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1、6. Functioning like a magnet, Hollywood draws ambitious young people from all over the world. 好莱坞如同一块磁铁,吸引了世界各地一心想成名的年轻人。7. Sweeping across Asia, an information technology revolution is causing an acute shortage of high-tech labor. (1) 一场信息技术革命席卷亚洲,导致高新技术人才严重短缺。 (2) 一场席卷亚洲的信息技术革命导致高新技术人才严重短缺。 8. Lau

2、nched on 1 January, 1999, the euro becomes the official currency in the 11 European Union nations. (1) 欧元于1999年1月1日启动,成为11个欧盟国家的官方流通货币。 (2) 1999年1月1日启动的欧元已经成为11个欧盟国家的官方流通货币。 9. Long dominated by the Japanese, Asias auto market now lies in the sights of ambitious US and European car manufacturers. (1

3、) 亚洲汽车市场长期由日本一统天下,目前雄心勃勃的美国和欧洲汽车制造商正瞄准亚洲市场。 (2) 长期由日本一统天下的亚洲汽车市场,目前受到了雄心勃勃的美国和欧洲汽车制造商的关注。10. American writers have produced novels, short stories, and poems, reflecting both the life of the nation and the diverse local and ethnic cultures within it. 美国作家创作出了反映国民生活和国内多民族文化的长篇小说、短篇小说和诗歌。11. The Panama

4、 Canal has become Panamas Canal, ending 95 years of American control. 巴拿马运河已经成为巴拿马自己的运河,从而结束了美国95年的控制。12. In an effort to reach more readers, many publications have gone on-line, making their materials available to people with personal computers. 为了争取更多读者,很多杂志将文章刊载在电脑网络上,人们在家里可以通过个人电脑阅读喜爱的文章。被动句的翻译1

5、. Our foreign policy is supported by people all over the world. 我国的外交政策得到了全世界人民的支持。2. More than 50,000 computers at websites were infected by a computer virus that is spreading rapidly around the world. 一种电脑病毒在全世界迅速传播,网上5万多台电脑遭到侵袭。3. A police court is presided over by a magistrate, who tries the cas

6、es without a jury. 治安法庭由地方法官主持,法官审理各种案件,无须陪审团。4. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced. 全球核冲突的危险性已经大大减小。5. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. 广义地

7、说,人可以分为三类:有些人辛劳而死,有些人忧愁而死,有些人烦闷而死。(或:有累死的,有愁死的,有烦死的)6. The euro was inspired by the idea of creating “a country called Europe”. 欧元诞生于“欧洲一体化”的设想。7. Movies were first made in Hollywood before WWI. 一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影。8. In 1849 gold was discovered in California in the mountains near San Francisco and so sta

8、rted the famous Gold Rush. 1849年加州三藩市附近的山里发现了黄金,由此开始了广为人知的淘金热。9. The consumer spending was dampened in the regional financial crisis in Asia. 亚洲地区的金融危机抑制了消费。10. The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults. 年轻人促进了移动电话市场的繁荣。11. The ever-increasing demand for private cars could be halted by mor

9、e investment in public transport. 公共交通增加投入,可以抑制不断增长的私车需求。12. It is believed that nuclear power is among the greatest innovations of our time. But it is also feared it will bring the end of the world. 我们相信核能是当代最伟大的发明之一,但是我们也担忧核能会带来世界末日。13. It is commonly believed that hot climates reduce peoples ener

10、gy and that people of the south walk and talk more slowly than the busy northerners. (人们)通常认为,炎热的气候降低了人的活力,南方人走路和说话都比忙碌的北方人慢。14. The National Security Agency in US is accused of reading other peoples e-mails around the world in its search for military and commercial secrets. (1) 美国国家安全局在全球范围内偷窥他人的电子

11、邮件,获取军事和商业秘密,受到了指责。 (2) 人们指责美国国家安全局在全球范围内偷窥他人的电子邮件,获取军事和商业秘密定语从句的翻译一、前置法1. The fine would serve as a warning to other motorists who drove without due care. 罚款对于驾车不够小心的司机可以起到警告作用。2. The era of globalization has begun with new communication and information technologies, and capital could flow freely t

12、o those regions, industries and companies that promise the best returns. 随着通信和信息技术的发展,全球化时代已经到来,资本可以自由地流向有望获得最大收益的地区、产业和公司。二、省略法3. One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. 伦敦的一大特色是大商店多,大多数位于西区及周边地区。 4. Like the press in most ot

13、her countries, American newspapers range from the sensational, which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events. 美国报纸和其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪、色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦实事新闻,分析国际时事。5. Scientists have been devoted to developing high-yield rice vari

14、eties that sparked the green revolution in the 1970s. 科学家致力于开发高产水稻品种,从而引发了20世纪70年代的绿色革命。三、重复法6. The high-tech explosion has created a new group of workers that like challenge and treasure the independence and the diversity of work. 高科技迅速发展,造就了一批新的员工,他们喜欢挑战,珍视独立和工作的多样性。 7. Cambridge University has nu

15、rtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind. 剑桥大学培养出了牛顿、培根、弥尔顿、拜伦、达尔文这样伟大的科学家、思想家和诗人,他们为人类的进步做出了杰出的贡献。 8. Not long from now, the seemingly endless expansion of computer power that has propel

16、led the digital revolution of the past two decades will stop unless major breakthroughs take place. 电脑的能量似乎在无止境地扩大,推动了过去20年的革命,然而在不久的将来,如果没有大的突破,这种扩大将会终止。四、融合法9. The idea that the family is the traditional unit of society is challenged by American youth who are increasingly turning down marriage. 家庭

17、是社会的传统组成成分,而美国青年越来越拒绝婚姻,使这种观念受到了挑战。10. Apple pie is a favorite sweet, and English puddings, of which there are various types, are an excellent ending to a meal, especially in winter. 苹果馅饼是人们喜爱的甜点,而英国布丁品种多样,用作一餐的最后一道点心再好不过,尤其在冬天更是如此。 11. Technology is creating a global economy that is supplanting the

18、 old national economies. (1)由技术带来的经济全球化正在取代旧有的民族经济。(2) 技术正在使经济日趋全球化,这种经济形式正在取代旧有的民族经济。12. Foundations are based on the money that would otherwise go to the government in taxes. 基金会所依赖的资金本来会以税收的形式上缴政府。 13. The trend of home working is surging in the field of finance where trading can be done via the

19、Internet. 在金融界可以通过互联网进行交易,居家工作的潮流正在金融界兴起。14. Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. 通常热带地区阳光强烈,而其他地区海水蒸发量不如热带地区那么大,因此这些地区海水咸度要高些。 五、定语状语转换法15. Einstein, who worked out the

20、 famous Theory of Relativity, won the Nobel Prize in 1921. 爱因斯坦由于创立了著名的相对论,于1921年获得了诺贝尔奖。 16. There was no respect even for Einstein in Hitlers Germany, who only wanted to think of the problems beyond time and space and politics. (1)爱因斯坦一心只想考虑超越时空和政治的问题,但是希特勒统治下的德国,就连他也得不到尊重。 (2)希特勒统治下的德国,就连爱因斯坦也得不到

21、尊重,因为他一心只想考虑超越时空和政治的问题。 17. The danger of a recession in world trade that could hit all countries cannot be ignored, but it would bear most heavily on the weakest partners in the world economy. 因为经济衰退的危险可能冲击到所有的国家,所以不容忽视,但是受到冲击最大的将是世界经济中最为弱小的国家。主语的选择一、英译汉中主语的选择(一)There be结构主语的选择1、In the 1960s there

22、was a change in fashion in favor of small cars. (1) 20世纪60年代出现了一个变化,人们崇尚小型汽车。 (2) 20世纪60年代,时尚起了变化,人们开始喜欢小汽车。 (3) 20世纪60年代,时尚起了变化,小汽车受到人们的青睐。2、There are a lot of pine trees on the slope of the hill. 山坡上长着许多松树。3、There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden. 园子中央有一座花坛。4There are four types of se

23、ntences in terms of structure: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. 按结构分,句子有四类:简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句。5There are over twenty printing errors. 印刷错误有二十多处。6There may be a chance to win. 可能还有赢的机会。7Theres going to be a fine day. 天要晴了。8There can never be any discussion as to the consequen

24、ces of corruption. 无需讨论腐败的后果。9There was expected to be strong disagreement on the matter. 对这件事的看法,估计有很大的分歧。D其他译法10There is a persistent demand on the part of parents for an attack on pornographic publications. 家长一直要求对色情出版物进行打击。11There is a growing concern over the population growth. 人们对人口的迅速增长越来越关注。

25、12There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. 人人喜笑颜开,步履轻快。(二)倒装句主语的选择1、Then began a bitter war between the two countries. 于是两国之间开始了恶战。2、To this class belongs the most astonishing work that the author accomplished. 作者写就的那部惊世骇俗之作便是属于这一类。3、So bright was the moon that the flowers were as b

26、right as by day. 月色皎洁,照得花朵像白天一样鲜艳。4In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees, all in full bloom. 长方形的院子里长着三株盛开的白玉兰。5Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles, turkeys and toys. 货品中有圣诞树、花卉、蜡烛、火鸡和玩具。6Just as necessary for us as knowledge are social experi

27、ences. 对我们来说,和知识同样必需的是社会经历。7The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the lack of the information media. 农村因为地处偏僻,交通不便,与外界隔绝。而通讯工具的缺乏,使农村更为闭塞。8Improved housing has also contributed to a sharpened sense of aesthetics. 改善居室环境也有助于增强审美意识。9

28、His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 他疲惫不堪,天气又越来越热,于是想就近找个阴凉的地方,坐下歇会儿。10An awed hush fell upon the bystanders. 旁观者吓得大气也不敢出。11A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memories. (1) 从办公室窗口望去,他可以看见华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂的全景。 (2) 从他的办公室窗口望出去,华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂尽收眼底。12The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,声息全无。13His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked. 他这样做是因为害怕受到攻击。14. His real interests lie outside work in his love of music. (1) 他真正的兴趣在工作之外

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