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1、最后一句谈到女性的各种各样的职位,-er词尾表示从事某种工作的人。这几句话都谈到女性的工作,应选C,“殖民时期女性的就业情况”。文中careers、worked、以及-er结尾的词与选项中的employment相对应。2、According to the passage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women?A、Puritan communities. B、Seaports. C、Frontier settlements. D、Capital cities. 【答案】C【解析】细节题,问:“根据文意,殖民时期北

2、美哪个地区的女性最少?”对应文章第一句:Throughout the colonial period there was a remarkable shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. “整个殖民时代的女性数量都十分短缺,这一问题在各地区的表现不同,在边远地区尤为突出。”应选C。settlements和文中areas对应,表示“地区,地带”。3、It can be inferred from the passage that the Puri

3、tans were _. A、uneducated B、hardworkingC、generousD、wealthy B【答案】B【解析】推断题,问:“从文中可以推测出,清教徒_。”对应第一段第三、四句话:The puritans regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdevelopment country made it necessary that each member of the community performed an economic function. Thus work for wome

4、n was not only approved but also was regarded as a civic duty. “清教徒认为懒惰是一种罪,生活在一个贫困的国家里,每个人都应该为经济发展尽一份力。因此,(他们)不仅仅支持女性工作,还认为这是一种公民责任。”可见,清教徒痛恨懒惰,崇尚勤劳自立。因此选B,“勤奋的”。A,“未受教育的”,C,“慷慨的”,D,“富有的”,都不符合文意。4、According to the passage, Puritans believed that an unmarried adult woman should be _. A、financially r

5、esponsible for herself B、returned to EnglandC、supported by her family D、trained to be a nurseA【答案】A【解析】细节题,问:“根据文意,清教徒认为,未婚成年妇女应当_。”对应第一段第五句话:Puritan town councils expected widows and independent women to be self-supporting. “清教徒市政委员会希望寡妇和单身女性能够自给自足。”应选A,“经济上能够自足”,finacially responsible for herself对

6、应文中的self-supporting。B,“回到英国”,C,“由家庭支持”,D,“经培训成为护士”,都不符合文意。5、According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women?A、They should adopt needy children. B、They should assist in their husbands trade or business.C、They should work only within their own homes.D、They should be apprentic

7、ed. 【答案】B【解析】细节题,问:“根据文意,清教徒希望已婚妇女怎样做?”对应第一段最后一句话:There was no social prohibition against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home. “对于已婚妇女,社会没有做出工作限制;正相反,社会希望妻子帮助丈夫打点生意,此外还大力支

8、持已婚女性从事家庭或社会的其他工作。”根据文意选B,“她们应当辅佐丈夫的生意”,assist与文中的help对应。Child labor, the employment of children in industry, often against their will, has been a problem for many years.Over a hundred years ago, Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers when he described the conditions under which young children

9、worked in British factories. The conditions Dickens described continue almost unchanged today in many parts of the world. The only difference is that today employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and particularly farms, rather than to

10、 large factories.Girls suffer more from child labor practices than boys. Many of them are forced to start work when they are only ten years old. Although the work they are given to do is often light, it is often harmful to their health. Recently, children as young as six years were found to be worki

11、ng in Asian factories, and the children were working from eight to fourteen hours a day in overcrowded and unhealthy working conditions. Sometimes a whole family group is employed, with the payment going to a parent or older relative. The children not only receive nothing or very little for their lo

12、ng hours of work, but also they are prevented from attending schools. Therefore, when they become older they are unable to do any other kind of work. The solution to the problem of child labour is clearly better laws to protect young children, greater supervision of industry and heavier fines for th

13、ose who break the laws. Only in this way can young boys and girls be allowed to enjoy the most valuable time of their lives-childhood.6、The conditions under which young children work _. A、have improved since a hundred years agoB、are even worse than those a hundred years ago C、are similar to those a

14、hundred years ago D、are exactly the same as those a hundred years ago【答案】C 【解析】细节题,问:“儿童的工作环境_。”对应第二段第二句:The conditions Dickens described continue almost unchanged today in many parts of the world.“狄更斯描述的这些环境,在当今世界上许多地方,几乎一成不变。”根据文意选C,“与一百年前相似”,similar to对应文中的almost unchanged。7、Girls work is _. A、no

15、t harmful to the health though it is heavy B、not harmful to the health because it is light C、harmful to the health though it is lightD、harmful to the health because it is heavy“女孩的工作_。”对应第三段第三句话:Although the work they are given to do is often light, it is often harmful to their health.“虽然给她们(女孩)的都是轻

16、活儿,但往往对健康有害。”应选C,“对健康有害,虽然是轻活儿。”选项中的两句话的前后顺序与文中相反,但表达的意思一样。8、Young children go to work _. A、because they are forced to B、in order to be skilful in a certain kind of workC、in order to earn money for educationD、in order to be paid well “孩子工作_。”应逐一分析四个选项来判断。A,“因为他们被迫如此”,对应文中第三段第二句话:Many of them are for

17、ced to start work when they are only ten years old. “很多孩子只有十岁时就被迫开始工作。”B,“为了熟练操作某工种”,文章没有谈到。C,“为了挣钱接受教育”,文中说,这些孩子往往因为工作错过了上学的年龄,耽误了上学受教育,该选项不符合文意。D,“为了挣大钱”,文中说,孩子们挣的钱往往都归大人所有,自己分文不得。只有A与文章对应,因此选A。9、To solve the problem of child labour, the writer suggests _. A、punishing lawbreakers with severer fine

18、s, improving childrens working conditions, and confining employment of children to light industriesB、improving laws of protecting childrens interests, looking over factories more closely, and punishing lawbreakers with severer finesC、improving laws of protecting childrens interests, giving them ligh

19、ter work, and raising their payment D、confining employment of children to small industries and family businesses, looking over factories more closely, and improving the system of education“为了解决童工这一问题,作者建议_。”原文最后一段第一句谈到的是如何解决这一问题:The solution to the problem of child labour is clearly better laws to p

20、rotect young children, greater supervision of industry and heavier fines for those who break the laws. “解决童工问题的方法是制定较完善的法律来保护幼儿,加强对工厂的监督力度,并对违法者给予更重的罚款。”应选B,其中的三个动名词宾语对应文中三个名词短语。10、What is the authors attitude toward child labor?A、indifferentB、disapproving C、supportive D、admiring【答案】B【解析】判断题,问作者对童工这

21、一问题的态度。童工问题是这篇文章的主题,这篇文章的结构是“提出问题-分析问题-解决问题”,由此可以看出,作者对这一问题持反对态度,并希望通过一些措施解决该问题。因此选B,disapproving,是在approving“赞同的”前加上否定前缀-dis,表示与approving相反的意思,即“不赞同的,反对的”。A,“漠不关心的”,C,“支持的”,D,“推崇的”,均不符合文意。二、词汇与语法11、- How exciting! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morning.- Were you crazy? You _ yo

22、urself!A、must have killedB、would have killedC、should have killedD、could have killedDcould have killed:很可能地; must have killed 一定地。根据句意,正确答案应该是D。12、- Does he speak English or Russian? - He doesnt speak_. A、eitherB、neitherC、anotherD、none句意:他任何一种也不会。noteither 相当于neither; another 泛指另一个;none 一个也没有。13、- Hu

23、rry, there is a bus coming.- Why run? Therell be another _. A、one in two or three minutesB、one after two or three minutesC、after two or three minutesD、one for two or three minutesin two or three minutes: 在2-3分钟之内;after two or three minutes:在2-3分钟之后。根据句意“为什么跑,在2-3分钟之内会来另一辆车。” 应该选择A。14、I dont think hi

24、s remarks are relevant _ our discussion. A、toB、atC、forD、withbe relevant to: 与相关,固定搭配,选A。15、In Shenzhou VI, Chinese astronauts arent only spaceship drivers, _ machine repairers and scientists. A、soB、orC、andD、but alsonot only, but also 是固定搭配,因此选择D。16、His answer was so confusing that I could hardly mak

25、e any _ of it at all. A、senseB、meaningC、intelligibilityD、interpretationmake sense of:understand,明白,弄懂,因此选择A。17、The ship took machines and other goods back to the port _ it had set off. A、from whichB、to whichC、whichD、in which这艘船带着机器和其他货物回到了出发的港口。考点:定语从句的引导词和介词的搭配。18、Jackson is not _ as you imagine. A、so a big foolB、so big a foolC、such big a foolD、a such big foolsoas.和suchas结构中,as为连词,引导比较状语从句。so后一般接形容词,such一般接名词或名词词组,如:so big a problem, such a big problem,故选B。19、Some people waste a lot of food _ some others haven

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