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1、八年级英语下册期末考试试题220092010学年度第一学期期末考试八年级英语试题(满分:120分答卷时间:90分钟)第一节:听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。4when did Simon clean his trainers? AThe day before yesterday BYesterday CToday5Which subject does the woman think is the most useful? AScience BHistory CArt6Which country did the woman v

2、isit last month? AFrance BThe USA CAustralia7What would the woman like to drink? ATea BMilk Cwater8Who will join the Buddy Club? AAlan BJim CMax9mere are they speaking? AAt school BOn the street CIn the supermarket10Which animal are they talking about? AThe giant panda BThe kangaroo CThe lion第二节:听下面

3、三段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11至12题。11Whats the mans hobby? AListening to music BTaking photos CPainting1 2Whats the womans advice? AWatching sports on TV BHaving a day out every week CGoing to the playground and playing games听第二段对话,回答第13至15题。13What colour are Mimis paws

4、? AGrey BWhite CBlack14When did they lose Mimi? AJanuary 1th BJanuary4th CFebruary 1th 15Who are the speakers? ATeacher and student BNeighbours CFamily members昕第三段对话,回答第16至20题。16Where does Kate come from? AEgypt BFrance Cthe UK17How old is Nick? AF0ur BFive CSix18What does Kate look 1ike?19Which sen

5、tence is TRUE about Kate? AShe is generous BShe is polite CShe is in the Reading Club。20What sport does Kate like? ATable tennis BTennis CBadminton二、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)将序号填在下面框内。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22Many people went to climb the mountain,_few of them got to the top Aand Bbut CSO Dor23Dont mak

6、e me_ this or thatIm too busy! Ad0 Bto do Cdoing Ddid24Geography is_ too difficult for meI cant learn it well Dont give upNothing is difficult if you work hard Aseldom Bnever Calways Dnot25_tell you who broke the cup,but dont tell others about it Acould Bcan Cshould Dmust26It took the firemen six ho

7、urs to the fire Aputdown Bturnoff Cget off Dputout27My hometown is quite different_ what it was 10 years ago Awith Bas Cto Dfrom28_do you walk your dog? _ Twice a day AHow long BHow soonCHow often DHow far29Shall we have a picnic tomorrow? _ the weather is fine,we will go AIf BAs CWhen DBecause30The

8、re_ a lot of traffic on the city roads yesterday Ais Bwas Cwere DWill be31Amy is shorter than Peter”means“Amy is not as_ as Peter” Aslim Bslimmer Ctall Dtaller32An the goldfish in the tank look same to me Aa Ban Cthe D不填33Can you teach me how to ride a bike? _Lets practise every Sunday afternoon ANO

9、 problem BThank you CIm sorry DHere you are34Who is the man under the tree? _ AHe is sad BHe is smart CHe is 30 DHe is my cousin35A_ moves very slowly and Call live up to 150 years old三、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)将序号填在下面框内。根据对话内容,从A至G七个选项中选出五个能填人空白处的最佳答案。A:Hello ! _36_B:Yeswho is that?A:This is Mike_37_Could I

10、borrow your bike again?B:Certainly _38_ Is your bike broken(坏了)again?A:No,I lost my key to the bikeI must go to a home for the elderly nowB:I see_39_ A:I think Ill be back at sixB:All rightHeres the key_40_Bye!A:Thank you very muchBye!四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)将序号填在下面框内。根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One

11、year, two boys decided to play a trick_41_April Fools DayThey went into the _42_at lunchtime;there were a lot of people thereSuddenly they started to shout at each other and then started_43_They had a terrible fight and one became very angry with the otherWhile they were 6ghtingone fell to the groun

12、d and the other kicked_44_,then hurried offSome people in the park ran to_45_the boy on the groundHe shouted loudly,“Oh,my arm! Oh,my leg!” A kind woman took out her_46_and started to call the hospitalAt that moment,the boy got to his feet,cried“April Fool!”and started to run awayIt happened SO sudd

13、enly that everyone around was_47_Two park keepers nearby also sawthe fightThey ran quickly_48_caught the two boys“You_49_fight in the park,”they saidThe two boys smiled and said,April Fools! The park keepers laughed and let them_50_41Ain Bon Cat Dto42Aschool Bhall CZOO Dpark 43Afighting Brunning Cju

14、mping Dsmiling44Ame Byou Chim Dher45Atrain Bhelp Cknock Dbite46Acamera Bwalkman Cmobile phone DWallet47Ahappy Bsad Cexcited Dsurprised48Aand Bbut CSO Dor49Acan Bmay Cmustnt Ddont50Ago Bto go Cgoing Dwent五、词汇(每小题1分,共10分)注:每空限填一个单词A)根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。5 1She got ill yesterdayToday she feels even_ (

15、bad)521 was_(happy)because my mother didnt buy me a CD53When baby pandas are born,they look like little white_ (mouse)54You are lucky LindaYou didnt hurt_ (you)!55If he_(come)back tomorrow, please let me knowB)根据句子意思及汉语提示写出所缺单词。56The little boy scored the_(最少)points in the class57We should do someth

16、ing to_(保护)wild animals58He wears glasses because he has poor_(视力)59Last month they_(卖,出售)about 100computers60This is the World ParkThe_(整个)world is in front of you! 六、翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)61-62题英译汉,6365题汉译英6 1They kept the secret to themselves_62Its important to learn English well _63不要拽兔子的耳朵。 _64多漂亮的一朵

17、花啊! _65Sandy同意跟他们一起去。 _七、阅读理解(第66至81小题每题2分,第82小题3分,共35分)阅读下面三篇短文,按要求回答问题。将答案填入相席位置。66What time does the City Museum open in March? AAt 830 am BAt 930 am CAt 430 PmDAt 530 Pm67Which sign tells people not to smoke? ASign 1 BSign 2 CSign 3 DSign 468mere can you see Sign 67 ANear the school BAt the scho

18、ol library COn the playground DIn the supermarket69Millie and her parents want to have a tent for the nightHow much do they pay? A$10 B$15 C$25 D$3070From Sign 5 we know people can_ there AWalk Bride horsesCride bikes Ddrive Cars B Anna is a 20-year-old actress(演员)She comes from Moscow,the capital o

19、fRussia,but now she lives in Long Beach,CaliforniaIts near Hollywood(好莱坞),the home of the American film industryIts a beautiful and exciting placeTheweather is really goodIt is not cold at all Unlike at home! The people are openand kindThe only problem is that people think her accent(口音)is strange-w

20、henshe speaks Englishsometimes they dont understand her! Anna is in a film sch001She loves the way of 1ife thereShe goes swimmingevery morningThen she takes a bus to sch001In the school she learns many thingsabout acting how to laugh and cry, what to say to different peopleShe also has thechances to

21、 go to different placesShe can do many sports at sch001She can playvolleyball quite well,but she cant play softballShe doesnt like basketball Anna loves Long Beach because she can be away from the traffic and noise ofthe cityEvery Saturday she goes out riding on the bikeHer dog,Spotty, alwaysfollows

22、 herHe likes running after squirrels and birds,but he never hurts themEvery evening she watches TV until midnightShe wants to learn from otheractresses Anna always has a golden toy dolphin with herIt was a birthday present fromher parentsShe believes that it will bring her good luck !71Where does An

23、na come from? ARussia Bthe USA Cthe UK DFrance72Whats Annas problem now?AShe doesnt like the weather BPeople are not kind to herCShe Cant go to film school DHer English is not good enough73How does Anna go to school every day? ABy bike BBy underground COn foot DBy bus74W1lich sport does Anna dislike

24、? ASwimming B0llevball CSoftball DBasketball-75What does the underlined sentence“Unlike at home!”mean? AIt is warm in Moscow BIt is cold in Moscow CMoscow is a beautiful place DIt often rains in Moscow76which sentence is RIGHT about Anna? AAnna goes swimming every Saturday BSpotty is Annas pet birdC

25、Anna spends much time watching TV DAnna doesnt like Long Beach77Anna always has a golden toy dolphin with her because_Ait Was a birthday present from her aunt Bit is really beautiful Cshe believes it will bring her good luck Dit is really expensive78Which class is Amy in? _79In which subject did Amy get the best grades? _80Is English grammar difficult for Amy? _81The teacher thinks if Amy wants to be a computer programmer, she should spendmore time on_82How does Amy feel after she knows the exam results this term? Why?_八、书面表达(共15分)图中有五个野生动物,请选择其中一个进行描述,字数70左右,可适当发挥。_

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