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外研版高考英语选修6 Module 6《War and Peace》word导学案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、特别的;值得回忆的14despite /dIspaIt/ prep.不管,不顾15occupy /kjpaI/ v占领occupied adj.使用中;忙于;被占领的occupation n占领;职业16nationality /nnlti/ n国籍national adj.国家的nation n国家17operation /preIn/ n行动;手术operate v操作;运转重点短语1.declare war on向宣战 involved in卷入3make a breakthrough取得重大突破(进展) 4.get in收获;进入5think about考虑,思考 6.keep

2、 in shape保持健康7to ones astonishment令某人惊讶的是 8.spit sth.out把吐出来经典句型1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.这次行动特别危险,许多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就被杀死了。2The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。3The cemetery and memorial

3、 are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel,from where the boats attempted their landings.墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,从那里可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,当时一艘艘船只就试图从那里登陆。4I was too ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend.我非常害羞地承认我还太年轻,没有女朋友。5We werent supposed to do that.我们本不该那么做。语境记忆T

4、he news that the plane had crashed made us shocked.Despite the high mountains and thick forests,the rescuers rushed to the scene for the rescue.They eventually saved many peoples lives,which made them feel all the efforts were worthwhile.The courage they showed in the rescue encouraged us all and le

5、ft a lasting impression on us.构词记忆commercial /kml/ adj.商业的;营利性的financial /faInnl/ adj.财政的;金融的potential /ptenl/ adj.可能的;潜在的racial /reIl/ adj.种族的;人种的1My father wanted to buy a country house for his eventual retirement but eventually he bought one in town because it has all the modern conveniences.(eve

6、ntual)2The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.(occupy)3The doctors are operating on an operator of a factory who got injured when operating a machine,and the operation is said to last over one hour.(operation)4The firefighter lost his life when trying to rescue(营救) a child from the bi

7、g fire.5We are not only shocked(震惊的)at the terrible working conditions,but also moved by the workers spirit.6Some soldiers were killed and some got seriously wounded(受伤) in the battle.7Parents often make sacrifice(牺牲) for their children.8She knew that society would condemn(谴责) her for leaving her ch

8、ildren.1 abandon v.放弃 stop doing ;遗弃,抛弃 leave ;沉湎于;n.放任;放纵 an uncontrolled way of behaving abandon oneself to.纵情;沉溺于abandon sb.把某事遗弃给某人abandon doing.放弃做with abandon放纵地;尽情地an abandoned child弃儿The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food.当局中止了分发食物的尝试。We are scared to abandon ou

9、rselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。夯实基础(1)用所给词的适当形式填空Soon they reached an abandoned(abandon) building,where there once lived an old monk.My doctor advised me to abandon smoking(smoke)(2)The lost car was found abandoned in the woods(发现被遗弃在小树林里) of

10、f the highway.2be occupied 房间、座位、床位等 被占用;被占有be occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于做某事be occupied with sth.从事/忙于做某事occupation n.工作;职业;占据Land is,in most instances,purchased by those who occupy it.在大多数情况下,土地都是由其使用者购得。Having retired from business,he now occupies himself w

11、ith the welfare of the disabled.从公司退休之后,他现在忙于残疾人的福利。(1)用occupy的适当形式填空I have been occupied in reading history books.I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.(2)Occupying herself with(忙于) routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.3encourage sb.t

12、o do.鼓励某人做encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的encouragement n.鼓舞;鼓励courage n.勇气In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise,our school organized a mountainclimbing on April 10.为了鼓励学生进行户外锻炼,学校组织在4月10日爬山。 (2013江西书面表达)When I cant get good grades and I am in low spirits,my parents always encourage me ne

13、ver to lose heart.当我成绩不好或情绪低落的时候,父母总是鼓励我不要灰心。 (2010广东读写任务)用encourage的适当形式填空(1)Encouraged by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.(2)It was encouraging that he recognized the dangers the company were facing.(3)I also had friends who gave me a great deal of enco

14、uragement.4Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.尽管竭尽全力控制自己,她的声音仍然在颤抖。Despite applying for hundreds of jobs,he is still out of work.尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。Despite the traffic jam(尽管交通阻塞),he arrived here on time.1.Scientists have made a breakthrough in cancer research.2To my astoni

15、shment,he was a thief.3He is said to be involved in the incident.4Get the children in.It began to rain.5I was thinking about my future.pick up捡起,拿起 某物 ;收听;接送某人;收拾;获得;学会;好转;逮捕,抓捕;取回;感染pick out挑出,pick and choose东挑西捡He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.他从地板上拾起帽子,重新戴在头上。We d

16、rove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan.我们第二天早晨开车去机场接苏珊。图解助记写出下列句子中pick up的汉语意思(1)Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled(不停摆弄) with it. 拿起(2)She went over to her parents house to pick up some clean clothes. 取回(3)Where did you pick up your English? 学会(4)Theyve picked up a really nasty in

17、fection from something theyve eaten. 染上(5)We can pick up Italian television. 收听(6)Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency.好转1Before I could get in a word,he had rushed out.我还没来得及插话,他就冲出去了。2He turned away,disappointed.他失望地走开了。3Never shall I do the

18、 same thing again.我再也不做同样的事情了。4Bob was such a lovely baby that I couldnt help smiling at him.鲍勃是个非常可爱的宝宝,我忍不住向他微笑。5The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用。Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.在人类战争史上,从来也没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力,取得如此大的成功,保护如此多的众生。否定词置

19、于句首,要用部分倒装语序,即把谓语动词的一部分 助动词、情态动词或be动词 提到主语之前。这类否定词或含有否定意义的短语主要有:never,no,not,little,hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely,not until,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,no sooner.than.,hardly.when.,in no sense,in no way,in no case,by no means,under no account/consideration,at no time,under no circumstances等。Neve

20、r have I been to Beijing.我从未去过北京。Not until I failed in the exam did I realize how much time I had wasted.直到我考试不及格,我才意识到自己已浪费了很多时间。特别提醒(1)not until所在的从句不倒装,主句要用倒装。(2)not only.but also.连接两个并列句时,前者倒装后者不倒装。(3)neither.nor.并列连词词组连接并列的句子时,(因neither/nor都是否定意义的词)前后两句都用倒装语序。把下列句子改为倒装句(1)She doesnt frequently

21、go downtown.Not frequently does she go downtown.(2)I little knew that she had already left.Little did I know that she had already left.(3)The lost car was nowhere to be found.Nowhere was the lost car to be found.(4)Churchill was not only a statesman,but also a writer.Not only was Churchill a statesm

22、an,but also a writer.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Had it been possible I would have told him the answer,but I was so busy then.(tell)(2)Dont come tomorrow.Id rather you came next weekend.(come)(3)John was very busy last week;otherwise he would have come to attend the meeting.(come)(4)If I were to/should become/bec

23、ame a millionaire tomorrow,the first thing I do would be to fire my boss.(become)(5)He speaks English as if he had learned it in Englishspeaking countries.(learn).教材活用根据课文内容完成下面的短文The Second World War,1.which lasted until 1945,started when Britain declared war 2.on Germany after Germany invaded Pola

24、nd.The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord.Troops from the United States,Britain and Canada took part the DDay landings.More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel,4.carrying (carry) 130,000 troops to the French coast.The Operation was extremely dangerous and

25、 many soldiers 5.were killed (kill) before 6.they even got off the boats.And many drowned in the deep water before help arrived.American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place,7.known (know) as Omaha Beach.The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad 8.that the US army commanders thought

26、about abandoning the invasion.Eventually,the soldiers made 9.a breakthrough and the DDay landings were 10.successful (success).课外拓展阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Sometimes our actions allow a certain plant or animal populationor the total number of individuals in a get (get) larger.

27、For example,if you planted tulips in your yard,the tulip population in your yard would increase.Our activities also can lead to a smaller plant and animal population.2.What would happen to the plants and animals in a neighborhood park if the park 3.were turned (turn) into an apartment building?Well,

28、they would either die or move to someplace elseand the areas plant and animal population would shrink.4Overhunting (overhunt),population,and other activities sometimes cause the population of a species to become so small 5.that it cannot survive.6.A species that is in danger of dying out is called a

29、(n) 7.endangered(danger) species.When a species can no longer survive and dies out,it becomes extinct.As groups of plants and animals began to disappear,people began to search 8.for ways to protect these species.In the early 1900s laws were passed to protect certain animals.However,the big breakthrough came in 1973 9.when the US.government passed the Endangered Species Act.This act lists species in danger of becoming extinct.The act also makes illegal to disturb,harm,shoot,kill,tr

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