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1、5. What does the girl think of her school life?来源:学.科.网 A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Happy.来源:学科网ZXXK6. Who did Marys father get a gift from? A. Mary B. Lily C. Lucy7. Why is Betty his best friend?A. Generous. B. Helpful. C. honest.8. When did the early bus leave? A. At 6:25. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:35

2、.9. Who is the tallest, Bob, Jim or Li Lei? 来源:学科网A. Bob. B. Li Lei. C. Jim. 10. What are they going to make? A. Noodles. B. Sandwiches. C. Salad. 听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。B. 听对话,回答第1112小题。11. Where did the woman learn to use the computer last Sunday?A. At home. B. At school. C. In the restaura

3、nt.12. What did the woman and Jane do after lunch?A. They bought some books. B. They did some housework.C. They went home.C. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案, 完成信息记录表。Andys visitOn the second day He went to the top of 13 .On the 14 dayHe took a boat trip on the River Seine.After he returned to Lond

4、onHe showed the 15 to many friends.13. A. the Eiffel Tower B. the White House C. the Opera House14. A. first B. second C. third 15. A. gifts B. photos C. books D. 听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。16. What does Li Ming want to know when he goes to England? A. The peoples names. B. The peoples ages. C. Something ab

5、out English people.17. Who did Li Ming see in the street? A. A boy. B. A girl. C. A woman.18. Was the girl polite at first? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. C. Were not sure.19. Why did the girl become angry?Zxxk.Com A. Because Li Ming wanted to know her name. B. Because Li Ming wanted to know how

6、 old she was. C. Because Li Ming wanted to know how to get to the shop.20. What did Li Ming say at last? A. We are in China, not in England. B. We are in England, not in China. C. We are in the street, not at home. 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)21. Daniel is _ honest boy. Yes. He never tells lies. He is also my

7、_ best friend.A. an; the B. an; / C. a; the D. a; /22. The Eiffel Tower is made _ steel and is really tall.A. of B. in C. from D. by23. People in Britain say “film” while people in the USA say “_”. A. store B. fall C. movie D. eraser 24. Nobody taught me DIY. I learned it all by_. Ahimself Bmyself C

8、yourself Dourselves25. Andrew was afraid to make a mistake again, so he the light carefully A. put on B. put off C. put in D. put out26. Bob skates_ than I. But he doesnt skate_ my brother Abetter, so good as Bbetter, so well as Cbetter , as good as Dmuch well, as well as27. We had fun _ _ with thes

9、e young workers.A. working B. to work C. worked D. works28. Jack, _ too much TV. Its bad for your eyes.A. not watch B. doesnt watch C. dont watch Dwatches29Is there_ in todays newpaper?Yes. A bus fell into the Changjiang Rever from the bridge. Its a pity. A. new something B. something new C. new any

10、thing D. anything new30. There are two pencils on the desk. One is red, and_ is yellow. A. other B. another C. the other D. others31. Not only his parents but also he _ crazy about the foreign films. A. am B. is C. are D. be32. Whats the woman with a ponytail like?She doesnt talk much, _. A. she is

11、a nurse B. she is shy and quiet C. she likes music D. she is ten years old33. He hit a pipe and _ the room with water. A. fill B. fills C. filled D. full34. Excuse me, but can I take the seat? _ . Its for the elderly only. A. Never mind B. Youd better dont C. No problem D. Youd better not35. Im goin

12、g to make some paper roses. _. A. It sounds lovely B. Thats correct C. Thats all right D. No, I cant help you三、完形填空(每题1分,共15分)During all this time, I never stopped thinking about escape (逃跑). When I travelled across to the other side of the island(岛), I could see the other islands, and I 36 _ to mys

13、elf, “Perhaps I can get there with a 37 . Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”So I decided 38 _ myself a boat. I 39 a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe (独木舟). Next, I had to get it down to the sea. How sil

14、ly I was! Why didnt I think carefully 40 I began to work ? Of course, the canoe was too 41 . I couldnt move it! I pulled and pushed and tried 42 _ , but it didnt move. I was very 43 for a long time after that.In my sixth year on the 44 , I made myself a smaller canoe, but I did not try to escape in

15、it. The boat was too small for a long 45 , and I did not want to die(死) at sea. The island was my home now, and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later, I made 46 a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also 47 myself a second house there, and so I had two 48 .I kept food and too

16、ls at both of my homes, and also kept wild 49. There were many goats (山羊)on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learnt to take food from me, and soon I had goats milk to 50 every day. I also worked hard in my corn fields. And so, many years went by.36. A. said B. spo

17、ke C. told D. talked37. A. train B. bus C. underground D. boat38. A. making B. to make C. made D. make39. A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut in40. A. after B. before C. till D. while41 A. light B. heavy C. bight D. clean42. A. something B. someone C. everyone D. everything 43. A. happy B. unha

18、ppy C. pleased D. glad44. A. sea B. boat C. island D. house45. A. holiday B. summer C. journey D. swimming46. A. myself B. my C. I D. mine47. A. gave B. bought C. sent D. built48. A. homes B. families C. rooms D. places49. A. strawberries B. plants C. goats D. grapes50. A. eat B. drink C. raise D. s

19、mell四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)ADear Liu Qi,Im writing to tell you that the students of our school are planning to go on a school trip to Beijng from October 20th to 27th. Id like to invite you to come and join us. I remember you tell me that you like travelling. Well visit many places of interest, such as th

20、e Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. If it doesnt rain, well also go camping at the foot of the Great Wall. Well stay at the Beijing Holiday Village. During these days, well have parties. At the parties, the students will sing, dance and play games together. Would you please write

21、back to tell me if(是否 ) you will come? We need to buy the train tickets ahead of time(提前).YoursMillie51. How long will the school trip last?A. Eight days B. Six days C. Seven days D. Nine days52. Which of the following WONT the students do at the parties?A. Play games B. Play football C. Sing D. Dan

22、ce53. Why does Millie invite Liu Qi to join their school trip?A. Because Liu Qi likes Beijing B. Because Liu Qi asks Millie to do so. C. Because Millie wants to see Liu Qi. D. Because Millie knows Liu Qi likes travelling BEach of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can get a lot from our mistakes.Donnie was a shy student and never answered questions in class. He was afraid to make mis

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