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1、9citizenn公民;居民10otherwiseadv.否则,不然11origin n起源,起因;出身originaladj.原来的,起初的;首创的,非复制的originallyadv.原来,起初12techniquen技术,工艺,技巧13removevt.去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务)removaln去除;移动;免职14unusualadj.特别的,不寻常的;与众不同的15powern力量;能量;影响力;权力;统治;vt.驱动,提供动力powerfuladj.强大的;强有力的16teammaten队友17unfairadj.不公正的,不公平的fairadj.公平的,公正的fairly

2、adv.公正地;相当地18bitteradj.愤愤不平的;令人不快的;味苦的;严寒的19meanwhile adv.在此同时;在此期间.阅读识记单词20committee n委员会21significance n重要性,意义22contemporary adj.现代的,当代的;同一时代的23opening n开幕式;小孔24gymnastics n体操,体操训练25champion n冠军,优胜者26final adj.最终的,最后的;n.决赛 finallyadv.最后,终于27boundary n边界,界限28movement n社会运动;移动,活动;进展29stadium n体育场,运动

3、场30transport n交通运输系统;交通工具;运输;vt.运输,运送transportationn运输;运输系统;运输工具31association n协会,社团;关联;联想associatevt.联想;联系;adj.非正式的;合伙的associatedadj.有关联的,有联系的32routine n&adj.常规(的)33frequent adj.频繁的,经常发生的frequentlyadv.频繁地,经常34continent n洲,大陆35budget n预算;vi.&vt.编制预算36shot n射门,击球;射击;药物注射37referee n裁判;推荐人38whistle n哨子

4、,口哨;呼啸,鸣叫;vi.吹口哨,吹哨子;呼啸,鸣叫39tie vt.打成平局;(用绳、线)系,捆,绑40precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1There is a significant(significance) increase of opportunities.(2016浙江)2We went to the restaurant to taste the Chinese traditional(tradition) food.(2016天津)3The prize for the winner of the competition(compete) is

5、 a twoweek holiday in Paris.(20164Music like Mozarts and Bachs shouldnt be absent(absence)(2014福建)5I was excited(excite) by this new world that I had discovered.(20166Some people say that classical music is associated(association) only with old people.(2014安徽)7So codes must be changed frequently(fre

6、quent)(2016全国)8The mother was delighted(delight) to learn that her son was admitted to the Tsinghua University.9The piggy bank originally(origin) was a cheap clay container.(201410I finally(final) came out of the contest as the first prize winner.(20161in honour of为向表示敬意2bring.back to life 使苏醒/恢复生机3

7、side by side肩并肩,一起4make contributions to对做出贡献5lead the way领先6hang on (在逆境中)坚持7pass something on (to somebody) 转交,传给,递给8get around四处走动9look out for当心,小心10make way for给让路,让位于运用上述短语完成片段Last night,we watched the pingpong final between China and America.At first,the American team 1.led the way(领先),and th

8、en they 2.made way for(让位于) our team gradually.Although the competitors were great,our players 3.hung on(坚持)In the end,it was the Chinese team that won the championship,which excited us greatly.We held a celebration honour of(为向表示敬意) our teammates.1“no matter疑问词”引导的让步状语从句Today,both male and fem

9、ale athletes from around the world can take part,no matter what nation they come from.如今,世界各地的男女运动员都能参加,无论他们来自哪个国家。仿写不论谁破坏法律都要受到惩罚。No matter who breaks the law,he should be punished.2make itadj./n.(for sb.) to do sth.He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to l

10、ive side by side in peace.他梦想着奥运会将有可能让所有国家的人民共同生活在和平之中。网络使人们更容易了解世界。The Internet made it easier for people to know about the world.3while的用法The Kangaroos were out of the tournament,while the Eagles continued on.袋鼠队被淘汰出了联赛,然而,鹰队继续进行比赛。网上投票对有些人是有益的,然而,它让一些人对是否投票陷入两难的境地。(2016江苏)It is beneficial to some

11、 people,while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not.4形容词(短语)作状语The Eagles went home angry and bitter because they did not win the tournament.鹰队在锦标赛上铩羽而归,既恼火又愤愤不平。又渴又饿,她走进饭店,在一张小桌旁坐了下来。Thirsty and hungry,she went into the restaurant and seated herself at a little table.delighted a

12、dj.高兴的;愉快的(1)He was delighted with the present you sent.他因你们所送的礼物而感到愉快。(2)To my delight,I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.令我高兴的是,在几百个申请者中我被选中参加开幕式了。(2015(1)be delighted at/with sth./to do sth.为(做)某事而高兴(2)to ones delightto the delight of sb.使某人高兴的是with delight高兴地

13、take delight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事为乐(3)delightful adj.令人愉快的,使人高兴的名师点拨delighted感到高兴的;delightful 使人高兴的。单句语法填空(1)The boy takes great delight in pulling the cats tail.(2)To our delight,everything goes well.(3)The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.(4)She was very much delighted(del

14、ight) that he returned,safe and sound.(5)It was the most delightful(delight) garden I had ever seen.significance n重要性;意义(1)It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this major discovery.对这次重大发现的意义怎样高估都不过分。(朗文词典)(2)Today is a significant day for me.今天对我来说意义重大。(1)be of great significancebe

15、very significant非常重要be of no significance无意义,不重要the significance of.的重要性(2)significant adj.重要的(3)significantly adv.显著地;别有含义地;意味深长地基础知识训练单句语法填空(1)I attach great significance (significant) to the news.(2)The speech is of great significance.(3)He smiled significantly(significant) at his students.写作能力提升

16、同义句改写(4)Timely encouragement from a teacher is very significant to his/her students.(用“beof名词”结构改写)Timely encouragement from a teacher is of great significance to his/her pete vi.竞争;比赛(1)They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。(朗文高阶)(2)He w

17、as in competition with 10 others for the job.为得到这份工作他与10个人展开竞争。(1)compete in.参加的比赛compete with/against与竞争compete for.为角逐(2)competition n比赛;in competition with与竞争(3)competitive adj.竞争的(4)competitor n竞争者(1)Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business.(2)Her party is divided over wh

18、ether to compete in the election.(3)Africa will compete with/against Asia.(4)We are in competition with some very large companies.用compete的正确形式填空(5)The bank isnt performing as well as some of its competitors.(6)Universities are very competitive for the best students.(7)Helen came first in the speech

19、 competition.honour n尊敬;崇敬;荣誉vt.尊敬;敬重(1)It is a great honour for me to tell you some information relevant to the local life.我很荣幸地告诉你一些和当地生活相关的信息。(2014(2)I feel highly honoured by your trust.得到您的信任,我感到十分荣幸。in honour of为了表示对的敬意;为了纪念have the honour to do/of doing.有幸做Its an honour to do.很荣幸做be/feel hono

20、ured to do/of doing.为做而感到荣幸be honoured as.被尊称为(1)I have the honour of performing before you all.(2)I feel greatly honoured(honour) to be invited here.(3)His friends took a party in honour of his promotion.(4)The employee should be honoured for his great help to the manager.(5)She is honoured as a mo

21、del teacher.写作能力提升句式升级(6)I feel honoured to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(用it作形式主语改写)It is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.absence n缺席;不在场;(1)She has had repeated absences from work this year.今年

22、她一再缺勤。(剑桥词典)(2)She is never absent from work without good cause.她决不无故缺勤。(1)absence of mind心不在焉in sb.s absence某人不在时in the absence of sth.缺乏某物(2)absent adj.缺席的;不在的;缺乏的be absent from缺席(be present at 出席)(1)absence通常为不可数名词,但表示缺席或离开的次数或时间时,为可数名词。(2)表示做某事缺席,其后通常接介词from。(1)Nothing happened during his absenc

23、e(absent) from America.(2)He has never been absent from class this term.(3)He came back after an absence of six months.(4)The decision was made while I was not there.The decision was made inmyabsence.(5)When lacking proof,the police could not take action against the man.Intheabsenceof proof,the poli

24、ce could not take action against the man.attempt n& vt.企图,试图;尝试;努力(1)For years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children.多年来,研究人员试图证明电视对儿童有害。广东)(2)I made no attempt to make friends with her.我没有打算要和她做朋友。attempt to do/ at doing.尝试 试图 做make an attempt to do/ at doing.尝

25、试做at the first attempt第一次尝试an attempted murder/escape谋杀/逃跑未遂(1)I passed my driving test at the first attempt.(2)He attempted to escape/escaping(escape) from the prison,but he couldnt find anybody to help him.写作能力提升一句多译(3)他们试图攀登那座小山。They made an attempt to climb/(at) climbing that hill.(attempt n)The

26、y attempted to climb/(at) climbing that hill.(attempt v)association n协会;社团;(1)We keep searching the crashed airplane in association with another rescue team from Australia.我们正和另一支来自澳大利亚的救援队联合搜寻失事的飞机。(2)They prefer to associate with young people.他们更喜欢与年轻人交往。(3)Some people say that classical music is

27、associated only with old people.有人说古典音乐只与老年人有关。(1)in association with和联合;与有关(2)associate v使联合;联想,联系;交往associate.with.把和联系起来associate with和交往或打交道be associated with和有关(1)Never associate with bad companions.(2)In the childrens minds summer is associated(associate) with picnics.(3)He associated himself(

28、he) with his brother in banking.(4)There are many serious health problems which are associated with smoking.There are many serious health problems associated with smoking.(用过去分词短语作定语改写)There are many serious health problems in association with smoking.(association)power n能量;力量;影响力v驱动,给(车辆或机器)提供动力(1)They have got the power to change the world.他们有能力改变这个世界。四川)(2)Ever since the party coming to/into power last year took many effective measures to d

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