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unit 3Word文档格式.docx

1、7. high (adj.&adv.) jump high(副词)跳得高 height (n.) in height 在身高方面 in this color, in this heat, in this size8. She is good-looking(adj.) = She has a good look(n.).9. the captain of the basketball team 10. be popular with sb. 在某人中受欢迎,与某人关系处的好 Mr Wang is popular with his popular in + 地点 在某处有

2、名望 She is popular in this city. 11. I think I know her. (否定句) I dont think I know her.我想我不认识她12. a little bit + 形容词 有点 a little bit quiet 不爱说话,有点内向。13. a little + 形容词 / 不可数名词a bit + 形容词a little bit + 形容词a bit of + 不可数eg:There is _ milk in the bottle. Its _ hot.14. love to do sth.15. tell jokes / sto

3、ries 讲笑话、讲故事tell 告诉tell sb. (not) to do sth. 讲述 tell a story of Change. 和情态动词连用“区分,判断” Can you tell the difference between them?say 有具体的说话内容.提示词:it (say it in French), What (What does he say?)speak + 语言 speak English, speak in Japanesetalk 谈论,谈话 talk to/ with sb. about sth.16. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

4、Please stop _(talk) and keep quiet.stop to do sth. 停下来开始做某事 Its time for supper. Lets stop _(have) it.17. remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 Remember_(close) the windows after school.18. never - always19. a pop singer a good singer sing well20. like 介词 “象” look like He looks like his father.他长得像他父亲 动词 “喜欢”

5、like doing sth. like playing the guitar21. He has(wears) a beard. 他留着胡子。 He likes wearing a beard. wear 状态(动词) put on 动作(动词) in + 颜色 (介词) The woman in red is my mother.22. wear glasses He is a tall man with glasses on his nose. He is a pop singer with funny glasses. _(be) this pair of glasses yours?

6、 No, my glasses _(be) on my nose.23. He is of medium height. He has curly hair. (两句合并) He is of medium height with curly hair.24. Ruth from New York. 来自于25. Nobody _(know) me. 26. Somebody wears jeans. (否定句) _ wears jeans.27. brown / Brown smith(铁匠) / Smith black / Black white / White28. build (n.)

7、身材 medium build build (v.) 建筑,建造 build a bridge building (n.) 建筑物 29. What does he look like? 他长得什么样?( 强调外貌)He has a big nose. What is he like? 他是个什么样的人? (强调品质)He is friendly and kind. Unit 9一 动词过去式的构成1. + ed played, stayed, enjoyed, (元音字母+ y ) , clean , visit2. + d practice3. y 变i + ed study4. 特殊变化

8、 gowent, dodid, writewrote, havehas, readread, sitsat, spendspent, saysaid, getgot, swimswam, comecame, bewere(一,二人称,复数), was(三单) eg: Where _(be) you born? I _(be) born in Shanghai. Maria _ (write) a letter to her sister last night. What did he do? He _(sit) on a chair and _(read) the newspaper. He

9、_(come) here this morning.二过去时态:在过去的时间内发生的动作。 主语+谓语动词(P.)无人称变化 1. She went to the beach yesterday.2. I studied for the math test last week.3. They had a good time last night.4. Lucy did her homework at home just now. 将上述句子变成一般疑问句,否定句,划线部分提问 三 句型1. My weekend was great. How was your weekend?2. How wa

10、s your weekend? (回答) It was great! / It was OK! / It wasnt very bad.3. What did you do last weekend? I played tennis on Saturday morning.4. How did kids spend the weekend?四 词组1. visit + 地点 = be on a visit to + 地点I visited Shanghai last year. = I was on a visit to Shanghai last year. visit + 人 “拜访” I

11、 visited my friends last Wednesday.2. go to a movie go to the mountains3. stay at home4. have a party5. do some reading = read booksMr Brown did some reading this morning.= Mr Brown read books this morning.He read books. (一般疑问句) _ he _ books?6. practice + 名词 practice English practice + doing practic

12、e speaking English.7. study geography study for the biology / history test.8. spend the weekend 度过假期 spend 时间 (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事 I spent a week finishing the work. spend 钱 on sth. 花费钱买某物 I spent two dollars on the dictionary.9. write a new song 10. have a busy weekend/ day11. go for a walk 12.

13、for most kids13. at No. 3 Middle School14. sit down - stand up sit on a chair15. Its time for sb. to do sth. Its time for us to go home.16. enjoy the weekend enjoy doing sth. enjoy oneself17. watch/ see / hear sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 watch/ see / hear sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事17. have no dog = have not a dog no+名词单数 =not a + 名词单数have no dogs = have not any dogs. no +名词复数 = not any + 名词复数19. be happy- be sad look happy / sad / tired20. He doesnt want to do anything. = He wants to do nothing. He said nothing. = He didnt say anything.

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