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1、八年级上学期第一次质量调研英语试题2019-2020年八年级上学期第一次质量调研英语试题.单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)( )1.I want_ cakes.A:some more B:more some C:any much D:more any( )2.He is ready_ me when I have problems.A:help B:helps C:helpful D:to help( )3.Last Sunday we didnt go to the park_ the heavy rain.A:because B:because of C:so D:and(

2、)4. I have something_ you.A:telling B:tells C:to tell D:told( )5.Climbing is as_as swimming.A:excited B:exciting C:excite D:bored( )6.We need_money and_people to do the work.A:less,few B:less,fewer C:little,few D:fewer,fewer( )7.I never feel_with you.A:boring B:bore C:bored D:bores( )8.He offered a

3、glasses of orange juice_me.A:to B:for C:with D:from( )9. We often spend half an hour_football.A:with B:to C:on D:in( )10. Who jumped_of all?A:far B:farthest C:farther D:the most far( )11.At last he began to cry_.A: hard and hard B:more hard and more hardC:harder and harder D: less hard and less hard

4、( )12.Tom draws_ better than his brother.A:more B: many C:most D: much( )13.It is very_ of you to e to the hospital to see me.Thanks a lot.A:lucky B:true C:kind D:hard-working( )14.Thank you very much for_me with my English. A:helping B:your help C:help D:helps( )15. Our Chinese teacher often makes

5、us_in class.We all like him a lot.A:laughing B:to laugh C:laugh D:laughs.完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)Hi,all!Wele to the Friendship Club!You will meet many new people here.We have some advice to help you make 1new friends.Firstly,be friendly and2to everybody in the club.This will make people fortable when

6、 they 3to you .Rude people are not wele here and we usually ask them4.Secondly,be5 and truthful(诚实的).We hope that our members can trust each other and will not be hurt by6member.If we find you are telling lies to other club members,we will ask you to leave the club.Thirdly,be a good listener and kee

7、p your friends7. This will make your friends 8you and it will also help you know9 about your friends.If you share your friends secrets 10 someone else,you will hurt their feelings.Finally,be generous and helpful_11_your friends.Sharing thoughts,ideas and opinions will_12_you know more about each oth

8、er and_13_friends.Please_14_ our advice when you e to the club.We_15_every Friday afternoon after school.( )1.A:much B:many C:a lot D:lot of( )2.A:polite B:impolite C:rude D:silly( )3.A:to talk B:talking C:talk D:be talking( )4.A:leave B:to leave C:left D:leaving( )5.A:beautiful B:clever C:fool D:ho

9、nest( )6.A:others B:others C:other D:another( )7.A:secret B:secrets C:secrets D:secretly( )8.A:trust B:to trust C:trusts D:trusting( )9.A:little B:less C:more D:many( )10.A:and B:with C:to D:between( )11.A:at B:about C:for D:to( )12.A:help B:helps C:helping D:to help( )13.A:being B:bee C:became D:wi

10、ll bee( )14.A:forget B:to forget C:remember D:to remember( )15.A:need meet B:going to meet C:meet D:to meet.阅读理解(共15小题:A、B每小题2分,C每小题1分,满分25分)AIn Britain,people often invite friends to a meal,a party or just a cup of coffee.People who know each other very wellclose friends,family members or neighbour

11、svisit each others houses without an invitation(邀请).When people invite someone to their homes,they often say,“Would you like to e for dinner on Saturday?”Answers are “Thanks.Wed love to.What time?”or“Im sorry.Wed love to,but we have tickets for the concert.”However,it is not polite to say“No,we woul

12、dnt!”Sometimes,the British use expressions(表达)that sound like invitations but not real ones.For example,“You must e over for a drink sometime.”or“Lets go out for a meal one of these days.”These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk.They are not real invitations because they dont mention an e

13、xact(确切的)time or day.They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and answers are“Yes,that would be nice.”or“OK,yes,thanks.”So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully.Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?( )1.It is always necessary for_ t

14、o visit each others houses with an invitation. A:close friends B:family members C:neighbours D:new friends( )2.Which is NOT the polite answer to a real invitation? A:Sorry,we d love to but we have tickets for the concert. B: No,we wouldnt. C:Sure.Wed like to.Thanks a lot. D: Thanks.Wed love to.What

15、time? ( )3.What may the British say if they want to end a talk politely? A:Would you like to e for dinner on Saturday? B: Shall we go for a drink this afternoon? C: Lets go out for a meal one of these days. D: Lets go out for a meal on Saturday. ( )4.The British often use“_”to answer the invitations

16、 that are not real. A: OK,yes,thanks. B:No,thats not a real invitation. C: Yes,what time? D:No,you just want to be friendly.( )5.Which is the best title for the passage? A: A letter to friends B: Britain C:A talk with friends D: Invitations in Britain BMy name is Ma Yan.I am 13 years old and I live

17、in Shanghai.My English name is Sarah.I think that school is very interesting.I can learn about many important things.I have nine classes every day.My favourite subjects are English,Maths and Chinese.I like Chinese because I like reading Chinese stories.I think that Maths is very useful and I enjoy l

18、earning a new language.I do not like Art because it is too difficult for me.On Thursday afternoons,I go to the English club.Many students love going to the English club.There,we can talk to each other in English.My English teacher is called Scott.He is from Britain.At the English club,he often tells

19、 us about his life in Britain.Last week he showed us some beautiful photos of Britain.I think that it would be great to go there one day.During lunchtime,I go to the basketball club.I think that playing basketball is fun and it can make me heathier.There are fewer girls than boys at the basketball c

20、lub.Sometimes,I find it difficult because most of the boys are taller than girls.( )6.How many classes does Ma Yan have each day?A.Eight B.Nine C.Ten D.Eleven( )7.Ma Yan likes Chinese_.A.because it is interesting B.because it is important C. because it is very usefulD. because she likes reading Chin

21、ese stories ( )8.What club does Ma Yan go to on Thursday afternoons?A. The English club B. The basketball club C.The Chinese club D.The Maths club( )9. Scott is Ma Yans_A.friend B.Maths teacher C. English teacher D. Chinese teacher( )10.What do we know about the basketball club?A.Only girls go to th

22、e basketball club. B. Fewer girls than boys go to the basketball club. C. More girls than boys go to the basketball club. D.Only boys go to the basketball club.CDear Mum, I dont think you understand my life.You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow

23、 up,but I would like to have a wonderful time,too.You never think about funny things for me to do like music and sports.Two days ago,when I was watching a football game on TV,you asked me to stop and to do my homework.After finishing my homework,I wasnt allowed(允许)to read my football magazines still

24、.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enough,but yesterday was the worst day.I bought some puter games,and put them in my bag so that you wouldnt find them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I know it was wrong to lie(说谎)to you,but you told me Dad would talk to me later.Mum,I didnt q

25、uite like what you had done to me!I really love you,Mum,but I wish both of you could try not to push so hard on me.Love,Zhang Ning( )11.Zhang Nings mother wants him_when he grows up.A:to be a teacher B:to find a good jobC:to work in a big city D:to bee a football star( )12.Zhang Ning watched a_game

26、two days ago.A:football B:volleyball C:basketball D:basebal( )13.Zhang Nings mother thinks her son should_.A:watch more TV B:do more sportsC:play more puter games D:study all the time( )14.Why did Zhang Ning put the puter games in the bag?A:Because he didnt like them.B:Because he played them many ti

27、mes.C:Because he didnt want his mother to find them.D:Because he wanted to play them at school.( )15.We know from the letter_.A:Zhang Ning lives a very happy lifeB:Zhang Ning hates his motherC:Zhang Ning wishes to study all the timeD:Zhang Nings parents push very hard on him第卷(65分).根据句意,选择方框中适当的短语填空

28、。(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)tells a lie;keep secrets;e on;grows up;to travel around;playing chess1.The young man often_.We cant believe what he said to us.2.My dream is_and learn the history of each place.3.She is a good friend and she can_for me.4.I spend one hour in_every day.5.She wants to be a singer whe

29、n she_.词汇(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)A)根据中文提示写出句中所缺单词(共7小题:每小题1分,满分7分)1.You always_(关心)about me.Thank you so much.2.Millie studies better than Kate because he works_(更努力).3. He is my_(亲密的)friend.I often play with him.4.When I was a child,my father was my (偶像).5.There is enough time for you to do it,so please

30、 be_(耐心的)。6.We should use the_(最少的)time to finish the plan.7. The first question is much more_(重要)than the second one.B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共8小题:每小题1分,满分8分)8. Lucy wants (be) a singer.9.He is the (tall) boy in his class.10.Whos (slim),Lucy or Lily?11.Tom is good at_(sing).12.Dont go out.Its raining_(heavy).13.We cant hear you.You have to speak_(loud).14.Look!The two men are_(chat)under that tree.15.I am very_(interesting)in this book.完成句子(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)1.我认为好朋友应当诚实。I think good friends _.2.他们每年去英国两次

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