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1、介词的辨析。解题思路:in “在里面”,next “靠近”,among “在其间”besides “除之外”,根据句意:你知道在晚会上除吉姆与汤姆之外的其他的人是谁?是鲁西与丽丽。故选D。【2011广西贺州】45. We will celebrate the 90th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party _ July 1st, 2011.A. on B. at C. in D. during【解析】A 考查点:考察介词辨析。具体到某一天用介词on。【2011河源】27.Has Mary been back? Not yet. She will com

2、e back _ the evening of June _. A. at,first B. to, thirtieth C. on,the twelfth D. on, he nineteenC【2011遵义】27._ our surprise,the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year. A.With B.In C.To 答案:C 【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】( )26. We have been in China three years. We like it very much.A. in B

3、. since C. for【2011泰州】2. Audrey Hepburn was a ballet dancer _ a very young age. In her twenties she became a famous film star. A. from B. in C. on D. atD【2011重庆江津】() 27. A: How do you go home every day? B: bike. Its not far from here. A. OnB. InC. WithD. By【2011浙江湖州】16. A terrible earthquake happene

4、d in Japan_ March, 2011. A. to B. on C. in D. atin 可用于年、月、星期之前;而on通常用于具体的某一日或特定的某一日之前。“March, 2011” 意为“2011年3月”,故选C。【2011山东泰安】30. Your sweater looks nice, is it made of wool? Yes, and its made _ Shanghai.A. byB. in C. forD. from【解析】近义词组。be made in表示事物于某地制造;be made by表示由谁制造; be made from表示由-制造,单从表面看不

5、出原物质。【2011浙江杭州】30. She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes. A. aboveB. onC. againstD. for【解析】介词的用法。above 意思是“在上方(和物体表面不接触)”,on意思是“在上方,(和物体表面接触)” against 意为“反对,违背”,for意为“赞成”。由句意“她不得不卖掉房子即使违背她自己的意愿”可知,用against。故选C。【2011浙江金华】17. We couldnt finish our work so early your help.A.with

6、out B.with C.for D.ByA 【解析】考查介词的用法。由句意可推断我们这么早完成工作和你的帮助有关系。换言之,(如果)没有你的帮助,我们就不能这么早完成工作。【2011南京】2. The wedding of Prince William was held in Westminster Cathedral _ April 29, 2011.A. at B. in C. on D. by答案:在具体某一天前用介词on。【2011浙江舟山】18. My parents usually take a walk _ dinner to keep healthy.A. at B. of

7、C. duringD. after本句句意:我父母亲通常在饭后散步来保持健康;after dinner意为“饭后”,符合句意。【2011山东德州】20. We can get fresh water from rain, from rivers, or from _ the ground.A. acrossB. underC. overD. off我们能够从雨水、河流或地下得到清新的水。介词across“穿过”;under“在.的下面”;over“在.的上面”;off“离开”,只有B符合题意。【2011安徽】45. What a nice day! We should go sightseei

8、ng _ watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead of C. together with. D. out ofB 【解析】选B。 考查词组区别。because of “因为”; instead of“代替”; together with “一起”;out of“外出;脱离”,结合句意选B。【2011铜仁】21. What does your English teacher look like? Shes tall and thin _ long hair.A. have B. has C. there is D. withwith意

9、思是“带着;有的”,表示特征,故选D。【2011湖北黄冈】33. Your coat looks very nice. Whats it made _?Cotton, and it is made_Wuhan.A. from; in B. of; in C. from; on D. of; on【解析】词组辨析。be made of 意为“由制成”,能看出原材料的; be made from意为“由制成”,看不出原材料;be made in 意为“在哪儿制作”,后接地点。根据答语可知,大衣是由棉花做成的(可以看出原材料),故选B。【2011湖北黄石】27. Cheng Long and Li

10、Lianjie have much _. And they often play similar roles in the movies.A. in general B. in style C. in common D. in shape【解析】词义辨析。In general的意思为“一般来说”,in style的意思为“时髦的”in common的意思为“共同的”in shape的意思为“身材健美”,根据题意“in common”符合题意。 【2011四川德阳】2. How do you study for a test? - _ working with friends. A. By B.

11、 With C. On A【解析】本题考查介词by的用法。by意为“通过方式”;with意为“和在一起”;on意为“朝,向”.句意“你是怎么为考试作准备吗?”“通过和朋友一起学习。”只有by具有“通过方式”的意思,故选A。【2011上海】32. The university student borrowed some money _his friends to start his own business.A) from B) onto C) at D) in【解析】考查点:介词的用法。 解题思路:固定短语borrowfrom意为“从那儿借”,该题意为“这个大学生从他的朋友那儿借钱开始自己的学

12、业”,故答案选A;苏州】 When and where were you born? I was born _ October 1st, 1998 _ Suzhou. A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in;在具体某天用介词on,地点前用in。【2011安徽芜湖】41. Look! There so many people in the park. Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A. inB. onC. atD. to 【解析】介词。具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上,要用介词on.【2011 山东烟台

13、】31.-Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean? -Yes, but it needs to go_ the clouds for hours.A. across, through B. through, acrossC. across, across D. through, through【解析】考查介语辨析用法。across,表示从物体的表面“穿过,越过”; through表示从某物的内部“穿过”,句中“飞越大西洋”要使用fly across; 从云层中“穿过”,要使用through。【2011四川内江】22. A big earthquake hit

14、Japan_ the afternoon of March 11th, 2011.A. in B. on C. at【解析】介词用法。in用于年、月、季节、早中晚。具体日期用on。具体时刻用at。故选B。【2011邵阳】23. My old friend White is going to visit me.We havent seen each other _ five years.A. since B after C. forsince+一段时间+ago;after+时间点;for+一段时间。本句中five years.为一段时间。故选择C。【2011广安市】34. Oh, so many

15、 people in the park? Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at 【解析】介词考查。in表示在某年、某月、某星期;on表示在某天或某天的早上、中午、晚上;at表示在某时某刻。根据句意:在周日早晨用介词on。【2011江苏淮安】8. The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London _ 2012. A. at B. on C. in D. for【解析】介词辨析。在某一年用介词in. at 强调具体时间,on 用在具体某一天,for 后接时间段。【2

16、011山西】24 - Shall we go the museum?- All right! I hear there are many first-class photographs _.A. on show B. on board C. on sale 【解析】介词短语的用法。On show意为“展览,展示”,on board 意为“在国外”,on sale 意为“出售”。根据句意可知选A。10.【2011扬州】Is the film interesting?I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.A. in allB. in factC

17、. in additionD. in future【解析】近义词辨析。In all意思是“总共”; in fact意思是“事实上”;in addition意思是“附加”; in future意思是“将来”。结合文意:事实上,我认为令人讨厌。【2011安徽】42. I hear our teacher will be back three weeks time. A. at B. in C. for D. after考查介词用法。at 一般加时间点;in +一段时间表示将来时;for加一段时间,通常用于完成时;after通常用于引导过去时的从句。由will提示,应该选B。【2011浙江绍兴】17

18、. Hundreds of students came to Shaoxing to work _ the World Choir Games in 2010, A. at B. with C. for D. on成百上千的学生来绍兴参加2010年国际合唱比赛。for意为“为了”,表目的,符合句意,故选C。【2011新疆阜康】28. have you stayed in this hotel?Not long, just this Monday.A. How soon, from B. How long, since C. How many days, for D. How often, on

19、 B【解析】疑问词和介词的用法。问句意为:你已经在这家酒店住多久了?答语意为:时间不长。从上周一到现在。how soon意为“多久”,对将来的时间提问;how long意为“多久”,对时间段或物体提问;how many意为“多少”,对可数名词提问;how often意为“多久一次”,对频度副词提问。在现在完成时态中,since后接时间点或者一般过去式的句子;for后接时间段。【2011重庆】22. I go to school _ bus every morning.A. in B. on C. atD. by答案Dby+交通工具意为:乘;in和on后跟交通工具表乘车方式时,中间须加冠词或形容

20、词物主代词。【2011山东济宁】18. -Could you please provide us _ some information about the students health ? -Of course, its my pleasure. A. to B. of C. fromD. with【解析】:provide sb. with sth.意为“向某人提供某物”,为固定短语。【2011四川乐山】35. What do you often do _ classes to relax? Listen to music or walk around the school.A. overB

21、. throughC. between 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意“两节课之间你们做什么来休息?”between是两者之间的意思,符合句意。 【2011湖南益阳】22. We can see a playground the two tall buildings.A. between B. among C. in二者之间用between.三个或三个以上用among, in 指的是在内部。(2011贵州毕节)26Why are you standing there,Kangkang? I cant see the blackboard clearlyTwo tall boys are si

22、tting meAbehind Bnext to Cin front of Dbeside解析:本题考查介词词组词义辨析。由I cant see the blackboard clearly“我看不清黑板。”可推知站着看的原因是“前面”有两个高个子男孩,故答案选C,意为“在的前面”。【2011福建莆田】( ) 34. Well hold a party in celebration of the 90th birthday of the CPC (中国共产党)_ Friday.A. in B. on C. at答案B【解析】介词的考查。在星期的前面用on.【2011湖南湘潭】22. More

23、and more young people In China celebrate _Christmas DayDecember 25th.A at B. on C. in【解析】本题考查介词的用法。根据题意,越来越多的中国年轻人在12月25日庆祝圣诞节。at后接时刻,on后接具体时间,in后接模糊时间。12月25日是具体时间,故本题选B。【2011四川广元】12.I live the market. So I have to drive to buy vegetable and fruits.A. far away B. near to C. far fromfar away意为“很远”、“遥远”,可作表语、状语和后置定语;near to 意为靠近于;far from表示离某处很远。根据句意选C;【2011四川广元】14. Why are most children under too much pressure?Because their parents always compare them others.A. with B. by C. to

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