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1、话题17 Health & Fitness(健康) 15话题18 Culture(文化) 15话题19 Buildings(建筑) 16话题20 Parties & Festivals(聚会与节日) 16话题21 Government(政府) 17话题22 Environment(环境) 18话题23 Animals(动物) 19话题24 Development(发展) 19话题25 Family & Childhood(家庭与童年时代) 21话题26 Solutions(解决方案) 21话题1 Education(教育)(笔)something be an arduous process:某

2、事是一个需要付出艰苦努力的过程。Eg: Attending a university with a top-tier reputation often is an arduous but rewarding process. 考入一所名牌大学通常是一次需要付出艰苦努力但回报也同样丰厚的过程。(笔)use lateral thinking: 鼓励发散型思维。 Using lateral thinking, the students can solve problems in an unconventional manner(不走寻常路的方式)now. 通过利用发散式思维,学生们可以用不走寻常路的

3、方式来解决问题。(笔、口)academic performance: 学业表现。 Tylers academic performance has been disappointing. 泰勒的学习表现十分令人失望。(笔)rote memorization: 重复记忆,机械记忆。 Rote memorization is not entirely useless. It can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables. 死记硬背并非是一无是处的。它可以帮助孩子牢记住像乘法表这样的基础知识。(笔)sta

4、ndard of upright conduct: 行为准则。 At school students should be taught respect for the rights of others and standards of upright conduct. 学生在学校应培养尊重他人权利、遵守良好行为规范的好习惯。(笔、口)role model: 榜样。 My elder brother has always been a role model for me. 我哥哥一直是我心中的榜样。(口)cover a lot of ground: (在课程或科目中)覆盖了很广泛的领域。 Wev

5、e covered a lot of ground in this class in the past couple of months. 我们在过去几个月里广泛学习了这门课中的各种知识。(笔、口)self-paced learning/education: 学生可以自己控制进度的学习。 Self-paced distance learning offers students convenience and flexibility. 学生可以自己控制进度的远程学习方式给了学生们更多的便捷和灵活性。(笔)anti-social behaviour: 对他人和社会有负面影响的行为。 Even th

6、ough the great majority of students are well-behaved, there is a small minority that engage in anti-social behaviour. 尽管绝大部分的学生都表现良好,但也有一小部分人表现除了反社会的行为。(笔、口)come of age: 成年。 In some coutries, to come of age means to reach the age when someone is legally recognized as an adult and is legally responsi

7、ble for his/her own behaviour. 在一些国家中,成年意味着该人在法律上将被视为成人,并要对自己的行为负法律责任。(笔、口)disruptive students: 不遵守纪律的学生。 His teacher described him as a disruptive studentalways distracting other children. 他的老师把他形容为一个总是干扰其他人的不守规律的学生。(笔、口)meet the demand of: 满足某种需求。 Economic globalization requires more culturally-co

8、mpetent university graduates who can meet the new market demands. 为满足经济全球化大潮的需要,市场对那些有知识有文化的大学毕业生有着越来越大的需求。(笔、口)the responsibility for something falls on somebody: 某人肩负着做某事的责任。Eg:The responsibility for educating children used to fall both on parents and on teachers. 在过去,往往是家人和老师共同肩负着教育孩子的责任。(笔、口)den

9、y somebody the freedom to do something: 不给某人在某方面的自由。There is no reason to deny students the freedom to choose subjects that interst and motivate them. 剥夺孩子选择自己喜欢事物的自由是不明智的。话题2 Work(工作)(笔、口)job security: 工作稳定性。Its a choice between higher pay and job security. 选择高新的工作还是稳定的工作始终是摆在求职者面前的一道难题。(笔)excessiv

10、e workload: 过重的工作负担。 The employees have been complaining about the excessive workload they had to do too much in too little time. 员工们一直在抱怨他们过重的工作负担公司总是让他们在很短的时间内完成超量的工作。(口、笔)a demanding job: 要求非常严格的工作。 The work was too physically demanding. 这项工作对体力的要求过高。(剑8例句)(笔、口)flexible arrangement: 灵活的安排。Telecom

11、muting (远程上班) may give employees very flexible work arrangements with their employers. 在家远程办公可以给予雇员们在和雇主安排工作时极大的灵活性。(笔)stress-induced diseases: 压力过大导致的疾病。 There has been a continuous search for the cure for stress-induced diseases. 人们为了找到治愈压力病的方法做了无数的努力与尝试。(笔、口)occupational hazard: 从事某种职业可能带来的危害,职业风

12、险。Every company should have goals to eliminate occupational hazards in the workplace. 每个公司都应该致力于消除在工作场所中可能带来的职业风险隐患。(口)backbreaking tasks / laborious tasks:很辛苦的任务。 The toughest part of Katies job is not the laborious/backbreaking tasks. 凯蒂工作中最困难的部分还不是那些辛苦的工作任务。(口)has an attitude problem: (工作、学习等)态度不

13、主动的。 Justin has a real attitude problem. In fact, hes just a slacker(工作或学习偷懒的人). 贾斯丁的态度非常不好,事实上,他是一个工作偷懒的人。(口)feel out of ones element: 对(新环境等)感到不适应。 Jake felt out of his element in this company. 杰克对这家公司的环境感到不适应。(口)work around the clock: 丝毫不停歇地工作。Katie said she was already working around the clock.

14、凯蒂说她已经在马不停蹄地工作了。(笔、口)distract somebody from something: 把某人的注意力从某事物上吸引开。 He was distracted from his work by the noise. 他的注意力从工作中被一阵噪声所引开。(笔、口)a stressful and time-consuming job: 压力大而且耗费时间的工作。 Being an art director is a stressful and time-consuming job. 做一名艺术总监是一件压力大而且耗费时间的工作。(笔、口)incentive: 激励某人更加努力的

15、事物。 If you allocate these tasks to specific days, theres more incentive to tackle them. 如果你把这些任务分配到特定的日期,就会有更多的动力去处理它们了。话题3 People(人物)(笔、口)be self-reliant: 很自立的。Hes determined and self-reliant. 他坚定不移,自强自立。(口)show initiative: (在工作时)显示出主动性。When Joseph began the job, he showed initiative. 约瑟夫在工作时展现了工作的

16、主动性。(口)keep ones word: 守信。 Anita is an honourable person who always keeps her word. 阿妮塔是一个言出必行、值得尊重的人。(口)set the benchmark for something:成为某一领域的标杆。The Last Dinner by Leonardo da Vinci set the benchmark for religious painting. 里奥纳多达芬奇的名画最后的晚餐已成为宗教绘画领域的艺术标杆。(口)world-renowned: 举世闻名的。 Hes a world-renown

17、ed artist. 他是一名举世闻名的艺术家。(笔、口)people from all walks of life: 各行各业、有各种经历的人们。 People from all walks of life voted for him but he still lost the election. 各行各业的人们都给他投票,然而他依然输掉了选举。(笔、口)is a subject very close to ones heart: 是某人非常关注的(社会)问题。Poverty is a subject very close to Olivias heart. 贫穷问题是奥利维拉全身心关注的问

18、题。(笔、口)is a luxury: 是只有少数人才有条件享受的(生活方式等)。 Have an extra bathroom is at first a luxury for the couple, but after they had children it became a necessity. 对于那对夫妇,拥有一间备用的厕所在一开始只是一种生活奢侈,但在他们有了孩子后就变成了一种必需。话题4 Traffic & Transport (交通与运输)(口)be jam-packed: 拥挤不堪的。The bus terminal was jam-packed with commuter

19、s. 等着乘公交车的人把公交站挤得水泄不通。(口) petrol: 汽油。 The report gives monthly summaries of regional petrol prices for the UK. 这份报告给出了英国地区油价变化的月度总结。(口) get somewhere safe and sound: 安全抵达。 It was a difficult drive but we arrived home safe and sound. 我们一路上驾驶得十分艰难,但最终还是安全到家了。(口)a free-for-all: 每个人都可以随心所欲的,彻底混乱的。During

20、 the afternoon rush hour, the traffic was a messy free-for-all. 在下午晚高峰时,交通状况完全是一副恣意妄行的混乱状态。(口) jam on the brakes: 开车时紧急刹车。Chloe jammed on the brakes when the lights turned red. 克洛伊在交通灯变成红灯的一刹那,紧踩刹车。话题5 Food(食品)(笔、口)hygiene: 卫生。 Max doesnt care much about food hygiene. 麦克斯对食品卫生不怎么在意。(口、笔)a wholesome

21、diet: 有益健康的饮食。 Some people believe a salt-free diet is wholesome. 有人认为不含盐的饮食是有益健康的。(笔)dietary habits: 饮食习惯。Dietary habits can be very difficult to change. 饮食习惯很难被改变。(口)have a sweet tooth: 喜欢吃甜食。Its things like cakes and candy bars that I cant resist. Ive got a sweet tooth. 我永远不能抵御蛋糕糖果的诱惑,我超级爱吃甜食。话题6

22、 Media (媒体)(口、笔)spoil someones enjoyment: 很扫兴。TV advertising interrupts exciting programmes and spoils our enjoyment. 电视广告总是把精彩的节目打断,影响我们的兴致。(笔)well-worn themes: 已经被用滥的题材。Today many TV programmes pursue well-worn themes that are common to all cultures, such as romance and crime. 如今许多电视节目都追求一种各种文化都容易

23、接受的大众化主题,如浪漫题材或犯罪题材。(笔、口)newsworthy event: 有新闻价值的事件。This will be the most newsworthy event of 2011. 这将是2011年最具有新闻价值的事件。(笔)distort the truth: (媒体在报导时)歪曲事实。The newspaper has been accused of distorting the truth. 此份报纸被控曲解了事实。(口)cast:一部电影中的全体演员。Therell be a meeting for all cast members this afternoon. 今

24、天下午剧组全体演员将开会。(笔、口)become widely available: 得到广泛的普及。The Internet had become widely available to households in the UK by 2000. 截止2000年,因特网在英国已经广泛进入家庭了。(口、笔)break new ground: 开拓新的领域。This biologist and his team members have been breaking new ground in genetic research. 这位生物学家和他的研究队伍在基因领域做出了重大突破。(笔)a man

25、ned mission: 载人航天任务。These scientists are discussing the possibility of a manned mission to Mars. 这些科学家正在讨论载人火星航行的可行性。(口、笔)speed up the pace of something:加快某事物的节奏。 The agencys services have helped laboratories to speed up the pace of scientific discovery. 代理服务可以帮助实验室加速科学探索的过程。(笔)It is conceivable tha

26、t 可以想见的是It is conceivable that robots will steadily replace humans in repetitive jobs. 可以想见的是,机器人将会逐渐代替人类来完成那些枯燥重复的工作。 Co-operation(友情与合作)(笔、口)social creature: 有社会属性的生物。Human beings, like many animals, are social creatures. 就像许多动物一样,人类也是社会生物。(口)a kindred spirit: 和某人志趣相投的人。We soon realized we were ki

27、ndred spirits. 我们马上就意识到我们是如此地志趣相投。(笔、口)console somebody at times of sorrow: 在某人伤心时安慰某人。Pets make us feel wanted and console us at times of sorrow. 宠物能让我们觉得自己被别人需要,而其还能在我们伤心的时候安慰我们。(口)compete on a level playing field: 公平的竞争。The British media should compete on a level playing field. 英国媒体应该互相公平地竞争。话题8

28、Likes and Dislikes (爱憎)(口)get carried away: 非常激动的,忘乎所以的。Amelia got carried away when she started talking about the book. 艾米莉亚在开始谈论起那本书时变得非常激动。(口)adore somebody / something: 极为喜爱某人或某事物。I adore sun-bathing. Its totally relaxing and reduces stress. 我热爱日光浴。那真是可以放松并减轻压力啊!(笔、口)be indifferent to something:

29、无动于衷的。In the past we were indifferent to conservation issues. 在过去我们没有把节约资源当回事。(笔、口)dislike somebody / something: 不喜欢某人或某事物。Ryan dislikes the idea of testing children in such a narrow way. 瑞恩不喜欢那种片面地对孩子进行测试的方式。 Decision(努力、计划与决定)(口)have ones heart set on something: 非常渴望某事发生。Cindy has her heart set on having a big house. 辛迪把梦想寄托在拥有一所大房子上面了。(口)pay off: (付出的努力)给人以回报。All those weeks of studying paid off. 连续多周的学习终于带来了回报。(口)go down the drain: (努力、投资等)付诸东流。I tried for three years to run this business but now Im bankrupt. All my efforts went down the drain.

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