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1、15. Afford/ pay/ spend/ cost/ it takes sb sometime to do sth付款,担负区别16. High standard n. Adj高标准17. Respect n. Vt.尊敬,尊重18. 逻辑词And, but, or, so/ though/ because/since/every19. Influence影响 on对.影响20. Thoughts想法/ behaviours行为21. Similar类似的/ different不同的22. Sometime-sometimes-some time-some times区别23. Titl

2、e标题-main heading主标题-sentence句子-paragraph段落-article文章/author作者-text正文24. Stand for = represent 象征*短语*1. Show off炫耀2. Devote to doing sth奉献.3. Come up with-He can always come up with exciting ideas.他总能提出令人兴奋的想法。4. Connect to/with连接5. In all总计,合计6. Get + adj/ doing/比较级 - red/ angry/ worried/better-go b

3、ad7. Share sth with sb分享8. Impress- with-be ed by给.留下印象9. Think twice about sth三思而后行。10. Win high praise赢得高度赞赏11. Do the dishes刷碗12. Work without speaking all day long整天工作而不说话13. Take on challenges接受挑战-take up/ down/ in/ out/ off(区别?)14. Deal with处理.15. Search for-look for-find-find out寻找(区别?16. Tak

4、e the lead领先-fall behind落后17. Day after day一天又一天(重复)-day by day一天天地(强调过程)18. Give up-give in-give out(hand out)-give off (区别?19. Better-good/well-youd better do你最好20. Work extra hours额外工作21. Start to do sth- start doing sth-go on to do/doing-stop to do/doing22. sth/ doing sth奉献.25. Not onl

5、y.but also.不但而且26. Work with一起工作/ work out解决27. All over the world/country全国,全世界28. Fixed order固定顺序 order把.按顺序拜访29. 12 animal signs十二生肖-star sign星座-born under sign在.生肖出生30. Chinese lunar calender农历31. Repeat the recycle重复循环32. Divide into.分解为.33. hope to do希望做某事/ in the hope that报以.希望34. Dep

6、end on依赖/ it depends取决于35. Believe in/ trust信赖36. Cannot.too.无论怎样.也不为过37. 建议类:What about / how about/ Shall we-would you like to do/ Id love to.38. Neither.nor./ both.and./of/ either.or.-主语、宾语、定语、同位语-me neither/ neither do 39. 过去时标志:Ago/once-since-when-while-Ten hours a day/often/usually/recent/ jus

7、t now40. Agree with sb on sth同意某人关于.41. 就近原则: or ; either .or/ nor; neither.nor/ whether.or/ not.but; not only.but also 就远原则: as well as/ with/ rather than/ except/ besides/ but/ including/ in addition to/ apart from*语法*逻辑词but, and, so, or1. Seeing film is no fun at all so I will stay at home.看电影一点意

8、思也没有,所以我会呆在家里。 Because watching movie is not interesting I decide to stay at home.2. As a doctor, carelessness will lead to a disaster not only to ourselves but also to other people.作为一个医生,粗心会导致不仅对自己而且还有对他人的灾难。3. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.我的父母和我自己都认为我不会成为一个好的会计。4. E

9、ither mom or dad will come to attend the parent meeting next week.爸爸或者妈妈会参加下周的家长会。*句子*5. For example, you may become confident if you successfully complete a difficult task through hard work.举个例子,如果你通过艰辛努力完成一项困难的任务,你可能会变得自信。6. It is you who shape your life and your future.你的生活和未来都掌握在你的手中。7. His work

10、 shouts!他的工作非常有说服力!8. Thats not the case.不是那样的。9. A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘谬以千里。 Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 Life is like a race.生活就像一场比赛。10. This is great fun.这很有趣。-its great fun to do/ what great fun!-funny11. Thats how to do the job.-Thats why he was late.-Thats who does this job.-That

11、s what I want.12. He just has no idea where to go and what to do when heard this news.听到这个消息,他不知道要去哪里,要做什么。13. He never forgets the things he needs to do.他从不会忘记他自己该做的事情。14. We hope that you agree with our opinion on his suggestion.我们希望你能同意我们关于他建议的观点。15. I cant agree more on your view.我非常赞同你的观点。16. A

12、s a doctor, you cant be too careful.作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。17. A kid can never have too many toys.孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。18. We think he is the most suitable/ right person to be a writer.我们认为他是最适合当作家的人选。19. Both Kitty and I have known the importance of hard work.Kitty和我都已经明白了努力工作的重要性。20. What about you?/ How about yo

13、u?你呢?21. Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.对我来说整天工作而不说话是糟糕的。22. Your attitude towards life decides whether you take the lead or fall behind.你对待生活的态度决定了你是领先还是落后。23. We cant afford the result if we lose this game.我们不能承担输掉比赛的后果。24. They made an agreement that they will have a me

14、eting every two years.他们约定每两年见一次面。25. It is said that/ It says that the man beside the president plays a very important role in the government.据说总统旁边那个人在政府里很有影响力。26. His works won high praise from art community.他的作品在艺术界赢得高度赞扬。27. Im ready to take on new challenges any time.我准备好了随时接受新的挑战。28. His team

15、 members find him modest and easy to work with.他的队友发现他很谦虚,很容易相处。29. We find it difficult to deal with the relationship between doctors and patients.我们发现处理医患关系很难。30. The patient is getting angry as the doctor has already had them waiting here for more than one hour.病人开始着急了,因为医生已经让他等了一个多小时了。31. She wo

16、rks ten hours a day devoting most of her time to her work, which wins respect from the company.她每天工作十小时,把自己大多数时间都奉献给了工作,这让他赢得了公司的尊重。32. The doctor devoted all his life to making peoples life better and healthier.这位医生毕生致力于让人们的生活更好更健康。33. The sisters share everything with each other but money.姐妹俩除了钱什么

17、都互相分享。34. We are writing to/ in order to recommend Jason as our new monitor.我们写信是为了推荐Jason当我们的新班长。35. We think he has many strong qualities for this position.我们认为他有很多突出的品质适合这个职位。(strong point强项)Unit 236. Indigo靛蓝/ violet紫罗兰色37. Rainbow彩虹38. Mood心情,情绪- in blue mood心情低沉- in a good mood好心情- mode模式39. C

18、haracteristic特征,品质-personality性格40. Calm平静的,沉着的- down冷静41. Wedding婚礼- attend a wedding参加婚礼42. Feeling感觉,感受n.可数- I cant help crying out with such sad feeling. 在如此悲伤的感受下我忍不住哭出来。43. Peace和平-peaceful和平的- in peace和平地44. Wisdom智慧- wise明智的45. Strength力量- strong有力量的46. Heat热量-hot热的47. Purity纯洁n.-pure纯洁的48.

19、Nature自然;品格;本质-natural自然的49. Everyday每天的adj-every day每天地adv50. Personal个人的-personality性格-person个人51. Suit适合-suitable适合的-fit52. Celebration祝贺53. Certainly-surely当然地54. Ancient古老的- ancestor祖先-old旧的,老的55. Therapy疗法,治疗56. Discover-discovery发现57. Teens-eleven/twelve/thirteen/fourteen/fifteen/sixteen/seve

20、nteen/eighteen/nineteen十几岁- (first/second/third/forth/fifth/sixth/seventh/eighth/ninth)58. Promise v. n. sb sth允诺某人某事59. Practise doing sth vt. Practice练习n.-practical实际的60. Stress压力-stressed/worried/nervous紧张的,有压力的61. Suggest/suggestion- advise/ advice建议- sb to do sth/ doing sth 62. Trust = believe

21、in信赖63. Warmth温暖64. Handbag手提包65. Match vt. N.搭配;比赛-good match 搭配得好66. Balance-make/ keep between在.间保持平衡- balanced平衡的67. Wonder景观,奇迹-wonderful精彩的68. Represent/ stand for象征69. Sadness-(un)happiness-worries担忧-joy喜悦70. Make decision to do sth- make up ones mind to do sth决定做某事71. Scan扫描72. As/ since/ be

22、cause/ for因为,既然73. Ever/ since-whenever/ wherever/ whomever/ whatever/ however74. Or- otherwise否则- then 75. Inside/ outside / beside/ front / ahead/ behind/ back 23. Try on试穿24. Cheer up振作起来25. Green with envy妒忌的,眼红的26. Have a difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth做某事有困难-succeed in doing sth成功做某事27. Wou

23、ld do sth rather than=(d rather do sth)= would rather do sth than do sth宁可做.也不做.-prefer to do rather than do比起.更喜欢做.28. Prefer sth to sth 比起.更喜欢.29. Sth looks good on sb衣服穿在.身上好看- look good in+颜色30. Sb wear sth/ sb be dressed/ put on clothes穿衣服- dress up打扮31. Thats right/ thats ok/ no problem/ youre

24、 welcome没关系32. Feel blue/ relaxed/ happy/ sad/ angry/ worried/ sleepy/ good/ comfortable/ good/ weak/ tired/ energetic 感觉.33. Like to do/doing sth- dislike- like prep./ unlike/ unlikely喜欢.;像.34. Such as/ for example比如35. Remind sb of sth提醒某事关于.- forget sth- leave sth把.落在36. Be of help-helpful有帮助的-be

25、 of less help帮助较少37. Take action采取行动38. Require sb to do sth要求某人做某事/ sth= ask for要求- ask/get sb to do sth让某人做某事-39. Get into trouble陷入困难-get married结婚40. Fight with/ against为.而战;与.作战41. In.ways通过.方式-on the way home在回家的路上-by the way顺便说一下42. Around- the world/ all over the world全世界43. Write back soon马

26、上回信44. Think of想起,考虑- think about考虑45. In the past过去46. Be to do sth/ will do/ be going to do将要做.47. In the hope that希望.(用作状语)48. Be believed/ thought/ considered.被相信/认为是.49. According to根据50. Carry a handbag拿一只手提包That引导的宾语从句1. We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back!我们保证这种疗法可以帮助你改变情绪,否则全额退款。2. You may wonder whether it is true that the exam will be tak

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