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本文(新译林牛津小学英语三年级下册精品优质公开课赛课集体备课教学设计教案 3B Unit 6 What time is it.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新译林牛津小学英语三年级下册精品优质公开课赛课集体备课教学设计教案 3B Unit 6 What time is it.docx

1、新译林牛津小学英语三年级下册精品优质公开课赛课集体备课教学设计教案 3B Unit 6 What time is itUnit 6 What time is it?第一课时(总第_课时)Teaching contents教学内容:Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读句型What time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for2.能听懂,会运用日常用语 Hurry up! Wake up.3.能听懂,会说,会读单词breakfast, lunch, dinner, eleven, t

2、welve。4.能让学生学会合理安排时间。5.能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。Focus of the lesson教学重点:1.能听懂,会说,会读单词breakfast, lunch, dinner, eleven, twelve;熟练运用句型“What time is it? /Its oclock. Its time for”。2.能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:单词breakfast、twelve、dinner的读音Teaching aids教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体,实物Teaching

3、 procedures教学过程: Step 1: Warming up1. Greeting.2. Free talk. T: How old are you?Ss: Im3. Game: Say the next number. (Review the numbers from one to ten.)Step 2: Presentation and practice1. 教师出示11与12两张数字卡片,教学新单词:eleven, twelve,oclock,与句型:What time is it? /Its oclock.。a. T: Whats this number?(引导)Ss:It

4、s eleven.(听音模仿,开火车操练)教师展开数字11卡片为11:00,问:What time is it?板书并新授句型:-What time is it?(听音模仿) -Its eleven oclock. (教师板书Itsoclock.并领读oclock.)T-S, S-S do “chain drills”.b. 同法教授twelve。Work in pairs,do“ask and answer”.2. Game: Say the time as quickly as Ss can.Rule:教师出示一只模具钟,拨动时针,并问:What time is it?学生进行抢答。3.

5、新授新单词breakfast, lunch, dinner与句型: Its time for出示Taotao一日三餐图片,教学:Its time for breakfast.(早上7:00)Its time for breakfast.(中午12:00)Its time for dinner.(晚上6:00)学生看图操练.4.T: Whos he? Ss: Hes Liu Tao.Watch a cartoon.5. Show Liu Taos timetable.Name Clock time Time for breakfast class dinner bed6. Watch the c

6、artoon again.7. Fill in the timetable and check the answer.8.出示课文对话图1,2,3,4,逐一学习。学生听音跟读,为每幅图配上合适的动作,同时教授Wake up, Hurry up, OK, mum。(教师在课文情境中教授.)Step 3: Consolidation1. Listen to the tape and repeat it.2.Read the dialogue in roles in three.(指导学生注意语言语调.)3. Ask 3-4 groups to act it out.4. Ss design the

7、ir timetable. 作业设计: 1. Listen the tape and recite the dialogue.2. Ask your dad and mum about their timetable.板书设计: Unit6 What time is it? -What time is it? eleven twelve -Its time . oclock. Its time for . breakfast lunch bed教学反思:_第二课时(总第_课时)Teaching contents教学内容:Fun time and Rhyme timeTeaching aims

8、and learning objectives教学目标:1.能熟练运用句型:What time is it? /Itsoclock. Its time for2.能听,说,读,写词汇:eleven, twelve, class, lunch, bed, OK。3.能诵读歌谣:Wake up, Eddie.Focus of the lesson教学重点:1.能熟练运用句型:What time is it, please? /Itsoclock. Its time for2.能听,说,读,写词汇:eleven, twelve。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:时间的

9、表达以及句型Its time for的运用Teaching aids教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体,实物Teaching procedures教学过程:Step1: Warming upa.接龙说数字。T: First lets count the numbers from one to ten.S1: one S2:Two S3: .T: Good job! Now I have some number cards. Try to say the numbers as quickly as you can.S:(抢答说数字)b. Listen and say the next (下一个)numb

10、er. Listen and say the number before(前一个).Step2: RevisionA. T shows the first picture of the Story time, and asks: “What time is it?” (学生抢答)S: Its time seven oclock. (师引导生)S: Its time for breakfast.B. T shows the four pictures of the Story time, and Ss act out the dialogues.(注意动作与语气)Step3: Say a rhy

11、me - Wake up, Eddie.1. Watch the cartoon, and learn the new words.2. Watch the cartoon again and say after it together.3. Ss say it in pairs.Step4: Writing1.师出示数字卡片11与12,教学:T: Look, whats this number? (Teach: eleven twelve)学生开火车书空拼读单词。2.Teach: class, lunch, bed, OK.(师创设真实情境)3. Game: 单词记忆高手。Step5:Pre

12、sentation1.师出示自制的钟:T: I have a clock. What time is it? Ss:Its . oclock.2.学生自己设计制作钟。T: Do you want to make a clock? OK, lets make it together.(师出示Fun time 制作钟面步骤,让生自制钟。)Step6: Practice 1.Game: 看动作猜时间T: Ill do something. Please guess what time I do it(教师做一个吃饭的动作)What time is it?S1: Its seven oclock.T:

13、 No.S2: Its twelve oclock.T: Yes. Its time for lunch.Now you can play this game in groups. 2.学生使用自己制作的钟用What time is it, please?和Itsoclock进行对话操练。3.对学生的设计制作进行全班评比。(评选:最佳设计奖,最美观奖,最实用奖等。) 作业设计: 1.Copy the new words five times: eleven, twelve.2.用What time is it, please?/Its . oclock.与家人或朋友进行会话。板书设计:Unit

14、6 What time is it? -What time is it, please? eleven twelve OK -Its time . oclock. Its time for . lunch bed class Wake up, Eddie. 教学反思:_第三课时(总第_课时)Teaching contents教学内容:Cartoon time and Sound timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1.掌握运用句型“What time is it?/Its Its time for”并在交际中熟练运用。2.学生能够有感情地

15、朗读并表演Cartoon time部分,喜欢阅读。3.初步了解What are these?的含义。4.正确、标准地认读字母t在单词中的读音。Focus of the lesson教学重点:1.字母t的发音,单词的记忆。2.培养学生的阅读与交际能力。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:1.字母t的发音,单词的记。2.初步了解What are these?的含义Teaching aids教具准备:多媒体,Teaching procedures教学过程:Step1 Warming up1. Say a rhyme: Wake up, Eddie.2. Ss read

16、the Story time one by one.Step2 Presentation1. Game 1: Pick applesT: How many apples in the tree?(师不断增加个数)Ss:One, two, three, .再请两名学生听教师口令,比比谁快速准确摘下苹果。2.Game 2: “ 老狼,老狼,几点了?”Step3 Cartoon time1出示卡通部分图片,让学生自己读一读。(教学生单词)2Watch the cartoon.3.师出示顺序打乱的图片,让生根据故事情节给图片编序号。4.check the answer.5. Listen and re

17、peat.6. Read in groups. (读出故事中Bobby的心情!)7. Retell the story, according to the pictures.Step 4 Sound time1. Let Ss read the words: eat, eight, get, ten, time.2. Let Ss say out the sound of the letter-t .3. 师教读押韵儿歌:Tick-tock. Eight oclock. Its time to eat.Tick-tock. Ten oclock. Its time to meet.4. Wat

18、ch the cartoon and repeat it.5. 师生收集含有字母t的单词,并改编儿歌。6. Let Ss read their rhymes. 作业设计: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat it twice.2. Retell the Cartoon time.3. Copy the four-skilled words five times.板书设计: Unit6 What time is it?-What time is it, please? -Its time . oclock. Its time for .eat, eight, get

19、, ten, time教学反思:_第四课时(总第_课时)Teaching contents教学内容:Checkout time, Ticking time and Complete补Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1.进一步掌握本单元已经学过的单词、句型,达到能熟练运用的程度。2.通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和单词,学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。3.养成自我评价的习惯,学会客观公正地对自己的学习成果进行评价。4. Complete补.Focus of the lesson教学重点:1.进一步掌握本单元已经学过的单词、句型,达到能熟练

20、运用的程度。2.通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和单词,学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:熟练掌握本单元重点的单词、句型 Teaching aids教具准备:PPTTeaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting.2. Say a rhyme: Wake up, Eddie.3. Count the numbers from one to eleven.Step 2 Writing1. Show the four-skilled words: eleven, twelve

21、, lunch, bed, OK.Ss try to spell.Step 3 PresentationA. Listen and drawT: Look. Its a clock.a. Practice: What time is it?(由生答:Its one oclock.)(各种钟面,由学生说时间)b. Listening.Listen and draw.c. Check the answer.d. Listen and repeat.B. Look and saya.师出示该部分图片,与生对话:Picture1 T: What time is it, please?Ss: Its e

22、leven oclock.Picture 2 T: Its twelve oclock. Ss: Its time for lunch.b. Ss work in pairs.c. Practice.-What time is it?-Itsoclock. Its time for (评价)Step 4 Ticking time1.学生翻书到43页Ticking time部分。教师为学生解释表格内的每一条。2.让学生自己打分。3.说说理由。Step 5 Complete补AListen and drawBListen and judgeC. Look and sayD. Read and matchE. Read and complete作业设计: 1.默写本单元四会单词。2. Use the pattern: “What time is it?Its oclock. Its time for” to make dialogues.3. Read and retell the stories.板书设计:Unit6 What time is it?-What time is it, please?-Its time . oclock.Its time for .

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