _ in Guilin.A. the green hills and limestone cavesB. warm weatherC. the highway to Yangshuo ( ) 41. Compared with

25、Londons Notting Hill Carnival, the Street Parade in Zurich is _.A. even worseB. exactly the sameC. much better( ) 42. When and where will the 2014 European Athletics Championships be held?A. In August, Paris. B. In February, Europe,C. In August, Zurich.( ) 43. Betty is studying art at college. Shes

26、traveling to some place to enjoy art works and taste foreign foods. She could go to _.A. AdelaideB. Lijiang River National ParkC. Zurich and Paris.口语运用:(每小题1分,共5分)(呼和浩特中考)W: Hello, Han Lin.H: Hello, Xiao Hua. (44) Im reading about todays newspaper. It says every week students in primary schools have

27、 a day without homework. (45) I think its great. (46) Thats impossible. But after the big exam, well also have a long summer vacation and neednt do any homework. Im looking forward to it. Have you made any plans for it? (47) Im going traveling. But I havent decided where to go. (48) Good idea. I als

28、o hear Taiwan is a nice place. Ill think about it. Thank you for your advice. Its a pleasure.A. Why not go to Taiwan?B. We can have more time to enjoy ourselves.C. I wish I were still in primary school.D. How do you feel about it?E. What are you up to?F. Yes, of course.第II卷(共42).单词拼写。(每空1分,共15分)A. 根

29、据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。1. Your bookcase is (完全) the same as mine.2. The hot day made her feel very sleepy and (糊涂的).3. A good shirt is no less expensive than a (夹克).4. An (军官) must know how to take care of his men.5. It follows that if you work hard, you will (成功).6. Mr. Li is on the CAAC (航班) from Beijing to London. 7. You can fly (直接地) to Amsterdam from Liverpool.B. 短文填空。Several days ago, a shocking news broke

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