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必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic games被动语态1.docx

1、必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic games被动语态1年 级高一学 科英语版 本人教实验版内容标题必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic games 被动语态编稿老师林静【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:被动语态The passive voice (1)二、知识精讲(1)语态分类英语动词有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。They will build a new bridge over the river. (主动) A new bridge will be built over the river. (被动) (二)

2、被动语态的构成由助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词构成。而在汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词来表示被动。 (三)被动语态常见的几种时态1. 一般现在时:am / is / are +done 例:Rice is grown in the south of our country. 我国南方种植大米。We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without the teachers permission. 没有老师的允许我们不允许进入化学实验室。2. 一般过去时:was / were +done 例:His lessons were

3、not easily forgotten.他的课不容易被忘记。A tall building was put up in my hometown last year.去年(在)我的家乡建了一座高楼。3. 一般将来时: shall/ will be+ done 例:Plenty of jobs will be given to college graduates.将给大学毕业生提供大量的工作。Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.如果工厂倒闭的话,将失去许多工作岗位。4. 过去将来时:would +be+ done 例:The p

4、roject would be completed by the end of the year. 这项工程将于年底完工。The workers told me that the car would be mended as soon as possible.工人们告诉我将尽快把汽车修好。5. 现在进行时:am / is / are + being +done例:English lessons are being broadcasted on the radio. 收音机上正播放英语课程。The car is being repaired in the garage.汽车正在修理厂进行修理。6

5、. 过去进行时:was / were + being + done例:Roads were being mended here this time last year. 去年这个时候这儿正在修路。A meeting was being held when I arrived there. 我到那的时候正在开会。7. 现在完成时:has /have been done例:I have been told the sports meet might be put off. 我被告知运动会有可能要推迟 。All the preparations for the task have been comp

6、leted, and were ready to start.这项任务的所有准备工作已经完成,我们要准备开始了。8. 过去完成时:had been done例:When I got to the theatre, I found the tickets had already been sold out. 当我到达电影院时,我发现所有的电影票已经卖完了。By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing.到去年年底,又一座新体育馆在北京落成。9. 含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be+ d

7、one 例:Your compositions must be handed in after class. 你们的作文下课以后必须上交。The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter.保姆应当好好地照顾婴儿。即学即用: (1)Have you moved into the new house?Not yet, the rooms _. A. are being painted B. are paintingC. are painted D. are being painting(2)Can such a thing _ hap

8、pening again?A. prevent from B. prevented from C. be prevented from D. to prevent from(3)A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives(4)It was reported that the murderer _ arrested.A. has been B. had been C. has D. had(5)Great chan

9、ges _ in China since the Peoples Republic of China _ in 1949.A. have taken place; was founded B. has taken place; was foundedC. have been taken place; founded D. took place; founded(6)If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at dinner Aare not kept;will have to Bare not kept;

10、have to Cdo not keep;will have to Ddo not keep;have to答案:A C C B A A (四)被动语态的使用1. 当不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时,常用被动语态,这时往往不用by 短语。 例:My bike was stolen last night.昨晚我的自行车被偷了。2. 突出或强调动作的承受者,如果需要说出动作的执行者,用by 短语。 例:I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should accept the offer.给我十分钟的时间来决定我是否接受这一提议。3. 为了更好地安

11、排句子。例:The well-known person got on the bus and was immediately recognized by people.这个名人一上公共汽车,立刻就被人们认了出来。(五)主动语态变被动语态的方法例:My aunt invited me to her dinner party. I was invited (by my aunt ) to her dinner party. The school set up a special class to help poor readers. A special class to help poor rea

12、ders was set up in the school. 归纳:1. 把主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语。 2. 把主动语态的谓语变成被动语态的be + 过去分词,时态要与原句保持一致。 3. 把主动语态的主语变为介词by 的宾语, by 短语可以省略。如果原句的主语是地点名词,在被动语态中用in + 地点名词作状语。 (六)语态转换时需要注意的问题1. 把主动语态变为被动语态时,其谓语动词的时态要与原句的时态保持一致,其谓语动词的数要与新主语保持一致。 例:We have bought a new computer. A new computer has been bought. 2.

13、含有双宾语的主动句变被动句时,可分别将其中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动。如果把直接宾语(指物)改为主语,则在间接宾语(指人)前加适当的介词。例:My uncle gave me a present on my birthday. I was given a present on my birthday by my uncle . A present was given to me yesterday by my uncle. He asked me a question. A question was asked of me. Mother made me a new skirt. A ne

14、w skirt was made for me. 即学即用:A story _ by Granny yesterday. A. was told us B. was told to us C. is told us D. told us答案:B 3. 当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不动。例:Someone caught the boy smoking a cigarette. The boy was caught smoking a cigarette.We always keep the classroom clean. The classr

15、oom is always kept clean.注意:(1)在使役动词have, make, get以及感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后的不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to。例:We often hear him play the guitar. He is often heard to play the guitar. Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. A stranger was seen to walk into the bui

16、lding.(2)带有复合宾语的句子,如果宾语补足语是名词,变被动句时,应将宾语变为主语,不要误把宾语补足语的名词作主语。例:Tomatoes were first taken back to Europe and people called them love apples. Tomatoes were first taken back to Europe and they were called love apples. 即学即用:The monkey was seen _ off the tree. A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump答案:D 4.

17、 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组,如“动词介词”,“动词副词”等,也可以用于被动结构,但要把它们看作一个整体,不能分开。其中的介词或副词也不能省略。例:The patient is being operated on. The problem is solved. It neednt be talked about. His request was turned down. The sports meet will be put off because of the bad weather. 即学即用:(1)Older people _ well. A. looks after B. must

18、be looked after C. must look after D. looked after(2)Our teacher _ carefully.A. should be listened to B. should be listened C. be listened D. is listened(3)Why does Mary look so unhappy? She has _ by her classmates.A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at答案:B A D 5. 由动词+ 名词+ 介词构成的

19、动词词组,变被动语态有两种形式。类似结构的短语动词常见的有:catch sight of, make use of, pay attention to, set fire to, take care of, take advantage of, take notice of, keep an eye on 等。 例:1)We take good care of the books. The books are taken good care of. Good care is taken of the books. 2)You must pay attention to your pronunc

20、iation. Attention must be paid to your pronunciation. Your pronunciation must be paid attention to. 即学即用:I promise that matter will _.A. be taken good care B. be taken good care of C. take good care D. take good care of 答案:B 6. 当主动句的主语是nobody, no one等含有否定意义的不定代词时,在被动句中将其变为anybody, 作by的宾语,并将谓语动词变为否定的

21、被动语态。例:Nobody can answer this question. The question can not be answered by anybody. 7. 当否定句中的宾语是anything, anybody, anyone等不定代词时,在被动句中应将其分别变为nothing, nobody, no one作主语,并将谓语动词变为肯定的被动语态。例:They havent done anything to make the river clean. Nothing has been done to make the river clean. Unit 3 Computers

22、预习导学一、重点单词calculate vt. 计算universal adj. 普遍的; 通用的; 宇宙的simplify vt 简化sum n. 总数; 算术题; 金额operator n. 操作员; 接线员logical adj. 合逻辑的; 合情理的logically adv. 逻辑上; 合逻辑地; 有条理地technology n. 工艺; 科技; 技术technological adj. 科技的revolution n. 革命artificial adj. 人造的; 假的intelligence n. 智力;聪明;智能intelligent adj. 智能的; 聪明的solve v

23、t. 解决; 解答reality n. 真实; 事实; 现实personal adj. 私人的; 个人的; 亲自的personally adv. 就个人而言; 亲自地total adj. 总的; 整个的 n.总数; 合计totally adv. 完全地; 整个地application n.应用; 用途; 申请finance n. 金融; 财经mobile adj. 可移动的; 机动的explore vt.& vi 探索; 探测; 探究anyhow adv. 无论如何; 即使如此goal n.目标; 目的; 球门;(进球)得分happiness n. 幸福; 快乐download vt. 下载v

24、irus n. 病毒signal vi.&vt. 发信号 n. 信号type n. 类型 vt&vi 打字coach n. 教练arise vi. 出现; 发生electronic adj. 电子的appearance n. 外观; 外貌; 出现character n. 性格; 特点二、重点短语in common 共同; 公用go by (时间等)过去as a result 结果; 因此in a way 在某种程度上make up 编造;编制after all 毕竟; 终究deal with 处理; 安排; 对付watch over 看守; 监视三、重难点句型:1. By the 1940s.

25、 I had grown as large as a room, and I wondered if I could grow any larger.I wonder if 句型2. As the years went by, I was made smaller. as 连词,“随着”3. Over time my memory has developed so much that like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been 表示“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一. 单

26、项选择1. If you leave the club, you will not be _back in.A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved *2. Her talents _in comparison with others. A. stand by B. stand in C. stand out D. stand off *3. _was most important to her, she told me , was her family.A. It B. This C. What D. As *4. During the perio

27、d of recent terrorist activities, people _not to touch any unattended bag.A. had always been warned B. were always being warned C. are always warning D. always warned 5. In our school library magazines _out of the reading-room.A. are not allowed to take B. are not allowed taking C. are not allowed t

28、o be taken D. are not allowed to be taking 6. Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?I dont know ,_.A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also.7. Dont worry . I will help to _the guests when they arrive.A. hold B. host C. wait D. accept 8. I bought a dress fo

29、r only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real _.A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business9. Your suggestion deserves _. (Please choose the wrong answer). A. considering B. to be considered C. being considered D. consideration10. The way the guests _in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the serv

30、ice. A. treated B. were treated C. would treat D. would be treated 二. 完形填空One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. I was so 11 the story I was reading that I didnt 12 that it was getting dark. When I realized that it was too dark for me to read _13_, I put the book down and got up to turn on the light. Just then I heard someone 14 , “Help! Help!” It see

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