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1、 with thepopularity of computers,people from all over the world become nearer by using the internet tocommunicate with each other. Meanwhile, people also become far away from their friends. All of us accept the fact that the development of the internet brings lots of conveniences to our daily life,

2、for instance, we can buy a book on the net instead of going to a bookstore. Besides, we can communicate with our friends on the netwithout going out of home. But we cant ignore the other side of these: the time we spend with friends orfamily becomes less. And we hardly see them once in a week. It wi

3、ll make us feel lonely if we continue to usethe tool on the net to talk with friends instead of talking with them on the phone or going out with them.To my best understanding, we should use the net to communicate with each other in a proper way. It is justa tool when we really need it to serve us. I

4、f we want to keep our friendship more effectively, we should spendmore time with them in our real life. Only in this way can we not only make full use of the communicationtool on the net but also make our friendship stronger.大作文范文二(来自张剑真题解析)An enormous net, which symbolizes the Internet, has connect

5、ed together everyone-young and old, menand women. People from every corner of the world are keeping in touch with each other just by clicking themouse and pressing keys on the keyboard. With its convenience and efficiency, the Internet is narrowing the distance between people in terms of both space

6、and time.However the picture also shows: while the people enjoy surfing online, walls of barrier emerge unnoticedand restrict each one of them to a narrow space. As time spending on Internet ison the rise, face-to-facecommunication has experienced a rapid drop. And the reduction of contact in realit

7、y may result in feelings ofdistance and isolation. This can be illustrated by the example of a young couple who used to live a happy life.Since the third year of their marriage, they have got addicted tochatting online through QQ, each with acomputer in a different room. As time passed by, the coupl

8、e gradually lost the desire to talk with each other. Eventually, the increasing isolation between them led to the end of their marriage.Such vivid examples in our real life remind us that we shouldntover-rely on the Internet tocommunicate. Instead, we need to actively interact with others in social

9、activities. After all, the virtual networld cannot be a substitute for the real world. So we must make use of the Internet judiciously and learn torespect the real people and real life. 大作文范文三(来自王林考研真相)This cartoon humorously shows that a number of cybercaf habitus, semi-reclined in their dim cubicl

10、e before a magnificent screen, aresurfing the web in a street-corner Internet caf.In fact, the parlor is socrowded that it offers just enough elbow-room for them to log on the Net. Some of the surfers are seen playingInternet video games, or watching movies while others are talking in the chat rooms

11、.What the picture conveys is far from what web users are doing in their virtual world. Instead it reveals a thought-provoking phenomenon. The fact that these netters who are sitting so close but have no interactionbetween each other indicates that the Internet, which has bought us instant informatio

12、n from a long distance, mayalienate those who are close-by. In other words, modern technology, which has, undoubtedly, brought us alot of convenience, may bring us curses. Since it takes only a computer with Internet connections to Web surf,or to play web games, more and more netters become indiffer

13、ent and begin to live in solitude. They pay less andless attention to people and things around themselves. Besides, it is reported that a teenager has turned from astar student into a stung-out Internet addict in just a few months.In spite of this, we should not wean ourselves away from new technolo

14、gy. Specifically, we should takea positive attitude towards the Internet. On the one hand we can take advantage of the Internet to obtain thebiggest sources of information from the Web and to talk with friends from afar; on the other hand netizensshould aware of the weakness and disadvantages of cyb

15、erspace so as not to be addicted. Only in this waywill we not be led by the nose, fall from grace and head for destruction.考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 省省清华QQ: 867209142关于一句话万能模板的几个问题: 1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。2.高分,里面的遣词造句都是精心之作,句式多变、用词高级、语言地道,正常考生考场上几乎不可能写出如此高水平的作文,得高分在情理之中。3.节省考场时间,考场上默写

16、一篇背熟的作文要比自己写一篇作文至少节省20分钟,为自己节省宝贵的考研时间用来做其他题目。4.节省复习时间,有了作文模板就不用再为考研大作文复习花时间。5.2011-2012年两年里已经有数百学生用这样的模板把大作文几乎写了18分。2008 年真题范文大作文范文一:(来自网络答案)你一条腿,我一条腿,你我一起,走南创北As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot oftraveling. Accordingly, this fa

17、r-reaching picturereflects acommon phenomenon in todays society: thepeople who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble. There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in a

18、n on-the-move lifestyle, we mayencounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others assistance. Further more,if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issuein China is as basic to build up the society in ha

19、rmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters. Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is,therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make la

20、ws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance theawareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people,even not being acquaintance, help each other.大作文范文二:(来自张剑真题解析)-十大经典之一One cannot help but be moved by the drawing. It is a

21、miracle that two single-legged men shouldabandon theircrutches they have torely on.With the support of each other, they are striding confidently towards their common destination. The caption at the bottom states that they will travel extensively fromnorth to south together with their combined legs.J

22、ust as the picture shows, even disabled people can make up a capable team, which is vividly illustratedby the beautiful dance Kwan-yin of 1,000 Hands performed by 20 disabled girls during the CCTV SpringFestival Gala. However, the deeper meaning conveyed by the drawing is that only through cooperati

23、on can we change disadvantages into advantages.In an increasingly inter-dependent society, personal competency alone is not sufficient. A single personor organization can seldom accomplish a task without the help of others. It is the cooperation based on thecomplementary advantages that will contrib

24、ute to the ultimate success of a person or an organization. Today the spirit of cooperation is also very important for a country. The world is moving further toward politicalmulti-polarization and economic globalization. To achieve the goal of win-win and the common development,China has been active

25、ly participating in the cooperation with other developing countries in various fields. Inconclusion, cooperation is essential element of success.2007 年真题范文 2007 年真题大作文范文一:自信是成功的关键-十大经典之二This picture shows a critical moment that can occur in any soccer gamea players is about to kick the ballwhile the

26、 keeper is fully ready for the attack. Interestingly, the player and the keeper are experiencing quite opposite psychological processes: the player thinks the task is extremely difficult as the goal is quite smallcompared with the huge keeper, while the latter fears that the goal is too enormous for

27、 him to protect.It is conspicuously indicated thatin order togain confidence andachieve success, wenot only need to attain a thorough understanding of our own merits and disadvantages of ourselves, but also those aspects of ouropponents. Both the player and the keepermerelyfocus on their ownfaults a

28、nd theircounterpartsadvantages, leading to their hesitation at the key time.In a recent interview of hurdler Liu Xiang, he revealed that his success is partly owed to his training teams study of his strong competitors around the world, so that he can learn from the others and is more confidentwhen f

29、acing any new race. Just as the ancient Chinese philosophical book The Art of War concludes, if youknow yourself and your enemy, youll never lose a battle.(来自张剑真题解析)The cartoon illustrates two football players confronting each other before a penalty kick. The kicker is getting ready to shoot on goal

30、 while the goalkeeper is about to defend the shot. At the critical moment, interestingly, both of them have lostheart. The attacker who exaggerates the power of his opponent feels anxious about his inability to shoot in. The defender minimizes himself, making it impossible for him to keep good guard.The message conveyed in the picture seems to be that people tend to underestimate their abilities and magnif

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