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1、Lesson13:Lets Buy Postcards! 授课教师:课 时1课时成 员上课时间教 学 目 1. 掌握下列四会词汇:postcard, letter, e-mail.2.在创设的情境中运用所学的知识,运用学到的日常用语简单地会话。3.激发积极的情感因素,培养与人交流的能力。教学重点四会词汇:postcard, letter, e-mail.运用学到的日常用语简单地会话教学难点运用学到的日常用语简单地会话教具应用教学过程二次备课Step1. Warming-up(热身) Greeting: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Step 2. Lea

2、rning(新知)1.Postcard, letter, e-mail Talk about :(1)What do you write a letter on? (2)What does a postcard have? (3)Where can we buypostcards?2.Talk about: What do you write an e-mail on?(1) Play the audiotape. Ask some students to read the text.(2)IntroduceT: Look, here is a shop. It has many postca

3、rds. Which one do you like? Why? (Ask the students to answer.) Do you want to choose one to send to your family or friend? Introduce “send” with a picture. Who do you want to send them to?(3) Now, Im a clerk. Can you buy it? (鼓励学生用How much _?及Ill take _. 等句子 进行对话,可再叫几名学生进行示范。) very good! You can get

4、 it. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are in the hotel shop. Lets listen carefully.4.Show the questions:(1)What does Jennys postcard have? Who does she want to send it to?(2)What does Li Mings postcard have? Who does he want to send it to?(3)Listen to the tape Step3 .Practice(操练) 1. Play a game(游戏) 2. Lets

5、do(P39)(设计意图:通过以上活动,让学生对本课单词句型能够灵活创新运用)Step4 Summing up (小结) 板书设计 Lesson 17 Lets buy postcards! a letter on paper. an e-mail on a computer. postcards in the hotel shop.教导处审核意见Lesson 14Jenny Writes a Postcard 授课教师:知识目标:四会单词left,right,write,dear,fine,address,send,stamp.date能力目标:How to write apostcard情

6、感目标:培养学生的交际能力。四会单词left,right,write,postcard,dear,fine,address,send,stamp.date如何用英语写贺卡。合作,探究,朗读 Step1:Revision 1. Greeting2. 做“Draw and Guess”游戏用以复习postcard 3. 做“What Day is it”游戏用以复习星期的名称、月份和序数 Step2:New concepts: 1.dear, address, left, right Introduce: Use a postcard to demonstrate “address”, “dear

7、”, “left”, “right”, and write Write on the blackboard and read a few times together. Ask for volunteers to show you the address,dear,left and right of objects in the classroom.(让学生能够正确运用所学单词) Point to the picture of a postcard on blackboard and ask “Where do we put the stamp?” in Chinese. Teach them

8、 the new word “stamp”. We put the stamp in the top, right corner of the postcard. Play a game.(传递单词游戏) One by one read the word on the card. 2.Introuduce how to write a postcard.(介绍明信片写法) Where do you write on a postcard? On the left. Where do you put the address? On the right. Teach them write the

9、day first,and write the name. (Lets sing)(提示:一.在明信片右边地方写收信人的地址,注意要先写收信人的姓名,再从小到大写上收信人的地址。二.内容的写法:顺序是先写日期,其次称呼,正文,最后结束语) 3.DrillsMake a postcard by yourself.Then introduce it.(要求每个学生都做一张明信片,用left 和right来向学生说明在哪儿写日期,在哪儿写地址,在哪儿写名字。 4.Open books. Lets listen to the audiotape and read after the speaker.(

10、读课文) Look at Jennys postcard.Who can tell us what does she say? 5.Finish part3 Lets do it.Step3: Class closing布置作业1. 完成配套练习。2. 写一个英语贺卡 Lesson 18 :Jenny Writes a PostcardWhere do you write on a postcard? On the leftWhere do you put the address?On the right.Lesson 15 : Sending the Postcards 授课教师:一 知识目

11、标:1四会单词:turn,wrong2.三会短语:Excuse me,go straight,turn left/right,at the trffic lights 3.灵活运用句型 Excuse me,Where is post office? Go-二 能力目标:学会如何寄贺卡、如何买邮票、如何问路三 情感目标:通过学习,能够正确运用买东西时的英语表达形式,能够在比较真实的情景下进行购物的交流,提高学生的语言交际与表达能力。三会短语:灵活运用句型 Excuse me,Where is post office?合作交流、情境交际.Class Opening and Review 1. Gr

12、eeting Hello , boys and girls ! How do you feel ? Step2: New Concepts 1 . Demonstrate Show a dialogue : Lynn:Hello ,Jenny. Where are you going ? Jenny: To the post office . I want to buy some stamps . Because I want to send my postcards to my friends . Ss:分角色表演对话。 T:解释难点(板书) At the post office :Step

13、 3: Play a game (教本Part3) Make a shop at the classroom.Step 4 : Practice Two students in a group to make up a short dialogue .(教本Part3 2.Look andtalk) Step 5: Class close 请学生总结本节课学到了什么?(用汉语)Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards Excuse me,wheres-?Go straight-How much is/are-?Its-Theyre-.Lesson 16 : An Emai

14、l Is Fast 授课教师:email,idea,computer,use2.灵活运用一般现在时态。学会如何用用电脑发送email通过学习,提高学生的语言表达能力。四会单词:如何用电脑发送email合作交流 Where is post Office?A postcard is slow.An email is fast.(教师板书课题) T:Look at Li Ming,he uses the computer to send an email. Read the email,answer the questions. 1.Is the email from Li Ming? 2.Hows

15、 the weather in Beijing? 3.When will Li Ming go back home? Step 3:You can write an email in different ways(教本Part3 Lets di it) 1. Lets sing2.请学生总结本节课学到了什么?2. Write an email to your friend. Lesson 16An Email Is Fast slow-fast send an email to sb. Will+V/go backLesson 17 : Dannys Email 授课教师:kind,us,re

16、member, 3.会写一封电子邮件.如何写email灵活运用一般现在时态。会写一封电子邮件. You guess.Whats Danny doing? S1: S2:He is writing an email.Yes.Letslearn Dannys email(writing blackboard)Step2: New ConceptsSs: Read the email,answerthe questions. 1.Is this email to Steven?2.Where is Danny?3.Is the email from Danny?4.Howsthe weather i

17、n Beijing?/Canada?5.When will Danny go back home to Canada?6.How are people in Beijing?Steven is writing an email to Danny(教本Part3 Lets di it)Read.Tick or cross.Jenny and Danny in Beijing .They will go back to Canada.What Li Ming and Mrs Li will say?S1:S2:(writing blackboard)What will Jenny and Dann

18、y say? (writing blackboard) Step 4: 1.语音:连读的方法:短语或句子中相邻的词如果前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一个词的词首是元音是,就要连读。 2.请学生总结本节课学到了什么?Lesson 17Dannys Email Well miss you. Well miss you ,too. What a fun trip Beijing is great!Lesson18 LittleZekeSendsanE-mail 授课教师:1:知识与技能目标:1) 能借助图片听懂并且读懂本课故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。2) 能听懂课堂用语并能按照老师的指令去活动。2.情感

19、态度目标:1)营造愉悦学习氛围,促使学生积极参与主动学习。2)通过多样性的教学活动和教学评价,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,鼓励学生主动参与、积极合作、敢于开口,乐于进行语言的学习和交流。能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述讲述本课的小故事。 能根据图片,词语或例句的提示完成相应练习。1.Greetingsandwarmming-up.Iseveryonehere?Areyoureadyforclass?S:Yes,Imready.Howstheweathertoday?Itsasunnyday.Ilikethisfeelveryhappy.Dohappy?Yes.Presentation.We


21、y,Minghere.TheysendingExcellent!now,letslearnstory“Littlesendse-mail”.WhoZeke?Look!EmmaZeke.Emmasfriend.wante-mailEmma.whathappened?Watchvideoanswertwoquestions.Wherelive?getse-mail?lookattogether. Boys,Danny.Girls,Jenny.Ready?Go!(分角色朗读)Verygood!Question,wherelivesOtttawa. herschool.Yeah!Great!This Frome-mail,whatstimeBeijing?itstwelveoclockafternoon.Ottawa,time?findit?threemorning.yo

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