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1、s get some sleep.走,咱们睡觉去She _some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。4、actually adv. 实际上,事实上(=in fact)Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other . 事实上不同的文化交流渗透时,所有语言都会变化发展。Believe it or not,he actually won. 信不信由你,他真赢了。The tree looks high and

2、strong but _ its trunk is hollow . 这棵树看上去又高又壮,实际上树干是空的。5、be based on/upon 以 为根据。 其主动形式为 based on/upon 以某事物作为另一事物的根据。It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的不是。This news report _.这篇报道完全是以事实为根据的。The film _a novel by Lu Xun. 这部电影以鲁迅的小说为蓝本。There is a hol

3、e in the base of container.容器底部有个洞。That company has offices all over the world,but their base is in Paris. 那家公司的办事处遍布全球,但其总部在巴黎。6、at present 目前,现在 At present,he is on holiday. 目前,他正在度假。 He is free at present,and you can go to him for advice.他现在有空,你可以向他咨询。 思维拓展: Thirty guests _ at the ceremony. 30位客人

4、出席了这次典礼。 There are twenty children present.在坐的有20个孩子。The children _ flowers _ their teacher.孩子们献花给老师。7、make use of 利用;使用 So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 到十七世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比任何时候都大。We must _ to study. 我们必须利用每一分钟去学习。You can make any use of it as yo

5、u like. 这个你随便用。思维拓展:看看还有哪些跟make use of相关的词组We should encourage him to _ his talent. 我们应该鼓励他充分发挥他的才能。latter adj.后半的,(两者中)后者的 The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者体现了美式英语的不同特色。 Jane and Mary are good friends;the former is a teacher,and the latter is a nurse. 简和玛丽是好友,前者是老

6、师,后者是护士。 Of the two,_is better than _ .两者中,后者比前者更佳。9、such as 例如;像这样的English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.在新加坡、马来西亚及一些非洲国家,如南非,人们也说英语。Children like sweet foods such as chocolate.孩子们喜欢巧克力之类的甜食。No one trusts _a man _ him.没人相信他那样的人。such as/for exa

7、mple/that isHe has been to many countries _Singapore,Canada and Australia. 他去了很多国家,比如新加坡,加拿大和美国。There are similar words in many language,_,in French and Italian. 在很多语言中有类似的词,例如法语和意大利语。难句剖析 1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? 你知道世界上不只有一种英语吗?More than 在本句中意为“超过,多于”后常接表示数目的名词,相当

8、于over。Ive known David for more than 20 years 我认识戴维二十多年了。more than one 后跟可数名词单数,尽管在概念上表示复数意义,但它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。“more than名词”表示“多于,不仅仅”;“more than形容词”相当于“很,非常”;“not more than意为“最多” “至多”,相当于at the most;not more than意为“不如,更”,表示的是一种比较。No more than 意为“仅仅”“只有”,相当于only;no more than意为“和一样都不”,表示对两者同时否定。China Dai

9、ly is _ a paper,It helps us to improve our English 中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,它还帮助我们提高英语。All his income adds up to _(仅仅)500 yuan a month。2. In some important ways they are very different from one another。在一些重要方面,他们彼此差别很大。way n路线;方法;途径way 是可数名词,单数形式可加a 或其它跟定词,亦可以用复数形式,表示“在方面;以方式”,常用介词in。1 only in this way can you

10、work out the problem。 只有使用这种方法你才能解决问题。in the way 挡道 in a way 某种程度上 in on way 绝不 by way of 途径 by the way 顺带一提way后接定语时有3种方式:1、 way to do sth2、 way of doing sth3、 waythatin which省略clause(关系词都分在定语从句中作状语)归纳总结:_(顺便问一下),where has he gone?I will buy some bread_(在回家的路上)。3Why not go by underground? 为什么不坐地铁去呢?

11、Why not do ?是个常用句型,用来提建议,意为 “为什么不?”思考:what about?和how about?也用于提建议,它之后的动词是什么形式?How about _?我们去游泳怎样?4Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。句中even if是个连词短语,引导让步状语从句,含义是“即使,尽管”。让步状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来假设。Even if 相当于

12、even though,两者意思一样,用法相同。even ifthough与as ifthough前者引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”,“尽管”;后者引导方式状语从句,意为“仿佛”“好像”。I can still remember,_it was so long ago It seems _ our team is going to win5. For example,India has a very large number of fluent English speakersChina may have the largest number of English learnersa numb

13、er of/the number of1、a number of 意为“一些,若干”,后接复数名词或代词,作主语时谓语动词须用复数形式。Number前可用large,great等词修饰。2、the number of 意为“的数量”中心词是number,作主语时谓语动词须用单数形式。_students in our school _from the countryside 我们学校很多学生来自乡下。_cars _increasing in our country 我国汽车数在增加。I. 重点单词 1. (n)电梯;升降机(同义词) 2. (n)(英)汽油 (同义词) 3._(adj.)官方的;

14、正式的;公务的; (n)办公室 (n.)政府官员 4. _ (n) 航行;航海 5. _( adj.)本国的;本地的 (n.)本地人;本国人 _ 6. _ (n)(美)公寓; (同义词) _ 7. _ (adj.)逐渐的; _ (adv.)8. _(adj.)实际上;事实上_(adv) 9. _(adj.)流利的;流畅的(adv)_ 10._( adj.)频繁的;常见的(adv)_II. 重点短语 1. more _one kind 不止一种 2. _the world 全世界 3. _ some important ways 在一些重要方面 4. a large number_ 大量的,许多

15、的 5. _ fact 事实上,实际上 6. because _ 因为; 7. come_ 走近;上来;提出 8. _ present 现在 9. Make use_ 利用;目前10.such _ 例如;像这种的答案:2.(3)because of (4) because (6)Thanks to 3.(3) has come up (5) came across 4.(3) actually 5.(2)is based entirely on facts (3) is based on 6.(3) were present (5) presented; to7.(2) make use of

16、 every minute (4) make doog /full/the best/the most use of8.(3)the latter; the former 9.(3)such ;as (4) such as (5)for example 难句剖析1.(2)more than (3) no more than 2.(2)By the way (3) on my way 3.(1)going swimming 4. (1)even though (2) as if 5.(1)A number of ;are (2)The number of ; is 检测:1.elevator;l

17、ift 2.petrol;gas 3.official;office ;officer 5.native 6.apartment;flat 7.actually;actual 8.gradual,gradually 9.fluent;fluently 10.frequent;frequentlyI.重点单词 1._(v.)使用;用法)_(n.) 2._(v&.n)命令,掌握 _指挥员,司令员(n.) 3._(n.)词汇;词表;量词汇 4._(v.)辨认出 _(过去式)_(过去分词) 5._(n& vt.)请求;要求II.重点短语1. instead_ 代替;而不是2. _ t

18、he playground 在操上场3. _ the phone 在电话里;通过电话4. find_ 找出;查明5. _the team 在队里I.1.use; usage mand; commander 3.vocabulary 4.recongize; recognized; 5.request II.1.of 2.on 3.on 4.out 5.on 1._(n)词语,表达,表示,_表达(vt)2._(adj.)非洲的 _ (n)非洲3._(n)东方 _(adj.)4._(adj.)直的,正直的_(adv.)直接5._(vt)辨认出;承认;公认1.believe it _信不信由你2._

19、 TV在电视上3._radio在广播里 a part _在中起作用,扮演一个角色5._your right-hand side在你的右手边I. 要点探究 1.Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。(1) believe it or not信不信由你(我说的是真话,)用作插入语。Believe it or not, he walked 12 miles to to get help for you. 信不信由你,为给你们求援,他步行了12 英里。Believ

20、e it or not, we were left waiting in the rain for two hours. 信不信由你,我们在雨中一直等了两个小时。英语中常见的插入语有:to tell (you ) the truth (跟你)说实话 to be honest老实说generally speaking一般说来 in a word总之,一句话whats more 而且 whats worse 更糟的是(2)such adj如此的,这样的 no such thing 没有这样的事情There are many such people in the world nowadays.当今世

21、界上有很多这样的人。注意:不可以说no such a thing , no such a mansuch与sosuch修饰名词(单数复数或不可数);so修饰形容或副词。但在下列情况下,“so+形容词“可修饰名词。(1).so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词such a nice city=so nice a city(排列顺序不同)如此美丽的城市(2)”many/ few + 复数名词”及”much /little +不可数名词之前要用so。2.Geography also play a part in making dialect.地理位置在产生方言方面也起着一定的作用。(1)play a

22、part in sth 在 起作用;在 中扮演角色Electricity plays an important part in our daily life.电在我们的日常生活中起着最重要的作用。Dont you think the wife plays the most important part in a family? 难道你不认为妻子在家庭中起最重要的作用吗?play a role in sth 在 中起作用;take part in 参加take an active part in 积极参加3. Although many American move a lot, they sti

23、ll recognize and understand each others dialects.尽管许多美国人经常搬家,但是他们仍然能辨别和理解彼此的方言。recognize vt.辨认出,承认, 公认I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。We recognized that task was not straight for ward.我们意识到这项任务并非轻而易举。We recognized him to be a great leader.我们承认他是一位伟大的领袖。recognizeby/ from 通过 认出/ 辨别出recognize as 把 当做;承认 为recognize that 承认/意识到It is recognized that .人们意识到I.1.expression ;express 2.African; Africa 3.East;eastern 4.straight ;straight 5.recognizeII.1.or not 2.on the 3.on the 4. in 5.on

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