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1、 (request) May we see the awards for the team? (permission) She might give you (possibility) The whole family will come for dinner. (promise) Often . (pass Boat Festival Lantam Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Army Day May Day Teachers Day New Year National Day Mothers Day Childrens Day Fathers Day Chri

2、stmas Day Halloween carnival Easter Valentine Day Oben 2).Ss work in groups of four and list five Chinese festivals and siscuss when they take place , what they celevrate and one thing that people do at that time. Then fill in the blanks. Festivals Time of yeardate Celebrate for Things to do Mid-Aut

3、umn Day Spring Festival Dragon Boat Day Tomb sweeping Day Lantern Festival 3.Pre-reading 1) Whats your favourite do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like bestthe music, the things to see, the visits or the

4、 food?4. Fast reading and find the answers to the following questions. A.What did ancient festivals celebrate?B.What are festivals of the dead for ?C.Why are autumn festivals ideas of each paragraph Paragraph 1: All kinds of celebration in ancient time. Paragraph 2: The purpose to Day of the Dead Ha

5、lloween Paragraph 3: The reasons Why we Boat Festivals Clumbus Day Indian National Festival Paragraph 4: Autumn festivals are spring festivals 2Language points a.They would starve if food was difficult to find starve (v.) 饿死;挨饿 eg. Millions of people starved to death during the war. Starve for sth 渴

6、望 Eg. The starve for love. Starvation (n.) 饿死 Eg. Die of starvation Starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资 b.The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and autumn. Celebrate ( 庆祝,赞颂,赞美,举行(仪式) Eg.We celebrate the new year with a party. Their courage was ce

7、lebrated in all the newspaper. Celebrated (adj.) = famous 著名的,驰名的 c. because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. daysyearsof plenty :富裕(尤指事物和钱)的日子,年月,生活等。Eg.You either to .) “荣誉,光荣,敬意,面子” Win sb.s sths t satisfy (n.) 满意 Eg. Shes satisfied with s progress. 对于儿子的进步她感到很满意。Do you

8、think what .) (U) 伤害 Eg. Dont be too serious , t be afraid, the dog wont as an event in memory of the dead. In memory of to the memory of sb. 最为对某人的纪念,纪念某人 Eg.The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist. f.They dress up and try to frightened people. Dress n. 连衣裙 v. dress sb.oneself 给穿上衣服

9、Eg. The first thing she does every morning after getting up is to dress . 她每天起来第一件事就是帮儿子穿衣服。Dress up 盛妆打扮,乔装打扮 Eg. Ladies loves dressing up more than anything else. g.If they are not fiven anything, the children might play a trick. Play a trick on sb. 玩弄某人 Eg. That naughty boy likes to play a trick

10、on others. memory of the arrival of Christopher Columber in America. Arrival n. 到达 Eg.We are pleased for their arrival. i. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to Indias independence from Britan. Gain n.获得物,收获,增加 Eg.The baby of for unfairness. 他是自己得到了一个不公平的名声。比较: get 得到,获得 应用最广的词 Aquir

11、e 获得,取得 指通过漫长的过程而逐渐获得 Gain 得到,获得 往往指通过努力而获得某种有益或有利的东西 Eg.I got a favorite answer. How did she acquire still greater success. j. gather 收集,积累 eg. The police about the murderer. k. Some people might win awards for their animals award n.奖品,奖金,助学金 win the second award 获得第二等奖 win the award of ten thousan

12、d dolar. 获得一万美元奖金 Vt.奖励,授予 award sb. Sth.sth to sb. Medals are awarded to the best speakers on the debating team. 奖章授给辩论队中最佳的演说者。比较: award n.vt. 对鼓励工作突出所进行的鼓励,往往强调荣誉 Prize n. 多指在各类竞赛或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种将有的凭靠能力,有的凭靠运气获得。Reward n.v 指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。Eg. He won the award for the best student of the year. A prize

13、was given to the person who two more extra dolar for people admire the moon and give gifts of mooncakes. Admire vt. 钦慕,羡慕,赞美 Admire sb. for sth. 因谋事而赞美仰慕某人 Admire to do sth. 喜欢干谋事 Eg.Dont forget to admire the students. 别忘了夸奖学生 Everybody admires t admire to answer it. 我只是喜欢收信件,而不喜欢回信。m. that looking

14、forward to the end of winter and to the coming of sping. Look forward to doing sth. Eg. I am looking forward to seeing you again. The children are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall. n.The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink sn

15、ow as though =as if 引导状语从句,常常放在act, look, sound, feel, smell 等动词后面;引导表语从句常用虚拟语气。Eg. He behaves as though nothing : 1. Introduction of Qiqiao Jie (Why called Qiqiao Jie and some customs of the very day and the sad love story.) 2.The following story is a modern sad love story. Step 3. Ss read the ques

16、tions given and read the story to find the answers. Step 4. words and phrases. 1.But she didnt turn up. Turn up 1) 出席,来 For several reasons, she didnt turn up. 2) 出现,找到The book you up one day. 3) 开大音量 (反义词)turn down Turn up the radio a little, I can ones sadness: To drink in order to forget to drown

17、 ones sorrows: 借酒消愁 keep ones word 守信用(反) to break ones word 失信 Eg.He is a man who always keeps t believe body bomb set off among the crowd. 6.I dont want them to remind me of groups of four to summarize the story and ask some of Them to tell the story in their own words. Sample:The story took

18、place in an coffee shop where the s coming. To t turn up. Then there is a show on TV, which talked about the sad Love story Of Qiqiao Jie. Being , Li Fang threw away . Then on waiting for and could Jin can speak English well.(ability) No one could finish the test last week.(ability) The teacher said

19、 that we could not leave early.(permission) The 可与be able to 互换,但表示过去的能力+特定行为时,用waswere able to ,be able to 可用于各种时态,而can 只能用于现在时。Eg.His mother wasnt at ,request) She might give yousome new clothing.(possibility) 注意:1.表示许可时,用于第一人称,指我(们)被允许做某事;由于其他人称,则指说话者允许主语做某事。Eg.We might go shopping until dark.(我们

20、被允许) Mother said:”You might go shopping until dark.” (说话者允许主语做某事) 2.在用于请求许可时,may可与cancould 互换 3)will and would The Spring Festival is the most fun. The whole family will come for dinner.(promise;agreement) Often .(past us for dinner?(request) would 与 used to 均可表示“过去惯常”,但是would 常与过去时间状语连用,意为总是,总要;use

21、d to 与现在时间相比,意为过去常常,暗示现在已经没有了。Eg.When Saturday.We shall be there with our friends.(promise, agreement) Its nearly five oclock. The taxi should be .(prodiction) 1.shall 用于第一,三人称的疑问句中,表示说或者征求对方的意见,或向对方请示。Eg.Shall we go shopping after school?2.should t Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be ver

22、y strong.(speculation) You must be joking. That cant be true. (guessing) 对现在的事情进行把握较大的判断时,肯定判断用must+动词原形,否定判断用cant+动词原形。She must be in the library. She cant be in the room. 2.modal verbs+ (could) 来表示. Since the road is wet, it must t it?” 当然对现在发生或将来发生的事情,要用must do 表示猜测, 否定为cant do. He must understan

23、d that we mean business. You must be t find my keys. I may might the dictionary. 4. ought to should t t of from. 5. neednt t t me up; I dont the room. 2)She may be staying at + v-ing 形式),表示推测或评论过去某动作是否正在进行或一直在进行。例如:1)They should meeting to discuss the problem. 2)He may might buying stamps in the pos

24、t office when you saw t) do Need t need) to do 过去时 He needed (didnt need) to do 将来时 He need (neednt) do Need tdare not do 过去时 dared not do 现在时 dodoes not dare (to) do 过去时 did not dare (to) do 疑问句 现在时 Dare 和 may 考试中主要测试can,may或could,might表示可能性的区别及对may构成的疑问句的回答。(1)can, could, may, might都可以表示可能性.can, c

25、ould表示潜在的可能性或理论上或逻辑判断上存在的可能性;而may, might则表示事实上的可能性。此外,can还具有“有能力”的意思,而may与might则不具此意。According to the weather forecast, it may rain tomorrow. Any man with a little sense can see that t.或No, you mustnt. 例如:“May we leave now?” “No, you mustnt. You t finished your 和 be able to can 与 be able to 都可以表示能力,

26、但两者在用法上有点差异:can (could)表示主观能力,不表示意愿,它的将来时用will be able to; be able to表示主观意愿,强调要克服困难去做某事。1)My grandma is over seventy, but she can still read without glasses. 2)He is able to give up t,而要用neednt或dont t是“一定不要”、“一定不能”的意思。1)You must come to the classroom before eight. 2)It is raining t.” 6. used to +do,

27、 be used to +doing和be used to +do (1)used to +v意为“过去常常”,“过去一直”;be used to +v-ing n(名词)意为“习惯于”;be used to +v意为“被用来(做某事)”。(2)used to只表示过去,而be used to +v-ing n可表示现在、过去或将来。1)He used to smoke. Now t. 2)Hes quite used to , not but, may (just) as well等可用作情态动词。1)The soldier would sooner die than surrender.

28、2)The brave soldier would as soon die as yield to such an enemy. 3)Id rather walk than take a bus. 4)If you dont like to swim, you may just as well stay at Sunday. 2)I would sooner you t asked 教学反思:Period 7 Listening and exercise Step 1 Listening about carvals 1.Introduction of carnivals:狂欢节(Carniva


30、月中下旬举行庆祝活动。各国的狂欢节都颇具特色,但总的来说,都是以毫无节制的纵酒饮乐著称。其中最负盛名的要数巴西的狂欢节。2. Let Ss read the questions on page 6. 3. Have Ss listen once and make notes beside the quertions. 4. Have them write their answers and check them with a partner. 5. Check the answers with the class. Step 2 Doing exercise left. Period 8 reviewStep 1. Dictation for

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