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1、 9、生命的意义在于全心全意的投入! The meaning of life lies in the heart and soul into! 10、学会感恩,敢于梦想,永不放弃! Institute of Thanksgiving, dare to dream, never give up! 11、忍耐是一种美德,也是最难做到的。 Patience is a virtue, is the hardest thing to do. 12、当你找到目标时,就应该好好生活。 When you find the target, we should have a good life. 13、万事互相效

2、力,一切最终会有好结果。 All things work together for all, eventually there will be a good result. 14、如果没有得到奇迹,就成为一个奇迹。 If you dont get the miracle, becomes a miracle. 15、向着错误的方向举步,只会让你远离梦想。 Life in the direction of the error, it will only let you stay away from the dream. 16、当你抱怨没有鞋子的时候,还有人没有脚。 When you compla

3、in that no shoes, there are those who have no feet. 17、如果别人没有给你奇迹,你就去成为奇迹。 If other people didnt give you a miracle, you could go to become a miracle. 18、勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的时候你还去坚持做! Courage is not afraid, but afraid you also to insist to do! 19、只有一次又一次的尝试,没有失败,没有失败者! Only try again and again, without fai

4、lure, not a loser! 20、你未必能创造奇迹。但可以让自己成为一个奇迹。 You may not create miracles. But can let oneself become a miracle. 21、服务他人的热情或许是上帝赐给我们最棒的礼物。 The enthusiasm of the service may be the gift which god has given us the best. 22、如果你无法解决自己的问题,就去解决别人的吧。 If you cant solve their own problems, to solve other peop

5、les. 23、我们每个人都是独特的。你本来的样子已经极美了。 Each of us is unique. You appearance is very beautiful. 24、请记住,悲伤是没有用的。请记住,行动带来回应。 Please keep in mind that sadness is useless. Please keep in mind that bring response action. 25、勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的时候你还能坚持去做。 Courage is not afraid, but afraid you can stick to it. 26、假如不接受自己

6、,不但会导致自我毁灭,还会被孤立。 If not to accept yourself, not only leads to destruction, can also be isolated. 27、你身边的朋友似乎可以决定你是谁因而你改变了自己! Friends around you seems can decide who you are and you change yourself! 28、最恶劣的残障,不是没有肢体,而是没有盼望的人生。 The most severe disability, not without limbs, but without a hope of life

7、. 29、最大的欺骗莫过于以为自己不够好,以为自己毫无价值。 The biggest fool than think oneself is not good enough, that their worthless. 30、单有四肢不会令你活得更丰盛。单靠外表不会令你完全。 Single have limbs will not make you live abundantly. By appearance alone will not make you completely. 31、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。 God has a plan in my life, giv

8、e hope to others through my story. 32、在掌控你不想要或突然发生的变化时,第一步就是保持。t want to be in control or sudden change occurs, the first step is to keep. 33、你可以选择因为缺乏,而恼怒上帝,或是因为拥有而感恩。 You can choose because of the lack of angry with god, or with gratitude. 34、你我真的无法掌控所发生的事,但我们可以控制自己如何回应。 You I really cant control

9、what had happened, but we can control how to respond to myself. 35、当你觉得自己毫无价值时,就等于限制了上帝在你身上的作为。 When you feel worthless, is to limit the god in you. 36、通常生命中的挑战会让自己明白真正应给成为一个什么样的人。 The challenge in life will usually allow yourself to understand truly should be to become a what kind of person. 37、即使是

10、我生命中最糟糕的事情,对于别人依然有着非凡的意义。 Even if is the worst thing in my life, for others still is of special significance. 38、生命中的挑战会让我们更明白自己真正应该成为一个什么样的人。 The challenge in life will make us to better understand their real should be what kind of person. 39、在上帝眼中,每个人都有价值,我们应该像祂爱我们一样爱自己。 In the eyes of god, everyo

11、ne has a value, we should love yourself like he loves us. 40、不要把注意力全部放在物质上,要看看生命的所有层面,向内观看。 Dont put all their attention on the material, want to look at all aspects of life, to watch. 41、我十分确定上帝不会制造错误,祂会创造奇迹。我是一个,你也是。m pretty sure god wont make mistakes, he will create miracles. I am a, you are. 42

12、、认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎话。认为自己没价值,这是最大的欺骗。 Think you is not good enough, this is the biggest lie. Think you have no value, this is the biggest cheat. 43、拥抱是一种疗伤的方式让对方知道你有多么爱他们不要怀疑话语的力量! Hugging is a way of healing to let each other know how much you love them, dont doubt the power of words! 44、如果你不停的纠结于你所没有的

13、或者不想要的,你就会忘记你真正拥有的。 If you constantly struggle with what you have not or dont want, you will forget what you really have. 45、要不要继续发挥所长的,努力追求人生的组最高的梦想和目的,完全取决与你。 Do you want to continue to play a director, strive for groups highest dream and goal in life, all depends on you. 46、我们的目标应该是不断努力成为更好的人,并借着

14、更远大的梦想扩张自己的界限。 Our goal should be to constantly strive to become a better person, and in the larger dreams expand their boundaries. 47、你不能放弃梦想,但是可以改变方向,因为你不知道在人生的拐角处会遇到什么。 You cant give up the dream, but can change direction, because you never know what will meet at the corner of the life. 48、当你感到孤独

15、,沮丧时,请提醒自己,上帝对你的爱是无条件的,他永远都爱你。 When you feel lonely and depressed, please remind yourself that gods love for you is unconditional, he will always love you. 49、如果你此刻觉得沮丧,那也ok,应因为沮丧感代表你想要一个比现状更丰富的人生。 If you feel depressed at the moment, it is ok, should be because of frustration on behalf of you want

16、a more abundant life than the status quo. 50、你或许也面对了许多考验但你要知道,无论你觉得自己有多软弱,上帝总是刚强的。 You may also face a lot of test but you should know that no matter how much you feel weak, god is always h2. 51、在我看来,生活中要遵循一些关键的原则,首要的一条就是要感恩,是时候感恩了! In my opinion, life should follow some key principles, the first on

17、e is to be grateful, its time for Thanksgiving! 52、就算失败了,我会一次又一次的尝试。因为决定放弃的那一刻,我才是真正的失败。 Even if fail, I will try again and again. Because I decided to give up of that a moment, is the true failure. 53、如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以。把你的心交给我吧!t go against me, I can give you what you want, what you want.

18、 Open youre heart to me! 54、请记住,上帝真的赐给你的生命一个重要的目的,请不受任何限制地活出你的人生吧! Remember, god really give you an important purpose of life, please not subject to any restrictions to live out your life! 55、伟大的励志作家说过:要成为可能主义者,你总是会看到可能性,因为它们一直都在。 Great inspirational writer said: to be possible, you will always see

19、the possibility, because theyve been. 56、我们全都一无所有却又充满希望地来到这个世界,妊娠路上有许多等着被打开的礼物。 We all have nothing but full of hope to come to this world, the gift of pregnancy the road there are many waiting to be opened. 57、当你怀疑自己能否实现人生的目标时,请相信那些愿意助你一臂之力,以及能够指引你的人。 When you doubt yourself can achieve the goal of

20、 life, please believe that those who are willing to help you, and to guide you. 58、或许我不能牵起我妻子的手,但是有那么一天,我会握住她的心,握住她的心是不需要手的。 Maybe I cant take my wifes hand, but one day, I will hold her heart, dont need hands to hold her heart. 59、如果手脚残缺的人都能过得这么开心这么快乐了,那你还有什么理由来觉得自己过得很糟糕呢。 If the hand and foot defo

21、rmity can so happy so happy, that you still have what reason to feel badly. 60、有时你会发现,让自己摆脱陈规旧习或困境最好的方法,就是为自己或他们创造更美好的生活。 Sometimes you will find, the best way to get rid of the same stereotypes or trouble, is to create a better life for themselves or their. 61、错的并不是我的身体,而是我对自己的人生设限,因而限制了我的视野,看不到生命的

22、种种可能。 Wrong is not my body, but I to oneself life limits, which limit my vision, cant see the possibilities of life. 62、如果一个没手没脚的家伙,也能在全世界最顶尖的海滩冲浪,那么,任何一件事对你都是可能的! If a guy no hands no feet, as well as the worlds top surf beach, so, anything is possible for you! 63、你不应该看着你所缺乏的过日子;相反地,你应该过一种“只要敢梦想,什么

23、都做得到”的人生。 You should not look at what you lack of living; On the contrary, you should be a kind of as long as you dare to dream, what all can do it of life. 64、不管你的相貌如何。不管你认为自己是个什么样的人。总有一天。总会有人愿意去相信你。去爱你。 No matter how you looks. Whether you think you are a what kind of person. One day. There is alw

24、ays someone willing to believe you. To love you. 65、如果你可以爱自己原来的模样,从内到外爱自己天生的美,人们就会被你吸引,然后也看见你的美。 If you can love your original appearance, from inside to outside love their natural beauty, people will be attracted to you, and then saw your beauty. 66、你永不放弃的心,比钻石更珍贵,没有无法达成的目标,没有遥不可及的梦想,来吧,活出自己的精彩。 Yo

25、u never give up heart, more precious than diamonds, not unable to reach a goal, no distant dream, come on, live out their own wonderful. 67、在悲伤的另一边,有一条不同的出路。会让你更坚强、更坚定,让你找到自己想要的人生。我会为你点出这条路。 On the other side of the sadness, there is a different way. Will make you more h2 and h2er, let you find the

26、life you want. Ill points out to you this way. 68、请把焦点放在你的梦想上,尽你所能去逐梦;你有改变环境的力量,所以就去追求你真心的渴望吧,无论那是什么。 Please focus on your dreams, do whatever you can to dream; Do you have the power to change the environment, so go and pursue your true desire, no matter what it is. 69、你现在的生活或许一团乱,不知道明天是否会更好,但我要告诉你,

27、只要拒绝放弃,就会有超乎想象的美好在前方等着你。 Life may be a mess, now you dont know whether tomorrow will be better, but I want to tell you, as long as you refused to give up, there will be a good beyond imagination in the front waiting for you. 70、我之所以快乐,是因为我真正了解,或许我不完美,但是我相信,我可以与人分享的东西很多,可以让别人的人生过得更好。 I was happy, bec

28、ause I really know, maybe Im not perfect, but I believe that I can share with people a lot of things, can let others have a better life. 71、你有权选择是去鼓励别人,还是推倒别人!你有权选择走近你的梦想,还是以短暂的事情代替!你有权选择放弃,还是继续前行! Do you have the right to choose is to encourage others, or knocking down others! You have the right to

29、 choose to your dreams, or in the short things instead of! You have the right to choose to give up, or to move on! 72、告诉自己再多撑一天、一个礼拜、一个月,再多撑一年吧,你会发现,拒绝退场的结果令人惊讶。只有拒绝再试一次的人才会被打败。 Tell yourself support much again one day, a week, a month, support much again a year, you will find that refused to exit t

30、he surprising result. Only people who refuse to try again will be defeated. 73、在今日的世界,即使大家都十分清楚,物质上的成就并不代表心灵上的满足,但我们仍须一再被提醒:圆满的人生与拥有财物没有关系。 In todays world, even if everyone is clear, material success does not mean spiritual satisfaction, but we still have to be repeatedly remind: a complete life has nothing to do with his wealth. 74、与其往内缩到自己的世界里,不如向外看看四周;与其带着受伤的心寻求同情,不如去找一个伤得更深、

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