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1、Binzhou Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts4,29, 2015独 创 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二一五年XX月XX日毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明本人

2、完全了解滨州学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。(保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)作者签名:摘 要 语言学习包括学习语音,语法,词汇三大语言要素,词汇教学是外语教学的一个重要组成部分。对学生进行成功的词汇教学关系到外语教学的最终目标是否能够顺利实现。语言是文化不可分割的一部分,语言是文化的载体,文化的内容通过语言来反映。语言教学不仅包

3、括语言知识的教学,而且包括文化知识的导入。近些年来,随着中西文化交流的扩大以及学术界对词汇教学重要性认识的加深,虽然越来越多的学者和外语教师已经逐渐意识结合文化进行词汇教学的必要性,但关于如何在初中英语词汇教学实践中有效地贯彻文化教学仍然缺乏系统深入的研究。 本文回顾概括了国内外词汇教学及研究的历史,针对我国初中英语词汇教学的现状,分析对比中外文化的差异,查阅相关资料,主要是从英语词汇的文化内涵的,词汇与文化的关系,文化导入在英语词汇教学中的作用,词汇教学和文化导入相结合的必要性,如何在英语词汇教学中进行文化导入等方面论述。在初中英语词汇教学中,把词汇的文化内涵意义融入英语词汇教学的课堂中是很

4、必要的, 作者对文化导入在词汇教学过程中提出了相应的建议,为以后初中英语词汇教学提供一些可行的实施办法,以提高初中英语词汇教学的质量和促进学生语言词汇能力,最终增强学生的跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力,培养他们宽容,开放的情感态度。关键词:初中英语词汇教学;文化导入;跨文化交际能力 Abstract There are three factors of language in language learning, namely,phonetics, grammar and vocabulary,vocabulary teaching is an very important part of for

5、eign language teaching. The success of vocabulary teachingto the studentsis related to the smooth realization ofthe ultimate goal of foreign language teaching. Language is an integral part of culture, it is the carrier of culture, the content of the culture was reflected through language.Language te

6、aching includes not only language knowledge teaching, but also the cultural knowledge introduction. In recent years, with the enlargement of the cultural communication between Chinese and western, academia has a thorough understanding of the importance of vocabulary teaching,more and more scholars a

7、nd foreign language teachers have realised gradually the necessity of combining withculture in vocabulary teaching,It still lacking systematic and further research oncarrying out the cultural teaching effectivelyin the junior middle school English vocabulary teaching.The author review and summarized

8、 the history of vocabulary teaching and research at home and abroad, in view of the situation of junior middle school English vocabulary teaching in China,Contrast and analyze cultural differencesof Chinese and foreign , access to relevant information, mainly discuss from the following aspects :cult

9、ure content of the English vocabulary, the relationship between vocabulary and culture, the role of cultural introduction in English vocabulary teaching, the necessity of the combination ofvocabulary teaching and culture introduction, how to carry out the cultural import in English vocabulary teachi

10、ng and so on. The authorput forward the corresponding suggestionabout cultural introduction in the process ofvocabulary teaching,provide some feasible measuresfor English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school, in order to improve the quality of the junior middle school English vocabulary teach

11、ing and promote the students language vocabulary ability, finally enhance the students cross-cultural awareness and intercultural communicative competence, cultivate their tolerance and open emotional attitude.Key words: junior high school vocabulary teaching; culture introduction; intercultural com

12、municative competenceContentsIntroduction 1Chapter One Culture 31.1 The meaning of culture 31.2 The relationship between language and culture 31.3 The importance of vocabulary in culture learning 41.4 The purpose of this study 4Chapter Two Vocabulary and Culture 52.1 Relationship between vocabulary

13、and culture 52.2 Status of English vocabulary teaching in junior high school 62.3 The role of cultural introduction in English vocabulary teaching 72.3.1 Culture teaching can improve students knowledge structure 72.3.2 The culture introduction can improve students ability structure 72.3.3 Culture in

14、troduction can stimulate students interest in learning 7Chapter Three The Culture Introduction Research Both at Home and Abroad and the Theoretical Basis for This Study 83.1 The research both at home and abroad: 83.2 The theoretical basis of this study 93.2. 1 Schumann Acculturation Model 93.2.2 Lan

15、guage Transfer Theory 10Chapter Four The Necessity of Combining Vocabulary TeachingandCultural Introduction 114.1 Cultural characteristics of language 124.2 Culture teaching potential of vocabulary 124.3 The necessity of combining vocabulary teachingculture introduction 13Chapter Five How to Conduct

16、CultureIntroduction in English Vocabulary Teaching 135.1 The content of culture introduction 135.1 .1 Customer 135.1.2 Culture which derived from literary works 145.1.3 Religion and mythology 145.1.4 Festival 145.2 Approaches of culture introduction in vocabulary teaching 155.2.1 Direct introduction

17、 155.2.2 Recommended reading 155.2.3 Apply multimedia teaching 155.2.4 Improve English teachers cultural literacy 165.2.5 Increase the introduction of cultural background knowledge ofthe vocabulary in the textbooks 16Chapter Six Conclusion 16References 19Acknowledgements 20Introduction With the furt

18、her development of Chinas reform and opening-up policy, there are differences between different cultures,intercultural communication is increasing in our country, misunderstanding in communication is common. It is very importantto cultivate the students culture capacityin English teaching. To train

19、the ability of students culture,we mustconductthe culture of target language teachingin the language teaching at the same time. However, researchers pay little attention to study of cultural meanings of English vocabulary in junior middle school. There are mainly three methods English vocabulary tea

20、ching, including Grammar Translation Method, the Audio-lingual Method and the communicative language teaching. In this thesis the writer adopts the method of literature research and comparison, collect, consult and analyze related literature data. Based on Language Transfer Theory and Schumann Accul

21、turation Model, we know the importance of culture introduction in junior middle school vocabulary teaching. Vocabulary is the basic element of language, is the survival pillar of language.There are huge differences between Eastern and Western culture, these cultural differences reflected in the lexi

22、cal level especially, vocabulary is the largest carrier of culture, vocabulary itself contains rich cultural significance. At present many problems still exist in teaching junior high school English vocabulary. The current form of junior high school English vocabulary teaching is monotonous, mainly

23、is the teachers explain, the main role of the students have not been fully exploited and reflected, students lack interest in learning. Mainly aiming at test when the teachers teach vocabulary, the interpretation of the word meaning is more from the aspects of surface meaning, rarely on associative

24、meaning and the implied cultural factors. While in language teaching ,conducting corresponding cultural introductionat the same timehas become a new concept of modern education.Culture is a part of English teaching, it has a great role in promoting for English teaching. Culture teaching can improve

25、students knowledge structure,improve students ability structure and stimulate students interest in learning.The thesis is intended to offer some suggestions about how to conduct culture introduction in English vocabulary teaching, so as to effectively improve students sensitivity tothe differences o

26、f culture between Western and Chineseand the ability to identify, cultivate the students intercultural communicative competence.Chapter One Culture1.1 The meaning of cultureThe word culture in the West comes from the Latin cultura, the original meaning refers to farming and the cultivation of plants

27、.Since the 15th century, gradually extended use, the cultivation of human character and ability also known as culture.High frequency of use of the term culture, the scope of use is also very broad, it is very rich in connotation and extension, so the definition of culture are numerous.Culture has fo

28、ur explanations in Oxford Advanced Leaners Dictionary, 1.Refined understanding and appreciation of art, literature, etc.; 2.State of Intellectual development of society; 3.Particular form of intellectual expression, art and literature; 4.Customs, arts, social institutions, etc.of a particular

29、 group or people.(2002:347) “Culture can be defined as membership in Discourse community that shares a common social space and history,and common imaginings.”(Kramsch, 2008:10) “According to the definitions of sociologists and anthropologist,culture refers to the total patterns of beliefs,customs,in

30、stitutions,objects,and techniques that characterize the life of a human community.”(Deng, Liu, 2010:3)Generalized culture is the sum of all human beings to create material goods and spiritual products. The narrow sense refers specifically cultural language, literature, art and all ideologies, includ

31、ing spiritual products.1.2 The relationship between language and culture About the relationship between language and culture, Zhang Hongling (2007: 83) consider that: First, language and culture is the main difference between a nation or group of signs and other ethnic groups, it is a major component of society.T

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