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1、riding windy take longer cakes1.Robot s can make _. . .2.This rope (绳子) is_than that one.3.Will it be _ in Nanjing tomorrow?No,it won t.4. We are going to have a picnic.Will you _ some bread?5.What are they doing?They are _ a bike.四.选择。(10分)( )1.I m playing _ my doll.A. in B. / C. with( )2.There are

2、 many _ on the river.A.boat B. boats C. bird( )3. _ ? He will read books.A. What will you do on Sunday?B. What will your mother do on Sunday?C. What will your father do on Sunday?( )4.On Monday I will go _ .A.swim B.swimming C. swiming( )5.Beijing is _ than Tianjin.A.biger B. big C. bigger( )6.Parro

3、t is a very _ bird.A.shy B. naughty C.nice( )7.Will you play football on Monday?A. Yes,you will B.No,I w will C.No,I wont.( )8.It will _ in B. be warm C. be hot( )9. Is your father taller than Yaoming?A.Yes, he is B.No,he isn t C.No,I m not.( )10.Daming is _ than Amy.A.older B. younger C

4、.stronger五.读短文,判断正T误F。This is the wether forecast (预报).Tomorrow ,it will be cold in Beijin .It will snow in Shenyang. It will be windy in Yinchuan . It will be hot in Chongqing.It Will rain in Hangzhou .It will be sunny in Guangzhou.( )1.It will rain in Guangzhou.( )2.It will be hot in Shenyang.( )3

5、.It will be cold in Beijing.( )4.It will snow in Yinchuan .( )5. It will rain in Hangzhou.六.判断下列各组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,如果相同画Y,不相同画N(10%)( )1.cake name( )2.cow how( ) is( )4.that three( )5.Chinese Christmas七.在II栏中找出I栏各句的朋友:I II( )1.How do you do? A.Thats all right.( )2.Thank you. B.Yes, e in.( )3.May

6、I e in? C.June 1.( )4.What time is it? D.How do you do?( )5.When is Childrens Day? E.Its five oclock.八.按要求完成下列各题:(20%)1.This is a book.变为否定句)_2.He is a good boy.(变为一般疑问)_英语基础知识练习题(二)请选择正确的答案,填在括号里。( ) 1. 当别人送你礼物时,你应先说:A. Thank you B. youre wele C. Whats it?( ) 2. 当你想问别人问题时,你应说:A. Hi B. SorryC. Excus

7、e me( ) 3. 当你看见别人不开心是,可以关切地问:A. Whats the matter?B.Who are you?C.What do you like?( ) 4. 当你迟到了,站在门口时,应说:A. Open the door, please. B. May I e in ? C. Im late.( ) 5. 当别人因不能帮你而表示歉意时,你应说:A. Im sorry, too. B. Oh, how bad! C. Thank you all the same.( ) 6. 当别人对你说Happy New Year时,你应说:A.The same to you. B. Yo

8、ure wele.C. Fine, thank you.( ) 7. 在商店里,服务员问你买什么时会说:A. What do you buy? B. Can I help you? C. Have you got a pen?( ) 8. 当你把玲玲介绍给朋友时应说:A. This is Lingling. B. This is my friend. C. Shes Lingling.( ) 9. 当有人建议去野餐时,如果你乐意应说:A. Thats a good idea. B. Great C. Both A and B( ) 10. 当你在公共场合看到_ 时,你不能停车:A. Dont

9、stop B. NO SMOKING C. NO PARKING( )11.当别人夸奖你英语说的好时,你应该说_A. Thank you. B. It is not good. C. Yes.( ) 12. 当你想知道橡皮在哪儿时,问:_A. Where is the pen?B. Where is it from?C. Where is the eraser?( ) 13. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:_A. Where is the new TV?B. What colour is the new TV?C. What is a TV?( )14. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:_.

10、 Have you got a dictionary? B. Have you got a piano?( )15.当你把妈妈介绍给你的老师时,你应该说:A.Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Gao.B. Hello, shes Miss Gao.C. Miss Gao, this is my mother.( )16.当你的爸爸过生日时,你应该说:_A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Happy birthday to you!( )17.当你想知道这些东西是谁的时,问:A.Whose are these? B. Whose are tho

11、se? C. Who are they?( )18. 你要询问物品的价格,应该说 .A. When did you go?B. How much is it?C. Will you be a teacher?( )19.上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:_A Please e in.BGood morning. CStand up.( ) 20.你向别人介绍你的朋友大明,可以说: .A. This is my friend, DamingB.This is my friend. C. Its he.( ) 21. 你和别人初次见面可以这样礼貌的问候对方:_A.Whats your name

12、?B. How are you?C. C. How old are you?( )22. 你想知道你的新书包在哪儿,可以这样问你的妈妈:_A. Wheres my new bag, Mum?B. Is it my new bag?C. Whats my new bag?( )23. 你遇到困难请求别人帮助时应该说:_ACan you help me, please?B. You can help me.C. You cant help me.( )24.当别人帮助你的时候你可以说:A. How are you? B. Thank you. C. Thats all right.( )25. 下

13、午见到李老师应该这样问候:A. Good morning, Mr Li.B. Good afternoon, Mr Li.C. Good night, Mr Li.( )26.想知道你的礼物是什么颜色的,可以这样问:_A.What is my present?B. What colur is my present?C. Wheres my present?( )27.你应该怎样告诉别人向右转?A. Turn right B. turn leftC. go straight on( ) 28.当别人对你说Thank you 时,你应该这样回答:A. Thank you. B. No, no, n

14、o.C. Youre wele.( ) 29.当朋友对你说Happy New Year 时,你应该这样回答:A. Happy New Year!B. No, thank you.C. Yes, thank you.( ) 30.当你想知道自行车放在哪儿时,问:A.Where is my bike? B. What is my bike?C. My bike is where?( ) 31.当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:A. Do you like the green car?B. What is the car like?C. Im looking for a green car.

15、( ) 32.当你想知道别人会不会骑自行车时,问:A. Can you make a bike?B. Can you ride a bike?C. Can you ride a horse?( ) 33.当你问朋友是否想吃面条时,要问:A.Can I have some noodles?B. Can you make noodles?C. Do you want some noodles?( ) 34.当你想知道去公园的路怎么走时, 问:A.Excuse me, wheres the park, please?B.Sorry, Wheres the park, please?C.Whats i

16、n the park?( ) 35.当你去买东西的时候,售货员要对你说:A.Can I help you?B.Can you help me?C.Thank you.( ) 36.每年的12月25日,我们要互相说:B. Happy Halloween!C. Happy Christmas!英语基础知识练习题(三)一、单项选择(30分)( )1. I cant swim. I cant swim _.A.too B. two C. either( )2. Have a _, Bobby. Yeah! I can fly.A. A.Look at B. look C. try( )3.Look a

17、t dogs under the tree. Theyre very cute.A. they B. that C. those( )4. How many _ do you have?_.A. mango; Two B. mangoes; Two C. mangoes; Too( )5. Heres _ egg for you.Thank you. What _ big egg!; a B. an; an C. a; a( )6. This is our snowman. His nose _ small. His eyes _ big.A. is; is B. are; are C

18、. is; are( )7. Where is your aunt? #- _ in the living room.A. Im B. Shes C. Hes( )8. -Do you have _ apple? - No. I have _ oranges.A. an, an B. an, some C. an, any( )9. Id like to drink two of .A. cups; coffees B. cups ; coffee C. cup; coffee( )10. -Where the cakes ? - in the fridge.A. is ; Theyre B.

19、are ; Theyre C. is ; Its( )11. Where _ my pens?A. is B. are C. am( )12.A: Your school bag is nice. B: _A. Yes. B. No, it isnt. C. Thank you.()13. A:_would you like? B: _like some noodles.A.Whats ; I B What ; Id C How ; Id( )14.Im hungry. Id like _.A some tea B. a sandwich C. some coffee( )15. Do you

20、 have_toy animals?A some B any C a( )16. Whose classroom is this? Its_ classroom.A. we B. us C. our( )17.His father is very _.A. big B.tall C.long( )18._ you like a pie? Yes,pleaseA. Do B. Would C. do( )19. Can you play football? Yes, I _.A. do B. can C. cant( )20. _ _ crayons do you have? Twelve.A.

21、 How many B. How nice C. How much二、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(10分)( )1. What is this? A. Its time for bed( )2.What do you like? B. Thanks.( )3.Would you like a cake? C. Id like a toy panda.( )4.Look at my dog. D. No, I dont( )5.How much is it? E. Its a toy monkey.( )6.What would you like? F. Its fifty yu

22、an.( )7.Its nine oclock. G. Yes, please.( )8.How many pencils do you have? H. Its cute.( )9.Here you are. I. Four.( )10.Do you like tigers? J. I like monkeys.阅读理解(30分)(A)阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。A:Whats this,Jack?B: Its my playhouse(玩具屋)Come in, Mike.A: Are these toys? Yes, they are all new. Lo

23、ok, I have ten cars. They are beautiful. How many balls do you have? Lets count(数数) One, two, three . six. Do you like your new toys? Yes, I do. But (可是)I like my old(旧的)toys, too.They are my birthday presents(礼物).( )1. Jack has nine cars.( ) 2.Jacks cars are beautiful.( ) 3. Jack has five balls.( )

24、 4. They like the toys.( ) 5. Mike likes his old toys too.(B)阅读短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与短文内容相符的选项My school bag is my good friend. Its black and red. There is a blue cat on my bag. The cats eyes(眼睛) are big and the nose(鼻子) is white and small. Its very lovely!My school bag is not big, but beautiful and useful( 有用的). My textbooks(教科书),my pencil box and my exercise-books(练习本) are all in my school bag. I like my school bag.1.My school bag is ( ).A. blue and white and white and red2. Th

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