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本文(四年级下册英语期末复习阅读理解试题专项练习阅读理解及解析10题答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、四年级下册英语期末复习阅读理解试题专项练习阅读理解及解析10题答案解析四年级下册英语期末复习阅读理解试题专项练习阅读理解及分析【10 题】答案分析1Abingdon School Open DayThe Open Day this year will be on Saturday, 3 December. The Open Day is for all the family, with activities and displays(显现) about the school. All the teachers, students and parents will attend(参加) . Th

2、e day starts at 9: 30 a. m. and finishes at 2: 30 p. m. The lessons start from 8 oclock. The school gate will be open at 10 oclock. You are welcome to arrive at any time during the lessons in the morning and afternoon.If you cant come to the Open Day, thats all right. There are many other chances (时

3、机) to visit Abingdon School. You can make an appointment with the class teachers to visit some other day.Parking(泊车) at the school on the Open Day may be limited(有限的), so you can also park your cars in the car park nearby. Its just a three-minute walk away. The map of Abingdon School can be found on

4、 the school website一 www. abingdon. edu.1Who will attend on Abingdon School Open Day?ATeachers. B Parents. CStudents. DA, B and C.2If Toms parents want to come to the Open Day, they can get inat_ .A9:40B 10:40C8:40D8:003If parents cant go to the school on the Open Day,_.Athey can never visit Abingdo

5、n SchoolBthey will be scolded(被责备)Cthey can go to the school on other daysDtheir children cant go to school4The Open Day is on _.ASaturdayB 3 OctoberC1 DecemberDSunday5Which of the following states is true?AParents cant park cars in Abingdon School.BParents cant drive cars to Abingdon School.CParent

6、s can park their cars in the car park.DAll the parents can park cars in Abingdon School.6Parents can get the map of Abingdon School_.Afrom the teachersBon the school websiteCin the shopsDat the school gate【答案】1D2B3C4A5C6B【分析】【剖析】本篇文章难度适中,主要叙述阿宾顿学校开放日的有关事宜,比如日期、开放时间以及泊车等事项。1细节理解题。依据 All the teachers,

7、 students and parents will attend 全部“的老师、父亲母亲和学生都能参加 ”可知,老师、父亲母亲和学生都能够,应选 D。2细节理解题。依据 The school gate will be open at 10 oclock. You arewelcome to arrive at any time during the lessons in the morning and afternoon将会在 10 点钟翻开,欢迎您在上午和下午上课时期随时抵达 ”可知,校门校门10 点“翻开,所以你能够 10:40 进入,应选 B。3细节理解题。依据 If you cant

8、 come to the Open Day, thats all right. There are many other chances(时机) to visit Abingdon School. You can make an appointment with the class teachers to visit some other day 假如你不可以去开“放日,没关系,有很多其余的时机来观光阿宾顿学校,你能够和班主任预定一个时间,改天再观光 ”可知,家长们能够在其余的日子来,应选 C。4细节理解题。依据 The Open Day this year will be on Saturd

9、ay, 3 December“今年的开放日将会在 12 月 3 日礼拜六 ”可知,开放日在礼拜六,应选A。5细节理解题。依据 Parking(泊车) at the school on the Open Day may be limited (有限的), so you can also park your cars in the car park nearby. Its just athree- minute walk away 在“开放日在学校泊车可能是有限的,所以你也能够将你的车停在邻近的泊车场。步行只是有三分钟 ”可知,父亲母亲能够将他们的车停在泊车场。应选 C。6细节理解题。依据 The

10、 map of Abingdon School can be found on the school website 一 www. abingdon. edu 可知,阿宾顿学校的地图能够在学校网址上找到。应选 B。【点睛】做细节理解题时要先划要点词,再依据要点词定位到文中的某一段即可做出题目。比如第 1 题。依据要点词 Who will attend 可知,定位至 All the teachers, students and parents will attend 全部的老“师、父亲母亲和学生都能参加 ”可知,老师、父亲母亲和学生都能够,应选 B。2I go to school the you

11、th to learn the future.Robert FrostHarvard UniversityType(种类 ): privateCreated Time: 1636Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USAHarvard Universitys history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most famous universities in the world.University of OxfordType: public(公立的 )Created Time: Not quit

12、e clearLocation: Oxford, BritainThe University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the world and the oldest in the English-speaking world.University of CambridgeType: publicCreated Time: 1209Location: Cambridge, BritainThe University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in the Engli

13、sh-speaking world and the sixth oldest in Europe.Tsinghua UniversityType: publicCreated Time: 1211Location: Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaTsinghua University was originally(开初 ) under the name “ Tsinghua Xuetang ” .The school was renamed “ Tsinghua School ” in 1912. The university section wasfound

14、ed(成立 ) in 1925.1What is Harvard University famous for?APeople and wealthBSubjects and country.CProfessors and students.DHistory, influence and wealth.2Which one is private of the four universities?AHarvard University.BUniversity of Oxford.CUniversity of Cambridge.DTsinghua University.3Which of the

15、two universities are located in Britain?AHarvard University and University of Oxford.BUniversity of Oxford and University of Cambridge.CUniversity of Cambridge and Tsinghua University.DTsinghua University and Harvard University.4When was the university section founded in Tsinghua University?AIn 1211

16、.BIn 1912.CIn 1925.DNot quite clear.5Which statement isnt true according to the passage above?AHarvard University was set up in 1636.BThe University of Oxford is the oldest university in the world.CThe University of Cambridge is the sixth oldest university in Europe.DTsinghua University is located i

17、n Beijing now.【答案】1D2A3B4C5B【分析】【剖析】短文粗心:本文是一则广告信息,列举了四所世界名牌大学,分别介绍了学校种类、创立时间、地理地点和办学特点。1题意:哈佛大学以什么有名 ?细节理解题。依据表格第一栏中最后一句“ Harvard Universitys history, influence and wealth havemade it one of the most famous universities in the world. 可知哈佛大”学因历史、影响力和财产而有名。应选 D。2题意:这四所大学中哪一所是私立的 ?细节理解题。依据表格第一栏中 “ Typ

18、e: private可知”哈佛大学是私立大学。应选 A。3题意:哪两所大学位于英国 ?推理判断题。依据表格第二栏和第三栏中 location 可知牛津大学和剑桥大学位于英国。应选 B。4题意:清华大学是什么时候成立的 ?细节理解题。依据表格第四栏中最后一句 “The university section was founded in 1925可.知清华大”学部成立于 1925 年。应选 C。5题意:依据上边的文章,哪个陈说不正确 ?细节理解题。 A. Harvard University was set up in 1636.哈佛大学成立于 1636 年。 B. The University

19、of Oxford is the oldest university in the world.牛津大学是世界上最古老的大学。 C. The University of Cambridge is the sixth oldest university in Europe剑.桥大学是欧洲第六所最古老的大学。 D. Tsinghua University is located in Beijing now清.华大学位于北京。依据表格第二栏中 “The University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the world 可知牛”津大学是

20、世界第二个最古老的大学,而不是最古老的大学,应选 B。【点睛】阅读理解题。第一要粗读文章认识粗心,其次经过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,认真阅读题后所给的题目,依据题目要求,再有要点地返回来认真阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或归纳文章的中心思想、就文中的详细事实和情节进行发问、依据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要依据设问的方式,进行有重视地阅读。1、归纳文章中心思想。 1)文首体现主题句。 2)文尾出现主题句。 3)首尾响应显现主题。 4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈说的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,尔后再做进一步的解说。

21、5)文章没有主题句。在这类状况下,考生要把全部的细节综合起来。进行逻辑推理,归纳归纳出文章的主题句。 2.掌握文章的详细事实和重要情节。在考题中,常常会见到就文章中某一详细事实和重要情节进行测试的题目。这就要求考生在阅读时要注意辨识和记忆详细事实,重要情节,事物的因由、过程、结果及发生的地址、时间等,这些都有可能作为测试点。还有一些测试题,要求考生在理解的基础上,经过自己的思想将理解的内容系统化,比方计算、排序等题型。3People eat different things in different countries.In some countries, people eat rice ev

22、ery day. Sometimes they eat it twice or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims, for example, do not eat pork.Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.In the West, such as England and the USA, t

23、he most important food is potatoes.People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物 ). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat. These people

24、are called vegetarians.1In some countries, people eat _ every day.Afish BvegetablesCfruit D rice2Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?ABecause they like fish better than the other food.BBecause it is easy for them to get fish.CBecause fish can give them lots of calories.DBecause there is no other food.3

25、What is the most important food in some Western countries?AFish BPotatoesCVegetables DFruit and vegetables4The underlined word “ vegetarians ” means “ _ ” in Chinese.A只吃斋食的人 B只吃荤食的人C研究素食的人 D栽种蔬菜的人5Which of the following is TRUE?APeople in different countries eat different food.BFood from plants is b

26、etter for us than meat.CMuslims are vegetarians.DPeople in some Western countries can cook tomatoes in many ways.【答案】1D2B3B4A5A【分析】【剖析】试题剖析:本篇文章主要叙述了不一样的人们在不一样的国家吃不一样的东西,在一些国家里人们每日吃很多米饭;在日自己们吃很多的鱼;还有一些人们吃很多蔬菜和水果。1细节理解题。依据文中 In some countries, people eat rice every day在一些国家里人们每日吃米饭; ;可知选 D2细节理解题。依据文中

27、 Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea可知日自己吃很多的鱼肉,由于他们住在海边 , 可知选 B3细节理解题。依据文中 In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes. 可知选 B4细节理解题。依据文中 These people are called vegetarians句意是这些人们是素食主义者 .可知应选 A。5细节理解题。通读全文可知本篇文章主要叙述的是不一样国家的人们吃不一样的食品,应选 A考点:文化类短文阅读。4 Ch

28、ris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn, New York.As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in New York City, Even at age 18, Chris Rock was very funny

29、. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very strict) , and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also about high school, which Rock says was terrible.Famous comedians went to see Rock s performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him get work on television

30、 and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but he does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It makes people laugh, but it can also make people think.Today,Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show called Everybody Hate

31、s Chris. It is about his teenage years growing up and going to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was considered as one of the best comedy shows on American television.1Chris Rock was _Aborn in America Bfrom LondonCfrom a rich family. Dfrom Canada2What is this passage mainly about?AHow to tell a good joke,BWhere the bes

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