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第7组 1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空.docx

1、第7组 1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空第七组1阅读理解1阅读七选五1完形填空(限时:30分钟).阅读理解(2019镇海中学模拟)The high social cognitive (认知的)skills of horses towards humans might partially explain why humans and horses have a collaborative(合作的) relationship today.However,the scientific evidence for this ability is still scarce(不足的)In this st

2、udy,scientists focused on horses social cognitive skills with humans in a problemsolving situation where food was hidden in a place accessible only to humans.For the first experiment,an assistant experimenter hid carrots in a container which the horse could not reach.The researchers observed whether

3、 and how the horse sent signals to the caretaker when the caretaker(unaware of the situation) arrived.The horse stayed near the caretaker and looked at,touched and pushed the caretaker.These behaviors occurred over a significantly longer period compared to cases in which they carried out the experim

4、ent without hiding the food.The results showed that when horses cannot handle problems by themselves,they send signals to humans both visually and physically.Building on these results,for the second experiment they tested whether the horses behavior changed in other situations and the findings were

5、as follows: The horses gave more signals if the caretaker hadnt watched the food being hidden than if the caretaker had,suggesting that horses can change their behavior in response to the knowledge levels of humans.These two experiments showed some behaviors are used by horses to communicate demands

6、 to humans.They also suggested that horses possess high cognitive skills that enable them to flexibly alter their behavior towards humans according to humans knowledge state.This high social cognitive ability may have been acquired during the domestication process.In order to identify the characteri

7、stic that enables horses to form close bonds with humans,in future research the team aims to compare communication between horses,as well as looking more closely at the social cognitive ability of horses in their communication with humans.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。作为最早被人类驯化的动物之一,马是人类的重要伙伴和好朋友,在人类的发展史上发挥了重要作用。在被人

8、类驯化的过程中,马逐渐形成了自己与人类共处的高度的社会认知能力,研究人员也通过实验证明了这一点。1How is the second paragraph mainly developed?ABy inferring something from facts.BBy describing details.CBy analyzing causes.DBy examining differences.答案B写作手法题。根据第二段对实验过程的描述可知,该段主要对实验的细节进行了描写。2Which of the following affected the horses behavior in the

9、study?AThe number of carrots.BThe color and size of the container.CThe physical appearance of the caretaker.DThe caretakers knowledge of the hidden food.答案D推理判断题。根据第三段可知,饲养员是否知道食物的隐藏过程,对马的举动产生了影响。3How many situations were created for the horses in the experiments?ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive.答案C细节理解题。

10、根据第二段内容可知,第一次实验研究人员共设置了两种场景。根据第三段内容可知,第二次实验研究人员也设置了两种场景。故文中的实验共设置了4个场景。4What does the underlined word “alter” in paragraph 4 mean?AChange. BControl.CDevelop. DFollow.答案A词义猜测题。根据该词所在句的语境可知,此处表示“这两个实验还表明马有很高的认知技能,能够让它们根据人们的认知状态灵活改变它们对人类的行为”。第三段中的“whether the horses behavior changed in other situations

11、”中的changed也是提示。alter意为“改变”。.阅读七选五(2019稽阳联考)When we are living a balanced life we are more productive and more successful.To live life to the fullest,we want to be functioning at our best by taking care of ourselves in every area of our lives._1_Where do you need balance?_2_Whether it is work,health,

12、diet,relationships,or exercise,decide which you need to work on most.Dont increase your stress by feeling overcome.Balance doesnt have to be achieved in one day.Keep a positive attitude.Things do not always work out the way we plan.Keep a positive attitude.Go with the flow of the universe and be fle

13、xible.Trust that somehow things will work out._3_Keep your eyes open for them to appear.Let things go.Turn off the flow of overpowering and let things go.Does the car really need to be cleaned out right this moment?_4_Is it truly important to bake those biscuits before breakfast? Sometimes we get di

14、stracted (注意力分散的) and off track,and before we know it we are busy with what wasnt even on todays list.Learn to let things go.Not every idea needs to be done the moment it is thought of._5_In todays world we are all living life at a fast pace.Many of us are so used to feeling overpowered that it has

15、become our normal state of being! Take a nice bath,go to the ocean and watch the waves,read,listen to some music,or take a walk in nature.Spend time out and free yourself from stress.ATake time to get relaxed.BLive life at a slow pace.CDo you need to reorganize the cupboard now?DNew opportunities an

16、d solutions will present themselves.EHope my advice will help bring balance back to your life.FIt is better to bravely stick to what you have planned before.GFind out which part of your life needs to be brought into balance.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文,作者就如何平衡生活给出了一些建议。1E通读全文可知,下文的四条是作者就如何平衡生活提出的建议,E项中的“my advice

17、will help”正是说明这一点。2G依据第二段的小标题Where do you need balance?可知,作者建议要知道在哪些方面平衡,下文谈到了work,health,diet,relationships,exercise等方面,G项的意思是“找出你生活中哪一部分需要平衡”,引起了下文的内容。3D本段第一句表明“事情并不总是像我们计划的那样进展顺利”,因此在遇到困难时,要有好的心态,不要放弃,要相信不管怎样事情总会解决的,D项延续上文的“somehow things will work out”,说明了“新的机遇和解决方案会出现的”。4C本段的小标题是Let things go,意

18、为“忽略一些事情”;空处前的问句“Does the car really need to be cleaned out right this moment?”和空后的问句“Is it truly important to bake those biscuits before breakfast?”暗示着空处也在询问有关“暂且放手”的一些事情,故C项符合语境。5A空处是尾段的小标题。在尾段中作者建议看看大海、读读书、听听音乐等,这些都是放松的方式,再联系尾句“Spend time out and free yourself from stress”可知,这里指让人们找时间放松一下,故A项符合语境

19、。.完形填空(2019北京朝阳区质检)I left my job to begin building my startup before my son was born.It was four months into my business when I was _1_ by a major investment opportunity that could take my company to the next level.Then something _2_ happened.I received an email from the investor that read: “Were go

20、ing to pass.”I was _3_The next few days I thought about this _4_ and realized just how helpless I truly was.And I also became _5_ that I had a fear of rejection.If I was going to keep moving forward with my company Id have to _6_ this fear.So,I turned to Google for an _7_ and I found a game called R

21、ejection Therapy.It _8_ to help you overcome your fear of rejection by _9_ seeking out rejection.I loved it and _10_ to have a try.As my rejection journey continued,I began to feel more and more _11_ when asking for things.I realized I could _12_ the controllable factors,and by the end of my 100day

22、journey it _13_ became difficult for me to receive a “no”I even made shocking _14_ on purpose,such as knocking on a strangers front door to ask if I could play soccer in his backyard.The _15_ thing?They all said yes.In the end,my 100day journey _16_ with 51 yeses and 49 noes.In the process of my rej

23、ection journey,I learned that when we _17_ rejection we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world ever has a _18_ to pay attention to and reject us.That comes to be the greatest _19_ Ive learnedno matter what,dont be _20_ by the world.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在创业之初失去一笔重要投资,而后开始害怕被人拒绝,为了克服这种恐惧感,他通过在网上搜

24、索到的一款游戏来刻意寻求各种可能会遭到拒绝的机会,在这种尝试下,作者逐渐变得无畏,并懂得无论如何都不要被这个世界所忽视。1A.employed BhonoredCapproached Drefused答案C根据下文中的“a major investment opportunity that could take my company to the next level”可知,在作者经营自己的事业四个月时,他找到一个可以将他的公司提升到一个新水平的重大投资机会。approach在此表示“接洽”,符合语境。employ“雇用”;honor“尊敬,给予表扬”;refuse“拒绝”。2A.unexpe

25、cted BunfamiliarCunusual Dunforgettable答案A根据下文中的“I received an email from the investor that read:Were going to pass.”可知,作者收到了投资者拒绝投资的邮件,这是作者始料不及的。unexpected“出乎意料的,始料不及的”,符合语境。unfamiliar“陌生的,不熟悉的”;unusual“不寻常的”;unforgettable“难以忘怀的”。3A.annoyed BfrightenedCastonished Ddiscouraged答案D根据上文中提到的作者的公司失去了一次重要

26、的投资机会及下文中的“how helpless I truly was”可知,作者非常沮丧。discourage“使沮丧”,符合语境。annoy“使恼怒”;frighten“使害怕”;astonish“使吃惊”。4A.chaos BdefeatCcoincidence Dchallenge答案B在接下来的几天里,作者一直都在想这次的失败,并意识到自己有多无助。defeat“失败,挫败”,符合语境。chaos“混乱”;coincidence“巧合”;challenge“挑战”。5A.convinced BafraidCaware Dshocked答案C根据下文中的“that I had a fe

27、ar of rejection”可知,此处指作者也意识到自己害怕被拒绝。上文中的“realized”及“And I also”暗示此处所填词的含义与动词realize相近,故aware“意识到,明白”符合语境。6A.shake BdefendCappreciate Dunderstand答案A根据语境可知,如果作者想让他的公司继续发展的话,他就不得不摆脱这种恐惧。shake“去除,摆脱”;defend“防御,保护”;appreciate“重视,欣赏”;understand“理解”。7A.explanation BaccessCinspiration Danswer答案D因此,作者借助Googl

28、e找寻解决办法,并发现了一款名为Rejection Therapy的游戏。answer“解决方法”,符合语境。explanation“解释”;access“(使用或见到的)机会,权利”;inspiration“启发灵感的人(或事物)”。8A.arranges BoffersCaims Dprepares答案C该游戏的宗旨是让用户通过刻意寻求被拒绝来帮助用户克服被人拒绝的恐惧。aim“目的是”,符合语境。arrange“安排”;offer“主动提出”;prepare“准备”。9A.deliberately BsincerelyCblindly Dsecretly答案A参见上题解析。下文中的“on

29、 purpose”是暗示。deliberately“故意地”;sincerely“真诚地”;blindly“盲目地”;secretly“秘密地”。10A.managed BdecidedCdemanded Dhesitated答案B作者很喜欢这款游戏,并决定试一试。decide“决定”,符合语境。manage“成功做成”;demand“要求”;hesitate“犹豫”。11A.ashamed BguiltyCembarrassed Dfearless答案D根据下文内容可知,随着作者被拒绝之旅的继续,在请求某些东西时作者变得越来越无畏。fearless“无畏的”,符合语境。ashamed“惭愧的

30、”;guilty“感到内疚的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。12A.focus on Bget downCset aside Dtake over答案A作者意识到自己能将注意力集中于那些可控的因素上。此处与上文提及的作者一直都在想着自己的失败作对比。focus on“集中(注意力、精力等)于”,符合语境。get down“写下,记下”;set aside“留出,暂不考虑”;take over“接管”。13A.immediately BactuallyCcasually Dcertainly答案B在作者100天的旅程结束时,对作者来说,收到“不”真的很难了。此处的言外之意是作者基本上不会被

31、人拒绝了。actually“实际上,事实上”,符合语境。immediately“立即”;casually“随便地”;certainly“肯定”。14A.suggestions BcommentsCrequests Dimprovements答案C根据下文中的“knocking on a strangers front door to ask if I could play soccer in his backyard”可知,(为了被拒绝)作者甚至故意提出一些令人吃惊的请求。request“请求,要求”,符合语境。suggestion“建议”;comment“评论”;improvement“改进”。15A.apparent BridiculousCpredictable Dcrazy答案D此处用crazy表达作者难以相信的感觉,对于作者那么无理的请求,按理说没有人会同意的,要么觉得作者疯了,要么同意作者请求的人疯了。此处有双关的用法。crazy“疯狂的”,符合语境。apparent“显而易见的”;ridiculous“荒谬的,荒唐的”;predictable“可预见的”。16A.went BconcludedC

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