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180502 每日英语学习阅读材料A4打印版Word下载.docx

1、I think thats the ultimate goal of reading. And I think thats the best gift reading can bring you.我认为这就是读书的终极目的。我还觉得这是读书能带给你的最好礼物。And for the first question, I cant say I have the best answer. But I do have some experience to share.而至于第一个问题,虽然我不能说我的答案是最好的,但我的确有些经验可以分享。First, you should read books wh

2、ich teachyou things about culture.首先,你应该读那些关于文化的书。Only by knowing a culture well can you deepen your thoughts. Only by knowing several cultures can you broaden your horizon.只有深入了解一个文化,你的思想才能深邃。只有了解很多文化,你的视野才能宽广。Second, you should read books which teach you how to appreciate things.第二,你应该读那些教你欣赏的书。Th

3、e longing for beauty is what has been keeping human cultures developing. You need to know how to identify beauty and how to appreciate them.对美的追求,是人类文化发展的动力。你需要学习怎样识别美,以及怎样欣赏它们。Third, you should read books which teach you things from disciplines that you dont know yet.第三,你应该读那些关于你不了解的学科的书。There are

4、too many still left to know. We cant assume that weve already known enough.未知的东西还有太多,我们不能自以为是。Fourth, you should read books which teach you about all the new thingshappening now.第四,你应该读那些关于正在发生的新事物的书。The world is constantly changing. You need to keep pace with it.世界在不断地变化,你得跟上它的脚步。Finally, you shoul

5、d read books which entertain you.最后,你还应该读一些消遣的书。You are not a learning machine. You need to enjoy the physical and mental pleasure that every human enjoys. This recovers you and gives you energy to learn better.你不是一台学习机器。你需要享受那些人类应该享受的身体快感和精神快感。这能帮你恢复,并让你有精力去更好地学习。These are the 5 kinds of books that

6、 I make myself read. And I think everybody should read them.这就是我让自己读的5种书。而我觉得所有人都该读它们。Dont you agree with me?你们同意吗?=过度焦虑该怎么办?这里有3个小妙招Do you haveanxiety?你焦虑吗?Have you tried just about everything to get over it, but it just keeps coming back?你是否尝试过用尽一切办法去克服它,但是它总是反复?Perhaps you thought you had got ove

7、r it, only for the symptoms to return with a vengeance?要不是症状卷土重来,你可能认为自己已经熬过去了。Whatever your circumstances, science can help you to beat anxiety for good.不管你是什么情况,科学可以帮助你彻底战胜焦虑。How science can help科学如何提供帮助The way you cope or handle things in life has a direct impact on how much anxiety you experienc

8、e tweak the way youre coping, therefore, and you can lower your anxiety levels.你处理生活琐事的方式对你经历多少焦虑有直接影响稍稍改进你的处事方式,因此你能降低自己的焦虑水平。Do you feel like your life is out of control? Do you find it hard to make decisions or get things started?你是否感觉生活失控?你是否发现很难做决定或者开始做事情?Well, one way to overcome indecision or

9、 get going on that new project is to “do it badly”.克服优柔寡断或者开始新项目,有一个方法就是“不好好做”。This may sound strange, but the writer andpoet GK Chesterton said that: “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.”听起来可能怪怪的,但是作家兼诗人GK切斯特顿曾说:“任何值得做的事情就算没做好也值得。”And he had a point. The reason this works so well is that it

10、speeds up your decision-making process and catapults you straight into action.他有自己的论据。这个理由有作用是因为,它加速了你做决定的过程,刺激你直接采取行动。Otherwise, you could spend hours deciding how you should do something or what you should do, which can be very time-consuming and stressful.否则,你可能花好几小时决定你应该怎么做或者你应该做什么,这非常耗时间也很有压力。P

11、eople often want to do something “perfectly” or to wait for the “perfect time”before starting.人们常常想做事情要完美或者等待开始的“最佳时机”。But this can lead to procrastination, long delays or even prevent us from doing it at all. And that causes stress and anxiety.但这就导致了拖延、长时间的延期甚至阻止了我们去做这件事情。所有的一切造成了压力以及焦虑。Forgive you

12、rself and wait to worry原谅自己,等待焦虑Are you particularly critical of yourself and the blunders you make?你是否对自己严苛,过分挑剔自己的错误?Well, imagine if you had a friend who constantly pointed out everything that was wrong with you and your life. Youd probably want to get rid of them right away.想象一下,如果你有一个朋友,他不断地指出你

13、的任何错误,那你估计会想要离他远远的。But people with anxiety often do this to themselves so frequently that they dont even realize it anymore.但是焦虑的人经常这么对自己,过于频繁以致他们不再意识到这点。Theyre justnot kind to themselves.焦虑的人并不善待自己。So perhaps its time to change and start forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we make.所以也许是时候改变一下,开始原谅

14、自己的错误。If you feel like youve embarrassed yourself in a situation, dont criticize yourself simply realize that you have this impulse to blame yourself, then drop the negative thought and redirect your attention back to the task at hand or whatever you were doing.如果你感觉自己出丑了,不要批评自己只要你意识到想要批评自己的冲动,你应该放弃

15、消极的想法,把你的注意力回到手头任务上或者任何你正在做的事情。Another effective strategy is to “wait to worry”.另外的有效策略就是“等待焦虑”。If something went wrong and you feel compelled to worry (because you think you screwed up), dont do this immediately. Instead, postpone your worry set aside 10 minutes each day during which you can worry

16、about anything.如果某件事出了错,你不得不去担心(因为你觉得是你搞砸了),不要立即去做。而是延缓你的担忧每天留出十分钟,你可以去担心任何事情。Find purpose in life by helping others帮助别人,发现生活目标Its also worth considering how much of your day is spent with someone else in mind?同样值得的是,去思考你的一天有多少时间和心里的人一起度过。If its very little or none at all, then youre at a highrisk o

17、f poor mental health.如果时间很少甚至没有,那你很有可能有糟糕的心理健康状况。Regardless of how much we work or the amount of money we make, we cant be truly happy until we know that someone else needs us and depends on our productivity or love.不要管我们做了多少工资或者赚了多少钱,如果我们不知道别人需要我们,依赖着我们的能力或者爱,我们就不会真正地快乐。Knowing that someone else ne

18、eds you makes it easier to endure the toughest times.知道被人需要,可以使艰难的日子好过一些。Youll know the “why” for your existence and will be able tobear almost any “how”.你会懂得“为何”而活,你也可以承受几乎所有的痛苦双语美文:聪明人大多选择起早床Morning offers several benefits that cant be found at other times of the day. Shifting your schedule might

19、take someadjustment, but its worth it.早上有很多好处是其他时段所没有的。虽然你可能需要一些适应时间才能改变你的时间表,但是这是值得的。Youll have more energy.你的精力会更充沛。Doing your best work means managing your mental energy, and you automatically have more mental energy in the morning when you wake up.想要发挥你的最好水平,就意味着你要管理你的精力,而你早晨刚醒来的时候自然就有更多的经理。Even

20、 if you didnt sleep great but enough, you probably have much more mental energy to willfully refocus and let things go that dont matter.即使你前一晚上没有睡得太好,但只要睡得足够了,你也会有更多地精力来有意识地集中注意力,同时还能放下那些并不重要的事情。You can think creatively and have more capacity to use your prefrontal cortex.你能进行创造性的思维,并且能更好地运用你的前额叶皮质(

21、大脑中管理决策的区域)。This makes a huge difference for using your time productively as you can choose what you want to work on, and stay on track and follow through.这对于高效利用时间来说是至关重要的,因为你能选择你想做什么,并且可以有条不紊地按照步骤来做。You have fewer decisions to make.你需要做的决定会更少。You dont have to do the things that drain mental energy

22、, like making a lot of small decisions.你不用去做那些消耗你精力的事情,比如做各种小决策。Small decisions use up our self-control regulator abilities.小决策会消耗你的自控力。Its not a finite resource that runs out, but it gets harder to do as you go along.虽然自控力并不是那种能用光的有限资源,但是它的确会随着你的使用而越来越难调取。You go from thinking fast to thinking slow.

23、 You get hungrier.你的思维速度会越来越慢。你还会变得更饿。Mornings allow you the time and space to work on things that are important.早晨会让你有时间和自由去做那些重要的事情职场中,人际关系很重要What will it take to reach the next level in your career? Crafting astellarresume. Write a thoughtful cover letter that lists your accomplishments and demon

24、strate a passion for your prospective companys work. Acing that interview.为职业生涯推进一步需要什么东西?起草一份亮眼的简历。用心编写一封求职信,在上面列出你的成就并阐述你对潜在公司的职位的热诚。然后拿下面试!Yes, these are all critical to landing your next role. At the end of the day, however, there is another piece of the job seeking puzzle that will not only hel

25、p you get your foot in the door, but also advance your career: your relationships. The people you create meaningful connections with will provide you with references, help open doors and, not to mention, offer candid feedback that you may need to hear.是的,这些因素对于确定你的未来角色来说都至关重要。然而,到了最后还有另外一块求职拼图,这块拼图不

26、仅帮助你跨过门槛,还能推进你的事业发展你的人际关系。那些与你建立起有意义的人际关系的人们,会给你提供有用的推荐信息,助你推开职业大门,更不要说了,给予你所需要聆听的真诚的反馈。Whether its with a mentor, former boss or current colleague, the time and energy invested in developing and nurturing these relationships will be well spent.无论他们是职业导师,前任雇主还是当前的同事,你所投入到建立人际关系的时间和精力都会用得其所。Your numb

27、er one strategy for fostering valuable professional relationships should be spending face time with the people with whom you currently work and previously worked. Theres simply no substitute for real conversations, sitting across from someone at a table, a firm handshake and good old-fashioned eye c

28、ontact. This can seem like a challenge in todays tech-focused world, but its easier than you think. Heres how you can effectively create substantial professional connections:想要培养有价值的职场人际关系,你的首要策略便是多花时间与当前共事或曾经共事的人们见面。很明显,没有任何事情可以替代真实的交谈,坐在桌子旁面对面,一次坚定的握手以及良好典型的眼神交流。也许这对于如今科技为主的世界来说似乎是一个挑战,不过它的实际操作比你想

29、象的简单。下面为你介绍几个方法,助你有效地建立大量的职业人际关系。1. Limit distractions.1. 限制干扰。Technology has no doubt improved our lives and made a lot of things easier, but in some ways, its made us lazy. We text people instead of talking. We make introductions via Twitter instead of meeting up for coffee. The next time you make

30、 plans to spend time outside of the office with a co-worker, even if its just an hour out of your day, put in the effort to make the most out of that time together. That means meeting face-to-face, and resisting the urge to check your phone while youre together.毫无疑问的,技术提高了我们的生活水平,并且提供了不少便利,但是在某种程度上,它也让我们变得懒惰。我们常常宁可发短信息也不亲自交谈。我们在微博上介绍自己而不是约别人去喝咖啡。当你下一次打算跟同事在办公室以外的地方相处时,即使只是抽出一个小时,你也要充分利用你们相处的这段时间。那就意味着面对面交谈,并且克制自己在两人相处的时候查看手机。2. Practice listening.2. 练习聆听。Your communications skills are incredibly important during an interview, as well as on the job. As youre working on yo

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