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1、 isB as; as is; as D as; is ( )36 Is there _ I an d t help? N, thans I an d it self A anthingB nthing everthing D sething ( )37 It as _ and I uldnt find the a he A expensiveB heap dar D sl ( )38 Exuse e, l at the sign (指示牌) “N Siing”! Srr I _ it A sa B see didnt seeD dnt see ( )39 D u lie Sana? eah

2、Its _ beautiful plaeA quite aB a quite quite an D an quite ( )40 _ t her Then u an _ hat she is saing A Hear; listenB Hear; hear Listen; listen D Listen;( )41 I gt up late this rning, but _ I gt t shl in tie A easilB quil luil D reall ( )42 Dnt _ e still have an hur t finish it A nB rr thinD sa ( )4

3、3 hat d u thin f this str? Its _ And I a _ in it A interesting; interesting B interested; interested interesting;D interested;( )44 Did she lean her r esterda? _ She frgt it A es, she didB N, she didnt es, she asD N, she asnt( )4 hat abut ging t the untrside fr a trip? _A It as exellent!B Lu u Sunds

4、 great! D Sure, Id lve t三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短,从A、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。D u n abut ballning? Ging ballning (乘热气球飞行) is a ne interesting 46 t travel (旅行) arund the rld Eah ear, quite a lt f balln lvers g t have 47 trips b balln and en the trips a lt Traveling b balln needed a lt f 48 in the past S peple

5、 49 it as a speial gae fr rih (富裕的) en all Frbes is ne f 0 He shs great 1 in ging ballning He t his 2 ride in a balln in une, 1972 After the trip, he alas ent ballning n Saturdas and Sundas He t a blue-and-ell balln 3 the United States fr abut 16 nths Peple said that he as the first persn t travel a

6、rss a 4 in a balln At the sae tie, he set six rld rerds (创六项世界记录) in ging ballning in 1973 and fle (飞) ver Beiing in a balln fr the first tie Then he started a balln in Nrand, Frane fr peple t visit H great he is!( )46 A str B a radD sprt ( )47 A thin B lng tall D sall ( )48 A fdB air neD tie ( )49

7、A thught abut B thught f led atD led lie ( )0 A us B the u D hi ( )1 A interest B fun rr D lu ( )2 A sendB first last D best( )3 A rss B ith ver D arss( )4 A village B untrside untr D tn ( ) A tripB lessn useu D dinner 四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分) 根据下列材料,选择最佳选项。ADear ar, ihelle and I had a nie trip in Bei

8、ing hen e staed (待) in Beiing, e lived ith Zhang ang, ur hinese friend, and his fail Have a l at ur ativities (活动) there n a 9thArrived in Beiingn a 10th Visited the Great all ith Zhang ang n a 11th Visited Tiananen Square and Beiings hutngs n a 12th Visited the Palae useu ith Zhang ang and his sist

9、er n a 13thent shpping in angfuing Street and bught gifts fr ur fail ihelle bught a t (玩具) fr her brther and a sarf (围巾) fr her sister I bught a T-shirt fr father and a hat fr thern a 14th Said gd-be t BeiingHpe u an g ith us next tie urs, Bnnie( )6 H lng did Bnnie and ihelle sta in Beiing?A Six das

10、 B Fur das A ee D Half a nth ( )7 Bnnie and ihelle visited _ plaes f interest in BeiingA threeB t furD five ( )8 hat des Bnnie bu fr her ther?A A t B A T-shirt A hat D A sarf ( )9 Bnnie and ihelle visited _ n a 12th A the Great all B Tiananen Square the Palae useu D Beiings hutngs( )60 hih f the fll

11、ing is NT true?A This e-ail is fr ar t BnnieB Zhang ang es fr hina ihelle bught se gifts in angfuing Street fr her fail D Bnnie and ihelle visited the Great all n the send da in Beiing Br Green ade a rbt, but he uld nl sa ne sentene That is “u are quite right” The rbt alas repeated the sae rds hen s

12、ene spe t hi ne da, r Green needed lts f ne, s he t the rbt t the aret t sell hi “h ill bu rbt? He is ver sart,” he shuted (喊叫) “Nine hundred dllars fr rbt!”A an as surprised (惊讶的) that he as asing fr s uh ne “Is it different?” he thught Then he spe t the rbt, “Are u rth (值得) nine hundred dllars?“u

13、are quite right,” ansered the rbt The an lied the rbts anser s uh, and he bught hi and t hi he But sn he fund that the rbt uldnt sa anthing He as srr he bught the rbt He std (站立) in frnt f the rbt and said, “H flish (愚蠢的) I as t spend s uh ne n u!” “u are quite right,” said the rbt ( )61 The underli

14、ned rd “repeated” eans “_” in hineseA 重复B 讲解 组合D 选择( )62 h did r Green sell the rbt?A Beause the rbt didnt rB Beause r Green didnt lie it Beause r Green needed neD Beause the rbt as t ld ( )63 hen the an heard r Greens rds at the aret, he thught _ A the rbt as speial B r Green as ind the rbt as heap

15、 D r Green didnt need the rbt( )64 e an learn that the an as srr fr _ A eeting r Green B ging t the aret taling t the rbt D buing the rbt( )6 The best title fr this passage is “_”A A Flish anB The nl Anser A “Speial” RbtD A Right Sentene 五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。66 Please dnt _ Eve

16、rthing ill be 67 hen did u f_ this ?68 I nt i_ in these bs at all 69 L_, he as there and helped e 70 His grandfather is a f_ and he grs quite a lt f rie this ear 71 hen I _ (生长) up, I ant t be a teaher 72 This aet is a little _ (昂贵的)73 The l is abut t inutes _ (缓慢的) 74 The _ (导游) shed us an interest

17、ing plaes 7 The plaed _ (极好的) usi at the sh 六、选词填空 (每小题1分,共分) 根据短内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。are, anthing, gr, spend, a,There as a b and his fail as ver rih (富裕的) ne da his father t hi n a trip He anted t sh his sn h pr (贫穷的) peple ere there The 76_ seven das n the far There 77_ an pr failies living n

18、 the farn their 78_ he, the father ased the sn, “H as the trip?“It as great, Dad,” the sn ansered “Did u see h pr peple ere there?” ased his father“h, es,” said the sn “S, tell e,” said his father The sn said, “ell, e have ne dg and the have fur e have a pl in ur garden (花园), but the have a river e

19、have expensive lanterns (吊灯), but the have free stars at night e have nl a sall huse t live in, but the have a big far e bu ur fd, but the 79_ theirs”Hearing this, the father didnt sa 80_ Then the b said, “Than u, Dad, fr letting e see h pr e are”七、完成句子 (每小题2分,共10分) 按要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩写)。81 trip t Ne r

20、as s bad (对画线部分提问)_ _ ur trip t Ne r?82 The ings ent t Hainan last inter (对画线部分提问)_ _ the ings _ t Hainan?83 teahes e t (用esterda改写句子) _ e t _ 84 father ent t Beiing fr r last Sunda (改为一般疑问句)_ _ father _ t Beiing fr r last Sunda?8 I ent fishing ith grandfather last ee (对画线部分提问)_ _ u _ ith ur grandfa

21、ther last ee?八、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短,根据短内容回答问题。Last suer, I ent n vaatin ith parents e drve t a hlida resrt (度假村) After getting there, e libed the untain first It as a little ld in the untain But e ere lu beause e t ut ats (大衣) ith us It didnt tae us lng t get t the tp f the untain (顶) And n th

22、e a t the untain, e als sa an beautiful flers e aled arund the untain and sa t sall anials in the ds (树林), but all f us didnt n their naes After ging ba t the resrt, e relaxed in ht spring ater (温泉) It ade us feel happ Dishes in the resrt ere quite deliius e ened a big dinner At abut 8 p, e had a pa

23、rt arund a apfire (篝火) e daned and sang ith ther visitrs e als plaed gaes tgether It as great funIt as a great da e reall had a great tie there86 hen did the riter g n vaatin?_87 H did the g t the hlida resrt?88 hat did the see n the a t the untain?89 hat did the d at abut 8:00 p?90 H as the vaatin?

24、九、书面表达 (共10分) 假如你是肖恩(Sean),上周末你和你的同学去了北海公园。请以“An Exiting Trip”为题并根据下列提示,写一篇不少于60词的短。提示:sunn, g fishing, tae phts, pla gaes, tell stries, exiting 要求:1 语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确;2 包含所给提示,并可适当发挥。An Exiting Trip_Unit 11参考答案二、31-3 BDDD 36-40 AAD 41-4 BB三、46-0 BBBB 1- ABD四、6-60 ADA 61-6 AAD 五、66 rr 67 feed 68 interested 69 Luil 70 farer 71 gr 72 expensive 73 sl 74 guide 7 exellent 六、76 spent 77 ere 78 a 79 gr 80 anthing 七、81 H as 82 hen did; g 83 taught; esterda 84 Did ur; g 8 hat did, d 八、86 Last suer 87 B ar / The drve there 88 an beautiful flers 89 T

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