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1、新外研版九年级上册ModuleWondersoftheworld全解Module 1 Wonders of the world 世界奇观 知识目标必记单词natural adj. 大自然的discussion n.讨论loud adj. (声音)响亮的beside prep. 在.旁边shine v. 照耀silver adj. 银灰色的remain v. 逗留;留下wonder n. 奇观;奇迹though conj. 虽然;尽管grey adj. 灰色的reply v. 回答;答复below prep. 在.以下nearly adv. 几乎;差不多stream n.小河,小溪常考短语in

2、ones opinion 按某人的意见,在某人看来millions of 成千上万的on top of 在.上面at the top 在顶端look forward to 盼望着more than 超过go through 穿过fall away 突然向下倾斜because of 因为经典句型1. Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you. 我从未看过它,因此我不能确定我同意你的意见。2. I looked to the east - the sky was becoming grey. 我望着东方天空变得灰蒙蒙的。3. Am I g

3、oing the right way? 我走的路对吗?4. . youll get there in five minutes. .五分钟后你会到达那儿。重点语法英语六大时态模块大归纳短语归纳 1.wonders of the world 世界奇观2.Join in 加入3.on the eastern coast of. 在.的东海岸 ones opinion 据某人看来5.millions of 无数的 interested in. 对.感兴趣7.become grey 变成灰色8.get out of 从.出来9.go through 穿过,从头至尾地练习10.fall

4、away 突然向下倾斜11.look over 从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查12.look across 眺望13.look down 俯视;向下看14.on top of 在.顶部 the bottom of 在.的底部16.on both sides 在两边17.look like 看起来像 famous for 以.闻名 an interview 做采访20.draw a picture of 画一幅.的图画21.go down 下去,下沉,沉落22.high up 在高处23.wait for 等候24.more than 超过25.dozens of

5、许多 height 高度;在高度上用法集萃1.agree with sb. 同意某人2.agree to do sth. 同意做某事3.would like to do sth. 想去做某事一段时间 在.(多长时间)之后5.have/has been to 去过6.have/has gone to 去了7.because of +名词 因为.8.without doing sth. 没有做某事 afraid of doing sth./be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 of +the +形容词最高级可数名词复数 最.的.之一11.lo

6、ok forward to doing sth. 盼望着做某事Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 years old. 它有2000多年的历史了要点全解1. Which two are natural wonders? 哪两个是自然奇观?(教材第2页)(1) natural 形容词,意为“大自然的”。其名词形式为nature, 意为“大自然,自然界”。We visited a natural museum. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。(2) wonder在此为可数名词,意为“奇观;奇迹”。The Great Wall is a great man-made wonder of

7、 the world. 长城是世界上一个伟大的人造奇观。拓展 (1) wonder还可作动词,意为“想知道;对.感到好奇”。 I wonder what they were doing here. 我想知道他们正在这里做什么。(2) wonder 的形容词形式为wonderful, 意为“极好的,精彩的”。I think he is a wonderful actor. 我认为他是个出色的演员。2. Lets call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. 咱们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧。 (教材第2页)join in 意为“参

8、加”,指参加某项活动。Why didnt you join in the talk last night?昨晚你为什么没有参加座谈?辨析:join in, join与take part injoin in多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛、游戏、讨论”等Would you like to join in the ball game?你想来参加球赛吗?join指加入党派、组织或社会团体,并成为其中的一员His elder brother joined the army one year ago. 他哥哥是一年前参军的。take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动等Will you take

9、part in the spotrs meeting next week?你下周要参加运动会吗?join in 加入活动 join 加入组织take part in 参加活动且发挥作用3. Hm, Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you. 嗯,我从未看过它,因此我不能确定我同意你的意见。(教材第2页)sure 形容词,意为“确信的,有把握的,一定的,无疑的”。“be sure +that 从句”表示“确信.”.Im sure that I can pass the exam. 我确信我能通过考试。拓展be sure of 意为“对.

10、有把握,肯定.”.He is sure of his success.他对成功很有把握。4. That sounds great, though I think Victora Falls in Africa are even more fantastic. 它(巨人之路)很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。 (教材第2页)(1) sound用作连系动词,意为“听起来”,其后跟形容词或名词作表语。常见搭配:sound like 意为“听起来像”。The music sounds very beautiful. 这音乐听起来很优美。That may not sound like fun t

11、o you. 那对你来说可能没那么有趣。拓展sound 作名词时,意为“声音”。泛指自然界的一切声音。Sound goes more slowly than light. 声音的传播速度比光慢。I like listening to the sound of the wind. 我喜欢听风声。助记英语中的连系动词一是(be),二感(feel),三保持(keep),起来四个(sound, look, smell, taste)好像(seem)变了仨(get, turn, become).(2013.山东临沂)- Do you know the song Gangnam Style?- Of co

12、urse. It interesting.A.tastes 解析:taste “尝起来”; smell “闻起来”;sound “听起来”;feel“摸起来;觉得”。本句中代词it指代上句中提到的江南style这首歌,歌曲与听觉相关,故用连系动词sound,句意:“你知道江南style这首歌吗? “当然知道。它听起来很有趣。” 答案: C(2) though连词,意为“虽然;尽管”,可与although相互替换,用来引导让步状语从句。Though/Although my grandpa is old, he looks very strong and healthy. 虽然我爷爷年事已高,但他

13、看上去很健壮。注意:but有“但是”之意,但不能与though/although出现在同一句话中,两者只能用其一。(2013.杭州) I think hes been drinking, Im not completely sure.A.if 答案:B5. It produces electricity for millions of people in China. 它为中国数百万人提供电力。(教材第2页)millions of 意为“成千上万的”。There are millions of stars in the sky. 天空中有数百万颗星星。拓展millon名词,意为“百万”。当hu

14、ndred, thousand 和million等词与具体的数字连用表示确切数目时要用单数形式;但当它们指的是不确切的数目时,必须用复数形式,且后面接介词of,意为“数以.计的”。There are about two million people in the city. 这个城市大约有两百万人。There are thousands of people on the street. 街上有成千上万的人。(2012.山东临沂) Did you know that the earth is home to animals?A.million of of答案:D6. Betty and Dami

15、ng are more interested in man-made wonders. 贝蒂和大明对人造奇观更感兴趣。(教材第3页)be interested in 为固定短语,意为“对.感兴趣”。Both my elder brother and I are interested in football. 我和哥哥都对足球感兴趣。辨析:interested和interesting(1) interested “感兴趣的”,在句中只用作表语,主语为人;表示人对某事或某物感兴趣,后面用介词in.He is interested in that movie. 他对那部电影感兴趣。(2) inter

16、esting “令人感兴趣的”,作表语或定语,表示某事或某物本身具有令人感兴趣的特征。We had a long and interesting talk. 我们进行了一次很有意思的长谈。Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. 大峡谷不仅仅是大1. I looked to the east - the sky was becoming grey. 我望着东方天空变得灰蒙蒙的。(教材第4页)become grey 意为“变成灰色;变成灰白色”。此处become为连系动词,意为“变得”,后接形容词作表语。His hair has become grey.

17、 他的头发已变成灰白色了。2. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. 我朝车内出来,穿过大门,沿着漆黑的小路往前走。(教材第4页)go through 意为“穿过,通过”,强调从物体内部通过。Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 汽车被禁止从市中心穿行。辨析:through和acrossthrough介词指从物体内部通过He went through the forest the next day.第二天他穿过了森林。acr

18、oss介词指从物体表面的一边到另一边We went across the road.我们穿过了马路。3. “Yes,” he replied, “youll get there in five minutes.” “是的,”他回答,“五分钟后你会到达那儿。”(教材第4页)(1) reply此处为不及物动词,意为“回答;答复”。其同义词为answer.构成短语reply to, 意为“答复,回答”。He reply that he would not do that. 他回答说他不愿做那件事。Did he reply to you? 他给你回复了吗?辨析:reply与answeranswer和r

19、eply都可以作不及物动词,都有回答的意思,有时可以通用。但replay比answer正式,一般指经过思考的、有针对性的、较详细的答复。The girl cried, but didnt answer/reply.那个女孩哭了,但没回答。answer和reply都可以作及物动词,意为“答道,回答说”。但是两者有明显区别:answer可以直接跟名词、代词和宾语从句;而reply只能跟宾语从句或直接引语,不能直接跟人或物(sb./sth.)作宾语,但作不及物动词用的reply加介词to后可跟人或物,意为“对.作出回答”。He answered/replied that he didnt know

20、the person.他回答说,他不认识那个人。Can you anwer him? 你能答复他吗?Please reply to my question. 请回答我的问题。answer和reply都可作名词,意为“回答,答复”,一般都可通用。I aked him, but he gave no reply.我问了他,但他没有回答。(2) in five minutes 意为“五分钟之后”,“in+时间段”表示“多久之后”,常用于一般将来时的句子中。对其提问时,用how soon(多久之后)。Hell get there in two days.他两天后会到达那里。How soon will

21、he be back?他要多久才回来?In half an hour.半小时以后。4. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. 我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。(教材第4页)look over 意为“从.上面看过去”。He stood and looked over the bridge.他站起来从桥上望过去。拓展look over 还可意为“仔细检查”。The doctor began to look over Mrs. Brown.医生开始检查布朗夫人。5. Far below m

22、e, the ground fell away and down to a river.在我下面的远处,地面(仿佛在随光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落,显露出谷底的河流。(教材第4页)(1) below作介词,意为“在.以下;低于”。反义词为above, 意为“超过;在.之上”。It was five below zero last night. 昨夜温度是零下五度。There is a bridge below the waterfall. 在瀑布下面有一座桥。(2) fall away 意为“突然向下倾斜”。I saw the hill fall away before me down to

23、the sea.我看见前面这座小山渐渐向下倾斜,延伸到海里。6. I looked down to the Colorado River, a silver stream nearly one mile below me. 我俯瞰科罗拉多河,一条在我下方差不多一英里的银色的溪流。(教材第4页)look down意为“俯瞰,往下看”。We looked down from the mountain to the valley below. 我们从山上俯瞰下面的山谷。拓展look down与on或upon连用时,意为“看不起”。You should never look down on poor

24、people.你永远不应该瞧不起穷人。7. .and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles. .在两边,大峡谷延伸超过200英里。(教材第4页)both在此为形容词,意为“两者,两者都”,其后接名词复数。Both girls are from Britain. 两个女孩都来自英国。拓展(1) both作代词时,通常位于连系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前,其后可跟of短语。They are both good swimmers. 它们两个都是游泳好手。We both like playing bak

25、etball. 我们两个都喜欢打篮球。Both of them are good students. 它们俩都是好学生。(2) both.and. 意为“.和.都”。Both Jim and Tom are my good friends.吉姆和汤姆都是我的好朋友。He can speak both English and French. 他既会说英语,也会说法语。辨析:both与allboth表示“两者都”His parents are both teachers.他的父母都是老师。all表示“三者或三者以上都”Are all the students here today?今天所有的学生都

26、到了吗?(2013.江苏泰州)Have you got anything to do this afternoon, Lucy and Lily?Yes. of us are going to the home for the elderly.A. Each B. Either C. Both D. All解析:each“每个,各个”;either “两者中任何一个”;both“两者都”;all“三者或三者以上都”。由谓语动词are知主语为复数,故排除A、B两项;由问句中的对象Lucy和Lily为两者可知需用both。答语句意是“是的,我们两个将要去老年公寓”。 答案:C 8. It is f

27、amous for. 它以.而闻名。(教材第5页)be famous for 意为“以.而出名”China is famous for the long history.中国因历史悠久而闻名。辨析:be famous for, be famous as 与be famous tobe famous for其后一般跟事物,表示“因/由于.而闻名”France is famous for its fine food and wine.法国以其精美的事物和葡萄酒而闻名。be famous as其后一般跟表示职业或身份的词,表示“作为.而出名”Mo Yan is famous as a great w

28、riter.莫言作为一名伟大的作家而出名。be famous to其后一般跟人,表示“对.是熟悉的,为.所熟知”Yao Ming is famous to most young people.姚明为大多数年轻人所熟悉。Unit 3 Language in use 1. I(2) (be) afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little nervous as we (3) (wait) for the lift. 我 (是)害怕到高楼顶部,因此当我们 (等候)电梯的时候,我有点儿紧张。(教材第7页)afraid形容词

29、,意为“担心的;害怕的”。Afraid在句中一般作表语,不用在名词前面作定语。Im afraid we cant come here on time. 我担心我们不能准时来这儿。拓展(1) be afraid to do sth. 意为“害怕做某事”。Im afraid to travel by plane. 我害怕乘飞机旅行。(2) be afraid of sb./sth. 意为“害怕某人/某事”;be afraid of doing sth. 意为“害怕做某事”。Some children are afraid of the dark. 有些小孩怕黑。Dont be afraid of

30、asking questions. 不要害怕提问题。(3) Im afraid +从句,意为“恐怕.”。Im afraid I have to go now. 恐怕我得走了。2. The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, one of the tallest buildings in the world. 上海的金茂大厦,世界上最高的建筑之一.(教材第7页)one of . 意为“.之一”,后面接名词或代词的复数形式; “one of +the+形容词的最高级可数名词的复数形式”意为“最.的.之一”。Yi Jianlian is one of the most famous basketball players in China.易建联是中国最着名的篮球运动员之一。注意:(1) one of +可数名词复数=a/an+可数名词单数of+名词性物主代词或名词所有格。one of my photos= a photo of mine 我的一张照片one of the boys habits = a habit of th

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