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1、大学英语四级听力考试题3doc2019年大学英语四级听力考试题(3) Section A 1. A) He was ordered to clear the apartment by his mother last time. B) He has not cleared the apartment since his mothers visit. C) He has cleared the apartment several times since his mothers visiting. D) He asked his mother to clear the apartment last

2、time. 2. A) They might as well catch the coming bus. B) They will also miss the next bus. C) They might as well take the next bus. D) They hurry up to catch the coming bus. 3. A) She asked for a sick leave because of neck pain. B) Mrs. Smith will take over her work for several days. C) She has to do

3、 extra work for a few days. D) Mrs. Smith was too busy to take over her work. 4. A) Change her job. B) Sell her cafeteria. C) Plant flowers. D) Wash dishes. 5. A) He remembered to take the package to the post office. B) He was told to have something wrong with his mind. C) He is a deliver man workin

4、g in the post office. D) He failed to do what he promised to do. 6. A) The woman has a rule to select horror films. B) The woman does not like horror films. C) The woman cares much for horror films. D) The woman like the film the man mentioned. 7. A) The speakers disagree with each other about love.

5、 B) Love in the womans eye is happy and sweet. C) The speakers share a common view on love. D) Love hurts the man from time to time. 8. A) Preparations for a forum. B) Preparations for an interview. C) Preparations for a banquet. D) Preparations for making chairs. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the

6、conversation you have just heard. 9. A) England. B) Scandinavia. C) South America. D) Scotland. 10. A) More women will stay at home. B) More women will run for higher posts. C) Marriages will be abolished. D) More women will work outside the family. 11. A) Spending more time improving womens income.

7、 B) Spending more time changing mens attitudes. C) Spending more time improving marriage quality. D) Spend more time changing womens attitudes. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A) In a restaurant. B) In a meeting room. C) In an office. D) In a factory. 13. A)

8、 He is a salesman of J.R. Motors. B) He is the boss of the restaurant. C) He is the Managing Director of J.R. Motors. D) He is the managing director of the big factory. 14. A) To get a good export agent. B) To expand the factory. C) To get a good import agent. D) To design a new product. 15. A) His

9、family background. B) His reputation. C) His designing talent. D) His determination. Section B Passage One Questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 16. A) How being an identical twin influences ones identity. B) How twins are born and have the same identity. C) Why many

10、identical twins make different choices. D) Why many identical twins dont live near each other. 17. A) They didnt meet each other for 4 months. B) They grew up in different surroundings. C) They were separated when they are 39 years old. D) They all have two wives and two daughters. 18. A) They want

11、to find out the relationship between environment and biology. B) They want to find out the connection between hobby and personalities. C) They want to find out the connection between surroundings and personality characteristics. D) They want to find out the connection between communication and talen

12、ts. Passage Two Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. A) It isnt one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. B) It is the most comfortable ways of spending a holiday. C) It is the most popular ways of having a holiday. D) It is an inexpensive way of spending a holida

13、y. 20. A) It is the frame tent for two people. B) It consists of an inner and an outer tent. C) It is the kind of the outer tent with a ground sheet. D) It is comfortable with windows, kitchens and sitting rooms. 21. A) A ground sheet. B) A bedroom extension. C) A kitchen extension. D) A water-proof

14、 sheet. Passage Three Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 22. A) It covers 179 square miles. B) It is larger than New York City. C) It is located between France and Italy. D) It only covers 197 square miles. 23. A) Travelers were easy to reach the country. B) The living

15、way of the people changed quickly. C) It has a small number of farmer population. D) It was cut off from the rest of the world. 24. A) The investment of tourism from its neighboring countries. B) The lowest import fees for tourists cheapest shopping. C) The building of roads connecting it with neigh

16、boring countries. D) The permission to visit so many ancient buildings. 25. A) They work in foreign business. B) They work in the tourist industry. C) They farm and raise sheep. D) They work in transportation industry. Section C Dont take many English courses, they wont help you get a decent job. Si

17、gn up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound _26_? Many of us have heard suggestions like these _27_ by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then? Should suggestions like these be taken with _28_? The

18、 reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must 29 their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after youve considered

19、various _30_ and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should _31_ the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having _32_ in a great deal of your personal history. T

20、hey may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child _33_ caring and protection. Or they may see only your strength, or in some unfortunate cases they may _34_ only your flaws and shortcomings. People will alway

21、s be giving your advice, ultimately though, you have to make your own _35_. 听力原文 1. Woman: When was the last time you dusted the apartment? Man: When was the last time my mother came over? Question: What does the man imply? 2. Woman: Hurry up Mark, theres a bus coming now. Man: Why run? Therell be a

22、nother one in 2 or 3 minutes. Question: What does the man mean? 3. Man: Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come youve been so busy? Woman: Ms Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days. Question: What do we learn about the woman? 4.

23、 Woman: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring. Man: Why dont you quit and deliver the flowers with me? Question: What does the man suggest the woman do? 5. Woman: Rod, you said youd take this package to the post office yesterday. Man: Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind. Questi

24、on: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 6. Man: Im not surprised that you didnt like that movie. I find it really scary myself. Woman: So did I. I dont care much for horror movies as a rule. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? 7. Man: My life experience tells me that

25、love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too. Woman: Your words remind me of the saying honey is sweet but the bee stings. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? 8. Man: How many more chairs should I bring in for the forum, six or seven? Woman: Bring in all you can find. Im expectin

26、g at least 20 participants. Question: What are the speakers talking about? Conversation 1 Man: Do you think theres discrimination against women in England today? Woman: Certainly, and not just in education and work either, in many other fields as well. The tax situation for women is very unfair, for

27、 example. Man: Are women better off in other countries then? Woman: It depends on the country. Theres certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too. Man: Do you think the position of English women will improve? Woman: In some ways it will of course. Im sure more women

28、will go out to work in the next 20 years. But the women have a much greater problem than this to solve. Man: Whats that? Women: The problem of mens attitudes. We can earn more money in the future, but Im not sure we can change men attitudes. You see, most men really think that women are inferior. Ma

29、ybe we are physically weaker, but I dont think this means we are inferior. Then theres another problem. Man: Yes? Women: The problem of womens attitudes. Lots of women are unhappy with their present situation, but most of them probably dont want to fight for change. It could be that the womens liber

30、ation movement has to spend more time changing womens attitudes than it spends in changing mens. Man: One last question, some supporters of the womans liberation movement believed that marriages should be abolished. You agree? Women: No, I dont. It cant happen. What may and should happen is that we

31、teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework. 9. Where are women said to be less discriminated against? 10. What will happen in England in 20 years according to the conversation? 11. What does the woman think the womens liberation movement should do? Conversation 2 Man: Cheers, Shirley Women: Cheers, Paul. What a lovely place for a business lunch. I hope I can concentrate in this heat. Man: I will sure you will when I tell you about my ideas. Woman: You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you, but from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden.

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