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1、第二节:听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白后,你都有时间阅读各小题。每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料回答6-7 小题。6. Whats the dialogue about?A. Telephoning someone.B. Reading a book.C. Looking for something.7. Why does the man need the book?A. He wants to read it.B. He will return

2、 it to the woman.C. He needs it to do his homework.听第7段材料回答89 小题。8. Whats wrong with the girl?A. She hasnt had enough sleep and feels tired.B. She has a bad cold and feels sick.C. She is tired of her work.9. Why hasnt the girl done enough exercise?A. She has been too lazy.B. She has got too much hom

3、ework to do.C. She has so much work to do.听第8段材料回答10-12小题。10. Why doesnt Jack want to go to the play first?A. He hasnt heard about the play.B. He has already seen the play.C. He doesnt enjoy plays.11. What does Jack love to do?A. To go to the concert.B. To go to the cinema.C. To watch videos at home

4、.12. What does Jane like about the play?A. The actors, the acting and the language.B. The writer, the acting and the language.C. The actors, the scene and the acting.听第9段材料回答1316小题。13. What is the most difficult for Zhang Ming in learning English?A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Reading.14. Whats Helen

5、s suggestion for improving listening?A. Listen and speak.B. Listen and write.C. Practise listening.15. What programmes does Helen ask Zhang Ming to listen to?A. Radio Beijing.B. BBC English.C. Both A and B.16. What does Helen think Zhang Ming needs a pen friend for?A. Improving his spoken English.B.

6、 Improving his written English.C. Having a talk sometimes.听第10段材料回答17-20小题。17. Where does the strange noise come from?A. Pieces of paper on the window.B. A baby in the waste basket.C. A mouse under a piece of paper.18. When did the noise disturb the person?A. In the middle of her sleep.B. Just as sh

7、e turned off the light.C. After she washed and went to bed.19. What did she first do when she found the noise came from the waste paper basket?A. She kicked the basket.B. She closed the door.C. She turned on the light.20. What did she do after she put the basket outside the door?A. She opened the do

8、or.B. She went to bed again.C. She didnt go to bed until the next morning.II. 单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)21. The population of China is _ than that of America.A. larger five timesB. five times largerC. as five timesD. as five times larger22. She is _ at her boyfriend.A. disappointedB. disappointingC. disappoin

9、tD. to be disappointed23. -What do you think of the film?-I _ think its worth _ .A. dont; seeingB. don watching itC. do; not seeingD. do;24. My home is about _ our school.A. two miles away fromB. two mile fromC. two miles awayD. two miles far away from25. I was deeply impressed _ his speech.A. in B.

10、 with C. to D. for26. -Tom, why not come yesterday?-I _ , but I had a quite important meeting.A. had B. will C. did D. was going to27. All the students in our class made _ progress by studying harder this term.A. a B. great C. a great D. 不填28. When we asked him the question, he always wants to avoid

11、 _ it.A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. being answered29. The little girl _ go to the cinema rather than _ at home alone that night.A. prefered; stayB. prefers to; to stayC. prefered to;D. prefers to;30. The police _ the missing boy everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.A. were sear

12、ching forB. are searching forC. were searchingD. is searching for31. -Would you mind if I _ here?- _ . Its not allowed.A. smoke; Yes, pleaseB. smoked; Youd better notC. smoke; Thats all rightD. smoked; You are welcome32. Mr Smith likes traveling _ ; but his wife enjoy _ .A. by train; taking a taxiB.

13、 on train; by taxiC. by train;D. on train;33. Until midday, Marys letter _ reached me.A. being dated April 1B. dating April 1C. to date April 1D. dated April 134. We cant go any faster; weve already _ .A. with high speedB. in high speedC. at high speedD. of high speed35. _ in class can make your les

14、son lively and interesting.A. Making a funB. Making funsC. Making funD. To make a funIII. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)Nowdays36children go to school37 few of them have ever asked themselves38 they go there. Some children think that they go to school just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign l

15、angugaes, history, science,39 and a few other40 . But why do they learn these things? Are these the only things they should learn at school?Actually children go to school to41 themselves for the time when they will be grown up and will have to42 themselves.They learn their own language43 they will b

16、e able to44 with people in foreign countries, make friends with them and learn45 about their culture and history. They learn mathematics in order to be able to measure the things around them and calculate sums.46 helps them understand something about the world around them and history teaches them ab

17、out the past and people. Nearly everything they study at school has some use47 in their48 , but there is one more49 reason why children go to school.It is more important to receive education that just learning50 .We go to school51 to learn how to learn. Learning is not just for school but for life.

18、So even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn. A man who52 knows how to learn will always be53 because whenever he is faced with a completely new task or problem, he will teach himself how to deal with it in the best way.54 ,children do not go to school just to learn languages, mat

19、hematics, geography, etc. They go to school to55 how to learn.36. A. some B. most C. few D. all37. A. but B. so C. and D. because38. A. how B. when C. why D. that39. A. cooking B. sowing C. playing D. geography40. A. subjects B. skills C. languages D. games41. A. make B. prepare C. teach D. study42.

20、 A. teach B. support C. live D. work43. A. and B. in order to C. so as to D. so that44. A. communicate B. work C. talk D. study45. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing46. A. Foreign languages B. Mathematics C. History D. Geography47. A. practical B. special C. different D. importance48.

21、 A. work B. lives C. study D. communication49. A. difficult B. unusual C. important D. kind50. A. foreign languages B. science C. mathematics D. facts51. A. above all B. at all C. in all D. for all52. A. doesnt B. never C. really D. may53. A. unsuccessful B. calm C. successful D. useful54. A. Althou

22、gh B. But C. However D. Therefore55. A. begin B. work C. live D. learnIV. 阅读理解(每小题1.5分,共30分)(A)How many coins have you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two? One?With a phone card you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.1. What do you do with it?Go to telephone boxmarketphone card.

23、 Put in your card to start, make your call and when youve finished, a screen tells you how much is left on your card.It costs no extra for the cards, and the calls cost 10p per unit, the same as any other pay phone call.You can buy them in units of 10, 20, 40, 100 or 200.2. Now appearing in a shop n

24、ear you.Near each card phone place youll find a shop where you can buy one. Theyre at bus, train and city tube stations(地铁站).At many universities, hospitals and clubs, restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centers.At airports and seaports.3. No more broken pay phones.Most broken p

25、ay phones are like that because theyve been damaged. There are no coins in a card phone to excite thieves interest in it. So youre not probably to find a broken one.Get a phone card yourself and try it out. Or get a bigger wallet.56. The passage is most probably _ .A. a warningB. a noticeC. an adver

26、tisementD. an announcement57. There are three sections in the passage. Which one do you think is about why phone cards are good?A. section 1. B. section 2. C. section 3. D. section 1,2,3.58. Which statement of the following is right by inference(推测)?A. Using a phone card will cost you less money tha

27、n pay phone call.B. Phone cards are easier to carry.C. If a thief steals your phone card, he cant use it any more.D. When you finish your call, take out your card first and then you will see how many calls you can still make.(B)Beijing-Beijing is to spend up to US$20 billion to change the Chinese ca

28、pital into a 21st century one for the 2020 Olympics.The government managed to host the 2020 games. The general aim is for Beijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2020.Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent to pipe natural gas to the citys homes, taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60,000 buses will be changed to liquefied (液化的)gas.The money also will be used for relocating the polluting factories and building green belts. By 2020 around 90 percent of Beijings w

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