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1、2.反对 463.肯定 464.否定 476.保留意见 487.提出、询问意见 498.叙述、询问理由 509.指出错误 51十三、提出要求 521.请求帮助 522.教导 533.提议 544.接受请求和建议 555.拒绝请求和建议 576.请求同意 587.同意、不同意 598.引起注意 60十四、商量 601.吐露秘密 602.约定 61十六、高兴时 611.欣喜 612.放心 63十七、生气时 631.不满和牢骚时 632.发怒 643.厌烦 664.驳斥 665.责备 677.使人镇静 688.言归于好 69十八、悲伤时 691.失望 692.寂寞 703.郁闷、忧郁 714.断念、

2、绝望 715.后悔 72十九、喜欢、讨厌时 73二十、安慰时 741.担心、惦念 742.同情 753.安慰 754.鼓励 76二十一、怀疑时 78二十二、为难时 78二十三、不感兴趣时 79二十四、害羞时 80二十五、吃惊时 80二十六、祝福 81二十八、节日、纪念日 82二十九、在飞机上、饭店里 831.在飞机上 832.在机场 843.在饭店的服务台 854.客房服务 86三十、走在街上的时候 871.问路 872.乘坐交通工具 884.交通标志 90三十一、购物时 90三十二、在外用餐时 931.在快餐厅里 932.预订餐馆 933.点菜 944.饭桌上 955.付款 98三十三、外出

3、旅行时 98三十四、遇到麻烦时 1001.语言不通 1002.失窃 1013.呼救 102三十五、(商业信函用语)引言部分 1021.收信 102三十九、谚语、惯用语 104 一、在家中1.从起床到出门早晨好!Good morning.闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm clock ring?该起床了!Its time to get up!快点儿起床!Get up soon.你醒了吗?Are you awake?睡得好吗?Did you sleep well?睡得挺好。Yes, I slept very well.今天是个好天!s a nice day!昨晚你熬夜了?Did you sta

4、y up late last night?我得洗脸了。I have to go wash my face.该吃早饭了。s time to eat breakfast.我还困着呢。Im still sleepy.我是用咖啡来提神的。Coffee wakes me up.刷牙了吗?Did you brush your teeth?我得梳梳头了。I have to comb my hair. 穿什么好呢?What should I wear?快换衣服。Hurry up and get dressed.今天你干什么?What are you doing today?你快点儿,我们该迟到了。If you

5、 dont hurry, well be late.没忘了什么东西吧?Arent you forgetting something?我晚了!m late!我得赶紧走!I have to rush!几点回来?What time are you coming home?今天好像要下雨。It might rain today.出门的时候,可别忘了锁门。Dont forget to lock the door when you leave.2.从回家到就寝我回来了。m home.今天过得愉快吗?Did you have a good time?今天怎么样?How did it go today?真累啊

6、!m tired.晚饭做好了吗?Is dinner ready?晚饭吃什么?Whats for dinner?该吃饭啦!s time to eat.谢谢您的款待。It was very delicious. Thank you.有什么好看的电视节目吗?Are there any good programs on TV?我困了。m sleepy.快点睡觉。Hurry up and go to sleep. 明天的东西都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?我去洗个澡。m going to take a bath.该睡觉了。Time to go to sleep.别把你

7、的东西都摊在这儿。t leave your stuff here.把闹钟定在8点了。I set the alarm clock for 8:00.晚安。Good night.3.休息日我真想睡个午觉。I want to take a nap.我去躺一会儿。m going to lie down.这间屋子通风真差。s stuffy in this room.帮帮我吧。Help me.把你的屋子收拾收拾。Clean up your room.帮我打扫打扫卫生。Help me clean up the house. 4.送礼物这是送给你的。This is for you.过生日想要什么礼物?What

8、 do you want for your birthday?请收下。Here you are!5.生活习惯我经常下班以后运动。I usually work out after work.我开始慢跑锻炼。ve started jogging.我戒烟了。I quit smoking.最近我总是丢三落四的。ve been forgetful lately.6.理财能帮我换一下零钱吗?Could you give me change?我是自己掏的腰包。I paid out of my own pocket.我没带现金。m out of cash. 我现在没有多少现金。I dont have much

9、 money on me now.我可没有时间闲呆着。I cant afford to be lazy. 多浪费呀!What a waste!二、享受余暇时间 1.邀请友人这个周末你有空吗?Are you free this weekend?我们还可以再见面吗?Could I see you again?能给我你的电话号码吗?Could you give me your phone number?我们在哪儿见面?Where shall we meet?你今天下午有安排吗?Are you doing anything this afternoon?和我一起吃晚饭,好吗?How about hav

10、ing dinner with me?真对不起,我另有安排。Sorry, I have plans.实在对不起,恐怕不行。m afraid I cant.谢谢您的邀请,可是 Thanks for asking, but.我希望你能来。I hope you can come.2.订计划你什么时候方便?When is it convenient for you?我今天有空。m free today.明天我会很忙。ll be busy tomorrow.我什么时候去合适?When can I come over?你定时间吧。You decide when.你定地点吧。You decide where

11、.你几点能来?When can you come over?就那个时间吧。s a date.3.出门的时候准备好了吗?Are you ready?准备好了。Ready.我们什么时候出发?What time shall we leave?我们几点能到?What time do we arrive?那,我们走吧。Lets go.4.相识的人一起去喝酒去喝一杯怎么样?How about a drink?下班以后去喝一杯怎么样?Would you like to have a drink after work?请来两瓶啤酒。Two bottles of beer, please.让我们忘了工作,痛快一

12、会儿吧。s forget about work and have some fun.干杯!Cheers!再来一瓶啤酒!Another beer, please.喝酒要适可而止。Drink moderately.我喝得太多了。I drank too much.我不该喝这么多的。I should have drunk less.三、生病、受伤时 1.请医生看病用叫医生吗?Do you need a doctor?请叫救护车。Please call an ambulance. 我要看病。d like to see a doctor. 我觉得身体不舒服。m not feeling well. 你能帮我

13、请位医生吗?Could you send me a doctor?你怎么啦?s wrong with you?量一下体温吧。Let me check your temperature.你常服用什么药?Are you taking any medication regularly?严重吗?Is it serious?2.陈述症状你不舒服吗?Are you feeling okay?你怎么了?s wrong?你的脸色真不好。You look pale. 我觉得难受。t feel well.你好像不太舒服。You dont look well.I feel sick.我肚子疼。I have a st

14、omachache. 隐隐作痛。I have a dull pain. 我拉肚子了。I have diarrhea.我头疼。I have a headache.我牙疼。I have a toothache.我头晕目眩。I feel dizzy. 我浑身没劲。I feel sluggish.我没有一点儿食欲。t have any appetite.我得了重感冒。I have a bad cold. 我有点儿发烧。I have a bit of a fever. 我好像发烧了。I think I have a fever.我在发高烧。I have a high temperature. 痒痒。s

15、itchy. 我崴脚了。I sprained my ankle. 你把感冒传染给我了。I caught a cold from you. 我必须静养。I must stay in bed. 我肩膀酸痛。I have stiff shoulders. 我咳嗽不止。t stop coughing.我嗓子疼。My throats sore. 好疼。It hurts. 要花很长时间吗?Will it take long?我可以喝酒吗?Is it okay to drink?我一定要住院吗?Should I be hospitalized?你发烧吗?Do you have a fever?我觉得没什么好

16、转。t feel any better.你的病好了吗?Are you alright again?四、在工作单位1.在办公室要严格遵守时间。Be punctual!你又迟到了。You are late again. 我只迟到了5分钟。I was only late by five minutes.让我看看我的日程安排。Let me check my schedule.我有好多事要干。ve got so much to do.我的时间安排很紧。m pressed for time. 这工作不太费事。The work doesnt need much effort.我已经结束那项工作了。m don

17、e with the work.能帮我复印一下这份材料吗?Would you copy these papers?复印机有毛病了。This copy machine doesnt work.我想复印机是没纸了。I think it ran out of paper.我们休息一会儿吧。s take a break.能帮我倒杯咖啡吗?Get me a cup of coffee, will you?那真是太好了。That would be perfect.快到午饭时间了。s almost lunchtime.我们有1小时的午休时间。We took an hour lunch break.我们开始吧

18、。s get started.现在我不能放下这个工作。t leave this job at the moment.我太忙了,顾不上那么琐碎的事。m too busy to bother with such details.我忙得四脚朝天。m so busy, Id really appreciate any help I could get.别偷懒!t slack off!尽你的全力!Do your best!打起精神来。Pull yourself together. 连喘口气的工夫都没有。t even have time to catch my breath.你应该更加努力工作。Youd

19、better work harder.我不知道这张表怎么填。t know how to fill out this form. 这张表怎么填?How do I fill out this form?您能帮我填一下这张表吗?Can you help me with this form?会议开得很成功。The meeting went well.我已经尽了最大的努力了。Thats all I can do.你能把要点说得再清楚点儿吗?Would you get to the point?全部重做。Please do it all over again.请把那份文件交给我。Please hand t

20、he document in to me. 今晚你加班吗?Are you working overtime tonight?工作就是工作,不能讲私情。Business is business. 他是个努力工作的人。Hes a hard worker. 你超负荷工作了。re overworking. 今天必须完成这份报告。Finish this report today!报告截止到几号?When is the paper due?我有很多事要做。ve got so much to do. 全都做完了。All done!今天忙了一天。s been a long day.外边天都黑了。s dark

21、outside already.就干到这儿吧。s finish up.正好工作刚做完。ve just finished work.你辛苦了。Thanks for your hard work. 对不起,打断一下。Sorry for interrupting. 打扰一下可以吗?Excuse me. 电梯在哪儿?Where are the elevators?2.工作单位的人际关系我和他很合得来。I get along well with him. 我跟她合不来。t get along well with her.我很尊敬他。I respect him.我想和大家和睦相处。I want to ge

22、t along with everyone.我不知道他在想什么。t know what hes really thinking.你站在哪一方?Which side are you on?我是站在你这边的。m on your side.我欠他的情。m under obligation to him.我们很熟,互相直呼其名。Were on first name terms.3.评论他人他不会让你失望的。ll never let you down.他很能干。s efficient. 他是个好人。s a good guy.他有丰富的常识。He has a lot of common sense. 他虽

23、年轻,却很博学。s wise for his age. 他交际很广。He knows a lot of people.你真体谅人。re so sympathetic.他发福了。He has put on weight.他是个很谦虚的人。s a very modest man.他脾气好。He has a good temper.她的身材很好。She has a nice figure. 他已过壮年。His best days are gone.我父亲上年纪了。My fathers getting older. 4.自我评价我的心还很年轻。I have a youthful spirit.我喜欢独

24、处。I like being alone.我这个人比较随和。m easygoing.我看人很准。I have a good eye for character.我的视力不好。I have poor eyesight.五、电话1.打电话我能借用一下您的电话吗?Do you mind if I use your phone?真对不起,这么晚了还给您打电话。m sorry for calling you this late.我希望我没打扰您。I hope Im not disturbing you. 有关明天开会的事给您打电话。m calling about tomorrows meeting. 我

25、给您回电话。m returning your call.2.接电话喂!Hello.是我呀。s me. 您是哪位?Whos calling, please?您想找哪位接电话?Who in particular would you like to talk to? 待”。您能过会儿再打吗?Would you mind calling back later?请稍等一下。Hold on, please.我让他接电话。ll put him on.我把电话给您接过去。ll transfer your call.3.无法接电话时她正在接电话。Her line is busy now. 对不起,她现在脱不开身。m sorry, shes tied up at the moment. 对不起,她正在接待客人。m sorry, she has company at this time.您等会儿行吗?Would you like to hold?他现在不在座位上。s away from his desk now.他在公司,但现在不在座

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