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学年高二英语外研版选修六习题单元卷4 Word版含答案Word文档格式.docx

1、The Premios Ondas awards were first set up in 1954 and are given out annually.In 1956, the program extended its range with an international awards category.Wellknown bands U2, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Coldplay, as well as pop singer Ricky Martin, have all previously won the award.On Nov.13,Lang wo

2、n the German Bambi Award in Berlin for his outstanding achievements in classical music.Last year, Lang was also the first Chinese to be named International Artist of the Year at the Classic Brit Awards in Britain.1What is the main idea of the passage?AThe story of Lang Lang.BLang Lang won Spanish Pr

3、emios Ondas award.CThe Premios Ondas awards of Spain.DThe achievements of Lang Lang.2Why did Lang Lang win the Spanish Premios Ondas award?ABecause he plays music well.BBecause he is the best pianist in China.CBecause he has made achievements in bringing classical music to new and younger audiences.

4、DBecause he gave a master class to junior music camp students.3Which word can be used to replace the underlined word “previously” in the fourth paragraph?ABefore. BQuickly.CSurprisingly. DNormally.BI got a piano when I was 26 years old.I had been longing to play the piano since I was a little girl.

5、My grandmother had a piano in her house.But she gave it away to my aunt when I was still little. After I got married, someone offered a piano to us for D|S280.We bought it immediately, even though it meant that we had to live off our food storage for a couple of months.Paying a teacher was out of th

6、e question, so I set out to teach myself the piano.First, I set out to learn to read music.I got any music I could find and played songs by looking at notes.The problem was that I couldnt play any piece of music if I didnt look at notes.I had always thought that playing the piano by ear was reserved

7、 for a few select pianists who were born with the gift.However, one day, what a pianist told me changed my opinion.One day, I went to a concert.Luckily,after the concert, I could talk with the pianist for a while.He told me that everyone could play the piano by ear if he or she tried hard enough.He

8、meant that to learn to play the piano by ear, I would have to practice it.So I started playing jingles (短曲) from advertisements.Before long, I was able to pick out simple tunes of songs that were very familiar to me, and even to add accompaniments (伴奏)When I started practicing playing by ear, I also

9、 realized that my sight of reading skills improved greatly.Its because rather than reading every note, I was able to put my fingers where they should be according to the feel of the music.Remember,you can learn to play the piano by ear, too.4After the author got married, she_.Abought a new pianoBliv

10、ed a very rich lifeCstill longed to play the pianoDhad no time for her hobbies5What was the problem when the author played the piano at the beginning?AShe had a very poor memory.BShe couldnt read music well.CShe couldnt find much music to play.DShe couldnt play music without notes.6At first the auth

11、or considered playing the piano by ear was_.Ainteresting BchallengingCpopular Dboring7How does the author usually play the piano now?ABy looking at notes carefully.BBy looking at notes and remembering them.CBy playing the piano without looking at every note.DBy playing the piano without adding accom

12、paniments.CI visited a friends home the other day.While at his home,I noticed that he didnt like turning off the lights when they were not needed.So I started talking about global warming with him.I said that global warming had become a serious problem and that we all should do what we could to help

13、 prevent it.What he said really disappointed me. He said, “Why bother?Global warming cant be prevented.”In my point of view, although we cant prevent global warming completely, we are able to perform a range of actions which may help to reduce the future effects of global warming.And I think everyon

14、e on the earth should try to prevent global warming.Here are some things I think we can do at home.We can recycle useful things to help diminish energy consumption (消耗) on making new products.We should ensure we have the appropriate wall/roof insulation (隔热) and window/door products on our house.Thi

15、s can not only reduce the energy needed to heat a house, but could also save us money over the coming years due to lower electricity/heating bills.Making use of energyefficient light bulbs will reduce the amount of energy required to light a room. Energyefficient light bulbs usually last much longer

16、 and could save us money in the longrun over traditional light bulbs.When purchasing new electrical items for our home such as washing machines,refrigerators or computers,we can consider energyefficient rated products.One of the easiest ways to prevent global warming in the future is to ensure that

17、all devices are turned off when not in use and not needed.Many devices contain lights which are lit whenever the power is turned on to the device, even if not in use.When purchasing groceries, we can look for local produce.If we all do what we can to help prevent global warming, global warming will

18、become a less concerning problem. 8What is most probably the authors attitude toward her friends words?AInterested.BIndifferent.CSupportive. DDisapproving.9What does the underlined word “diminish” in Paragraph 3 mean?AReduce. BReplace.CExamine. DChange.10The author suggests using the appropriate wal

19、l/roof insulation because it_.Acan last for many yearsBis an energyefficient deviceCreceives sunlight to heat a roomDsaves energy used to heat a house11Which of the following actions is NOT mentioned in the text?AUsing renewable energy.BPurchasing local produce.CUsing energyefficient devices.DTurnin

20、g off devices which are not needed.DJaws is a classic and very scary movie, but its hard to imagine just how huge a great white shark is until you actually see one close up.Deep Blue, an at least 20foot female great white shark living off the Pacific coast of Mexico, is one of the largest sharks eve

21、r filmed.Recent video footage shows the giant shark“highfiving”a biologist who studies it in a cage with a fin (鳍) near Guadalupe Island, Mexico.The giant shark, called Deep Blue by researchers, was first featured back in the summer of last year by the Discovery Channel in a documentary.The shark wa

22、s obviously pregnant at the time of the documentary filming.Now a much slimmer Deep Blue has showed up again at Guadalupe Island.The researchers point out that the massive shark is recognizable by her numerous scars.In the Discovery documentary, it is explained that large and vertical slashes on Dee

23、p Blues left flank are likely from fights with other sharks.Deep Blue also has a big wound on her right side, and both her dorsal (背部的) fin and tail show signs of scrapes and damage.Great white sharks are known as the largest predatory fish in the ocean.Wildlife biologists say that great whites usua

24、lly grow to close to 15 feet in length, with a few specimens (试样) reaching more than 20 feet long and topping out at around 5, 000 pounds.Females typically give birth to 214 fully formed pups.The classic film Jaws gave great whites a bad reputation, showing them as nothing more than meateating machi

25、nes.However,_additional_research_into_great_white_behaviors_is_beginning_ to_paint_a_more_complex_pictureThere is strong evidence that great whites do socialize to a limited extent, and moreover, they are not always violent or aggressive.12In the recent video footage, the giant shark was_Afriendly t

26、o a biologistBtrying to attack a biologistCbeing trained by a biologistDtrying to escape from a cage13Paragraph 3 mainly explains_.Awhy the white shark gets injuredBhow white sharks usually get injuredCwhat the documentary is mainly aboutDwhy the white shark could be clearly recognized14We learn tha

27、t white sharks_.Adont typically reach over 20 feet longBhardly give birth to 14 fully formed pups one timeCcan be hunted by larger predatory fish in the oceanDusually weigh about 5, 000 pounds after they grow up15What is implied in the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?AScientists know about

28、 white sharks very well.BWhite sharks are more violent than people think.CWhite sharks arent always violent or aggressive.DMore research is needed to know about white sharks.任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Life can be so busy these days.Its time that you all should ad

29、mit that you need help in organizing your lives.Here are some tips that will help you.Write everything down and dont rely on your memory.16._ If you want to remember things, put them in writing, or in a digital notebook.Keeping your todo lists and other information written somewhere allows you to look back at them anytime, even when youve

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