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love is a fallacy 详细讲解复习.docx

1、love is a fallacy 详细讲解复习Introduction to the text: 1. This text is a piece of narrative writing, a story. 2. The narrator of the story, Dobie Gillis, a freshman in a law school, is the hero or protagonist(主角,正派角色). He struggles against two antagonists(反派角色): Petey Burch, his roommate whose girlfriend

2、 he plans to steal; and Polly Espy, the girl he intends to marry after suitable re-education. 3. The climax(高潮) of the story is reached in paragraphs147 to150 when Polly refuses to go steady with the narrator because she had already promised to go steady with Petey Burch. 4. The denouement(结局) follo

3、ws rapidly and ends on a very ironic tone. About the Title-The title of the story is humorous and well-chosen. It has two meanings: 1. When “fallacy” is taken in its ordinary sense, the title means: There is a deceptive(虚伪的,欺诈的) or delusive(欺瞒的,迷惑的) quality about love. 2. When “fallacy” is taken as

4、a specific term in logic, the title means: Love cannot be deduced(推理) from a set of given premises. Perhaps Max Shulman wants the reader, after reading the story, to conclude that “love” is an error, a deception and an emotion that does not follow the principles of logic. But the writer, through thi

5、s story has succeeded perhaps unwittingly(无意地) in revealing what love may sometimes mean in the affluent society(物质社会). Girls do not want brilliant, gifted or educated husbands, but want husbands who are rich and wealthy enough to provide all the things necessary in life home, clothes, cars, etc. Pa

6、y attention to his change of emotions:1. favoring her with a smile2. chuckled with amusement3. chuckled with somewhat less amusement4. forcing a smile/ ground my teeth5. croaked, dashed perspireDetailed study of the textenterprising: ad. having or showing enterprise 有事业心的;有胆量的;富于创业精神的Its very enterp

7、rising of them to try and start up a business like that. asas: a correlative construction used to indicate the equality or sameness of two things. He is as strong as an ox. month of Sundays: (colloquial口语体的) long timeunfettered: ad. (fml. or lit.) free from control; not tied by several rules The new

8、 city developed quickly, unfettered by the usual planning regulations.limp: ad. drooping; lacking firmness 无力的;易弯的I like lettuce to be crisp, not limp and soggy. 我喜欢莴苣是脆的,不喜欢软而湿乎乎的。flaccid: ad. soft and weak; flabbyspongy: ad. like a sponge; soft and porouspedantic: ad. paying too much attention to

9、details and unimportant rules 迂腐的;学究的pedant: n.a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they meritdiscipline: a branch of knowledge or learningtrauma: a term in psychiatry meaning a painful emotional experience or shock, often producing a lasting psychic effect. 心灵创伤;精

10、神创伤Read, then, the following essay which undertakes to demonstrate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma.Metaphor(暗喻) and hyperbole(夸张). It is a metaphor comparing logic to a living human being. It is a hyperbole beca

11、use it exaggerates for the sake of effect. calculating: ad. coldly planning and thinking about future actions and esp. whether they will be good or bad for oneself.perspicacious: ad. (fml.) having or showing very clever judgment or understanding 聪敏的;睿智的a perspicacious comment 有见地的评论astute: ad. cleve

12、r and able to see quickly something that is to ones advantage; shrewd 精明的;敏锐的;狡黠的an astute businesswoman/investmentacute: ad. (1) (of the senses) able to notice small differences; sharp 感觉灵敏的;敏锐的Dogs have an acute sense of smell. /He has very acute hearing.(2) showing an ability to understand things

13、 clearly and deeply; penetrating. 深刻的an acute analysis of the political situation(3) severe; very great 严重的acute pain/an acute shortage of waterdynamo: an earlier form of generator, a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energychemists scales: Such scales are more precise and accu

14、rate for they have to weigh small quantities of powder or other medicine.scalpel: a surgeons sharp knife used in operations手术刀;解剖刀My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemists scales, as penetrating as a scalpel. (Para.4) Simile(明喻), comparing his brain to three different things.Hyp

15、erbole, exaggerating for effect.dumb: (American colloquialism or slang) stupid; moronic; unintelligentdumb as an ox: as stupid as an ox; very stupidnothing upstairs: (American slang) empty-headed; a nitwit (笨蛋;傻瓜). The corresponding British slang is “unfurnished in the upper storey.”unstable: ad. ea

16、sily moved, upset or changedemotional: ad. having feelings which are strong or easily movedimpressionable: ad. easy to be influenced, often with the result that ones feelings and ideas change easily and esp. that one is ready to admire other people.The child is at an impressionable age. 这孩子正处于易受影响的年

17、龄。faddist: a person who follows fads (a passing fashion or craze)Emotional type. Unstable. Impressionable. Worst of all, a faddist. All four sentences are elliptical(省略的). The subject and verb “he is” is left out.fads: a passing fashion or crazesubmit: v. to offer as an opinion; suggest; proposevery

18、 negation: complete (absolute) lackreason: the ability to think, draw conclusionsto be swept up in: to be carried away by; to follow enthusiasticallycraze: something that is currently the fashion; fadto surrender yourself to: to yield; to indulge inidiocy: n. U great foolishness or stupidityacme: n.

19、 the highest point of development, success, etc. 极度;发展、成就的顶点;登峰造极 the acme of perfection acme of mindlessness: the height of stupidity; the greatest lack of intelligenceLaxative: n./ad/ (a medicine or sth.) eaten for causing the bowels to empty easily 泻药;通便剂Its dangerous for people suffering from ap

20、pendicitis to take any kind of laxative.pausing in my flight: n. fleeing or running away from. Here it means “stopped rushing out” (to get a doctor).wail: v. (often derog.) to cry out with a long sound (as if) in grief or pain 嚎啕大哭;大声哭叫 pound: v. to hit hard; to deliver heavy, repeated blows 猛击;猛打;猛

21、烈跳动He pounded the table angrily. /My heart pounded with excitement.incredulously: adv. showing disbelief, unbelievinglyan incredulous look/smileincredible: ad. sth. too strange to be believed; unbelievable or very hard to believe 不敢相信的;难以置信的Thats the most incredible coincidence Ive ever heard of!Loo

22、k at it rationally: “it” stands for the whole question of owning and wearing a raccoon coat.unsanitary: ad. not clean or healthyThey shed: The fur of the raccoon coats cast off or lose hair (all the time).unsightly: ad. not pleasant to look at; uglyIts the thing to do: Its the right, proper or fashi

23、onable thing to do. in the swim: conforming to the current fashions, or active in the main current of affairsslip: to pass, move, etc. smoothly, quickly or easilyslipped into high gear: began to work at high speed or efficiency. A machine is in high gear when the arrangement of gears provide the gre

24、atest speed but little power.gear: any of several arrangements, esp. of toothed wheels in a machine, which allow power to be passed from one part to another so as to control the power, speed or direction of movement. (齿轮传动装置;排挡)narrowly: adv. (fml.) in a thorough and usu. doubting way 彻底的; 追根究底的The

25、teacher questioned the boy narrowly about why he was late.affirm: v. to declare (usu. again, or in answer to a question or doubt) 肯定;确认She affirmed that she was telling the truth.The minister affirmed the governments intention to reduce taxes.stroke: v. pass the hand over gently, esp. for pleasure 抚

26、摸The cats like being stroked.He stroked his beard reflectively. 他捋着胡子在沉思。I stroked my chin thoughtfully.我若有所思的抚摸着下巴。covet: v. (esp. bibl or humor) to desire eagerly (esp. sth. belonging to another person) 觊觎;垂涎to let my heart rule my head: Metonymy. “Heart” stands for “feelings and emotions” and “he

27、ad” for “reason and good sense”. cerebral: ad. (fml. humor) conceived by the intellect rather than the emotions. 理智的gracious: ad. polite, kind and pleasant, esp. in a generous way 亲切的;和蔼的;仁慈的;有礼貌的Busy as she was, she was gracious enough to show us around her housespecification: n. a detailed plan or

28、 set of descriptions or directions 规格; 说明The designer drew up his specifications for the new car.With one omissionperfectly: Except for one thing (intelligence) Polly had all the other requirements (beauty and grace).pin-up: (American colloquialism) designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness mak

29、es her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls.proportions: lines, shape of the bodysupply the lack: supply what is wanting.makings: the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something 素质;必要因素He has the makings of a good doctor./ The story has all the maki

30、ngs of a great movie.carriage: n. (sing) the manner of carrying oneself, bearing the manner of holding ones head, limbs, and body when standing or walking; physical posture 仪态;体态Dancing can improve the carriage. 舞蹈能增进体态美。erectness of carriage: a noun plus an “of” phrase helps to emphasize the noun “

31、erectness”. So also “ease of bearing” and “best of breeding”.bearing: n. the way a person holds his body or behaves; deportment 举止;姿势;风度She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bearing, a poise that clearly indicated the best of breeding. “bearing” and “carriage” are synonymous(同义词). “Bearing” i

32、n comparison denotes manner of carrying or conducting oneself and refers to characteristic physical and mental posture. “Carriage” specifically stresses the physical aspects of a person.specialty of the house: the special dish which the restaurant or cafeteria sellspot roast: meat, usually a large cut of beef cooked in one piece by braisinggravy: n. U the juice which comes out of meat as it cooks, thickened with flour,

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