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1、The great baseball player then sat down at Johns bedside, and said: “Now, listen, kid, youve got to get well. Ive brought you a new American League baseball, so you must start throwing it. Im sure you can.”For John this was the beginning of a new life. He was greatly encouraged and felt _85 . A few

2、weeks later the boy walked out of the hospital on his own. He was able to live a healthy life and even could play his favourite sport again. All this is because of the present of Babe Ruth.80. A) looking B) playing C) taking D) sitting81. A) never B) ever C) always D) sometimes82. A) everything B) a

3、nything C) nothing D) something83. A) easy B) lucky C) difficult D) successful84. A) managed B) failed C) expected D) wanted85. A) surprised B) worried C) hopeful D) nervousC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Nowadays more and more peop

4、le are crazy about travelling. Why do people travel? “To see more of the world,” many people would say. But travelling abroad now means much more than that for the growing number of Chinese tourists. Of course it o 86 us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their cultu

5、re and customs.According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), more than 1 billion people travelled to a 87 country in 2012. In 2012, Chinese people travelled abroad 30 percent more than in 2011. The prosperity (繁荣) of the tourism industry can also bring both our country and fore

6、ign countries in economy of great benefits. Chinese people usually join large tourist groups and visit several countries in one trip. “A Chinese person is not going to the Mediterranean (地中海地区) just to visit one placeThese are the travelers of the future,” said the UNWTO.Chinese people dont just tra

7、vel for s 88 , either.The China International Travel Service Company said that all their tour trips sold out a month before Christmas Day. Stores offered discounts during that time. So shopping in Europe and the United States is popular a 89 Chinese travelers.In December, China is going through a ve

8、ry cold winter. So many people like go to some countries in Southeast Asia because the weather there is quite p 90 . “I want to enjoy the sunshine and beaches there, rather than the cold in Beijing,” said Hong Qian, who took a holiday to Malaysia. He spent ten days there with his family. His wife wa

9、s very interested in Penang, an island city in Malaysia.The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can travel abroad. But many of them dont have a s 91 of public manners. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the worlds second worst tourists, after Americ

10、ans.If you want to change that bad name, remember to avoid the following: littering, spitting, snatching (抢夺) bus seats, line-jumping, taking off shoes in public, talking l 92 and smoking in non-smoking areas. Besides, we should learn some necessary manners of foreign countries.80. B 81. A 82. D 83.

11、 A 84. A 85.CC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)86. offers 87. another 88. sightseeing 89. among90. pleasant 91. sense 92. loudly奉贤区B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分) The impression(印象) you

12、 make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Interviewers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude (态度) and manners. A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a 80 and positive at

13、titude. When you introduce yourself, look into the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a hand-shake, others dont. Try to be as 81 as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, use your voice and show feeling on your face are all parts of your body language. It makes t

14、he interviewer know how you feel about yourself. Are you feeling positive about yourself? Your abilities? Your interest in the job? Speak clearly and loudly enough. show interest and enthusiasm(热情) in your 82 . When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also dont say negative things about yourself. Li

15、sten to questions carefully. 83 you dont understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain. Im sorry, but I didnt catch that. Im not sure exactly what you mean. Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that they dont expect you to be completely 84 and relaxed. B

16、ut they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job. At the end of the interview, 85 the interviewer for her or him. Its a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.80.A)confidentB)

17、dissatisfiedC) unhappyD) excited81.A) smartB) nervousC) naturalD) strict82.A) soundB) voiceC) mannerD) action83.A) UnlessB) IfC) UntilD) As84.A) quietB) silentC) calmD) still85.A) praiseB) thankC) admireD) greetC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,

18、首字母已给)(14分)Wonder why you can get angry so easily while your friend smiles all the time? Its p_86_ because you both have different personalities(性格) . Personality is also about how people think, behave, and react(反应) to e_87_ around them from day to day. So what makes people think and behave in cert

19、ain ways?Part of the reason is that people are born like this. A baby gets its blood type, genes(基因)and other physical things when its still inside its mother. These things may help decide what the baby will be l_88_.But ones personality doesnt stop here. Family life, school learning and life experi

20、ence can also make you the person you are. This doesnt mean its i_89_ to change your personality. You can always try to make yourself better. Dont get too worried about your weak points. Just a_90_ them. This is a good way to start making changes.If you dont know how to make friends, find out why. I

21、s it because you are too s_91_? Tell yourself to smile at people. Start talking to people using warm greetings. Dont give yourself a hard time about it all. Its not easy to change life h_92_ in one night. Keep working at it. One day youll see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new one.B.80.

22、A 81. C 82. B 83. B 84. C 85. BC.86. probably/possibly 87. everything 88. like 89. impossible 90. accept 91. shy92. habits静安区B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)“DRINK your milk. Its good for you!” Youve probably heard that many times, and its true. Milk

23、contains calcium (钙), which is necessary for keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong. The US government even 80 milk as part of the National School Lunch Program, saying that students should drink one cup of fat - free or low - fat milk every meal.However, a group of doctors asked the government

24、to take it away from the lunch program. The US Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says, “Milk is high in sugar, fat and animal protein,” all of which are not so 81 to health. There are better ways to get calcium, such as eating beans and drinking orange juice and soymilk. “One of th

25、e only 82 people prefer milk is because it is going to help build strong bones,” says Dr Neal Barnard, president of the PCRM. But milk may not be the best way to get calcium your body needs. Of course, calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, but there are other things that have 83 to do wi

26、th your bone strength, such as genes (基因), how much vitamin D you take in, and time, getting an hours exercise every day.Some people disagree with the idea that milk isnt important. Keri Gans, an American Dietitian (营养学家), says “I dont think its 84 if we take away this drink from the lunch line. Chi

27、ldren enjoy it very much, especially among those who are unable to meet their nutrient (营养的) needs for the day.”The US government is now considering PCRMs idea, but 85 may be a long way off. A professor at New York University puts it best: “Milk certainly has nutrients. Other food has the same nutrients. Its just food. As with other food, too much might be a problem.” 80. A) requires B) refuses

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