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《阿甘正传》中英文 对白Word格式.docx

1、d take me anywhere .20她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.21好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .22你走几步看看Lets take a little walk around.23感觉如何?How do those feel?2405:10,462 -12,760他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong,Mrs. Gump,2512,831 -15,265是我见过最强壮的as strong as Ive ever seen.2615,334 -

2、19,395但是他的背象政客一样弯But his backs ascrooked as a politician.2719,473 -22,840但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But were going to straighten himright up, arent we, Forrest?2822,911 -24,173福雷斯!Forrest!2924,245 -26,907我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,3026,982 -29,746妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me afterthe great Civil War hero3129,8

3、19 -30,820内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.3230,820 -31,9123331,988 -35,424她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was relatedto him in some way.3435,493 -36,926他做过的事情是:What he did was,3536,994 -40,430建立了一个俱乐部叫三党he tarted up this clubcalled the Ku Klux Klan.3640,499 -43,935他们全披着长袍和床单Theyd all dress up in their

4、 robesand their bed sheets3744,003 -48,441看来像一群鬼and act like a bunchof ghosts or spooks or something.3848,509 -52,445他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑d even put bed sheetson their horses and ride around.3952,514 -56,575不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, thatshowI got my name- Forrest Gump.4056,652 -59,985妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama s

5、aid the Forrest partwas to remind me4106:00,056 -02,991我们会经常做一些that sometimes we alldo things that, well,4203,060 -05,494并没有意义的事情that just dont make no sense.4314,458 -17,393向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!4417,462 -19,623好了All right.4519,698 -21,632你们在看什么?What are yall staring at?4621,701 -23,134从来没有见过H

6、avent you ever seen4723,202 -26,194小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braceson his legs before ?4827,441 -28,874不要管其它人Dont ever let anybody4928,942 -31,376说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you theyre betterthan you, Forrest.5031,446 -33,880如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybodyto be the same,5133,949 -36,884他会给每人一双脚撑hed have

7、given us allbraces on our legs.5236,952 -40,888妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explainingthings so I could understand them.5341,091 -45,426我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mileoff Route 17,5445,496 -48,431距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the townof Greenbow, Alabama.5548,500 -51,435这个地方

8、属于绿茵县Thats in the countyof Greenbow.5651,504 -53,938我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had beenin Mamas family5754,007 -56,066从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpasgrandpas grandpa5856,143 -59,579他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the oceanabout a thousand years ago.5959,648 -07:02,014房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mam

9、a6002,083 -04,017我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,6104,086 -06,520妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,6206,589 -08,022给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,6308,091 -11,686比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile,Montgomery, places like that.6411,763 -14,698我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱s how me and Mama

10、 got money.6514,766 -17,530妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.6617,603 -19,537记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.6719,605 -22,631你和其它任何人是一样的Youre no differentthan anybody else is.6824,945 -27,379听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hearwhat I said, Forrest?6927,448 -29,882你和其它人是一样的re the sameas everybody e

11、lse.7029,951 -31,885你并没有什么不一样You are no different.7131,953 -36,618你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boys.different,Mrs. Gump.7236,694 -39,128他的智商只有75His I.Q is 75.7339,196 -41,721我们都是不一样的Well, were all different,7441,800 -43,062汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.7546,305 -48,739她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to havethe finest education764

12、8,808 -52,244所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me tothe Greenbow County Central School.7752,312 -55,247我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.7855,316 -58,581请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something,7958,654 -08:01,054这是正常水平Now, this is normal.8001,123 -06,118福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .8106,197 -09,030州政府要求

13、智商起码要80The state require sa minimum I.Q of 808209,100 -10,829才能上公立学校to attend public school.8310,902 -12,199甘太太8412,270 -15,171他应该上特殊学校s going to have togo to a special school.8515,241 -17,675在那里他会很好的Now, hell be just fine.8617,744 -20,178正常水平是什么意思?What does normal mean anyway ?8720,247 -22,181他可能He

14、 might be.8822,249 -24,376反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,8924,452 -25,885但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest9025,954 -28,889应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the sameopportunities as everyone else.9128,958 -31,051他不该去特殊学校Hes not going tosome special school9231,128 -33,062学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.9333,130

15、-36,122这不过是区区5分的问题Were talking aboutfive little points here .9437,969 -40,870一定会有办法解决的There must be somethingcan be done.9540,939 -45,400我们的学校是要排名次的re a progressiveschool system.9645,478 -48,242我们不想有人拉后腿We dont want to seeanybody left behind.9748,315 -53,083甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?

16、9855,892 -57,835他去度假了s on vacation.9909:14,889 -18,825你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does careabout your schooling, son.10024,400 -27,028你不太会说话,是吗?You dont say much, do you?10138,431 -40,626“最后,他必须去试一试Finally, he had to try.10240,700 -43,635“看起来容易,但是It looked easy, but.10343,704 -46,298“发生了怪事,首

17、先他们oh, what happened.First they-10446,374 -49,639妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, whats vacation mean?10549,711 -50,973度假?Vacation?10651,047 -52,810爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?10754,718 -57,482度假就是你去一个地方Vacations whenyou go somewhere.10859,891 -10:02,155然后就不再回来and you dont ever come back.10906,232 -08,166总之,我想你可以说Anywa

18、y, I guess you could say11008,235 -10,795我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.11110,870 -12,838但我们不介意But we didnt mind.11212,907 -15,341我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.11315,410 -18,345经常是人来人往的There was always folkscoming and going.11418,413 -19,505开饭!Supper!11519,582 -21,015大家来吃晚饭啦!Its supper, ev

19、eryone!11621,084 -22,608这看起来很特别That sure looks special.11722,685 -25,518有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we hadso many people staying with us11825,589 -29,025每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled,with travelers, you know,11929,094 -31,528这些人带着行李箱子folks livingout of their suitcases12031,596 -35,032还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱

20、子and hat casesand sample cases.12135,101 -38,798福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump,its suppertime! Forrest?12238,872 -41,705有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young manwas staying with us,12341,776 -44,870他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.12449,452 -53,218“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you aintnever caught a rabbit #12553,

21、291 -54,883“你也不是”# And you aint no #12654,959 -56,483“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #12758,363 -59,955福雷斯Forrest,12811:00,032 -02,796叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to botherthis nice young man.12902,869 -04,302不,没关系,太太No, thats all right, maam.13004,370 -07,806我在弹吉它给他听I was showing hima thing or two on the guitar.13107,875 -10,81

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