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1、14. seize v. 抓住15. struggle v. 奋斗16. fear v. & n. 害怕17. strike v. 敲打18. destroy v. 毁掉19. publish v. 出版20. naughty adj. 调皮的重点短语1. get away from 逃离2. watch / look out 注意,当心3. go for a hike / go hiking 去徒步旅游4. as with 正如一样5. see off 为某人送行6. on the other hand 在另一方面7. take care of 照顾8. get close / near t

2、o 接近,凑近9. tree after tree 一棵又一棵的树10. as wall as 也,和一样(好)11. protectfrom 保护不受的伤害12. be surprised at 因而吃惊13. be caught / trapped / struck in 被困住14. take place 发生15. go through 通过,经过;经历(痛苦的事)16. be upon 临近,逼近17. hold on to 紧紧抓住18. refer to 提到,说到;查询(信息)19. look into 注视的内部;检查,调查20. for fear of (doing) st

3、h. 惟恐短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填入一个正确的词,每个词4分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?l. get _ from 逃离 away2. watch _ 注意,当心 out3. protect sb / sth _ 保护保卫某人(某事物) from4. see sb _ 到火车站、飞机场等某处为某人送行 off5. on the other _ 另一方面 hand6. as _ as也,还,而且 well7. _ place发生,产生 take8. _ fire失火 on9. pull sb _ 把往上拽 up1

4、0. get _ ones feet站立起来;站起身来 on11. go _ 通过,经受。仔细检查 through12. _ holiday在度假 on13. travel _ 旅行社代理人 agent14. be _ 逼近,临近 upon15. _ exercise 进行体育锻炼 take16. _ to sb for / from sb 代某人向某人问候 say17. come _ with提出 up18. go _ a hike 去远足 for19. be caught _ 受困于,陷于 in20. _ a second 马上,一会儿 in21. look _ 往里面看,调查 into2

5、2. refer _ 提到涉及;参考 to23. hold _ 抓住,握住 onto24. sweep _ 冲走,刮走 away25. sweep _ 冲倒,吹倒 down交际用语1. Where would you prefer going.?2. How would you like to go to.?3. Have a nice / pleasant trip !4. Well, I must be off.5. Its all right6. Im afraid.7. Come on !8. It scares me.9. Dont worry.10. First., next.,

6、then., finally.单词聚焦1. advance的用法构词:advanced adj. 高等的先进的,高深的搭配: in advance 在前头,预先,事先 in advance of 在前面;比进步;超过 on the advance (物价)在上涨【考例】It is said that Miss White had some difficulty in studying the _ maths. A. improved B. developed C. advanced D. increased考查目标 本题考查形容词advanced与近义词的区别。答案与解析C “高等数学”的英译

7、是advanced maths,advanced意思是“先进的。高级的”。2. before 的特殊用法 (1) He had run out of the room before I could stop him.我还没来得及拦住他,他就跑出了屋子。 (2) Three weeks went by before We knew it. 三周过去了,我们才意识到。(或:时间不知不觉已过三周了。) (3) It wasnt / didnt take long before he returned.他没过多久就回来了。 It wont be long before we graduate. 不要过

8、多久我们就要毕业了。3. chance的用法 by any chance 万一,碰巧,或许 by chance 偶然,意外地 take a / ones chance 冒一冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下机会【考例6】 (2005南京模拟)Most of the _are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture. A. work B. luck C. chances D. services考查目标 chance的词义。答案与解析 C chance在本句的词义是“机会”。4. consider v. (1) 考虑 A

9、) consider + n. / doing I consider going abroad. B) consider + 疑问词 + to do You have to consider what to do next. (2) 认为 A) consider + n. (+as / to be) + n. / adj. I consider Mary as / to be my best friend. They considered Paris the brain and heart of the country. B) consider + n. + to have done I co

10、nsider him to have acted disgracefully. 除了consideras表认为外,还有regardas ,look onas,takeas,think ofas5. cost的用法 构词:costly adj. 昂贵的,贵重的 搭配: cost sb. sth. 花费某人(多少钱);让某人付出(代价)牺牲 at all costs 不惜任何代价无论如何 at any cost 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at cost (price) 按成本价格,按原价 at the cost of 以为代价,用换来的;丧失;牺牲【考例】They wondered how much

11、 this kind of car would _ them. A. pay B. spend C. cost D. waste考查目标 本题考查cost和它的几个近义词的区别。 cost的意思是“耗费”,主语是指物的名词而pay和spend等的主语是指人的名词。6. effect n. 效果;作用have an effect on sth. His words had a great pushing effect on his students. (1) be of no effect 无效 (2) come into effect 开始生效;开始实行 比较 affect vt. 影响 Th

12、e climate affected the amount of the rainfall.7. experience的用法构词: experienced adj. 有经验的,熟练的搭配: by experience 凭经验;从经验中 from experience 凭经验; gain experience in 获得经验 be experienced in 某方面有经验友情提示: experience这个词作为可数名词用时,解释为“经历”,作为不可数名词用时解释为“经验”。【考例】 (2005山西模拟) _teaches that he was right. Good friendship

13、is just not easily formed. A. Knowledge B. Teachers C. Experience D. Parents考查目标 experience的意思。 experience常为不可数名词,意思是“经验”。8. fear n. & vt. (1) n. 恐惧 (多作不可数名词) His face was growing pale with fear. 忧虑;担心的事(可数) There is no reason for your fears. for fear of 由于怕,以防 He left an hour earlier for fear of mi

14、ssing his train. for fear (that) 惟恐;怕的是;以防 She worried for fear that the child would be hurt. in fear of 害怕;担心 The thief was in fear of the police. (2) v. 恐惧;害怕,接 n. / pron. Cats fear big dogs. 恐惧;害怕,接to do Dont fear to tell the truth. 恐怕;担心,接从句 She feared that she might not find him in his room.fea

15、rful adj. 可怕的,严重的;惧怕的,胆怯的;担心的,忧虑的 fearless adj. 不怕的,大胆的,勇敢的,无畏的 be in fear (of) (为而)提心吊胆 for fear of 因为怕;以免,怕的是 for fear that-clause 生怕;为了防止(某事发生) have a fear that-clause 担心怕(发生某事) with fear 吓得,怕得 fear (vi.) for. 担心忧虑【考例】(2004江苏)He got to the station early, _ missing his train. A. in case of B. inst

16、ead of C. for fear of D. in search考查目标 fear构成的短语的用法和意思。 for fear of 常在句中作状语,意思是 “怕的是。担心”。9. fun n. 高兴;乐趣;有趣的人或事 (1) for fun 为了高兴;为着好玩 I only did it for fun. (2) make fun of 开的玩笑;取笑 It is wrong to make fun of a cripple. 比较 (1) laugh at 笑(某人);嘲笑 Its unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble. (2) p

17、lay a joke on 开(某人的)玩笑10. means n. 手段;办法 (1) by means of 用;依靠 The water may be carried by means of a pipe. (2) by all means 一定;务必;(表示同意)当然可以,没问题:务必,无论如何,千方百计地 Try by all / every means to persuade him to come. (3) by no means 完全不是;一点也不;决不 This is by no means the first time you have been late. 还有: by

18、this means 用这种方法; by any means 用一切可能的方法或手段(MET 1991)Students sometimes support them- selves by _ of evening job. A. ways B. offers C. means Dhelps考查目标 by means of 短语的意思。答案与解析 C by means of 的意思是“通过某种手段”。11. normal adj. 正常的;正规的 the normal temperature, normal behavior (1) regular 规则的;有规律的 keep regular

19、hours 生活有规律;按时作息 (2) common普通的;常见的 Tom is a common name in Britain. 共有的;共同的 have a common interest 有着共同爱好 (3) usual 惯常的;惯例的s usual with him to go to the office on foot. (4) ordinary 平凡的;普通的 in ordinary dress12. once的用法 all at once 突然;同时 at once 立刻,马上; (every) once in a while 偶尔,有时,间或 for this once (

20、= for once,just for once) 就这一次; 破例一回 more than once 不止一次,多次 not once 一次也不 once again / more再一次once and again一再,再三 once or twice 一两次;有时,偶尔 once too often又(多了)一次? once upon a time从前(2004上海) _ we have learned something, additional learning increases the length of time we will remember it. A. Before B.

21、Once C. Until D. Unless考查目标 连词once的用法和词义。答案与解析 B once在作连词使用时意思是“一旦”。13. prefer v. 宁愿;更喜欢 (1) prefer + n. / pron. The boy preferred a detective story. (2) prefer + v. -ing Do you prefer living abroad? (3) prefer + to do She prefers to live among the working people. (4) prefer sb. to do sth. She prefe

22、rred him to stay at home. (5) prefer + n. / pron. / doing + to + n. / pron. / doing 喜欢而不喜欢 I prefer the town to the country. / While he was in the office he preferred doing something to doing nothing. (6) prefer to do.rather than do = would rather do . than do. 宁愿而不愿 I prefer to walk there rather th

23、an go by bus. (7) prefer + 从句(谓语动词用should do,should可省略) She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.14. protect的用法protection n. 保护(者/物),防御protect sb from / against 防止遭受;使免于,保护使不受【考例】 (MET 1992) Clarke was greatly admired at the club for the successful _. A. self-satisfaction B. self-protection

24、 C. self-respect D. self-service考查目标 protect及其派生词的词义。答案与解析B self-protection是名词,意思是“自我保护”。15. separate的用法separation n. U分开,分离 separate A from B 把A和B分开 A is separated from B by A和B为所分开阻隔 separate sth (up) into 把分成(几分)辨析:separate; divide; part 都含“分开”的意思。separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”。例如: Separate those two boys who are fighting, will you? (你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开,好吗?divide 指“施加外力或自然

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