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1、10. last year 去年11. last weekend 上周末12. fromto 从到【重点句子】1. Where were you born? 你在哪里出生?2. I was born in 我出生在 3. What was the name of the village? 那个村庄叫什么?4. What was the name of your first school? 你上的第一所学校叫什么名字?5. Who was your first teacher? 你的第一位老师是谁?6. She was very friendly. 她非常友好。7. Who were your

2、first friends? 你最早的朋友是谁呢? 8. What were they like? 他们当时是怎样的?9. What were you like? 你当时是怎样的?10. There were lots of things to do in Quincy.在昆西有很多事情可以做。11. I was very happy there. 我在那里非常快乐。12. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.有一间大的起居室,里面有一台电视机,还有一间厨房,一个卫生间和

3、三间卧室。13. On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favourite movie stars. 在我卧室的墙壁上,贴有我最喜欢的影星的图片。14. Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to play there.房子后面有一个大花园,花园里有很多树,还有一个小湖里面有鱼。在那里玩耍真好。15. Many of them were my fr

4、iends. 他们中很多都是我的朋友。16. I was there for the last time in 2010. 我最近一次住在那里是在2010年。17. One day Ill go back, and Im looking forward to seeing my friends again.将来有一天我还会回去的,我盼望着在见到我的朋友!Module 8 Story time1. once upon a time 从前2. in the forest 在森林里3. look into 向里面看去4. knock on the door 敲门5. a girl with hair

5、 of gold 一个留着金色头发的女孩6. push the door 推开门7. go for a walk 去散步8. pick up 捡起,拾起9. pick some flowers 摘一些花10. look around 环视,四下张望11. in pieces 破碎12. at first 首先,最初13. sit down 坐下14. point at 指着15. walk into the bedroom 走进卧室16. jump out of bed 跳下床17. be asleep 睡着18. go home 回家 19. change into 变成20. again

6、and again 一遍又一遍21. around the world 全世界22. begin with 以开始1. All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers. 金凤花姑娘独自走进了阴暗的森林里,摘了一些花。2. And soon she was lost. 不久她迷路了。3. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door. 她注意到一栋小房子,于是她赶快朝那栋房子走了过去,敲了敲门。4. N

7、obody answered, so she knocked again, and again. 没人回应,于是她又反复的敲门。5. It was open. There was nobody there. 门开了,里面没人。6. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them. 在一张桌子上有三个碗,碗里盛着好吃的东西。7. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it. 小碗里的正好,她把小碗里的东西全吃光了。8. First she

8、 tried the big chair, but wasnt comfortable. 首先,她试着坐在那个大椅子上,但不太舒服。9. It was not comfortable either. 它也不舒服。10. Soon the chair was in pieces. 那把椅子一会儿就散架了。11. Very soon she was asleep in it. 很快她就在小床上睡着了。12. Theres nothing in my bowl. 我的碗空了。13. He wasnt very happy! 他很不高兴。14. Then Baby Bear pointed at th

9、e little girl in his bed.小熊指了指他床上的小女孩。15. Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.金凤花姑娘从床上跳了下来,也顾不上提篮子,便冲出了房间。Module 9 Life history1. at the age of 在岁时2. Spring Festive 春节3. Teachers Day 教师节4. be different from 与不同5. Womens Day 妇女节6. find out 发现 7. National Day 国

10、庆节8. on the Internet 在网上9. Childrens Day 儿童节10. as well 也11. New Years Day 新年12. leave school 离开学校13.May Day/Labour Day 劳动节14. in many other languages 用许多其他的语言15. half an hour 半小时16. half past five 五点半 17. be worth doing 值得做18. get married 结婚1. Im writing about him for my English class. 我在写关于他的介绍,上英

11、语课要用的。2. We can find out about him on the Internet. 我们可以在网上找到关于他的资料啊。3. He left school and began work at the age of 12. 他12岁就离开学校开始了工作了。4. What did he do? 他做过什么?5. I dont know the exact date. 我不知道确切的日期。6. But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. 不过在19世纪60年代,他用了马克吐温这个名字,并且

12、变得很有名。7. Like many people four hundred years ago, Shakespeares parents didnt learn to read or write. 像四百多年前的许多人一样,莎士比亚的父母不识字。8. At school he liked plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14. 在他14岁毕业的时候,他决定成为一名演员。9. He became a successful actor and began to write plays. 他成为了一名成

13、功的演员,并开始写剧本。10. You can visit the theatre today, but it isnt the same building. 今天你还可以去参观那个剧院,不在已是当年那个建筑了。11. There was a fire in the old theatre. 老剧院发生过火灾。12. William Shakespeare died at the age of 52. 威廉莎士比亚52岁去世。13. You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages. 你现在依然可以看见他的戏剧以英文和其他许多语言在演出。14. Hes famous around the world. 他举世闻名。4

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