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学霸精品系列人教八下英语Unit2 Section B2aselfcheck案Section A 1a2d.docx

1、学霸精品系列人教八下英语Unit2 Section B2aselfcheck案Section A 1a2d第一课时Section A 1a2d教学目标1.记忆单词和短语:clean up,cheer,cheer up,give out,volunteer,come up with,put off,sign,notice,hand out,call up,used to,lonely,care for。2.掌握句型 :You could help to clean up the city parks./You could give out food at a food bank.。3.情态动词c

2、ould,should的用法;用should或could提出建议并对别人的建议做出评价。学会如何表达主动提供帮助。 教学内容1.熟记动词短语和相关词汇。 2.学习提供帮助的基本句型。3.就相关话题进行交际教学。 教学重难点1.动词短语的使用。2.提供帮助的基本句型。3.could和不定式的基本用法。教学准备公益短片,设计教学PPT,录音机,图片,多媒体。教学过程Step. Lead inLeading in 【情景1】播放志愿者进行义务帮助别人的活动视频或图片,通过询问他们以下问题来引导学生们了解社会上一些志愿者们进行的活动。T: Who are they?S:Theyre volunteer

3、s.They usually volunteer to help others.T: How could we help people?S1: We could clean up the parks.S2: We could help sick people in the hospital.S3: We could help plant trees.设计意图调动学生情感,激活他们头脑中志愿活动的相关知识,导入新授。Leading in 【情景2】T: Look at the pictures.What are the volunteers doing?Do you want to be a v

4、olunteer?S: They are helping. I would like to help ./I want to.T: They came up with so many ways of helping other people;can you think of other ways?S: Yes.T: Please write down your opinions with the structures: Id like to./I hope to./ I could./ I volunteer to.设计意图通过图片引入志愿活动,亲切自然地导入新授。Step.Discussio

5、nT: Boys and girls,please look at the picture on page 9.Do you want to know what the two kids are talking about?Ss: Yes.T: Look at the ways you could help others.Then list other ways.The following language points should be explained.教材解读1.I hope to work outside.hope to do sth.希望做某事。一般是指有把握实现的“愿望,希望”

6、,hope后不可接复合宾语(即“宾语+不定式”)。作简略回答时,hope后可接替代词so或not。I hope you will have a good trip.我希望你旅途愉快。She hopes to have a chance to visit the USA.她希望有机会到美国参观。Will it rain tomorrow?明天会下雨吗?I hope so.但愿如此。2.You could help to clean up the city parks.could意为“能,可以”;在句中表示建议,其语气比can更委婉。 You could try cooking supper yo

7、urself.你可以尝试自己做晚餐。 You could send her a new mobile phone as her birthday present.你可以送她一个新手机作为生日礼物。 clean up是动词短语,意为“打扫”,是“动词+副词”短语;而clean-up 是名词“打扫;清洁”。 Bruce is cleaning up the garage.布鲁斯正在打扫车库。 【Keys】Help plant trees by the river.Visit the old people in the old peoples home. Help young kids to lea

8、rn English.设计意图 通过观察,找出志愿帮助别人的方式,为后面的教学做准备。Step. While-listening activities (1)Task 1: 1bThe main idea of the conversation is about to clean up the city parks out food at the food bankC.what the people want to do as volunteersTask 2: Listen and number the ways the boy and the girl co

9、uld help others. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. The boy could give out food at the food bank. The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids. The boy could help to clean up the city parks.Task 3: Pair work.Practice the conversation in th

10、e picture on page 9.Then make other conversations using the information in 1b.Like this:A: I hope to work in the hospital.B: Then you could help cheer up the patients.A: I hope to work at a station.B: You could help the passengers with their luggage.The following language points should be explained.

11、教材解读1.The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them the hospital指“在医院里(可能生病,也可能不是)”,如:在医院里工作/学习/看病人等。in hospital指“在住院(治病)”。She works in the hospital.她在医院工作。Mr.White is ill in hospital.怀特先生生病住院了。cheer up 变得更高兴,振奋起来,属于“动词+副词”结构,接代词it/them时要放在cheer与up中间,接名词时放中间或短语之后都可以。The good

12、 news of our ping-pong team winning the game cheered them up.我们乒乓球队获胜的喜讯使他们欢呼雀跃。The speech he made cheered us up.他所做的演讲使我们振奋起来。2.The boy could give out food at the food bank.give out意为“分发,发放,发布”,相当于hand out,属于“动词+副词”结构,故接代词it/them时要放在give与out中间,接名词时放其后、中间都可以。 Please give out the exam papers before c

13、lass.请在课前发考试试卷。These storybooks are interesting.Please give them out to the children.这些故事书很有趣。请把它们分给孩子们。【Keys】Task 1:CTask 2: 3 2 4 1 设计意图本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻大意和听寻细节信息的能力。Step . While-listening activities (2)Task 1: Listen and find the general idea of 2a&2b.T: Boys and girls,please look at these pictures

14、.What are they doing?Please listen to the recording and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is aboutA.the ways to tell people about a City Park Clean-Up DayB.handing out to put up signsTask 2: Boys and girls,please look at the pictures above

15、.Listen and check () the things they are going to do to tell people about it.Task 3: Listen and match.T: Please listen to the recording again,and match the phrasal verb with the object.Phrasal verb Object come up withmaking a planput offa planput upten students hand outsignscall upnoticesTask 4: 2bL

16、isten again.Fill in the blanks on page 10.The following language points should be explained.教材解读1.We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-e up with (针对问题/方法等)提出或想出(主意等),相当于think up。 I have come up with a plan and I think it will work.我想出了一个计划,我认为能行得通。The clever boy us

17、ually comes up with some good ideas.这个聪明的男孩通常能提出一些好主意。【拓展】come up with还表示“赶上,追上,跟上”,相当于catch up with。 I worked hard,and finally I came up with my classmates.我努力学习,最后赶上了我的同学们。2.Lets make some notices,too.notice n.公告牌;通告;布告。The notice on the door said that the library was closed.门上的通知说图书馆关门了。【拓展】notic

18、e 作动词意为“注意到;察觉到”。notice sth.注意到某人做了某事,强调动作已经完成;notice sb.doing sth.注意到某人正在做某事,强调动作正在进行; noticed to do sth. 某人被注意到做某事 (被动语态);notice sth.done 注意到某事被做;“notice +that从句”表示“注意到”。I noticed him leave the school.我注意到他离开学校了。I notice Mr.Wang entering his office.我注意到王先生正在走进办公室。She was noticed to ente

19、r the office.有人看见她走进了办公室。I noticed the glass broken.我注意到玻璃杯被弄坏了。I noticed that she left the room.我注意到她离开了房间。Task 5: Pair work.Ask students to make a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b.Let one pair read out their conversation first.Like this: A: We need to come up with a plan for the Cit

20、y Park Clean-Up Day. B: Lets have lunch first. A: No,we need to start now.Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. B: Youre right.We cant put off making a plan.As we talk,Ill write down all our ideas.Then we can decide which ideas are best.A: Lets make some notices,too.Then Ill hand them out after s

21、chool.B: And we could each call up ten students and ask them to come.Students act the conversation in pairs.Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.【Keys】Task 1:ATask 2: b c e Task 3: come up witha plan;put offmaking a plan;put upsigns;hand outnotices;call upten studentsTask 4: e up with2.put

22、off3.put up4.hand, up设计意图本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,所以先帮助学生听出对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节题。在听后对学生进行听力学习策略指导,发展学生的听力技能,最后是听后对话练习,培养学生们口头表达的能力,一步步完成教学任务。Step . Reading and role-play (2d)1.Read the conversation and answer the two questions: (1) Wheres Helen going to work this summer?(2)What did Tom do to h

23、elp the old people? 2.Explain some main points in the conversation.教材解读1.They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.used to曾经,过去,后面跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯动作或过去存在的情况。used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事(现在不做了)、过去曾经做某事”。used to的疑问形式有两种:一种是把used提到句首,或在句首加 Did,used变为 use。否定形式也有两种:didnt use to或used not to。

24、The city is no longer the one that it used to be.这个城市已不是过去的样子了。I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.我过去花许多时间与朋友们一起玩游戏。They didnt use to live here.他们过去未曾住在这儿。2.Yeah,a lot of old people are lonely.lonely adj.(感情)孤独的;寂寞的。When his wife and two little children left him,he was very

25、lonely.妻子和两个孩子离他而去之后,他感到很孤独。【辨析】alone,lonely(1)alone作形容词和副词表示“单独的/地,独自的/地”,重在单独无伴,相当于by oneself。I like to read alone.我喜欢独自一人读书。He is alone there.=He is there by himself.只有他在那儿。(2)lonely作形容词意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,是缺少朋友、友谊的一种悲伤/忧郁的感情,作表语时指人所处的孤独状态,作定语时表示“荒凉的;偏僻的”。I never feel lonely because I have many friends h

26、ere.我从未感到孤独寂寞,因为我这儿有许多朋友。He went to the lonely mountain village.他到那个偏僻的山村去了。3.We should listen to them and care for for 意为“照顾,照料,关心”,多用于肯定句,相当于 take care of,look after。They cared for the child day and night.他们日夜照顾这个孩子。3.Read the conversation after the teacher.4.Practice the conversation wi

27、th their partners.Then let some pairs act out the conversation.5.Fill in the blanks.Helen: Hi,Tom.Im making some to work in an old peoples home this summer.Tom: Really?I that last summer!Helen: Oh,what did they ask you to help out with?Tom: Mm. things like the newspaper to the old people,or just tal

28、king to them.They told me stories about the past and how things to be.Helen: That interesting.Tom: Yeah,a lot of old people are.We should listen to them and care for them.Helen: Youre right.I ,were all going to be old one day,too.【Keys】1.(1)Shes going to work in an old peoples home.(2)Reading the ne

29、wspaper or just talking to the old people.5.plans,did,reading,used,sounds,lonely,mean 设计意图首先读对话,回答任务题,加深对对话的理解,教师读,学生练,其次通过对对话的挖空填空,进一步对对话有了更深的理解,增强了学生的交际能力和运用知识的能力。Step .Exercises: the end-of- class test.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Now people hope(eat) healthily and begin to care about the safety of food.2.When I

30、 was walking past the window,I noticed Wang Fei (copy) my homework.I really got annoyed. 3.Yang Fen spends every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old(people) home.4.I used to (eat) dumplings,but these days Im used to having bread and milk.5.We cant put off(make) a plan.根据汉语提示完成句子1.Youd better(想出) a better plan. 2.Who will (自愿回答) this question?3.You could put up a(布告) here.4.With no one to talk to,he very(感觉很孤独).5.The life (曾经是) very interesting in my school days.【Keys】 eat2.copying 3.peoples 4.eat5.making e up with2.volunteer to answer3.notice4.felt,lonely5.used to be 设计意图当

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