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1、 I dont want to mark my table, of course. Well, will you please avoid marking mine? Im sorry. I thought you were going to buy a new table soon. I hope to buy a new table, but I have to sell my old one first. Would you please tell me how much you want for it? How much do you think its worth? Not much

2、. Its badly marked. Ill give you ten dollars for it.The Phone Rang Again Mrs Moore had worked hard all day at the office, and she was looking forward to a relaxing evening at home. Just as she walked in the door, the telephone began to ring. She dashed to answer the phone and found that the caller w

3、as a man trying to sell her some light bulbs. She refused and hung up the phone. She smelled dinner cooking and went in to see how her children were getting along with the meal. Everything was ready except setting the table, so Mrs Moore went upstairs to change clothes. Just as she reached the head

4、of the stairs, the telephone rang again. When Mrs Moore answered it, she found out that her husband wouldnt be home for dinner. After she changed clothes , she went back downstairs to eat. During dinner, the phone rang twice. Her sister called to ask about the familyzs, and a group wanted her to do

5、some volunteer work. She and the children finished dinner and began cleaning up the kitchen. The phone rang again. The neighbours wanted to borrow the garden hose. After the kitchen was cleaned . Mrs Moore sat down with a sigh to read while the children did their homework. The phone rang again. With

6、out even answering it, Mrs Moore called to her children, Get ready, were all going to a movie. Great! But why?It seems thats the only way we can get away from this telephone. Questions on Text BBillys motorcycle shone in the afternoon sun and caught Billys reflection in the fender. He had worked all

7、 summer to save enough money for this ?bike and it was his -all his. He strapped on his helmet, slid the new black leather gloves over his hands, then threw one leg over the vinyl seat. There was a roar of the engine as he kicked it into motion, and suddenly there he was, speeding down the street on

8、 his motorcycle. Billys little brother, Tommy, watched solemnly from the front door. Tommy was only eight years old, but eight was old enough, he thought, for someone to have his very own motorcycle. It didnt seem fair that Billy had a bike and Tommy didnt. So Tommy sat on the front porch, ate his c

9、andy bar, and brooded over the matter as he watched Billy slide around the corner. All he wanted was just one ride. When Billy discovered his bike missing the next morning, there was a widespread investigation by the police, his parents, and the neighbours. No one had seen the bike since the day bef

10、ore. As Billy walked off down the sidewalk, heading for the schoo( bus, his attention was attracted by something black glaring at him from under a hedge. He approached slowly, then suddenly broke into a run. There under the hedge was his motorcycle with one badly dented fender. He reached for the ha

11、ndlebars to pull it from under the bushes. When he retracted his hand, there was a familiar sticky substance on his fingers. Tasting the brown sweetness, Billy smiled secretly to himself. He knew he had discovered who had taken his motorcycle for a spin.Lesson 22 If I Dont Do Anything Else Yesterday

12、 morning Paul said to himself. Ive got to write that economics paper today. If I dont do anything else, Ive got to write that paper. He sat down at his desk and put a sheet. of paper into his typewriter. He looked out of the window, ate a piece of candy, got up to get a drink of water, brushed his t

13、eeth, and sat down at his desk again.I havent written my family since Thanksgiving, he said to himself. ll write them a letter first. Paul wrote his family a long letter. My typewriter needs a new ribbon. Ive got to change this ribbon before I write myeconomics paper.The ink from the typewriter ribb

14、on got his hands very dirty, so he washed them and washed them. While he was washing his hands, he noticed that his fingernails were much too long. He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk. He put a sheet of paper into his typewriter . looked out of the wiudow, and looked at his wat

15、ch. It was noon.ll get some lunch now,.he said to himself. After lunch Ill write that paper, if I dont do anything else. Text Bll Find My WayThe day of Uncle Georges arrival is here. Everything is ready, but Uncle George and his family havent arrived. Uncle George cant find his way to the Miller hom

16、e. Mrs Miller gives him specific directions on the telephone.MRS MILI.ER:Please answer the telephone, Mary.MARY:Hello. Uncle George? Where are you? Wait a minute, please. Ill call Mother. Mother,its Uncle George.MRs MII.I.ER:George, dear. Where are you? At the corner of Pine and State 5treet? Wait t

17、here. Michael can come and get you.UNCLE GEORGE:No. Its not necessary. We drove the car. Give me the directions. Ill find my way.MRS MILLER:Go north on State Street to Main Street. Theres a large statue there. Turn left. Continue to Grove Avenue. Turn right. Continue on Grove Avenue to Seventh Stree

18、t.Turn left. Were in the middle of the block. Can you repeat Seventhre in the middle of the block. Can you repeat the directions, George?I think so. I have to go north on State Street to Main Street. I turn left toGrove Avenue. I continue on Grove Avenue. I turn right. I continue on Grove Avenue to

19、Seventh Street. I turn left and go to the middle of the block.MRs MILLER:Thats it. Ill see you soon, George. Mary, is the table set?Yes, Mother. Come and look.It looks very pretty. Thank you, Mary. A Break in the Routine Jonathan Rivers lived alone in a neat, two-storey, semi-detached housein Compto

20、n Street. Like many bachelors approaching middle age, be was getting rather set in his ways. He caught the same train to London every morning, ate his lunch in the same crowded restaurant near the office where he worked and always came home on the 6. 00 train. People were so used to seeing Jonathan

21、set off at a quarter past eight, dressed in a. sjmple dark suit. wearing a black bowler hat and carrying a rolled umbrella on his arm, that they said you didnt need to wear a watch if you lived in Compton Street. Ever since Jonathan had set up house in Compton Street, he had looked after it very car

22、efully. He worked hard in the garden every Sunday and set out to impress the neighbours with his flower beds and lawn. Before he left the house in the mornings, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front door. Everything Jonathan did was

23、tidy and systematic. One summer evening Jonathan returned home as usual at five minutes to seven precisely.When he opened the front gate he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the earth in one of the ftower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame the milkman or the p

24、ostman when he noticed that one of the white lace curtains in the front room downstairs was out of place. Jonathan never left anything out of place.He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few moments but could hear nothing. The front-room door was halt-open.

25、 Jonathan studied it thoughtfully, wondering if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten before. He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked inside the room. The shadow of a man was clearly reflected on the far wall in the evening sunlight. He had obvioasly be

26、en standing behind the door since Jonathans return. onathan grabbed the door-handle, sla;nmed the door and turned the key. Then he calmly picked up the telephone in the hall and set about calling the police. The burglar, a tall, thick-set, bearded fellow, tried to climb through a window to get out b

27、ut )onathan had expectedthat. He set about him with his umbrella, using it like a swoid. Three minutes later the police arrived on the scene. Jonathan was a little annoyed that he had to have dinner laterthan usual but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.Lesson 23Would You Like a Shave o

28、r a Haircut?A poor farmer who had always lived in the country and had never visited a big town won a lot of money, so he decided that he could now afford a holiday in an excellent hotel by the sea. When lunch-time came on his first day there, he decided to go and eat in the restaurant of the hotel.

29、The head waiter showed him to his table, took his order and went away. When he looked at the farmer again, he had a surprise! The farmer hadtied his table napkin round his neck. The head waiter was very annoyed at this and immediately told one of the other waiters in the restaurant to go to the man and inform him, without being in any way insulting, that peopledid not do such a thing in restaurants of that quality. The waiter went to the farmer and said in a friendly voice, Good morning, sir. Would you like a shave, or a haircut?What Do the Romans Do?MR TURNBULL: When in Rome,

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