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托福口语 常用表达和词汇整理Word下载.docx

1、 Favorite movie typeDetective film: This is the only type of film that I need to concentrate on during watching because the story is highly interlinked. (+副词)2.devote time/energy/attention to sth., devote oneself to sth. I think the Chinese culture conveys wisdom and knowledge summed up by our ances

2、tors. So it is worth devoting our time and energy to (/devote myself to) knowing it. I really enjoy studying in library, especially during review session when I need to devote all my time to (/devote myself to) schoolwork. TPO10: Describe a time when you tried to do something that you have never don

3、e. Explain what you did and why you did it. Take my final exam in English: I devoted all my time to (/devote myself to) review session. 3.bury oneself in sth. (your work/study) Because I am not a native speaker, I buried myself in learning both its culture and language. TPO14: What suggestion would

4、you like to give to a foreign friend who wants to study in your country?Join a language learning program: Chinese is not easy to learn even for people who were born and grew up in china. If a foreigner didnt bury himself in language learning, he wouldnt be able to master this language. addicted

5、 to I am addicted to the rhyme and the rhythm of the Chinese poetry. I am addicted to detective films.diet相关表达1.go on a diet (开始节食) / be on a diet(在节食的状态)TPO19: What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food restaurant?It you were/were on a diet, the fast food would do no good to

6、 your health. TPO20: which of the following program would you like to participate in? (1) A recycling program, (2)an agricultural program, (3)a cooking programFor example, you can provide yourself with a special meal according to your own situation, when you go/are on a diet. 2.follow a diet 规律饮食 Th

7、e fast food does no good to the health of a person who follows a diet. TPO20-(3): Instead of eating take-away food or in a restaurant, cooking at home is a better way to follow your diet. In order to keep healthy, it is important to learn cooking. 3.stick to a diet 坚持一种饮食习惯 The fast food has no cont

8、ribution to the eating plan for somebody who sticks to a healthy diet. .sticks to your diet4.a + adj. + diet if you know how to cook, you can have a strict / healthy / low-calorie / low-fat / vegetarian / vegan (严格的素食主义者) diet.关于“帮助” - help sb., help sh. With sth, help sb. (to) do sth.TPO1: If

9、 you have the time, would you choose to learn to play a new musical instrument or learn to play a new sport?Instrument: Learning to play a new instrument will help me to relax. because it can help him with his Chinese language skills. / because it can help him (to) improve his Chinese language skill

10、s and communicate with the local people effectively. 2.turn to sb. (for help)/ask sb. for helpTPO14 - Make friends with the local students: my friend can ask these local students for help. / can turn to these local students (for help).3.offer sb. help/offer help to sb.provide sb. with help/provide h

11、elp for sb.TPO22: Your friend is nervous for a difficult math course. Whats your advice?I advise him to talk to someone who can offer him help/offer help to him, like tutors.provide him with help/provide help to him4.give sb. a hand = help sb. I suggest him to make friends as many as possible, becau

12、se when he is in trouble he can always find someone to give him a hand.关于“联系”1.keep/be in touch with sb. = keep/be in contact with sb.lose touch with sb. = lost contact with sb. TPO7: some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their own cities or towns. Others prefer to go to universi

13、ties or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why?It is not convenient to keep/be in touch with close friends and families if I study in a new city or town. Distance is the thing.I may lose touch/contact with close friends and families. Some people prefer to live in a place most o

14、f their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why?Living in different places, I can still keep/be in touch with them through Skype. 演奏乐器&做运动 the instruments (piano, guitar, violin, keyboard) sports (soccer, football, basketball, tennis)“.感”1.a sen

15、se of + n. (achievement, belonging, humor, safety)TPO23 What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent? 见标答 (a sense of safety)TPO31: Parents need to make sure their children lead healthy lives. What can parents do to help their children have healthy lifestyles?Give proper encouragement:

16、 Proper encouragement will help children gain a sense of achievement so they are more likely to live a lifestyle like this. 表“让人回忆起”1.bring back (sb.s) memories of sb./sthTPO13: Describe a holiday or a special day that you enjoyed with your family or friends:The Chinese Spring Festival is a time whe

17、n family reunion and also a time when it brings back peoples memories of their old days. Without having seen each other for the whole year, the best way to make people close again is to recall a time when they get on well with each other.2.remind sb. of sthTPO3: If friends from another country were

18、going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit?The magnificent buildings in The Palace Museum remind people of the luxurious life of the loyal family. My friends situation reminds me of my time when I was in high school. My ability to deal with difficult math pr

19、oblems was very limited. what advice I can give from my personal experience is that3.recall sth. / doing“asas”sth. be (not) as + adj. + as sth./sb. be (not) as + adj. + as sb. Detective movie is not as boring as other kinds of movies. I am fascinated by the highly interlinked stories.TPO12: One adva

20、ntage of spending time living in another country. Provide opportunity to learn English: The words and expressions used by native speakers are not as easy as what we use because they can show better language diversity.It is a + adj. + n + to do sthTPO3-spending their free time in shared activities wi

21、th other people: Because it is a good chance to make friends in shared activities. It is a good opportunity to TPO8: You prefer reading books or listening to audio books?I prefer reading books because it is a good way to review spelling.It takes ab. sometime to do sth.TPO9: Some people believe that

22、first-year college students should live in a dorm building that homes only freshmen. Others may prefer the idea that first-year students must live together with students in 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th grade. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why.It takes first-year students much time to get familia

23、r with the school affairs. Living with students in other grades can provide some experience to them.TPO16: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Its a waste of time for university students to take courses outside their major fields.I believe there is no useless knowledge, though it

24、takes students extra time to learn. It is just because people havent figure out how to apply it into practice.It is + adj. + (for sb.) to do sthTPO7-own cities: it is convenient for me to keep in touch with close friends and families.“消息灵通”1.Keep sb. informed of sth.TPO17: Students benefit more from

25、 classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes.Smaller classes will keep professor informed of the students reaction. And according to those reactions, professor may make some instant adjustment for students. Some people prefer to do several tasks or projects together at

26、the same time. Others prefer to work on one task or project at a time. Which way of working do you prefer and why?I know it is not easy to multitask, but it can save time. As long as I arrange tasks in an appropriate order, I believe I can keep myself informed of the latest progress of each task and

27、 everything will be in my control.worth & worthy worth sthTPO23: What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?One of the characteristics of a good parents is a willingness to know childrens requirements. In order to make them feel respected, active communications are worth the tim

28、e/effort. All children should be required to learn a second language to in school. Lets take Chinese people as an example. Our generation are required to learn a second language in school. But the majority of us neither have a chance to go abroad nor need to use another language in the work. So, I t

29、hink learning a second language is worth nothing. /So, I dont think learning a second language is worth anything. worth doing sth so it is worth devoting myself to knowing it.3.worthy + n. 值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的 Firstly, a worthy parent should be loving and caring. TPO3-shared activities: I enjoyed partic

30、ipating in share activities like soccer and basketball because a worthy teammate or competitor can teach me lessons about life, for example worthy of sth For example, I make friends with my teammate who is worthy of my respect and teaches ne the importance of cooperation. so it is worthy of my considerable studying time. “影响”1.have an influence / impact on What

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