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1、center on以为中心check off清点get out of the way使某人或某物不碍事in terms of根据,就而言kick in开始生效unit3act out把付诸行动be on ones way to 正要成为;正要做connect the dots 理清头绪for fear of 以防;生怕have no awareness of 不知道in service 在使用中;可运用keep sth。in perspective 适当处理;摆正位置play out 把戏演完;让戏上演seek out 追寻到;找到throw sb。off balance 使某人心神不安to

2、that end 为了实现这个目标unit 4at the height of 在.。.。的顶峰或鼎盛时期brim with 充满bring to mind 使想起conjure up 使呈现于脑际;使想起contrast with 与。.形成对照;和。.相对照draw attention to 吸引人注意.。in great demand 需求量大的;受欢迎的refer to 提及unit 5after the manner of 仿效in company with 和.。一起in miniature 小规模地jump about 跳来跳去make love to 向.。示爱plunge i

3、nto 纵身投入;一头进去unit6be concerned of 担心;忧虑be stuck in困于;陷于have.。to do with与。.。有关make an appointment预约participate in参与plan .。.out为。计划;策划take a toll (on)对。.造成损失up to直到,多达,高达Unit7come into contact with与.。.打交道deter.。from阻止in part在一定程度上in the/ones way碍人的,碍事的none the less尽管如此on the offensive处于攻势resonate with

4、与。产生共鸣step in干预Unit8ahead of 在前面at risk 处于危险中/处境危险cling to 坚持/墨守excel in 擅长/善于give off 发出/放出/释放lose out to 输给/被取代put up with 忍受/容忍reside in 存在于rub off 传播/感染第一单元Landuage in use1.The change in economic environment gives him an (urge) toward a more ambitious goal,which makes him in (urgent) need of big

5、 investment.经济环境的变化使他渴望实现更远大的目标,这使他迫切需要大的投资.2.Concerns over the online social networks new privacy policy have led some faithful users to (delete) their accounts.Still,the account (deletions) are claimed to be not numerous enough to affect the sites overall size。对在线社交网络新隐私政策的关注导致一些忠实用户(删除)他们的帐户。但是,帐

6、号(删除)被认为不足以影响站点的整体大小.3.Traffic police in Cambodia have not (enforced) traffic laws for four months due to the election and have been strongly appealed to resume conducting(enforcement) for traffic violations.由于选举,柬埔寨交警没有强制执行四个月的交通法规,并强烈呼吁恢复对交通违法行为的执行(执法)。4.With tons of imitation,synthetic diamonds p

7、ouring into the market,it has become necessary to establish a diamond (identified) method by which fake and synthesized diamonds can be clearly (identified).随着大量的仿制品、人造钻石涌入市场,建立一种钻石(识别)的方法,使假钻石和人造钻石得以清晰地识别是十分必要的.5.The doctor couldnt explain the (persistence) of his high temperature.Whats worse,the (

8、persistent) cough and headache has led to his continual insomnia。医生无法解释他持续高温的原因,更糟糕的是,持续的咳嗽和头痛导致了他持续的失眠。6.The essence of (civilization) is the attempt to control the animal instincts of humans to build a better life。Until we understand that,all our efforts to (civilize) ourselves are doomed to failu

9、re。 (文明)的本质是试图控制人类的动物本能,以创造更好的生活。在我们理解这一点之前,我们所有(文明)的努力都注定要失败。7.Rich in folklore and stunning scenery,such a vast is sparsely (populate) by about 1000 people.It retains a relaxing,friendly atmosphere towards outsiders,especially those from (populous) regions。丰富的民俗和令人惊叹的风景,如此广大的人口稀疏(人口)约1000人。它对外界,尤其

10、是来自人口稠密地区的人,保持着一种放松和友好的气氛。8。Chinook salmon hatch in freshwater rivers but (migrate) out to the Ocean.It turns out these fish may have a magnetic “map”in their heads that enables them to make their oceanic (migration) to strange locations。奇努克鲑鱼在淡水河中孵化,但(迁移)到海洋.事实证明,这些鱼的头部可能有一个磁性的“地图”,使它们能够将自己的海洋(迁徙)带

11、到陌生的地方.翻译:Bhutan did not introduce TV until 1999, and is the last country that is open to TV and the Internet. Its mobile phone and Internet penetrations are as low as 30% and 5 respectively, almost out of tune with the modernized world. Now that the majority of its people have no mobile phones and

12、no access to the Internet, they have little odds of being phubbers or night persons。 While the other countries are striving desperately to develop economy and boost GDP at all costs, what Bhutan pursues is GNH (Gross National Happiness)。 They are willing to take advantage of modern technology, but w

13、ould do it at their own pace, according to their own needs and at their own proper time. Although likewise thirsting for economic prosperity, Bhutan refuses to realize it at the price of their cherished tradition and culture。不丹直到1999年才开始引进电视,并且是最后一个对电视和互联网开放的国家。它的移动电话和互联网普及率分别低至30%和5%,几乎与现代化的世界不合拍。现

14、在大多数人都没有手机,也没有上网的机会,所以他们很少有机会成为“低头族”或“夜人尽管其他国家都在拼命地发展经济,不惜一切代价提振国内生产总值,但不丹所追求的却是国民幸福总值(GNH)。他们愿意利用现代技术,但根据自己的需要和自己固有的时间,会按照自己的步伐去做.尽管同样渴望经济繁荣,不丹却拒绝以他们珍视的传统和文化的代价来实现它。第二单元1。An extraordinary university tends to appeal to students by offering a challenging and (stimulating) environment。 However, differ

15、ent universities may come up with different (stimuli) according to their various features.非凡的大学往往通过提供富有挑战性和刺激性的环境来吸引学生。然而,不同的大学可能会根据不同的特点提出不同的(刺激).2.Their failure to reply to our letter seems to (implicate) a lack of interest in our proposal; however, our determination to carry out the project is no

16、t weakened by the (implication)。他们没有回复我们的信,似乎对我们的建议缺乏兴趣;然而,我们执行这个项目的决心并没有被(暗示)削弱。3.Van Goghs works of old man were done with (compassion) and understanding; and his (compassionate) feeling about the old is prominently embodied in his Sorrowing Old Man.梵高的老人的作品是用(同情)和理解完成的;他对老人的(同情)的感觉在他的“悲伤的老人”中明显地体

17、现出来。4。The increase in knowledge is forcing people to (specialize) in different areas。 Hence people are likely to develop their respective expertise contribution to the professional (specialization)。知识的增长迫使人们(专攻)在不同的领域.因此,人们很可能会发展他们各自的专业知识(专业化)。5.Theres a chance that your body may (reject) the transp

18、lant, and the (rejection) is likely to lead to lifethreatening complication.你的身体有可能(拒绝)移植,而(排斥)可能会导致危及生命的并发症.6.When boundaries between countries are not clearly (defined), there are usually diplomatic disputes. Whats ridiculous is that even (definite) boundaries cant spare countries from conflict。当国

19、家之间的边界不清楚(定义)时,通常会出现外交争端。可笑的是,即使是(明确的)界限也不能使国家免于冲突.7。Analysts say that (utilize) such technology is feasible in the foreseeable future, but some people question its (utilizing)。分析人士说,这种技术在可预见的将来是可行的,但有些人质疑它的使用。8.The test could be (influential) in determining NASAs next-generation space vehicle; what

20、s more, its (influence) on space exploration should never be underestimated.这项测试可能会对美国宇航局下一代太空飞行器产生影响;更重要的是,它对太空探索的影响永远不可低估。翻译:The imperial examination system in China began to be put into practice in the Sui Dynasty and lasted more than 1,300 years. In ancient China, class consciousness was distinc

21、t and people from lower classes had little chance to gain a position in the official court。 But once the imperial examination system was introduced, scholars from poor families had opportunities to take the government exams, which enabled them to bring honor to their families。 Such a talent-selectio

22、n system had great impact not only on the politics, economy, education, cultural concepts and social customs in Chinese feudal society, but also on the education systems of such neighboring countries as Japan, Korea and Vietnam。 To some extent, Chinas current education system has selectively inherit

23、ed some advantages from the imperial examination system.中国的科举制度在隋朝开始实行,持续了1300多年。在中国古代,阶级意识是明显的,下层阶级的人很少有机会在官场中获得一席之地.但是,一旦实行科举制度,来自贫困家庭的学者就有机会参加政府的考试,这使他们能够为他们的家庭带来荣誉。这种人才选拔制度不仅对中国封建社会的政治、经济、教育、文化观念和社会习俗产生了巨大的影响,而且对日本、韩国、越南等周边国家的教育体制也产生了巨大的影响。从某种程度上说,中国现行的教育体制有选择性地从科举制度中继承了一些优势。Unit 3Language in us

24、e Eager to (maximize)output today, we are borrowing from tomorrow, not realizing the debt has reached its(maximum).急于今天(最大限度地)产出,我们是从明天借款,而不是意识到债务已达到其最大值.2。 Now that he spared no efforts in (fulfilling)his promise to rescue the dying company, his sense of(fulfillment)was quite understandable.既然他不遗余力

25、地兑现了拯救濒临死亡的公司的诺言,他对成就感的理解是可以理解的3. Highquality(illustrations)may aid kids to get a better comprehension of the story, which(illustrates)why pictures have been widely used for storytelling。高质量(插图)可以帮助孩子更好地理解故事,这说明了为什么图片被广泛用于讲故事. The summit(reinforing)international dialogues and communications is belie

26、ved to contribute to the(reinforcement)of peace and prosperity throughout the world。峰会(增强)的国际对话和沟通,被认为有助于(加固)和平和繁荣的世界。5。 The designers decided to preserve their (distinct)identities, with the hope of being well accepted and even awarded because of their(distinctness)设计师决定保留他们的(不同的)的身份,与希望被接受甚至授予了因为他

27、们的(不同)6。 How you(perceive)these challenges will determine your stress and anxiety levels throughout this process。 The more insightful(preception)you have, the less stressful and anxious you would feel.你如何看待这些挑战将决定你整个过程的压力和焦虑程度。更深刻的(感觉)你有了更少的压力和焦虑,你会觉得。7. Is a friendly(denial)better than an unwilling

28、 compliance? Some people(deny)this perspective, while others assert this belief。友好(否认)比不情愿的顺从要好吗?有些人否认这一观点,而另一些人则坚持这种观点。 Obesity drastically(emerge)among the wealthy and newlyborn middle class, and the(emerged)problem has aroused growing concernes as well as various research。肥胖大大(出现)的富裕和新兴的中产阶级,和(出现

29、的)问题引起了人们越来越多的关注以及各种研究。as a manager/an administrative officer, I have worked in four enterprises well known for their great passion and creativity。 Rarely do I assign tasks for my employees in a topdown manner. I prefer to place myself on an equal footing with my employees, regarding myself as one t

30、o motivate, coordinate or communicate with them, rather than one to lead, monitor or command. The 21st century has set up a higher and more comprehensive standard for managers. Turning from the traditional role of the manager to a successful leader, we need to create an environment filled with passi

31、on and innovation for all employees. In this sense, rather than a method or technique, leadership is actually a unique art.作为一名经理/一名行政人员,我曾在四大企业工作过,他们以极大的热情和创造力而闻名。我很少以自顶向下的方式为我的员工分配任务.我更愿意把自己放在与我的员工平等的位置上,把自己当作一个激励、协调或与他们沟通的人,而不是一个领导、监督或指挥的人。21世纪为管理者树立了一个更高、更全面的标准。从管理者的传统角色转变为成功的领导者,我们需要创造一个充满激情和创新的环境。在这种意义上,领导力实际上是一种独特的艺术,而不是一种方法或技巧。Unit 4Langue in use Small shopkeepers carried on an accumulated(agitation)against the big dep

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