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1、 protect form(against) 保护,保卫 risk(doing)sth. 冒着.的危险 deal with (1)与.做生意,与.商业交往(2)对待,对付,处理,解决62. 区别,辨别,是.的特征 agree to(do)sth. 同意,愿意,答应64.threaten to do sth 威胁要做某事,扬言要做某事65.according to (1)根据,据某人所说(2按照,依照)(3)依.而定66. to distinguish from (1)根据,据某人所说(2) watch over (1)看护,照料(2)看守,看管

2、,守卫 unison (1)齐唱,齐奏(2)一致地,协调地69.up to (1)作为最大数量,多达(2)直到;不多于(3)能胜任的,有某种能力 up 打电话,使想起,使忆起 back 偿还,回报,惩罚,报复72.a good/great deal of 很多,大量 clean up (1)洗干净,打扫干净,清理(2)清除坏的影响 react to sb.(sth) 对.作出反应,回应 make ones way to 走,行走,前进,去 take over 接管,接任,雇用 take on 披上,戴上,呈现

3、,具有 take place 发生,举行 other words 换句话说 a sense 从某种意义说 serve as 起.的作用,被用作,充当 belong in 在.中有适当的地位,处于正确的地位 advance 事先,预先,提前 goes without saying that. 不言而喻.无庸置疑.不用说.85.for the sake of (1)为了.起见,看在.的份上 (2)为了.的好处,为了.目的 expose sth.暴露,使面临,遭受.87.plenty of 大量的,丰富的 th

4、at 在于,因为 between 在中间,每间隔,在.期间 question 正被谈论的,正被考虑的 work on 从事.致力于 set up 设立,建立,提出 be on the alert against/for sth. 警惕 be concerned with (1)关于,涉及 (2)忙于(3)关心,关切 attach importance to sth.认为.重要 take to sth/doing sth (1)开始从事(2)养成.习惯(3)培养对.的爱好 put use 使

5、用,利用 be relevant to sth 与.有关的99.on the part of sb 就.而言,在.方面100to objective 把.作为目标101to look ahead to 向前看,展望未来102to 分配.给配合.103to hang up 把.挂起来;延迟,拖延104to throw off 扔掉,摆脱105to work out 作出,制定出106up to date最新的,新式的107to kid.into doing 欺骗.去做108to stick with坚持,继续109effect on 对.的

6、作用110to blame sth. 把.归咎于111now(that) 既然,由于112to leave/let.alone/be (1)不管,不理,不打扰(2)顺其自然,听任.113out of step 步伐不一致,不协调114in time (1)及时,不迟(2)终于,迟早115to date把.归咎116to attend to sth. (1)专心,注意(2)照顾,关照117to fall apart 破裂,崩溃118to be true of符合于.,对.适用119 to approximate to 与.接近120 resistance to sth (1)对.的抵抗,对抗(2

7、)照顾,关照121 to cope with 对付,处理122 no other.than (1)除.外没有,只有(2)正是,就是123 to take advantage of (1)利用(2)占.的便宜124 to stand no/little chance of doing 没有可能,没有希望125 to 把.看成;证明/确认.为.126 impact on . 对.的影响127 to break up 打碎;(被)分解;散开,驱散;结束;期终放假,崩溃128 in the running参赛,参加竞选129 in power掌权的,执政的130 out of

8、 power丧失权力的,在野的131 in favor of (1)赞成,支持(2)支付给(3)为了;对.有利132 to come into power上台,开始掌权133 to carry on (1)经营,进行(2)继续134 to sacrifice to 向.献祭;为.而牺牲;为.而失去135 be central to 对.极为重要的136 be irrelevant to 与.不相干,不切题137 be aim for 瞄准,以.为目标138 in bring out (1)使显现,显示(2)生产,使产生139 to attach to 使.与.相关,把.附加到140 to ta

9、ke for granted 认为真实,视为当然141 at ease 自在的,舒适的142 plea for恳求,请求143 not that.并不是,不是因为144 not(never)for a moment 决不,从来没有145 to break in on(upon) 打扰,打断,闯进146 to seize/catch hold of 抓住,占有147 to excess 过分,过度,过量148 to substitute.for 用.代替149 be contrary to 与.相反150 in reality 实际上,事实上151 to put off 延期,消除152 be

10、confronted with 面临,面对153 to draw on (1)用.做来源,依靠(2临近154 to gaze at 凝视,注视155 be unaware of 不知道.没觉察到.156 to dream of 梦见,梦想157 in ones minds eye 在脑海里158 to go over (1)越过,渡过(2)仔细检查159 to impress.on 使.铭记,牢记160 be free from 没有.的,不受.的161 to go over (1)越过,渡过(2)仔细检查162 to impress.on 使.铭记,牢记163 to put aside (1

11、)放在一边,撇开(2)储存164 be beneficial to 对.有利165 to add up to (1)总计是(2)总起来意味着166 influence on 对.的影响167 to break into 分成(部分)168 so far as sb.knows 就某人所知169 of.value 有.价值170 of.importance 重要,有意义171 of.interest 有趣,有意思172to coincide with 相符,一致173 to go in for (1)参加,从事(2)以.为兴趣,爱好174year in and year out 一年一年地,年复

12、一年175 to take.easy轻松一点;勿太紧张176to put an end to结束或废除某事务177to do ones best尽全力;尽量178to do with sth. 处理;忍受179 in return 作为回报180 to do without 没有.也行;将就,设法应付过去自学考试公共英语(二)课程不规则动词表2009-3-10 14:45:00来源:环球网校频道:自学考试中文原形动词过去式过去分词1出现,升起arisearosearisen2开始beginbeganbegun3吹blowblewblown4打断breakbrokebroken5选择choose

13、chosechosen6做dodiddone7画drawdrewdrawn8喝drinkdrankdrunk9开车,驾驶drivedrovedriven10吃eatateeaten11落下fallfellfallen12飞flyflewflown13冻结freezefrozefrozen14给givegavegiven15去gowentgone16长大growgrewgrown17知道knowknewknown18误解, 弄错mistakemistookmistaken19成长速度超outgrowoutgrewoutgrown20骑rideroderidden21响铃ringrangrung2


15、ingbrought39建造buildbuilt40买buybought41抓住catchcaught42挖digdug43喂feedfed44觉得feelfelt45找到findfound46打仗fightfought47有havehad48听hearheard49抓 拿holdheld50保持keepkept51放laylaid52领导leadled53离开leaveleft54借出lendlent55丢失loselost56制做makemade57意思是meanmeant58遇见meetmet59误解,误会misunderstandmisunderstood60恐慌panicpanick

16、ed61付钱paypaid62saysaid63寻求seeksought64卖sellsold65送sendsent66射击shootshot67坐sitsat68睡sleepslept69花费spendspent70站standstood71扫sweepswept72教teachtaught73告诉telltold74想thinkthought75understandunderstood76哭泣weepwept77赢winwon78吹风,绕windwound下列各词的原形、过去式、过去分词都一样79爆炸burst80投 扔cast81价值 花费cost82切cut83打击hit84伤害hur

17、t85让let86put87读read88流出shed89关闭shut90分离split91伸开spread92插 刺thrust93弄翻 心烦upset下列各词的原形和过去分词相同94变得 成为becomebecame95来comecame96跑runran97、98是特殊变化97击打beatbeaten98忍受 出生bearboreborn / borne98以后各词的过去式或过去分词为两可型99咬bitebitbit / bitten100忘记forgetforgotforgot/ forgotten101得到getgotgot / gotten102躲藏hidehidhid / hidden103证实proveprovedproved / proven104缝sewsewedsewed / sewn105出示 展示showshow

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